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CB Events and Festivals Live Nation 308 Euclid Ave, Cleveland, OH, 44114, US
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Live Nation
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Live Nation

308 Euclid Ave, Cleveland, OH, 44114, US
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1 complaint
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12:00 am EST
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

Live Nation - rip off!

The House of Blues in Cleveland Ohio ripped me off. I bought tickets to a concert there and when I went to see the show, it was so oversold that I could not even find a place to stand to see the concert. I complained to management and asked for a refund. I could not believe they sold so many tickets to this concert that it was so overcrowded, it was unsafe for me in their facility. Management made excuses why they could not refund my hard earned money. Where are the Cleveland authorities? Should not the Cleveland Fire Dept. control how many tickets HOB sells to their shows?

This will never happen, because Cleveland is so tax poor they need HOB.

HOB has taken over another concert facility 'Blossom in Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio and they have made a corporate mess of this venue as well. $9 for a Draft Beer? Rude security as with the House of Blues in Cleveland and very poor pompous management. I can't warn you enough not to trust HOB, House of Blues facilities in Ohio and from what I read on the internet, this practice of overselling their shows is common among the organization. I will never spend a dime at any HOB facility again. I just can't trust them to not oversell their shows and their management to make it right after they do.

If you go to a show at HOB Cleveland or Blossom HOB in Cuyahoga Falls, you get what you deserve. Oversold shows and overpriced drinks.

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The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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Susie White
Feb 01, 2023 1:37 pm EST

There has been a fb page opened under live nation website. They have the depot on it without permission. I want it taken down.

Go to fb the depot and we are the picture withthe railroad sttion in black and white.

glenn vierra
smartsville, US
Oct 10, 2022 7:57 am EDT

I bought 4 drinks at $22 each total $88. I did not tip on the app I tipped with cash. My bank statement says Toyota amphitheater $116, Thats an extra $28.

Oct 14, 2019 1:33 pm EDT

I am so angry that Live Nation made the ticket sales for Dave Chapelle's surprise show available online only, because the third party buyers have robots that can buy all the tickets at once! It gives the regular consumer no chance to buy tickets at the regular price! We should be able to buy them in person !

Oct 07, 2019 7:02 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I would like to voice my complaint one the above referenced concert. I cam from NYC for the reunion only, and what I was left with was five songs! The press build this up to be an amazing reunion and even Rod made it sound like it was going to be a night to remember. The one thing I will remember is how I was duped & spent over $2K for 23 minutes!

Nov 12, 2018 5:29 pm EST

I have paid the money and I receive a dodgy email from 'allianz' with misspelled wording, and it says i am not going to the concert even though I have paid. I demand a refund or my tickets, this is meant to be a large corporation.

Mike McGowan
Oct 31, 2018 7:08 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I attended the wmmr bbq at the bb&t pavilion in nj. Security employe 569 was extremely difficult rude and aggressive. I have been to many events. She physical Grabbed my wife to just check her ticket. Brusing her arm I am currently considering seeking legal counsel. Youremployees need better training.

Toriano Martin
Oct 14, 2018 8:49 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

At 10pm, Lauryn Hill still has not performed for a concert that began at 6:30. This is ridiculous. Will a partial refund be issued? No one is addressing the audience and we have been listening to a DJ for over an hour. $300 on tickets and this is the treatment?!

Aug 14, 2018 10:32 am EDT

I want to be refunded for air line tickets, parking, hotel accomodation and 4 taxi fares.
I will need to spend this money again.

Air line tickets $500
Parking $180
Hotel Accomonation $480
Taxi $320

A total of $1380

my email is
My phone number is [protected]

Dallas, US
Nov 19, 2010 5:52 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I'd like to add my experience here. I found that HOB and Live Nation are nothing but corporate spammers and hacks exploiting every possible avenue to rape you for another penny. They use every trick in the book to sneak charges in on you, sell you subscriptions to magazines, register for adware supported discounts and other unseemly junk. To begin with, the prices are far from transparent. You get the HOB price and as you travel through all the adds and promotions you are introduced to more and more fees as you commit to it. After purchasing tickets one gets the impression he/she just visited a warez or pornography website. And rather than sending you an email with a PDF file of your tickets attached they charge you another $2.50 for that little privilege with a cute little note/warning that it will be a pain to retrieve your tickets at the venue. This puts their charge for handling HOB tickets at $11.16 with all the fees combined. At one point I noticed that had I not checked a box to decline a subscription to Rolling Stone magazine, I would have likely been charged for said subscription. You actually have to decline, rather than accept it. Makes me wonder what else I have in store for me. Then HOB holds you captive to their oversold and uncomfortable venue with a 200% mark up on concessions and a rancher to cattle relationship with the staff. In short, you might as well be buying concert tickets from American Airlines. The whole experience ruined my anticipation at seeing the John Butler Trio and made me wonder if these artists even know what they are forcing their fans to endure. If so, I'm inclined to look at their music in a different and less reverent way. If you go to House of Blues, you should eat and drink before go to save some money and drink their 5.00 bottled water instead. Don't support these greedy little thieves any more than you have to. House of Blues may want you to think they are an organization dedicated to bringing you quality music, but they are really just a corporation exploiting your interests in music in every way possible.

Bradenton Beach, US
Jun 30, 2010 10:46 pm EDT

I must say that the House of Blues disappointed me terribly. I took a friend there. We are of different races; I am white and he black. We put our names in on a waiting list and, when he picked up the buzzer we were asked to leave our credit card. I asked what the man said, and my friend said that we had to leave a credit card because we might steal the buzzer. I have been there many times in the past and have never been asked to do such a thing.

I leveled a complaint with the manager's office and was called back. He tried to assure me that it wasn't a discriminatory act but a common practice at their restaurant. I explained that it had never happened to me until I was with someone of a different race than I. He wanted to send us a certificate and we are to call him personally for a reservation, so he can show us that this was not a racist act.

However, in speaking with another friend who is white by the way, he goes to the House of Blues in Myrtle Beach and has never been asked to leave anything in order to ensure the safe return of their buzzer. I really want to contact someone in higher authority.

My friend is a wonderful person and deserves so much more than just an apology, a free meal or show. He deserves to enter and exit a place such as the House of Blues with his integrity in tack. This kind and caring man was truly demeaned in my opinion. I was too, however it is different for me. As I haven't been treated like that before, it appears the discrimination was only directed at me because of my friendship with this man. Nothing that the House of Blues can offer me will ever make up for what I saw happen that night.

To my dear friend, I truly apologize because I believe that changed the course of the evening.

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