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YouTube Complaints 1220

12:57 am EDT
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YouTube abridgment of free speech

There are many offensive things on You Tube such as videos of musical performers engaging in near pornographic acts and mouthing profane words and worse. There are many things on You Tube that do not appear honest but yet you seek to unfairly attack a news service (Alex Jones Channel) that had many noted guests that were allowed to speak freely on political and other important matters such as electromagnetic radiation and health issues that cued the public in early on what was to come and how they might protect themselves, that sought to protect the American public. Though I may watch only occasionally, it appears that you have bowed to a nefarious agenda and that is the removal of the First Amendment to our Constitution and that is Free Speech. It is an obvious act of censorship, not done in any way for the welfare or in the public interest and it sets a dangerous precedent. Americans value freedom and the ability to express their views. We grew up with this basic freedom and should thus be able to discern what is on or off the track to us and if not, do more research on our own. For one, I never thought I would see the day that this would happen in America. It violates all the traditions that were taught in our schools and valued in our society. It tells the American public that there are too stupid and weak to make their own decisions based on the information they see and hear. Instead, it is best for them to bow to the special interests of very wealthy corporate and political entities who control other media services. One can only wonder what type of people would allow this to happen. Are you really willing to compromise yourselves to this extent for a pay check or a promotional increase? Do you value good leadership and ethics within your organization? Do you even know what I am talking about? Do you think about how your children are going to turn out and what sort of world they are inheriting from your actions? This is all in question now and You Tube, which was supposedly established to give the public another forum for information and expression, has discredited its reputation and name. Voltaire said to a friend that he detested what his friend said but that he would fight to the death for his right to say it. THIS IS THE ESSENCE OF FREE SPEECH. I am not interested in the pornography, foul language and trash that appears on some of your channels that you allow to proliferate...only THAT.

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4:47 pm EDT

YouTube violation of the first amendment of the constitution

To start, I am no fan of Alex Jones. But mass banning of him really disturbs me. You, the social media Power Houses, seem to think you can control what people should think and say. In many communist countries, this type of control would work. But the is the USA. What you have done is violated the man's constitutional right to freedom of speech. This does not sit well with me or the millions of other true US citizens. No matter what Alex Jones' opinions are, right or not, he has a right to express them. That is what our forefathers fought for. A few hurt feelings cannot change our rights as Americans. People choose or choose not to listen to him. If a person is insulted by what he says, then they shouldn't listen. No one forced these super sensitive people to hear what Mr. Jones had to say. They did this on their own accord. Mr. Jones should not have his basic rights violated just on someone's hurt feelings. I highly recommend rethinking your actions before massive backlash happens to you, Google, and other social media. You are in a very actionable position by violating a person's very first constitutional right.

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12:18 pm EDT

YouTube not abiding by the 1st amendment...

Ive been a member for over 5 years... Me and many others are concerned that you are filtering content and claiming sites like are using "Hate Speech"... What I don't think Youtube understands is that Speech is protected under the 1st Amendment and regardless of whether or not you agree with someone, they have a right to speak... I will coordinate with others to leave the Youtube platform... I hope you realize this does have financial implications as well...

Youtube corporate must stop being selective about what content they deem offensive and need to think about the minority, which is actually the majority in this case.


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8:04 am EDT

YouTube you stealing alex jones platform

Your far left political bias is showing ONCE AGAIN. What did he say so bad? I watched him and nothing he said deemed him unsafe. Not ever. He done great on tv and that's why you pulled his plug. He was a entertainer at time with serious messages and real news that mattered to us deplorables. They had texture to them. Truth to them. He owns a real news channel that he built from the ground up and made it explode, even had a POTUS interview and you guys just yanked it from underneath him like he's a nobody-that's heartless, that cruel, that's cold. And outright disgusting bc he was actually beating CNN, which I find funny CNN lobbied for this days before it happened. And we all saw how main stream media tried to muddy up his name in every bad "news" article. He could crap and they write ab how bad it stunk just to have something negative to say ab him. You exaggerated really badly ab how "dangerous" he was. I am now calling upon every friend, family member, and neighbor I have to complain about the way your treating American people as if we ALL MOVED TO China WITH YOU. We are for free speech. And until he gets his show back the complaints won't stop pouring in, and it may just land you in regulation as a utility due to your bias treatment! I hope it does bc the way you treat conservatives is pure BS! You suck youtube and I hope a new, fair social media platform w/videos comes along and strips you down as bare as you left Alex Jones! You will pay one way or another bc he will and should sue you, the government needs to regulate you over this bias, which is what I prays happens! And his supplements were amazing also, way more energy than any RedBull or Monster drinks or any GNC "vitamin" I've ever bought!

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6:53 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

YouTube censorship

Why has Alex Jones been censored. Your political bias is showing! You cannot censor free speech! You are violating his right to free speech! This is Political Censorship at it's worst!
Google's video platform YouTube has deleted the channel of InfoWars host Alex Jones shortly after Facebook and Apple removed InfoWars content from their platforms.

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11:48 pm EDT

YouTube censorship

Salutation my beloved friends at Youtube. It has been brought to my attention that you have removed the Alex Jones youtube channel from your service. Now I'm no fan of Alex Jones and the things he says. Like how 9/11 didn't happen, or the Sandy Hook was holograms or that my Thanksgiving dinner was secretly a plot to turn my dog into a cat. Speaking of dogs turning into cats have you seen the 90's cartoon Catdog? I loved that cartoon and wish it would have a reboot, but not a reboot like that annoying Teen Titans go or the oddly pedophilic PowerPuff Girls reboot. I'm sorry but having a trio of young girls twerk on my television screen is NOT OKAY! Just like how it was not okay for you to ban Alex Jones. Thank you for you time and as always, Bush was the singer for 311.

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9:33 pm EDT
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YouTube infowars and alex jones

I have been a fan of you tube for a very long time but I am very disappointed in your banning of Alex Jones and Infowars.
I am very unhappy that you can ban a site of free speech like Infowars and Mr Jones expresses ans let all the ANTIFA sites and videos go unchallenged.
I think you are going to spark a reaction to your decision which will not be beneficial to the free world.

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7:18 pm EDT

YouTube youtube censorship

Why have you censored infowars. I want to watch his content. People aren't stupid we understand your not doing this because of hate speech but political reasons. His show is much loved by people all over the world and we won't settle for some other cheap replacement. His channel is unique and encourages diversity of thought when it comes to current news and events. If you would take the time out to watch his content and check up on it, you would see what it's all about. Please don't judge his channel based on hear say because you will end up mistaken about it all.

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5:44 pm EDT

YouTube censorship

I am disgusted with the level of censorship you are deploying against Conservative political channels. More recently you have taken down the Ron Gibson channel to thwart the Alex Jones channel.
You will never win.
We will now be axing our Corporate advertising through You Tube.
Instead we will be sponsoring these Conservative
channels and pouring funds into alternative platforms.

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4:24 pm EDT

YouTube infowars

I don't pay for a subscription monthly just to have content I watch removed. I am totally appalled and disgusted you would remove Alex Jones. This is a serious infringement on all of our rights to watch and listen to what we want. I understand there are rules we all must abide by but I don't see any infringement in the content infowars or Alex Jonse produces being in breach of these. FREE SPEECH is important don't fall Into this big brother crap As a corporation you need us we don't need you.

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3:20 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

YouTube youtube service

I often go to you tube to see videos I like.
I have noticed you have removed a user's account. Infowars.
I would like to know the nature of why the videos on this account are being removed, and what lawful reason you have to terminate the account.
I have spoken to several groups of people who have also experienced this happening to other conservative people's accounts.
There seems to be a conflict with when You tube clearly states its "openness to allow people to freely express themselves."
Infowars information has been true and correct.
I have not seen accounts being taken down for hate propoganda against the President.
If you are going to have rules, they must apply to all.
Thanks for your time in resolving this matter.
I will continue to inquire on this matter till Infowars is allowed back on Youtube.

-Citizen of the United States of America

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11:23 am EDT

YouTube suspected paedophile allegations on a youtuber.

Hi There have been reports of Chris Ingham allegedly using child grooming techniques on a minor, See link:
Due to this surely any activities involving him should be suspended until the relevant authorities have investigated him. The Ingham Family have a channel ( ) that in the interest of child safety should be suspended. Also this direct channel ( Should be suspended.

Thanks in advance

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5:58 am EDT

YouTube ads in liked videos

Ok, I don't mind videos having adds, In fact I could care less about it. However I mind quite a lot when I go to listen to a song on my liked videos after a long day, only for an add to pop up, and just piss me off because I want to listen to my music on my liked videos, and the thing is that I don't see adds in my other videos, I only see the adds when I go to liked videos, so please keep adds out of playlists, put them where they belong

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6:43 pm EDT

YouTube brazzers

Recently a Brazzers (porn) advertisement appeared on my recommended videos. There was no overt nudity in the video but it was obviously for a pornographic film. The name of the video was "Metal Rear Solid: The Phantom Peen: a XXX Parody." Does YouTube condone and support pornography? Why was this video recommended for me? I understand that all sorts of companies use YouTube for advertising but this is concerning to say the least.

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Anita Bawnghit
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Aug 03, 2018 7:37 pm EDT

Metal Rear Solid? lol. That's hysterical

4:13 pm EDT

YouTube flagging/strike system.

Two videos of mine were falsely flagged, and if Youtube had done their job and actually watched the videos and listened to my appeal I wouldn't be a risk of losing my channel. My videos did NOT break the community guidelines, for goodness sake, the second one was literally just a picture and me talking about being given a strike unfairly and even that didn't win its appeal. I now cannot post for two weeks and I'm in danger of losing my channel. I guess anyone can falsely flag anyone and YT doesn't care.

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2:43 am EDT
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YouTube advertisement

My nephew (3yr old) was watching a video with episodes of curious george, a childrens cartoon. I understand there needs to be ads so the service can run however the particular ad that ran during this show was very inappropriate, it was an ad for "hayu" a reality tv channel. The kardashians were featured which should be illegal in itself but there was so much swearing the whole ad was basically beeps and then they say vagina! My 8 yr old son and 3 yr old nephew certainly dont need to listen to that filth. I am very dissapointed in youtube, even in this child focused video children arnt free from the low morals of the kardashians and offensive language...

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1:14 am EDT

YouTube dogman encounters radio

"Demonetize ?" really ? It's a Public forum for free speech, no company can invoke policy that infringe's on free speech its a violation of the charter of(You Tube) to do business, its a clear violation of Federal Law "Free Speech" (Jurisdiction gives a federal court the power to hear a case. Jurisdiction matters at the outset of a lawsuit. It matters during discovery. It even matters after summary judgment. Jurisdiction matters because federal courts are courts of limited jurisdiction. State courts, however, are courts of general jurisdiction, meaning they hear many types of cases. But federal courts may only hear specific cases. A federal district court may exercise jurisdiction over cases where a statute grants it jurisdiction. District courts have original jurisdiction of all civil actions arising under the Constitution, laws, or treaties of the United States. See 28 U.S.C § 1331. Those cases involve federal question jurisdiction. District courts have original jurisdiction over cases involving diversity jurisdiction. See 28 U.S.C. § 1332. District courts may also exercise supplemental jurisdiction at their discretion. See U.S.C. § 1367). Considering action, if such action is started this would make it's way all the way to the Supreme Court.

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10:15 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

YouTube fortnite videos

Every video has the worst use of bad language. Why? I love fortnite videos but come on, there's absolutely NO reason these streamers should be talking the way they do! It's an embarrassment to utube. Shame on u for allowing this to go on! It needs to be stopped now. Do u not care about all the children watching? Evidently not, its disgusting and u will lose viewer's. Please consider my and I'm sure lots of other people's opinion to clean this up...

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8:10 am EDT

YouTube video that was posted of me without my permission

This video was posted with me in it and I did not give my permission for it to be posted. The video link is This video clearly gives out personal information that I do not feel should be out on the internet. In addition to that, I do not like having my face plastered all over the internet without my permission. I am respectfully requesting that this be taken down ASAP. This video only shows a small portion of what has taken place and does not reflect all the facts of the incident. Quite frankly, I am surprised that this was allowed to be posted. Again, please remove this video. Thank you for your attention.

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11:09 am EDT

YouTube a channel was taken down


My name is Robert Clark. I'm a CPA in Key West, FL. The name of my business is Robert E. Clark, LLC.

There was a channel on Youtube that was recently taken down. The name of the channel was Hector Garcia, CPA. I used the channel often. Hector is a QuickBooks expert and his videos were my go-to source for when I had a QuickBooks question. Would you please restore his Youtube Chanel. His videos are a useful resource for accountants. I'm not affiliated with Hector in any way and I only ask this so I can view his videos when I have QuickBooks questions.

Robert E. Clark, CPA

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About YouTube

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YouTube is a video sharing platform that has revolutionized the way people consume and share video content. It was founded in 2005 by three former PayPal employees and was later acquired by Google in 2006. Since then, it has grown to become the second largest search engine in the world, with over 2 billion monthly active users.

The platform allows users to upload, share, and view videos on a wide range of topics, from music and entertainment to education and DIY tutorials. It has become a hub for creators, influencers, and brands to connect with their audiences and build communities around their content.

One of the key features of YouTube is its algorithm, which uses machine learning to recommend videos to users based on their viewing history and interests. This has made it easier for users to discover new content and for creators to reach new audiences.

YouTube has also become a major source of revenue for creators, with the platform offering various monetization options such as ads, sponsorships, and merchandise sales. This has led to the rise of a new generation of content creators who have turned their passion into a full-time career.

In recent years, YouTube has faced criticism for its handling of controversial content and its impact on mental health and well-being. However, the platform has taken steps to address these issues, such as implementing stricter community guidelines and providing resources for users to manage their screen time.

Overall, YouTube has had a profound impact on the way we consume and share video content, and it continues to be a major player in the digital landscape.
How to file a complaint about YouTube?

Here is the guide on how to file a complaint or review about YouTube on

1. Log in or create an account
- Start by logging into your account or create a new one if you don't have an account yet.

2. Navigating to the complaint form
- Locate and click on the 'File a Complaint' button on the website, found at the top right corner.

3. Writing the title
- Summarize the main issue with YouTube in the 'Complaint Title' section.

4. Detailing the experience
- Provide detailed information about your experience with YouTube, including key areas of concern, any transactions, steps taken to resolve the issue, personal impact, and the nature of the problem.

5. Attaching supporting documents
- Attach any relevant supporting documents but avoid including sensitive personal data.

6. Filing optional fields
- Use the 'Claimed Loss' field to state any financial losses and the 'Desired Outcome' field to specify the resolution you are seeking.

7. Review before submission
- Review your complaint for clarity, accuracy, and completeness before submitting.

8. Submission process
- Submit your complaint by clicking the 'Submit' button.

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Ensure you follow these steps to effectively file a complaint or review about YouTube on

Overview of YouTube complaint handling

YouTube reviews first appeared on Complaints Board on Sep 18, 2007. The latest review Pay to watch commercials was posted on Jan 6, 2025. The latest complaint Poor customer service was resolved on Dec 09, 2024. YouTube has an average consumer rating of 1 stars from 6509 reviews. YouTube has resolved 29 complaints.
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