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Bank of America Complaints 1565

12:00 am EDT

Bank of America unauthorized charges

There are unauthorized charges to bank account from this company and i want the money put back before i take legal action. So cancel this charge.

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Jul 25, 2008 2:56 am EDT

I want to report on Bank of America's shady policies concerning overdraft fees. I deposited a check into my account one day last month. I waited for it to clear, and when I returned to the bank, I was told the check HAD CLEARED and that I could draw on the money. My wife needed to make a wire transfer abroad, and after getting the bank teller's assurance that the check had cleared and that the money was in our account, she made the transfer.

A week later I am in the bank and make another deposit. Things are fine until I go online later that day to make an online payment and notice that my bank account is overdrawn $900.00! Now I was just in the bank earlier that morning with a teller smiling at me. Could she not have mentioned I was $900.00 in the red?

Anyway, I go to the 'Personal Banker' immediately to find out what happened. Apparently, the check I had deposited a week earlier had bounced, AFTER my wife had already made the wire transfer with money that was not in our account. So even though I was told by Bank of America's own staff that the funds were available, they actually were not.

I asked the Personal Banker why my wife was allowed to make a wire transfer of $1500 dollars when the check hadn't cleared, and he responded that because I was such a 'preferred customer, ' the Bank gave me the courtesy to 'forward' me the funds (Of course, overdrafts would be charged for the courtesy.)

So now I'm overdrawn $900 dollars, and overdraft fees start to avalanche on me. Bank of America takes no responsibility, and the Personal Banker tells me that 'the computer' won't let him remove the overdraft fees. The Personal Banker also TOLD ME that Bank of America used to not allow customers to draw on funds that were not in their accounts, but that now they DO allow this because overdraft fees are such a large part of the bank's revenue.

I had been a customer at Bank of America for 15 years. I regularly make wire transfers at $50 dollars a pop. This bank may have made a mere $120 dollars on me this time, but they lost much more in potential future revenue. I hope I might warn others about Bank of America's policy.

Do not, I repeat, do not draw on any account until you have absolute proof that your check deposits have in fact truly cleared. Even the bank tellers will tell that you checks have cleared when in fact they have not cleared. If you then draw on these accounts you will be penalized with expensive overdraft fees. I recommend getting a hard copy of cleared checks before any more transactions with your account are made so that you can protect yourself from consumer exploitation.

Bank of America, as subtly told to me by the Personal Banker, relies on CONFUSION and MISCOMMUNICATION to lure you into this kind of mistake. This way they can hit you with several OVERDRAFT FEES. Then they will blame it all on the automated 'computer' system which cannot be over-ridden by the Bank of America staff. How convenient for them to pass the blame onto the faceless master computer.

This experience, along with a few other customer nightmares Bank of America has given me, has made me realize that big international banks cannot service the average American consumer. I am moving my accounts to a smaller local bank and I recommend others do the same. 15 years of customer loyalty meant nothing to Bank of America. I guess my next wire transfer fees will go to another bank now.

Jul 26, 2008 10:48 am EDT

The other day I looked at my Bank of America checking account and found out that I was $19.00 overdrawn on my account. Four transactions had caused me to go over only $19.00. I couldn't figure out why I had gone over so I went back and looked at my statements and found that back in May 2008 that I was charged an overdraft fee, yet my account never showed to be overdrawn.

I went to talk to the branch manager, but he was out of town so I talked to one of the Banks financial managers. He told me that it was because I had gone over my limit. My account showed to be in good standing and he said that was because the same day that I went over that I made a deposit, but the deposit was after I made the transaction.

For years, Bank of America has maintained that if you are able to bring your account current before anything posts that you will not get any fees. However, the financial manager told me that they had just introduced a new policy stating that if you go over your limit you will get a fee and it doesn't matter if you get funds into the account the same day or not.

After this I showed him that the same thing happened in June 2008 where I went over and brought it current the very same day, yet there was no fee assessed. I asked him why I got a fee in May but not for June and he could not tell me. He told me that I would have to talk to the branch manager, the one who was out.

I came back and tried to talk to the branch manager but he was still out. So they told me to talk to the second financial manager who told me the exact same thing as the first, but like the first person I talked to, as soon as I presented my case about doing the same exact thing twice but only getting a fee the first time, she just threw up her hands and told me that I needed to talk to the branch manager.

I came back into the bank the following Monday to talk to the branch manager, yet he was still not back and I was told that he would be the next day. By this time the four transactions that caused me to go over by $19.00 had each received a $35.00 fee so my account was now over by $159.00.

I went to another local branch and talked to their branch manager. After presenting my case to her she sided with me and said that I should have not gotten any fee back in May. She told me that she would credit me back the $35 dollar fee from May. Now I thought that this would automatically cancel out the others. After all, if I had not gotten the $35 dollar fee back in May by account would have been in the positive by $16.00 and I would have never gotten the other four fee's. However the next day when I check my account, not only was my account still over, Five more transactions had come in over night and each one of them had a fee of $35.00 tagged on to them. So now my account was over by almost $400 dollars.

I called the bank and told them what had gone on and that I talked to a girl named Debra, a branch manager, who said that she was going to remove the fee from back in May. I asked why it did not erase the fee's that I have currently and I was told that all fee's had to be removed manually. I asked if I could get the others removed and I was told YES. I was placed on hold and after a few minutes the person comes back on the line and tells me that his computer will only allow him to remove 3 of the fee's. I asked him why and told him that if I had not gotten the very 1st fee then my account would not have gotten 4 more fee's which caused the $140 dollars in fee's to come in which in a chain reaction caused 5 more transactions to come in overdrawn causing $175 dollars in more fee's. The person that I was talking to told me that they understood my situation but that they could not remove any more fee's. By the time that I got off the phone it was about 5:30 and my local branch was closed so I decided to go back into the local branch the next day.

The next day I go into my local branch and talk to the branch manager who was finally back from his vacation. I talk to him and tell him my whole situation. My wife also had come into the bank with her payroll check which would have put us way into the positive but only if the fee's would be removed. If the fee's would not be removed then my wife's entire paycheck would get eaten and we would have still been in the hole about $150 dollars. After talking to the branch manager, he too sided for me and said that he would remove 'some' fee's. He too said that the computer would only allow him to remove 3 fee's and that I would have to call the bank call center to get all the fee's removed. He told me that the call center had the power to remove all the fee's but that at the bank they did not. I don't understand why he did not call the call center for me but whatever. I asked him why I had gotten the one fee but not the other and like all the rest, he tried to explain what he 'thought' might have happened, but wasn't for sure. He even told me, just like the first manager that I talked too, that if I am able to bring my account current the same day that my account goes over that I would not get a fee. So did I cause my account to go over, YES and I admit that, however as soon as I realized it I brought my account in good standing the very same day by depositing money back into my account. This I was told would not have given me a fee, yet I got one. Remember that I went over and brought it current the same day both in May and June, but only got a fee for May. Remember that my statement also shows that back in May that I never went overdrawn on my account because I made this deposit. Same thing goes for June.

I called the call center again and talked to a woman and explained to her what was going on with my account. She refused to refund any more fee's because she explained to me that I have had over 20 fee's removed off of my account in the past 3 months and that there was nothing she would do about the current situation. I asked her even if 2 different branch managers had decided that this current situation wasn't my fault and all I got was an 'I'm sorry, there is nothing I can do'.

Let me back up. I'm sure that your wondering why she said over 20 fee's. True, however two months ago back in May my niece had a baby. My wife and I went to the gift store and bought a $7.00 stuffed animal for her and the newborn. When I checked out a local volunteer, an elderly woman about 95 yeas old had checked us out. Mistakenly she charged my account $700 dollars instead of $7.00. Mistakes happen and I know this so I wasn't mad because I knew that it would all work out and that any fee that I got (because my account was now overdrawn) would get credited back to me. I went and talked to a hospital manager and she immediately refunded the $700 and charged my account the correct amount of $7.00. It took about two weeks for the $700 credit from the hospital to go back on my account. During the time of waiting, the bank had charged me 12 fee's and one overdraft fee, a total of $430 dollars. As soon as the $700 dollar credit came in from the hospital came in I called the bank in which they gave me credit for all $430 dollars. No problems what so ever. So that's why the lady that I was talking to said that I had over 20 fee's.

I tried to explain this to the lady that I was talking to and told her that the incident with the hospital was not my fault and two branch managers have sided with me that this current issue is not my fault either and have refunded $245 dollars worth of fee's but says that the call center has to remove the rest. However this lady refused to hear me out. In total I have talked to at least nine people and Bank of America refuses to remove any more fee's. The incident with the Hospital has marked me a a terrible customer who can't handle their finances even though it was not my fault and so has this current issue who at least 3 people, 2 of them managers, have told me that it wasn't my fault. If it is not my fault, then why won't Bank of America remove the fee's that I have gotten. This all boils down to one fee in which I was told by two different managers that I should have not gotten. But because I have had so many fee's removed the bank has marked me as a terrible customer and won't remove any of the fee's. If all the fee's were removed they I could get my account back in good standing. Bank of America has even started rejection payments and giving me a fee every time that they reject a transaction. The fee's keep coming yet there is nothing they will do even though I was told that it WAS NOT MY FAULT!

Sep 05, 2008 3:08 am EDT

In 2004 I was diagnosed with 2 separate but related fatal diseases. Fortunately I did not die and after 45 days in the hospital, spent the next 4 months recovering. During this period I received a demand letter from BofA demanding payment for a credit card account from 1999. I did not recall having a account with them, but since I was bed bound on oxygen at the time I told my wife to go ahead and pay them. Soon after that I became aware of a Identity theft problem amounting to about $20, 000 from 1999 to 2000. I made a police report and included the BofA account. About a year later I received a letter from BofA acknowledging that indeed it was not my account and they would send in a letter that would clear it off my credit record. I sent an email to the BofA fraud dept. requesting that they return the money I sent them in error. They emailed me back saying that they would not return my money and that if I continued to pursue getting it back that they would send it back to the credit reporting agencies as my account. How lovely, they would knowingly send in false information to ruin my credit if I didn't allow them to steal my money. Now there is honesty and integrity for you. I filed a complaint with the federal regulators but never received any reply. Honestly since the amount is so small I will never have any chance of recovering anything unless the bank has a sudden attack of morality.

Sep 15, 2008 8:55 am EDT

I have had nothing but trouble with this bank. They will do anything to bill you it seems. My biggest issue is when they decided to take my money in my checking account and start transferring it to a savings account without my permission. And not only that but they continued to do this for about four months even though i constantly told them to stop the transfers and they told me the transfers were stopped. One month they even started transferring more.

So then when my automatic payments for my Star card went through they bounced it saying i didn't have the money and then felt the need to bill me for it, which was on top of my card billing me. Apparently your money is untouchable when they transfer it to a savings account unless they want to bill you for something then they suddenly remember that both accounts are "yours" and attached to each other. I lost about $3, 000 from this fiasco. Not to mention when my card billed me over these few months 500 dollars of debt suddenly became 4, 000.

I will never ever recommend this bank. And now I am afraid to even leave them until i know absolutely everything has been changed over to a new bank account because of when my parents left and a check suddenly went through late they decided to bill them nearly 500 dollars in bills total and even tried to tag on another 200 saying that the company that had turned in the check was billing them, when in fact they were not doing so whatsoever and the bank was just lying to try and get some extra money. And this was all from a 7 dollar item.

My advice never ever use BofA and if you do have them make sure you change banks as soon as you can safely do so.

loopieville, US
Jun 13, 2010 7:51 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

This is why I do not use a bank any more. I simply keep my money in strong box.

Sep 09, 2009 6:42 pm EDT

That's why I dropped BoFA as my bank. Constantly putting on fees that were not valid. You had to watch EVERY statement.

Dan Bell
Pasadena, US
Apr 28, 2009 1:27 pm EDT

We are casting a documentary about unfair bank policies. Looking for stories with complaints about banks. If you are cast we will pay you. If interested contact for more information. Casting needs to be concluded by May 1st, 2009.

12:00 am EDT
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When they bought out mbna they raised my rates from 12 to 24%, they said i missed a payment and i was a risk, yet i always paid more then min. They said call back in 4 months so i did now its sorry i cant help you, you have to much debt and i haven't paid enough off on account, but i haven't used it i 2 years and paying this much how can i pay much more...

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12:00 am EDT
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FIA Card Services offered a settlement payment of $570 which would amount to three monthly payments of $190 on the 28th of each month. An check for $190 was processed on June 28, 2007, but another check for $190 was also processed on June 29, 2007. I attempted to discuss the mistake with an FIA supervisor on three separate phone calls. Twice an FIA...

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12:00 am EDT
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Copy of letter to OCC: Bank of America charges overdraft fees on accounts with a positive balance by debiting them when checks are issued via online banking rather than when they are cashed. A check for $4,400 was inadvertently sent from the wrong account with a balance of $3,000 on BofA online banking. Four small checks were posted following this. ...

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12:00 am EDT

Bank of America Fraud and scam!

I went through Lending Tree to secure quotes on a loan. Countrywide came in the lowest. They guaranteed they could close my loan. I eliminated all of the other companies who wanted to finance my home. Countrywide took $300 from me to secure the loan and lock in the interest rate. Two and one half months have passed and they have yet to close my lone. The loan officer Hiep Hoang lies every time I call and claims he will call back but never does. The interest rates have risen while I have been waiting on Countrywide. They claimed a bogus appraisal appraised my house half of what I purchased it for although it is in a booming area. Countrywide is running a fraudulent scam.

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Mar 16, 2008 6:26 pm EDT


12:00 am EDT

Bank of America unprofessional personal bankers

I informed the personal banker to make sure that a CD I had with them does not renew. I did the same via email as I am currently traveling and won't be back in the states until September. However, he does not read by email, nor does he stop the renewal of the CD, which has resulted in me getting stuck with the low interest CD for another month. Can anyone get me the contact details for the consumer grievance cell of Bank Of America.


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Teach 3
Apr 08, 2011 8:55 pm EDT

BoA screwed me over, too. After spending 6 months getting jerked around by them (numerous people losing documents and emailed information, people I was working with getting "reassigned" to other departments, and my sending them a $400 application fee for refinancing my home), they canceled my application (without notifying me) and kept my money. When I finally discovered my application had been dismissed, they claimed my insurance company failed to send documentation of my homeowner's insurance though my company faxed the information on three occasions and sent the information via snail mail twice. They refuse to return phone calls or respond to emails. Since it was requested that I purchase a single-use debit card for the transaction of the application fee, there is no paper trail to prove they took my money and absconded with it. I know this isn't nearly as horrific as it is for those who've lost or are losing their homes, but it still pisses me off. I have my own financial and life struggles. I don't need the greed and immorality of the BoA employees to add to my burdens; no one does. BoA are liars and cheats and thieves. I hope they all get what they deserve - and soon. -Cheryl

12:00 am EDT

Bank of America latest b o a scam

I set my account for an alert to reach my email address five days before a payment is due. The payment date in any month is not set -- it floats. Therefore, the date on which the payment is due fluctuates.

Bank of America offers this alert service to customers. Supposedly to help customers make their payments on time and without incurring a late fee. Bank of America took over MBNA some months ago. My MBNA account had the same alert functions and they worked correctly. I got an alert gtom B o A for the May payment. And made my payment timely. I have a record of regular and timely payments to MBNA & Bank of America.

My account page at B of A, as of today, notes that an alert was sent in May. It has the correct email address. An alert was not sent for June. When I realized I had not made a payment, I was late by twelve hours. I checked my alert functions on my account page: they are set correctly and the list of past alerts sent does not include one for June. So B of A failed to send it.

I sent a note to B of A on my account page noting that the alert function had not sent me the usual message five days in advance of my payment date. I objected to any late fee imposed. At the time I sent the note, no late fee had been imposed so I hoped for the best. I checked the following day for a return message but none came. My account had, by that time, been charged a late fee.

Today a note arrived from B of A telling me what a wonderful customer I am and how useful the alert function is and how the Bank is so happy I use this and offering a "do it yourself" lesson in setting this up if I had any problems.

The end of the message told me that the late fee was justified and I could basically forget about having that removed from my account. So what the Bank of America does is set up a system to send alerts to customers so that customers get a sense of security in using it and relying on it for a timely reminder. But if the customer pays the bill on time too often and doesn't generate late fees for the Bank, then the Bank "just happens" to switch off the alert function in the background after many months where the customer has relied upon it.

The customer has no idea the alert function will not work as it previously did and then the Bank sends a GOTTCHA! note with a fat late fee when the payment is late.

The Bank creates a late fee for itself by disabling the alert function without notice to the customer. Because the Bank controls the software which runs a customer's account page, it can make the account page look to the customer as if it is properly set up for the alert function to work properly. My account page shows the function is still set up to work the way it always has in the past. But, quite obviously, the Bank has disabled the alert function "behind the scenes" so a message is not actually sent out to me. Then it charges a late fee.

Scam. Complete scam.

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Running Springs, US
Jul 20, 2009 5:24 am EDT

Bank of America has yet another billing scam running. I use their automatic bill pay so that on the due date at least the minimum due is paid. I actually have it set to pay $50 over that amount. But here's the problem.

If I spend enough and my minimum payment increases beyond what I have set I have to go in and change the amount. But Bank of America WILL NOT apply that new amount until the second billing cycle generates. This means that if my statement comes out on the 1st of January and on the 2nd of January I change the amount to automatically deduct from my bank account -- it will not be effective until March 1st.

Time and time and time again BofA has caught me in this trap of under-paying. According to BofA since I supposedly get paper statements I should n=know that my payment won't be enough. Yes, I DO know. But since your system won't allow my automatic payment change to go into effect immediately what's the sense?

I recently received a letter from them telling me that since i had a history of late payment, most reversed, that had decreased my credit line to just above my balance. It was clear that they were setting me up not only for another under-payment, but an over-limit charge. A complaint to the FTC revealed that their actions are classic predatory lending and the new law signed by the president will address. We'll see.

When I pressed them about the decrease they also indicated that I had a negative on my credit report. I pointed out that this was 1) disputed, and 2) a notice of identity theft was on the account. The credit "manager" told me that it didn't matter because I wasn't paying on the account "aggressively enough." She even had the nerve to ask me why I was using the card. Umm... because you extended me credit because of my 780 FICO score.

Say what? I pay the minimum due plus $50. According to BofA they expect a payment of at least two to three times the minimum due. What then is the point of having a minimum due if it isn't enough? She even asked why I was spending, any special reason. I told her, "Yes, my 7 year old daughter has brain cancer and money is tight. I need to pay certain business expenses... usually less than my minimum payment due." She could have cared less.

BofA is the biggest scam and basically steals money from its customers. This is beyond contempt.

Feb 09, 2008 2:38 pm EST

I just canceled my BOA credit card for their "payment alert" scam. I always pay my bill in full each month and for a while the alerts worked great but then in dec/jan they stopped coming, despite the alerts being visibly scheduled online. So, I was late that month and lodged a complaint about not receiving the alert--they took off the late fee, but now it just happened again. I logged on and saw I was three days late. No alert had been sent, despite being scheduled. The customer service rep and the manager had the balls to say it was still my fault because I'm supposed to intuit their shifting due dates. I'm done with them after ten years--and I suspect they provoked my ire intentionally since I don't bring them the big bucks through running a balance. They are total con artists.

scammedand pissed
Los Altos Hills, US
Aug 09, 2007 2:28 pm EDT

B of A had similar transactions on my account. I was in dispute over a check they returned in error since the funds were there. They claim there was some funds held although my balance reflected an amount to cover the check. No one could explain why the check was returned but that I should have been notified that funds were held. I did not receive any notification by mail or e-mail.I was not set up on-line to receive ANY alerts other than to remind me of my credit card payment. What I did receive was an NSF alert by e-mail 5 days later after calling them even though I had not made any changes on my alerts!

On another occasion I received my credit card payment alert and since I had set it up for automatic payment from B of A bill payment services I was not worried, until I saw a late payment fee for paying one day late. I called to find out why since it was paid on the due date. They claim that from the time of the day B of A sent the money from my account to the Bof Credit Card account it posted two hours after they close for the day. Since when does B of A close in the middle of the day! Needless to say I was charged the late payment fee and my interest rate went up. Talk about crooks!

12:00 am EDT

Bank of America funds never received!

I have a bank of America credit card with credit available. I am continuously receiving checks from them in the mail which can be used to pay any bill, or use for cash which are then "charged" to your credit card account. I decided to use one and I wrote one to myself for $500 and deposited it to my personal checking account. I had credit available on my credit card;,however, when my bank presented the check to B of A it was returned NSF. The bank then charged back my account for the $500 since the check was not paid. The real kicker is that B of A has charged my credit card as if they honored the check, I never received the funds, and we are in week 2 of "the investigation" I need a credit made to either my credit card, or a check from them for $500. I am getting the run around and need to take the next step, but I am not sure what that is.

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12:00 am EDT

Bank of America Unorganized company

I have a complaint against Countrywide Mortgage.I live in Southeast Texas which was the area directly hit by hurricane Rita in September 2005. While we were evacuated I called Countrywide and notified them of what was going on and they suspended our payments until January 2006. We then began our regular payments as advised in January, and months later we were notified by Countrywide Mortgage that we now needed to pay them back for the three months we did not have payments. Countrywide then set up a repayment plan that began with a payment of $800 and the for the next six months we paid $650.05. Our regular monthly payments are usually $450.00. We made all payments to the exact amount and on time as advised. We finished the repayment plan in April 2007. At that time I was told our regular payments would began again in May, so I made our regular payment in May and then again in June,all payments are now current. The problem is ever since I finished the repayment plan I am being harassed by Countrywide because they will call or send letters saying I haven’t made a payment, or that we still owe 269.99. I have spent so much time on the phone with them trying to figure out where the error was made on their end,and no one can figure it out.On June 6,2007, I spent 1hr and 45 minutes on the phone with four different people, two of which I could not even understand because of their strong middle eastern accent. All four people I spoke with could not figure out where the error was made or give any explanation as to why I owe $269.99. I then get another phone call last night from a man who was calling from Countrywide to ask where my June payment was? I told him he must be kidding and gave him the confirmation number from the June payment. It seems like no one with Countrywide has a clue what is going on,they take my money every month and do who knows what with it? I am then put in a situation of not knowing what to do. I am not paying the money they say I owe,because they have no explanation for it, but yet they could easily report me to the credit bureau. What kind of company is Countrywide? I do know they are very unorganized, especially in the escrow department, because I have had problems with them even before the storm in 2005.I hope this story will be read by someone who is considering using Countrywide, and it will change their mind. I would advise them to use someone local who is easy to communicate with and with whom you can trust with your money.

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Kissimmee, US
Apr 24, 2009 11:06 am EDT

We were pre-approved for a home loan thru Country Wide in February, and since that day, we had 4 closing dates. The day before our 4th closing date, which was the 10th of Apil, we were denied the loan. Due to a couple of overdrafts in March. They had us feeling up and down for 3 months. It went as far as the loan processor typing us a letter to take to HR Block showing a closing date on the 10th of April! Thank goodness we didn't take it with us when we did our taxes! Now we can't even think about buying a home for who knows how long. None of this being our fault. We were even approved for a VA loan! The office we went through is in Maitland, Florida. They are being taken over by Bank of America on the 27th of April. We are going to seek legal advice.

12:00 am EDT
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When our mortgage was sold to Bank of America, we were almost immediately told we would be required to carry flood insurance. I tried to communicate with customer service by phone and correspondence but was very much ignored. I was sold a flood insurance policy at over $600 per year. I tried to communicate with Bank of America asking why my property had...

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12:00 am EDT

Bank of America premium line of credit

I or rather my ex-wife (whom is a employee for Bank of America as a loans underwriter) gained access to a 10,000 line of credit in 1998 in 1999 it was at it's limit of 10k since we have divorced and I have been paying the thing down to @ 4k as of late 2006 apparently my efforts were not sufficient and when a payment of 95$ was made in December 2006 it broke the camels back. A letter was sent to me stating that the money was received but actually 97$ therefore the account would remain "In Default" It is important that you know that I have had a commercial account with Bof A for over 20 years, I own 2 carwashes in the DFW area and I bank there no less than twice a week, the paperwork just dried up in the fall od 2006, I made repeated efforts to transfer monies using their online banking when I tried to transfer money it insisted I need to open an account, hell I already had to many, and it would not recognize my LofC account number, I tried often to reach the Lof C dept but they were Closed For the Evening,to say the least I am a very busy man single, home, 2 businesses that are open 7,24,365 get it. So on Feb. 11 of my own accord I called the line of credit dept and a lovely lady answered the phone explaining that the others had gone home but that she could assist me,finally a actual human with blood in their veins... she explained to me what was necessary to get their online banking to recognize one of it's own accounts (WHAT to HELL) and told me she would be glad to assist me in making a payment, I told her I would like to pay $235 and she transfered the money immediately, she then explained that after looking at the details of the account saw that if I and I Quote" would just pay an additional sum of @ 3o$ my account would be IN GOOD STANDING AND ALL WOULD BE WELL so like a good soldier I DID JUST THAT thinking finally I would have online access to my account and could resume paying this thing off... good rideounce, of course if the junior teller at the new branch 2 blocks near my home would of told me I needed to pay 2$ extra in December or how to "REGISTER" my LofC account online none of this happens... but that's not all oh it gets worse... 5 days after this payment is made I receive notice that indeed my account had been sold to United on a Bof A letterhead telling me to contact them, and that if I've made any payment recently not to that it could greatly increase the amount owed to united and that it was sold on Feb 9th 2 days before my payment that was at the time about 7 to 8% of the loan amount... the money had been taken from my account but the total had not been posted against my LofC balance... On early three months I spent 1 to 2 days of the week trying to retrieve rundown freaking find my money always a confirmation # was issued and a promise to resolve this quickly Diane Hicks lied repeatedly to me and never got back with me I was repeatedly bumped form dept. to dept... THE TREE as they call it each one saying it was the others DEPARTMENT... I finally got the EXWIFE to call in EARLY MAY and of course she got the real skinny... loan sold to united deal was made back in January of 2007 sold 4100$ not that united thought was secured with assets for 3167$ they claimed (even told my ex-wife) that they transferred the funds immediately to United Mortgage... United tells me that they received the money on MARCH 22nd and that at the current interest rate of 13% I now owe including the @270$ payment just over 4,500 dollars remember that balance was just over 4,000$ on January 1 of 2007-minus 270$ payment on feb 11th @13% (was never that high, variable rate at Bank of America). They are now calling like incestuous [censored]'s insisting that they need a speedy one time payoff... the Loan was UNSECURED and personal, not secured and Business as united thought, see they even lie to each other... Hell I don't have that and refused to be bullied by these carpet bagging son's of bi**hes, I will pay when a judge determines that a FAIR recognizing has been made and yes I still for this moment bank there... Gerald L kannady.

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Nov 20, 2008 1:39 pm EST

This one is good. Same with this one:

No no
New York Mills, US
Jul 26, 2007 2:44 pm EDT

I recently wanted a car loan in which my car i owed 19k on and was getting 15k for it and the dealer was giving me 4k more than what my car is actually worth and and i know dealers like to bu***hit people but i looked it up myself on kellys blue book and its worth 11k with the miles i have on it and so i was trying to get a car with 40k miles and was 26,250 the as***les denied me.

But check this.

My credit score is 734 and i have 2 jobs and my father co-signed for me... He has 2 jobs also... The dealer place was enraged i mean like red in their faces all the way because nobody understood why and the bank of America people would not give a reason.

U know what i am neverrr going to bank of America and anyone that asks is getting a bad referral from me.

12:00 am EDT

Bank of America bofa visa is setting up its customers to fail!

There are three practices of their billing system that increase the likelihood of its customers making late payments. This increases BofA profits but ruins the credit of its own customers.

1. They have shortened the billing cycle to 20 days instead of thirty days. This is according to their customer service rep. My statement still says 30 days.
2. The Payment Center is across the country where regular mail takes 5-10 days.
3. The statement comes in an unmarked envelope which looks like junk mail and can easily get tossed or shredded.

My recent billing cycle close date was 04/04. I received the statement on the 12th (8 days later).
The due date is 04/24. I must recognize the unmarked envelope as my statement, open the statement immediately, make the payment right away and get it into the mail in order for the payment to travel across the county by the due date. If there is a weekend or holiday or inclement weather in the East, I will incur a late fee and a late payment will be reported to the credit bureaus thus lowering my credit score. No waiting for the weekend or first of the month for bill paying day. Don't take a vacation or you will be late by the time you get home.

I have been caught once, I am wiser now and am complaining.

Send your complaints to:
Kenneth D. Lewis, Chairman, CEO and President
Bank of America - Executive Relations
100 N. Tryon St
Mail Code: NC4-[protected]
Charlotte NC 28255

Contact Congress by writing Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney, Chairman of the House Subcommittee on Financial Institutions and Consumer Credit

Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney
2331 Rayburn HOB
Washington, DC [protected]

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12:00 am EDT

Bank of America misleading and fraudulent ad

During the past month, I decided to transfer my balance from my Capital One credit card to the BOA Platinum Plus credit card. The reason I did this was for the 0% APR for 12 months, as well as the 0% balance transfer fee. I completed a request for a BOA Platinum Plus credit card online, but had to get help telephonic with BOA Credit Card Services group due to a software issue. At the time of the application, I was confident that this credit card would indeed be 0% APR and no balance fees, as indicated on the application and in the terms and conditions.

During the phone call with BOA credit card services people, I also told them that I had $750.00 in my BOA Advantage checking account that once the balance had been transferred from my Capital One card to the new Platinum Plus account, I wanted the $750.00 transferred from my checking account, and the rep said he could do this. At no time did he ever indicate there would be a fee for doing this. If I had known there would be a fee for doing this, I would have waited for the credit card to be approved, then used my online banking to directly transfer the $750.00 to the credit card. Why would I spend $15 when I have online account pay and did not have to?

Imagine my anger and displeasure when I looked at my new credit account online and found that I had been charged $435.00 for a balance transfer fee and $15 for a phone transfer fee. Despite several phone calls to BOA credit card services group and speaking with Luz, the account manager, (who I had to ask to speak to me in English), I was told nothing could be done and that the fees were clearly spelled out in the terms and conditions for the credit card.

Clearly, the offer that I responded to states, both on the application itself and in the terms and conditions, that there are NO BALANCE TRANSFER FEES associated with this offer, and I was not informed of any phone transfer fee. To now insist that these fees are proper clearly indicates to me that the offer I responded to was fraudulent and misleading, and is a growing indication of the downward spiral BOA is engaged in with its present account holders.

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May 03, 2012 10:00 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Ask any question related to Bank of America, you will get revert within an hour or 2...try it once..

12:00 am EST

Bank of America most unethical practices and rude customer service reps

I became a member of MBNA Credit Card products 14 years ago. I did not have any problems since MBNA became Bank of America (BofA). The BofA has the worst customer service. So called the account managers can bang the phone on you without thinking twice. I called to request the interest rate review/reduction which started at 10.9% and was increased to 22% without my consent. The account manager told me to consider the home equity loan and talk to their mortgage department to pay off my loan. I consider it not solving the problem and trying to to avoid the issue. After talking to three different department that last department told me that they do not do business in the state I live in. Very next day I called to check the balance on my account and found out that all of my accounts (I have three) were closed. One does not deserve this kinda service and response from a bank that you have been giving business to for fourteen years. My recommendation is to stay away from this bank. They are highly unethical and very rude when it comes to resolving issues.

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Mar 25, 2009 3:57 pm EDT

I Had a credit Line of 8000, Intrest rate of 12% fixed after I was approved in Febuary 2009, I contacted the site stating i would like to do a balance tranfer, they told me no problem, I stated I would call back later, And I did this time I got another customer rep, who said that I had credit issues more then 6 years ago, I said yes, I improved my credit score, havent missed a payment, applied for the Bank of america card in 2007 was approved into rate and payed it off as planed then in 2009 got the 12% intrest rate. He then stated well I am not like the other people in my group I think diffrent then they do, LACK OF STANDARD, I dont think I can approve you for the balance transfer, in fact I am going to close your account. He said times are diffrent, I told him if they were so diffrent why did they give me the account and the intrest rate adjustment, he said that well I am different from them.

12:00 am EST

Bank of America home equity line of credit

The incompetence of this bank is truly sobering. A simple call to check the status of a loan application resulted in a three hour phone tree ordeal. I used the number they had provided for this purpose. The one department that might have been able to answer the question closed during my phone tree debacle! The phone message still said "please continue to hold, your call will be answered in the order it was received" long after that group had left for the day. The result was that I never even got an answer on my original question. I was repeatedly invited to participate in a customer satisfaction survey, but each rep claimed they were unable to transfer me to the survey as instructed. Tomorrow I plan to transfer all my accounts to a smaller bank!

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ann zehnich
Oct 07, 2008 1:21 pm EDT

The bank is horrible. My step-father received a dividend check from his investment and deposited in good faith. However, when he went to use his ATM card it would not work. We went in and inquired about not being able to use his account. Well, they couldn't help that day due to "the block was put on today and the full information is not available yet". Today, my step-father goes down to the bank and was told that he can no longer do business with the bank due to the check that he deposited was fradulent. What in the world? He doesn't have a history of fraud and he is an elderly man. The worst part is he just received a loan for a home and cannot purchase it because the loan is approved to be deposited in a Bank of America Bank only. AAAGGGHHH!

I have also had bad experience with them. They allowed electronic checks to be cashed against my account with the wrong name and address on it. How much obvious of a fraud is that and all they did was credit my account and told me to contact the company doing this. Sickening.

I hope no one else has to go throught this mess.

May 22, 2007 5:31 pm EDT

May 22, 2007
Volkswagen of America
Lithia VW of Reno
Lithia, Medford Oregon

Re: 2002 VW Turbo Beetle

I never thought I would be writing a letter like this about a Volkswagen, how very disappointing. I bought my first new VW Beetle 5 speed in 1999 from Lithia VW of Reno. I had regular maintenance and a few recalls; I liked the car so much in 2002 I bought a new 2002 Turbo automatic transmission from Lithia VW of Reno, “BIG MISTAKE”. I live 40 minutes away from Reno for service. I have to have someone follow me going and picking up. It has become very costly in gas and sometimes I have had to miss work. This car has only 42,000 miles, less than 9,000 miles a year and has been in for problems more than I can count. I go in every couple of months for some service light that goes on, such as air bag (3 times) within a year, coolant, engine. I have had a new catalytic converter, water pump, alternator, headlight brackets, headlights, temp. sensor, MAF sensor, etc. etc.

I have spent $40,000.00 or more at Lithia VW of Reno on two cars, lifetime oil change, extended warranty. Good thing I bought the extended warranty or I would be broke. I still have had to pay $200.00 deductible plus extra cash for this, that, and the other, it is getting ridiculous. Just today I had to pay $372.00 on the airbag again, what is the use in having an extended warranty if you have to pay more than the deductible every time you take the car in.

I was going to give this car to my 16-year-old daughter but she is a student and couldn’t afford the repairs. I’m wondering that when every service person I talk to says, “these things happen”, that maybe a got a LEMON FROM THE GET GO?

A very unhappy customer on VW performance and service.

Lori Ricketts
1792 Mathe Drive
Carson City, NV 89701

12:00 am EST
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On the 15th of February, I logged on to my Bank of America (hereafter referred to as BoA) net account to verify my payment for the month. Funds are automatically withdrawn on the 17th of each month for a predetermined amount. BoA was having some sort of "We Love Our Customers" promotion (Valentines Day?) and offered a one-time deal of paying just $15.00 for...

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12:00 am EST
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

Bank of America balance transfer fee scam

I recently applied for a Bank of America credit card. The offer that was mailed to me specifically stated, in at least 3 different places, "No Balance Transfer Fee". It was stated on the front of the offer as well as the back. I wanted to consolidate my debts so I transferred 4 balances totaling a little over $19,000 to the card. Now they are fighting me tooth & nail over the Balance Transfer Fees that they are trying to charge me. This bank has the worst customer service I have ever seen. Some seem nice on the phone, tell me to fax them the offer and that they will call me back, and they never do. I just got off the phone with the sixth customer service rep I've spoken to, and this woman was as nasty as they come telling me that my credit will be ruined if I don't pay.

Quite honestly I don't know where the confusion is. The offer states "No Balance Transfer Fee" all over it!

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Denton, US
Oct 19, 2009 7:02 pm EDT

I've been a member with them for 16 years. Never missed a payment. Never even ever been late. I call in to simply transfer a balance from another credit card. I get transferred to another depart. This other department tells me they're updating my profile; since it hasn't been updated in 11 they say. BofA asked me every question under the sun. past residences, base salary, commissions receipts, bonuses, any alimony, wanted to know about my stock portfolio. I finally stopped the guy and asked him all I want to do is simply transfer my balance from another credit card to my existing bofa credit card. I have the available balance and I've done this a hundred times since 1998. He finally tells me I can't. I called earlier this year when I found out they raised my interest rate. This is killing people. I hope Congress sticks it to the banks.

Bob Marley
Sep 15, 2007 3:35 am EDT

It seems to me, a IT professional that they have some kind of a program in place that holds back filing overlimit charges until you get close enough to the limit so the charges themselves put you over again... I.E. recuring income for them, this time around they waited almost six weeks.. After they put me over last time I transefered money over and swore not to touch it so that when the $35 went of eventualy there would be enough to cover the charge.. ha ha the funny thing it seem I only had 34.82 available when they decided to bill me for the previos time they put me over the limit! there should be a law that stops banking from putting an personal account over the limit with charges! and then charging an overlimit FEE for THAT action! Nice scam though! Last word! If I go over my limit- charge me! teach me.. But putting me over the limit with charges... hmmm I dont know man :) I'm over with 0.18c so they'll be keeping an eye on my balance i suppose untill they can put me over the limit aggain! I have news for them though! I'm getting out while I'm young!

Aug 27, 2007 9:56 pm EDT

My interest rate jumper over 20%, my credit rating is excellent and all bills are paid on time, paid $500 to these pirates last month and thought the bill would be lower, however, they tacked on "purchase and adjustments.$185.41... card has been cut up and not used..where are the purchases? Finance charge of $256.12... minimum payment is $396.00... after sending them $500.00 5 days ahead of due date..this notation was on my statement...Your account is overlimit (geez... I wonder why?)

We must receive a conforming payment,that brings and keeps your balance below the credit line... within 20 days of the above statement. Needless to say, I was boiling and tried calling these idiots to try and lower the finance charges, I no longer use the card and had used it to consulate other bills quite awhile ago... huge mistake!

Now... I agree with other complaints on this site, but what can you do?
See a lawyer and do a bankruptcy?... No. I worked to hard for my excellent credit just venting my frustrations and cursing the day I signed up for a Bank of America credit card!

Robert Johnson
Aug 27, 2007 3:04 pm EDT

I have the B of A Alaska Airlines Business Card, and you would think at least business customers would get decent service. It's not the case. I got the card for three reasons: 1. consolidate accounts to a single vendor; 2. Alsaska Airlines Miles; 3. No Fee Transfer.

The first statement came with a $450 transfer fee, which on the first call (when I could get a human) I was shaken down like a criminal for trying to get my money back. I called back and got another human and warned them I wasn't going to be very pleasant and that if they would prefer getting a manager I would be ok with that. The rep decided to take a flier on me and agreed there shouldn't be a fee and would remove it. When it didn't get removed by the next statement I had to call again (and was lucky enough to get another human) where the person actually got the fee removed. Meanwhile I've spent more than $450 in time and agony.

Now I am trying to resolve another issue that deals with another card on this account, and I think they have pegged my number because I can't even get close to a human there.

Long story short I think I will move my business back to the previous card where at least I could always get my issues resolved quickly. The only thing I didn't like about them was I couldn't access the corporate card online. Bank of America is tarnishing Alaska Airlines good name.

Linda E Adams
Aug 21, 2007 7:42 pm EDT

Same thing happened to us. We purchased a new home, and haven't liquidated the old one yet Credit report went from 802 to 780 not like it even dropped out of excellent, we haven't missed any payments have paid ahead but the interest on card jumped from 9 to 21%. We opted to pay off the card and to cease doing all business with BOA, but that may not be an option for everyone. This kind of predatory lending seems to be a pattern with certain lenders of which BOA is one, and it has significantly increased profits for shareholds.

There are two things you might consider.

Option 1. Buy a share of stock, you can even charge it to your card, as a shareholder you can attend the sharehold meetings, which means you will have to attend this meeting to effect any changes, large shareholds rarely attend meetings they send in proxys however shareholds have the power set or reject policies, if all card and mortgage holders were also shareholds they could band together to change any policy.

However if you are waiting for the good fairy to come along and wave her magic wand you might want to opt for option 2.

2. Write your congressman and support and vote for the guy that actually doses something about this. There was a bill introduced by Sen Dodd, D Banking (the one running for president), about actually setting rules for predatory lenders, however it has been my observation there can be unintended side affects to this sort of legislation.

I actually did both so see you at the next sharehold meeting.

All the best,

michael begyn
Jul 25, 2007 12:22 pm EDT

Bank of america is having record profits because they are ripping us off, changed my interest from 12 to 24.99%. Now they wont drop it because the balance is to high, how the hell can you get ahead paying that kind of interest, i should just quit paying and the hell with it.

Susan Adams
Jul 20, 2007 2:51 pm EDT

We have had a Bank of America Credit Card (AAA Auto) credit card since 2005 with an ARP of 7.9%. All payments have been on time. Suddenly the rate went to 21.99%. The first person I talked to said maybe it had something to do with our credit report. All our payments are on time, and we have not had any recent changes but I checked it anyway, and it was fine. The second person I talked to said it had nothing to do with the credit report, but we did not use the card enough. He said he did not have the authority to lower the rate. Can the percentage rate be raised just because you don't charge enough on the card? Is there any action that can be taken against the company.

Thank you!

12:00 am EST
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This complaint is against Countrywide Home Loans. Countrywide posts there payments late to intentionally charge customers a large late fee. This has been done to me numerous times. I would warn anyone against taking a loan with Countryside Home Loans. There practices are deceptive and rip off the customer. Anyone taking a home loan - Stay far away from...

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12:00 am EST

Bank of America illegal charges!

I had a no annual fee credit card from Bank of America, but I haven't been using it since 2001. I have not received any new cards to be activated, and no mail or phone calls of any kind related to my credit card account from Bank of America since 2001. My balance was $0 every month in 2002, $0 every month in 2003, $0 every month in 2003, $0 every month in 2004, $0 every month in 2005, and $0 every month in 2006 until September, when I was charged an annual fee of $39, and my balance became $39. There have been no statements sent to me, and I have found out about my balance when checking my credit report in February 2007. Not having an active account and no communication with the bank for 5 years, the sudden charge charge is illegal. The bank keeps adding interest every month, so that my balance almost doubles every 2 months. In addition, they reported the account as being delinquent, and damaged my credit scores. I am currently seeking legal action against the bank.

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Ponte Vedra Beach, US
Jul 16, 2009 7:48 pm EDT

have you been able to seek legal action I had been sick and had a few emotional problems asked the bank to work with me and not return my check etc because I would at times duplicate pay on line . they said they paid the largest first which ment a cup of coffee cost me 36.00 intstead of1.00 and for 3 years I could not keep up with the additional overdraft charges incurred to pay my bills and was forced into debt management being 68 one day I went to another bRANCH AND THEY asked why I had this account and put me in an access account which I beleive I have more controll over. and they return the checks that are not being paid which helps and alerts me they also showed me ways to limit my debit card but why did it take 3 years I also would like to get in touch with a lawyer

Tom Smith
Jan 28, 2008 8:05 pm EST

Barclays Finance needs people in the usa and canada area that have equity line of credit or e-trade account that will enable our clients customers in the usa and canada area to receive money on their behalf and takes a commision of 10% at each receipt. contact Tom Smith on for more details.

Aug 21, 2007 7:12 pm EDT

I had the same thing happening, my account was closed for almost a year and I was finishing paying off my credit card, they charged me the same amount that you mentioned, I called them and simply told them that my account had been closed since a year and they refunded me. Good luck!

Florence Nunziata
Jul 15, 2007 11:54 pm EDT

Unaware that money was drowned out of my account? Why? I would like a refund unless with a reason.

Karl Wolff
Feb 26, 2007 5:03 pm EST

I have been using my card for nearly the same amount of time. Only one late payment and that was 3 years ago. Then all of a sudden, my rates went from 0% to %15.99%. Pure, unadulterated usury. And this is after I've been paying more-than-minimum payments and even paying when I was given a "payment holiday" for two months in a row. They need to be stopped. I'm working hard to pay off my card, but their finance charges are making that extremely difficult. I've learned my lesson, now I want to get on with my life.

12:00 am EST
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

Bank of America I payed 79 dollars for nothing!

One of their representative sign me up for Card Holder Security Plan I asked her, "You are saying if "you" Become unemployed" If I am not employed then it will not work for me but she said No It will and Mama you have 30 days money back guarantee to review the papers we will send you.

Ok I received that packet after 15 to 20 days. I try to call cardholder security plan on weekend; I came to know I have to call them from Monday through Friday. I just thought if they do not have access for customers for weekends must be 30 days means 30 working days, and on December 18 I was able to talk to a representative I told him! Plan is not what at the day of enrollment she told me at the day I talk to that representative and instead of cancellation, he was willing to convince me I have to give it second thought and I have more days for trail. I hang up. On December 20, I call them again for cancellation. I came to know My ENROLLMENT starts from November 17 and I am calling them after 30 days I asked why they charge me before 30 days answer was because plan starts from 17 of November. charge after 30 days It was about refund and now 30 days passed you are not able to get those 79 dollars back we charge you been fail to call us in given.

In short I pay 79 dollars for nothing that plan was not for me I told that lady I do not have job I do not think this will work for me she told me no in event of divorce we will do this and that you do not pay minimum payments for card just like unemployment. When I review paper work that was not this and I receive that paper work after fourth of December in this case I have only 09 working days to call them but because they count down weekend also and I am tired of that person when I call for cancellation why he urge me to think more they just care about their commission not about customer at all otherwise they have to be available on week ends when We not have college and other things to do and call them.

I am in California and from here when their 10 PM starts ours 8 PM and this time is most busy time for a single MOM. However, who cares.

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About Bank of America

Screenshot Bank of America
Bank of America is one of the largest financial institutions in the United States, with a history that dates back to 1904. Today, the bank serves millions of customers across the country, offering a wide range of financial products and services to meet their needs.

One of the key strengths of Bank of America is its commitment to innovation and technology. The bank has invested heavily in digital platforms and mobile banking, making it easier than ever for customers to manage their finances on the go. With features like mobile check deposit, online bill pay, and real-time account alerts, Bank of America is at the forefront of the digital banking revolution.

In addition to its digital offerings, Bank of America also has a strong network of physical branches and ATMs. With thousands of locations across the country, customers can easily access their accounts and get help from knowledgeable staff members whenever they need it.

Another key advantage of Bank of America is its wide range of financial products and services. From checking and savings accounts to credit cards, loans, and investment products, the bank offers something for everyone. Whether you're looking to save for the future, buy a home, or invest in the stock market, Bank of America has the tools and resources you need to achieve your financial goals.

Overall, Bank of America is a trusted and reliable financial institution that has been serving customers for over a century. With its commitment to innovation, technology, and customer service, the bank is well-positioned to continue to meet the evolving needs of its customers for many years to come.
How to file a complaint about Bank of America?

1. Log in or create an account: Ensure you are logged in to your account to proceed. If you do not have an account, please register by providing the necessary information and verifying your email address.

2. Navigating to the complaint form: Once logged in, locate the 'File a Complaint' button situated at the top right corner of the website and click on it to access the complaint form.

3. Writing the title: In the 'Complaint Title' field, concisely summarize the main issue you have encountered with Bank of America. Make it specific and clear, such as "Unauthorized Overdraft Fees" or "Difficulty with Mortgage Loan Modification".

4. Detailing the experience: In the complaint description, provide a detailed account of your experience. Include key areas such as customer service interactions, problems with account management, loan servicing, fees or charges that were unexpected, issues with online banking, or any other specific incidents related to Bank of America. Clearly describe the nature of the issue, including dates, locations, and any relevant transaction details. If you attempted to resolve the issue, outline the steps you took and the responses received from Bank of America. Explain how this issue has personally affected you, such as financial loss or stress.

5. Attaching supporting documents: Attach any relevant documents that support your complaint, such as correspondence, statements, or receipts. Be cautious not to include sensitive personal information like your social security number or full account numbers.

6. Filling optional fields: Use the 'Claimed Loss' field to quantify any financial losses you have incurred due to the issue. In the 'Desired Outcome' field, describe what resolution you are seeking from Bank of America, whether it be a refund, apology, or corrective action.

7. Review before submission: Carefully review your complaint for clarity, accuracy, and completeness. Ensure that all the information provided is true to your knowledge and that your desired outcome is reasonable and clearly stated.

8. Submission process: After reviewing your complaint, click on the 'Submit' button to officially file your complaint on

9. Post-Submission Actions: Keep an eye on your account for any responses or updates regarding your complaint. Be prepared to engage in further communication if necessary to resolve your issue with Bank of America.

Overview of Bank of America complaint handling

Bank of America reviews first appeared on Complaints Board on Jul 20, 2006. The latest review Claim # 240213543968 was posted on Apr 9, 2024. The latest complaint Edd unemployment stolen funds was resolved on Oct 03, 2023. Bank of America has an average consumer rating of 2 stars from 4573 reviews. Bank of America has resolved 457 complaints.
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  1. Bank of America Contacts

  2. Bank of America phone numbers
    +1 (800) 432-1000
    +1 (800) 432-1000
    Click up if you have successfully reached Bank of America by calling +1 (800) 432-1000 phone number 7 7 users reported that they have successfully reached Bank of America by calling +1 (800) 432-1000 phone number Click down if you have unsuccessfully reached Bank of America by calling +1 (800) 432-1000 phone number 3 3 users reported that they have UNsuccessfully reached Bank of America by calling +1 (800) 432-1000 phone number
    Confidence score
    +1 (800) 688-6086
    +1 (800) 688-6086
    Click up if you have successfully reached Bank of America by calling +1 (800) 688-6086 phone number 15 15 users reported that they have successfully reached Bank of America by calling +1 (800) 688-6086 phone number Click down if you have unsuccessfully reached Bank of America by calling +1 (800) 688-6086 phone number 1 1 users reported that they have UNsuccessfully reached Bank of America by calling +1 (800) 688-6086 phone number
    Confidence score
    +1 (315) 724-4022
    +1 (315) 724-4022
    Click up if you have successfully reached Bank of America by calling +1 (315) 724-4022 phone number 0 0 users reported that they have successfully reached Bank of America by calling +1 (315) 724-4022 phone number Click down if you have unsuccessfully reached Bank of America by calling +1 (315) 724-4022 phone number 0 0 users reported that they have UNsuccessfully reached Bank of America by calling +1 (315) 724-4022 phone number
    +1 (757) 677-4701
    +1 (757) 677-4701
    Click up if you have successfully reached Bank of America by calling +1 (757) 677-4701 phone number 0 0 users reported that they have successfully reached Bank of America by calling +1 (757) 677-4701 phone number Click down if you have unsuccessfully reached Bank of America by calling +1 (757) 677-4701 phone number 0 0 users reported that they have UNsuccessfully reached Bank of America by calling +1 (757) 677-4701 phone number
    Credit Card Issues
    +1 (800) 214-6084
    +1 (800) 214-6084
    Click up if you have successfully reached Bank of America by calling +1 (800) 214-6084 phone number 0 0 users reported that they have successfully reached Bank of America by calling +1 (800) 214-6084 phone number Click down if you have unsuccessfully reached Bank of America by calling +1 (800) 214-6084 phone number 0 0 users reported that they have UNsuccessfully reached Bank of America by calling +1 (800) 214-6084 phone number
    Vice President Bank
    +1 (312) 992-6618
    +1 (312) 992-6618
    Click up if you have successfully reached Bank of America by calling +1 (312) 992-6618 phone number 0 0 users reported that they have successfully reached Bank of America by calling +1 (312) 992-6618 phone number Click down if you have unsuccessfully reached Bank of America by calling +1 (312) 992-6618 phone number 0 0 users reported that they have UNsuccessfully reached Bank of America by calling +1 (312) 992-6618 phone number
    More phone numbers
  3. Bank of America emails
  4. Bank of America address
    100 N Tryon St., Charlotte, New York, 28255, United States
  5. Bank of America social media
  6. Janet
    Checked and verified by Janet This contact information is personally checked and verified by the ComplaintsBoard representative. Learn more
    Jun 13, 2024
Bank of America Category
Bank of America is ranked 1 among 403 companies in the Banks category

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