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Ameraco, Inc.

Ameraco, Inc. review: Fraud and scam 68

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9:11 am EST
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
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This review was chosen algorithmically as the most valued customer feedback.

I work for this company for a long time and it was difficult for me to sale this program over the phone (495.00), knowing that it was a fraud!

please do not invest your money in this program...


The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
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The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
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The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
Ameraco, Inc. - Good company 8
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
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Oct 08, 2009 4:31 pm EDT

Wow! If you look hard enough for anything you will find it. I just discovered Americo and am interested, so I looked for info and the above is what I found. Sounds like high school kids. Is there anyone who can provide real info on Americo?

Titusville, US
Oct 09, 2009 10:07 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Hello Tom. You say, "the way you have treated this guy has made my decision to not spend 495.00 with your company". You have absolutely no idea the abuse he has given Ameraco, with his foul mouth (even in casual speaking), his threats to employees as well as homeowners. My god, he scared the living daylights out of a few of them. Ameraco was happy to refund his money. If thats what you based your decision on, well thats a shame. It seems to me that you can't make an informed decision for yourself. Oh yeah, one more thing, Ameraco has no control over the property and deal types the Investors want to see. They may request commercial property in the future, but for now, they are pretty happy with the deals they do get sent. I'm glad however, that you think you know what's best for them and how they should invest THEIR dollars...

Titusville, US
Oct 09, 2009 11:00 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I'm sorry, one last thing Tom, was it a lie when you told Sue (your advisor @ Ameraco),
"9/2/2009 bad time for him financally likes program just no funds says will keep us in mind just doesn't have funds to do--sc"...Wow, sounds like you are very successful

Hingham, US
Oct 27, 2009 4:37 pm EDT

Hi Diane I just wanted to shoot a post up here from a neutral party. I just wanted to give you a heads up regarding your post that "quotes" an alleged conversation held between Tom and your company. I just wanted to tell you that you need to be really careful posting privately recorded conversations on an online forum. This is a violation of Tom's rights regarding publishing private facts. The reason it is a violation is because you state quotes regarding Tom's alleged financial situation which in fact is the main violation of this law. I just wanted to let you know to be careful because you could potentially lose your job or be sued over this infarction. Also there are big issues stating conversations that are recorded on public forums without permission of the individual in question unless it is for business training purposes or court proceedings. Just thought I would let you know to save you any woe and if you think they will not be able to locate you for the suit just know that everytime you go online your computer has a unique address and that can be traced quite easily. Have a good night.

Titusville, US
Oct 27, 2009 5:06 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I appreciate the heads up. It's just sickening to read the constant lies that people post.

Lakresha brown
Colorado Springs, US
Nov 04, 2009 1:16 pm EST

find it & fund it Complaints - customer service
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find it & fund it
Posted: 2009-11-04 by Lakresha brown

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ameraco inc
United States

Why has no one yet come to the conclusion that DIANE, who rebuts these complaints! And has so much inside information about not only the deals an all the specs on them an how they are shopped out, an even has the nerve to post NOTES, from conversation had with advisors is actually in all reality DONNA! The 1 an only support person trying to save her job by rebutting almost always acurate accounts of what happens when AMERACO get your 495! Just maybe if more time was actually spent finding REAL INVESTORS! An not trying to belittle your clients who paid the 495. Donna /Diane try working with clients the system has failed. Instead of sitting at your desk rebutting, an maybe you wouldn't have soooo many complaints. How is writing that a potential client having money problems which is what is holding him back relevant to the program?! Bottom line try working alittle harder with the people who join an have a tough time instead of sitting on the computer trying to justify why they should buy! If the program worked "word of mouth" is the best marketing tool! Good Luck t each an every person who is persuaded to buy into this maybe you will actually get what your promised!

Charlotte, US
Nov 04, 2009 1:39 pm EST

Wow! This is disparaging! I am a real estate broker that contacted Amaraco about “deals” I have. They informed me that my properties meet exactly what “their” investors are looking for. I never make a spontaneous decision, especially when money is involved. $495 dollars isn’t a bank breaker, however if all I am doing is effectively providing properties, why would they want money from me to help their “investors” pick up properties to look at. It appears they make their money through memberships, and potentially “give some guidance”. You can find deals everywhere! If it is the money that is keeping you from turning over real estate, there are plenty of resources out their willing to fund a deal without joining a “club”.

Titusville, US
Nov 04, 2009 3:02 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

You say "an even has the nerve to post NOTES, from conversation had with advisors", there are so many lies posted on anything and everything on blog sites. I have NEVER posted anything that wasn't the absolute truth period. It makes no difference who I am. How do you or I or anybody else for that matter determine who is telling the truth on these sites. If somebody goes on a blog site to trash the reputation of a person or a company, and that person does nothing but work hard for the success of others, and you read those lies, there is every intention to set the record straight. If it offends that person who is lying, so be it. Don't mean to step on toes when writing blogs, maybe I should have the mindset of Why should I care, nobody else gives a crap that their lies do damage...

Jackson, US
Nov 06, 2009 4:28 am EST

Has anyone made any money with SMC

I have not made any money as of 11-06-09 and I have paid them also thousand (1000) dollar.

This is my e-mail address please let me know if you have made some money with them.

And I have did every thing they told me to do. They always tell me to spend more money with them


Tulip, US
Nov 07, 2009 12:25 am EST

Ameraco, Inc.
380 N. Wickham Road
Suite H
Melbourne, FL 32935

Look it up or stop in if you are in the neighborhood. They love it when you come to their office.

Nov 30, 2009 3:07 pm EST

WOW did someone say LOLSUIT? uh oh Dianne better get a LOLyer. Posting someones real life info on the internets is SRSFKNBZNS. Dedicating a website to slander is ok tho. If you read the terms of service they disclose everything, theres enough info right there for a person of reasonable mind to make an informed decision, if you didnt know what you were getting into and found it too hard well sucks for you.. your an idiot. STFU and suck it up. They are upfront about everying included and specifically make no gaurantees. The $500 gets you an education, its up to you to use it, the resources they offer are minimal and require serious effort. If you went to harvard and couldn't get a job when you graduated would you blog about it and sk for a refund? Clearly this isnt harvard but the same principal applies. Its a How to, with minimal resources. The only thing it lacks is a "not for tards" label. pacman all I can say to you is OBAMA OBAMA OBAMA OBAMA

Tulip, US
Nov 30, 2009 9:26 pm EST

LOL is appropriate. Obviously someone higher up the food chain from Diane has missed a dose or 2 of their Lexapro. Harvard? ROFLMAO! That's the exact line these "Advisors" use on the phone! Doh! Wait a minute! Do you think there's a connection? (asked in a whispery voice reminiscent of Bugs Bunny cartoons). Could this be another Amerwaco empwoyee attempting to squelch the same fwee speach that has awowed them to make a small fawtune?


Oh, and you are correct. Intelligent people won't waste their time on these blogs complaining. COMPLAIN TO THE NATIONAL BBB AND GET RID OF AN "A" RATING THAT IS UNDESERVED!

McKeesport, US
Dec 14, 2009 3:20 pm EST

hey guys come to to complain about ameraco. I have started a blog there here is the information hit me up. i want all of us to get the word out there so everyone knows about this company and not to waste there 495.

Pete, John
Port Richey, US
Feb 24, 2010 8:47 pm EST

By the this Diane lady...writing all the blogs, I have seen her several "complaint" sites about other types of services...She has NO LIFE! What a Whinner--Loser--you know what, how WRONG she is about SEVERAL THINGS! This company is just another successfull realestate company who make people money who are willing to EARN money! These Blogs are joke, spend more time MAKING MONEY THAT COMPLAINING!

Titusville, US
Feb 25, 2010 8:49 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

When you say "This company is just another successfull realestate company who make people money who are willing to EARN money! "...That's what I've been saying all along...I think YOU should learn how to read.

Los Angeles, US
Mar 16, 2010 4:04 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

what do you do if this is a scam and you have already paid out your money...How do you get it back and who do you contact about this to find out more about how they got on the hud web page...connection thru one of huds program site for foreclosures...?

Brentwood [Contra Costa County], US
Apr 15, 2010 3:39 pm EDT

Diane, WOW, where do I start? Do you really think that you are improving the image of Ameraco with your juvenile rants, and slander? If this company is offering such a great product, then why jave I yet to find one person with anything positive to say? That, in itself says alot about your product. Now lowering yourself to name calling, is a bit much, don't you think? Aren't you a bigger person then that? Apperently not. Your rant is so counterproductive, and you don't even realize it. I just got offthe phone with an agent from Ameraco, but after reading this, thanks to you Diane...they will never see a dime of my money. Have a great day

Great Falls, US
May 18, 2010 5:40 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

DITTO to ikyleh1...Diane has done much more harm then good! I was going to "buy in" to Ameraco but now I would NEVER, NEVER give these scammers any of my money. Just a bunch of "SLICKY BOYS". My guess is "Diane" is one of them. Hope Tom and Pacman sue their [censor] off! Oh, Diane, I did check my spelling, why don't you check your morals...bottom feeder!

Titusville, US
May 19, 2010 8:34 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

If you call REBUTTING LIES WITH THE TRUTH, then yes, I am guilty. Am I supposed to feel hurt that you will not become a member with Ameraco? Well I'm not. As long as there are lies to rebut, I will be here. Oh yeah, Yeah for you on checking your spelling...

Pittsburg, US
Jun 06, 2010 12:17 am EDT

Thanks Diana for opening my eyes to your fraudulent company, as long as there Diana’s out there to expose their own stupidity and unprofessional behavior then I can only be thankful enough not to invest any of my money into this company. Oh by the way the minute the sales guy over the phone ask for money for this program I knew they were a scam and if this is for real then why don’t you get your funds to run your program from actual closed deal and not from upfront fees. Please remove me from your e-mail list.

Titusville, US
Jun 07, 2010 8:12 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Is that what I'm doing "exposing my own stupidity", I don't think so. Again, as long as there are lies to rebut, I will be here. Again, am I supposed to feel hurt that you will not become a member with Ameraco? Well I'm not. I'm sure all the other Real estate programs like ours will be happy to forgo the upfront cost of anywhere between $7, 500 to $15, 000.00 for the training material, so you can be on your way to becoming a successful property locater. Call them up...

Lockport, US
Jun 24, 2010 5:04 pm EDT

I don't know what side to agree with. (or believe) SO many people try this business and fail... but there ARE scams out there too.

I'm tempted to join this program on my own and draw my own conclusion. I already have hundreds of my own local buyers, but if they "do" provide buyers nationwide, I could send them dozens of deals daily... if only 1 of 12 convert, I'll make a LOAD of cash.

Imagine sending 10 deals a day, if only 10% close, you're rocking.

I run a short sale service. People send me the deals, we evaluate and accept the ones where the numbers "work". Of those, around 1 of 5-6 actually close.

We get deals submitted ALL THE TIME that are crap. The numbers are horrible, sellers not responsive, etc.. When we turn those deals down, the members sometimes blame me as well. "You won't accept me deals!".

No I won't... because they're NOT deals.

Does it make me a scammer because I won't accept garbage?

Anyhow, I wish I could get a free membership and send some real deals to these guys. I'd Prove who's right and wrong... real fast.

Nick Cifonie

Anytown, US
Aug 17, 2010 12:42 am EDT

Thanks to all who purchased the Ameraco system and who posted about your experiences with the Ameraco system and "support/customer service". Thanks for sounding the warning in order that others can learn and be spared from your costly experience. Thanks most of all to "Diane" for helping to demonstrate what a lousy unethical company Ameraco truly is by how they treat there customers. If Ameraco's system were so great they would willingly give a refund to any disatisfied customer after a reasonable trial period of six months to a year in my opinion. I'm sure many others would agree. After reading the complaints on various sites I think I'll pass on Ameraco's offer. Diane if Ameraco were so great you would be issuing refunds to disatisfied customers rather than spending time on various sites trying to defend the company. You above all else, help make the case for the lack of integrity within Ameraco. Ameraco you should only want satisfied locators and satisfied investors. Any business only continues to exist with satisfied customers. But, maybe you only care about making a fast buck for yourself before you go out of business! Maybe that's what success means to you!...Well it won't last! Buyers beware! See through the loopholes and don't let them blame you if you buy in and fall flat after reasonable effort.

Aug 17, 2010 8:37 am EDT

Some people just can't stand that are people are having success with the finditfundit Tutor Program. They just can't stand the fact there there are good things to say. Keeping negative thoughts makes them happy. Yeah, I know what you mean about the refund. I think every company should do that. That means I would be able to buy a few nice dresses and return them 6 months to a year, cuz they're just not workin out. Or better yet, get my tuition back from the school I attend, cuz the classes are a little to difficult, Yeah, that would be great.

washington, US
Oct 06, 2010 12:19 pm EDT

WOW! I just got off the phone with Ameraco and told Monica I don't just pay for something over the phone that I just seen on the Internet, without doing my due-diligence first. I told her I needed more info on the company, or talk to someone in my area that has had success with the program. Monica was transferring me to the Acquisition's Manager and all of a sudden I heard tone, "dial-tone" that is. Then I went on the Internet and landed on this blog. I've been in real estate for 25 years and have rehabbed about 15 properties myself. With what I'm hearing from all respondants, I'm not convinced that Ameraco is a legitimate company. I was a Finder/Bird dog for a group who rehabbed over 400 fixers. I'm not a novice when it comes to this business and I have street smarts as well, one of the attributes said to be possessed by billionaires on CNN today. My gut was telling me, after asking some questions, that it doesn't sound too good. And Monica was too pushy, like a good salesperson should be. All this played its role in deciding "not this one." I'm a Realtor in the nation's capitol and I have access to many, many "good deals." I know what a good deal looks like. I'll give you an example. I have a 3bdrm/2 bath w/basement rowhouse (fixer). Purchase $70, 000. Rehab Costs $35, 000 Resell Price $230, 000-$250, 000. That's a deal! I find them all the time. If you are interested in making money with rehabs in the Washington, DC area, and you have real funds to invest, let's talk! Email address is I teach real estate investing also (have done real estate seminars/mentoring/coaching/etc). There is a goldmine in the DC area. As Warren Buffet said, "When do you buy things, at full price or when they are on sale?" He was referring to real estate. Real Estate Investing is still the best investment on the planet. Much Success To All!

Dec 10, 2010 3:27 pm EST

They do NOT have good rating with BBB.
Anybody posting that they do are schills of the company.
enter Ameraco and the state Florida, and you will find this:

BBB Accreditation
This business is not a BBB Accredited Business.
Based on BBB files, this business has a BBB Rating of C on a scale from A+ to F.
Reasons for this rating include:
* 26 complaints filed against business
* One serious complaint filed against business.

Dec 10, 2010 3:34 pm EST

This company does NOT have a good rating with the BBB.

Those who are posting that Ameraco is accredited obviously are schills of Ameraco.
BBB Accreditation
This business is not a BBB Accredited Business.
Based on BBB files, this business has a BBB Rating of C on a scale from A+ to F.
Reasons for this rating include:
* 26 complaints filed against business
* One serious complaint filed against business.

Mooresville, US
Jan 01, 2013 7:43 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I was curious about the ad on tv stating that they had over 10, 000 investors. A representative called me "ERIC" to get me to buy the system, when I told him that I had over 10, 000 investors on my myspace page- and over 5, 000 investors on facebook- and over 5, 000 connections on and over 4, 000 followers on twitter- -- he called me a liar, and I said to Eric, "Wow, I can't belive you said that to me, than google me B$%#&!" He got mad and hung up on me... The nerve to call me a liar?! I have been actively investing in real estate since 1999. *** Here is a tip I use and you don't have to pay $495.00 to use it! --- The easiest method I have found for adding investors to your buyers list is having your local realtor pull all the listings that were purchased with cash in the last year. Now take that list and sort it so that you are only looking at people who bought multiple properties with cash. Those people are normally active real estate investors. What I do then is take that list and send a letter to them letting them know I am an active investor and have unique marketing methods that attract deals substantially below market value. I get a good response from the investors and have added over 20 cash investors to my buyers list in the last year. Internet posting on Twitter and Facebook-- “Investors needed for multiple investment properties”. I am a full time investor and I specialize in acquire below market value properties. My properties are typically single family residential homes and multi-family properties price between $10, 000-$300, 000.

Kora Sadler

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