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TerraCorp. Complaints 6

11:06 am EST
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TerraCorp. Garbage bins not being emptied due to furniture being dumped and garbage strewn all over the place

I am currently residing at [address protected] Windsor, Ontario. I have lived here now for 6 months. The entire building has deteriorated immensely since I moved in.

The WORKERS are dumping furniture into our Garbage bins as well as on the sidewalks ... and the Garbage People are NOT EMPTYING these bins due to that reason.

Rats are beginning to accumulate and we already have mice running around constantly.

The floors are NOT being vacuumed whatsoever and nobody cares.

As well, our Elevators are out 90% of the time. They were just upgraded and people are getting stuck almost every two or three days.

Also, the Company will not do ANY UPGRADES for people with disabilities. Even our front doors do not have an electric door opener and there are many MANY people walking with walkers, canes, even in wheelchairs. Terracorp has even denied the Resident Manager any upgrades to ASSIST their tenants. I thought it was LAW that all buildings now have electric door openers.

This place has really become a dump in my words and a lot of other people agree with me 1000%.

Desired outcome: CLEAN the building and keep it cleaned or Terracorp is going to have a LOT OF EMPTY Apartments at this location,

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7:20 am EST
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TerraCorp. your crooked landlords

I live at 14 oxford st strathroy at one of your buildings and you have the WORST landlords they feel the need to vacuum at 8AM in the morning we live on the first floor by the elevator and i work the night shift been told several times i need the quiet and they don't care... we had mold in our apartment and we were handed CLR and told to handle it ourselves? it took 4 months to get my door fixed as it stuck which is a fire hazard... i dont understand what you are paying them for? we had bees in the back that werent takenb care of i am sick of this and i will go public i will go to the news and i will go to the papers and i will take you to court ... you had a temporary landlord here and she threatened me I HAVE PROOF OF ALL OF THIS my lawyer advised me to write you and i have written the landlord tenant act you have 24 hours then i am going public and suing as i have video proof thanks
Natasha Angell

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Update by bumblebee234
Nov 07, 2018 7:25 am EST

You have crooked lazy landlords, They have been vacuuming at 8am and i work the night shift and i am on the first floor by the elevator i have told them this several times and they just don't care, We had mold in our apartment Isabelle hands me CLR and tells me to deal with it? I'm sorry what? Our door stuck which is a fire hazard took 4 months to get fixed... we had bees in the back another four months your temporary landlord threatened me. We pay our rent on time EVERY month and never been late we don't party and we arent noisy i want the same respect in return i have contacted a lawyer and the landlord tenant act they have seen the videos and pictures that i have they have told me to write you. You have 24 hours to get back and i go public and we sue have a great day


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10:40 am EDT

TerraCorp. apartment

Terra Corp is the most crooked company I have EVER dealt with. Luckily I have now moved out and into another apartment building but here are some expierences I've had that will most likely make you think twice about renting with them:

1) when we moved in there were cigarette butts in the bottom of our linen closet and the toilet didn't work. Our landlord said he would get around to fixing it and I had to, my first day, tell him I would hold rent until I CAN USE THE TOLIET. He fixed it immediately.

2) My hallway smelled like feces for about 2 months. There was a HUGE leak in the ceiling right about my door in the hallway. I made about 6 maintenance requests about the smell and leak, nothing was done. I contacted head office and the landlord was at my door trying to tell me that it is the neighbours creating the smell and not the leak.

3) There were renovations going on upstairs in the apartment above mine for almost 3 months. Was woken up by the noise of tools in the morning and what sounded like laying hardwood. One time at 2AM, there were 3 loud bangs on the ceiling. I didn't think anyone lived there but I wrote a note saying "please keep it down. Curfew is a 11pm and there have been 3 loud bangs since then thanks -your downstairs neighbour". I then come home to a note on my door the next day from my landlord with a photocopied picture of my note saying "I think you're mistaken the woman above you is a 60 year old WIDOW (he wrote that in caps) who goes to bed at 10pm every night. Your downstairs neighbors think the noise is you." Needless to say, there were never any renovations going on.

4) The landlords wife was drunk in the lobby screaming once.


5) I was woken up at 6:45AM by a worker throwing a HUGE stacks of 4x4 wood pallets into the empty dumpster. Which I live on the 3 floor and was right below me. Even with the window closed it sounded like someone was at the end of my bed with pots and pans. I went on my balcony and asked "can you wait a bit to do that please, come on it's 7AM. And the kid shot me the finger. I then called my landlord, the kid saw me on the phone and began to curse and yell obsenities at me. Telling me to wake the [censor] up and get a job. I began to tell him I work swing and was at my job until 1AM last night which is why I would like peace and quiet at 7AM. He then continued to tell me I was a slob and to get dressed to go [censor] myself and so on. Now the landlord is out here PICKING UP THE WOOD SO THIS KID CAN CONTINUE TO YELL AT ME. And doesn't say a thing. Doesn't stop the yelling, DOESNT DO ANYTHING. I said "Rob, you're an awful manager!" And went inside. They then gave me and eviction notice and called the police on me. At 3pm that day while on my way to work I get a call from the Windsor police asking me to come home. I had to call in sick and I was written up at work as well.

This company has its *** backwards. When I sent them an email saying I would like to discuss the way their worker spoke to me today, they ignored it. When I called and left a message asking to discuss it, they ignored it and sent me an eviction notice.

I started looking for a new place immediately, when I found one I had only one month left on my lease. When I wrote a request to cancel based on everything that has happened they told me no.

Never rent from Terra Corp. They are only there for their employees and don't care about anyone that actually gives them money.

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Is TerraCorp. Legit?

TerraCorp. earns a trustworthiness rating of 100%

Highly recommended, but caution will not hurt.

Our conclusion: TerraCorp. stands out for their exceptional legitimacy, according to ComplaintsBoard’s detailed analysis. This highlights TerraCorp.'s reputation as a trustworthy leader in their field. Customers can rely on TerraCorp.'s services, assured they're dealing with a highly reputable and fully legitimate company.

We found clear and detailed contact information for TerraCorp.. The company provides a physical address, phone number, and email, as well as social media account. This demonstrates a commitment to customer service and transparency, which is a positive sign for building trust with customers.

The age of TerraCorp.'s domain suggests that they have had sufficient time to establish a reputation as a reliable source of information and services. This can provide reassurance to potential customers seeking quality products or services. has a valid SSL certificate, which indicates that the website is secure and trustworthy. Look for the padlock icon in the browser and the "https" prefix in the URL to confirm that the website is using SSL. has been deemed safe to visit, as it is protected by a cloud-based cybersecurity solution that uses the Domain Name System (DNS) to help protect networks from online threats. regularly updates its policies to reflect changes in laws, regulations. These policies are easy to find and understand, and they are written in plain language that is accessible to all customers. This helps customers understand what they are agreeing to and what to expect from TerraCorp..

However ComplaintsBoard has detected that:

  • has relatively low traffic compared to other websites, it could be due to a niche focus, but could also indicate a potential lack of traffic and popularity. The may offer a niche product or service that is only of interest to a smaller audience.
  • We found that the technical contact email address listed for TerraCorp. appears to be invalid or not in use. This could be a red flag and may indicate that the website is not being properly maintained or monitored. It is important to ensure that contact information listed on a website is accurate and up-to-date
8:11 pm EDT
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TerraCorp. Maintenance

When some events occur, they force you to think in certain direction. Here are some clues that lead me to that direction. The fan in the stove hood was soaked in oil indicating that an attempt to lubricate it was made. Not paying any attention to the possibility that the oil may drip to the food on the stove. The kitchen counter was very dirty; i am guilty of believing their nonsense about it was the ex-tenant's doing. I spent a whole day trying to clean it. I started with regular cleaning liquid but it did not work. I switched to cleaning powder and again it did not work. There was this thick, sticky layer of god knows what. I had to use a metal spatula to scrape it. There was a leak in the counter it was inspected and replacement was promised. After waiting for about 5 months, building manager and another person came and made some measurements then left. I am still waiting! What does that tell you? The dishwasher was very old machine (Probably the first machine ever produced) that made noise only and did not clean anything. Please remember these because they would support the direction of my thoughts. However, because i do not have hard evidence or know for sure i will pose some of the questions that occurred to me, may be someone has an answer. Last time i asked 2 questions but that generated a lot more questions.
Do laws/regulations allow owners to increase rent for every new tenant? If that is the case, then this is the most stupid law/regulation exists. It is practically telling owners to force tenants to leave.
Is it possible to make more money by forcing tenants to move out before end of lease than long-term tenancy, even if the apartment stays vacant for a month or two? My own thought and guess is yes. Under the threat of court action, it is easy to convince ex-tenant that a deal to pay portion of the remaining lease is better than court and make payments of ex-tenant and new tenant overlap. The drawback to this is running out of new tenants eventually.
Could it be that it has nothing to do with money? It is illegal to refuse renting to qualified people. However, if you force them to leave after renting and keep those you like, is that illegal?
Anybody knows that a stuck fan could be fixed with 1 drop or 2 of oil to loosen it. If it does not work, soaking it in oil on the hope that it would get loosen later is not good. That is especially true if you obtained the fan stuck already and do not know the cause.
To buy a new kitchen counter, make the measurements, get it cut and installed would not take more than 1-3 weeks. Then why would it take 6 months, and counting? The building manager came to do some measurements on the counter then nothing, what does that indicate? Obviously, at that time, somehow, they came to have a counter close to existing one; but it was not a good fit. A new one would not have that problem it is measured and cut to fit! Would picking up a counter from a dumpster, curbside, or recycling center for small fee or free, explain that?
They have no way to know where, when, and what its condition. It could have been there for 1 day or 1 year. It could have been in a clean warehouse or filthy dumpster. It could be clean or filthy and home to variety of insects. Would not that explain tenants' complaints posted early about insects?
Based on my observations, sterilizing items is out of the question. Good cleaning is unlikely. Wiping with a rag is probable.
In general, not only this case; because some of these items get in contact with food a health hazard may exist. For public establishments there are laws, regulations and inspectors who can take actions to protect the public. To health ministry at both levels and housing authority, who is protecting tenants from those without conscious?
Do some of these people who use this recycling idea claim the cost of brand new items for the items they picked up free on their taxes?
Anybody has explanation or different conclusion?

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8:35 am EDT
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TerraCorp. Maintenance and whole attitude

My experience with Terra Corp is like dealing with hustlers. On my first visit to 882 Kipps Lane, the building manager said that they “will renovate the apartment” and told me that the tenant was an old woman and she was in the hospital; never said she was still a tenant. In addition, the apartment was empty no furniture giving me the impression that it was vacant. I made an application on May 29, 2015 for July 1 occupancy and gave deposit. I also signed a lease. I asked for my copy. The building manager said that head office would sign both copies and I would get mine with keys at move-in. She agreed to June 28 for move-in. Less than 10 days before move-in date (a long wait?) someone from head office called telling me that Terra does not allow free early moving-in. I offered to pay for 3 days. He refused and came up with new stories; the previous tenant did not want to move-out before end of the month, then without being paid? There was an argument about what was agreed upon at application time and the practicality of renovating in less than 1/2 day after tenant moves out. I offered to pay for one week; not accepted. Considering the short time left to start looking again, reluctantly, I offered to pay for 1/2 month, it was already way past middle of the month. He said that the tenant wanted a whole month. At that point, I knew it was not the tenant. I refused and asked for my deposit back. Next day I got a call that things were OK as planned at application time. On move-in day, a perfect “inspection report” was pushed on me to sign. I refused since I had not seen the apartment after renovation. A quick inspection revealed 3 problems; kitchen counter was rotted at faucet area and had a hole that was filled. Bathtub was chipped and had 2 silicone dams at outside corners to prevent water from running to the floor. They blamed it on previous tenant for not using shower curtain. Anybody could see that the tub was sloppily mounted on an angle and I have to drain these corners after every shower! I did not get my copy of the lease as promised. I kept asking every day and got a new excuse every time. I got my copy after threatening to hire a lawyer to Cancel the lease and charge them with costs. The first time I turned on the fan of the stove hood it did not work. It was also soaked in lubricating oil that would drip on the food on the stove and harm people! Advice: take pictures of everything, I did. They have been “working” on replacing the kitchen counter for 6 months and counting? The dishwasher, which I pay for its use through my rent, was very old and useless. Last week of Jul, I wrote a work order for the dishwasher explaining the urgent need for fixing or replacement. It took them 2 weeks to send someone to ‘inspect’ it. I asked him to write that I have Arthritis in my hands and cannot do the job manually; hoping that it would reach ‘humans’ who would speed it up. I wrote letters begging them with no response. I ended up buying one myself at end of Aug. I deducted the cost from Sep rent, again not a word until Sept 28 receiving an eviction notice. I am applying to Landlords & Tenants Board to get Terra to pay for the D/W.
Few things are strange and make one think. If you buy a new counter, it would be measured and cut to fit existing set up. That would NOT take more than 2-3 week to install. Same thing with dishwasher, then why is the delay? Five tenants moved in then out of 2 apartments in a period of 15 months I have been there? This is for 2 apartments only; for sure, there are many more that are vacant. You would think that with a situation like this Terra would do its best to keep other tenants. In reality, they are doing the exact opposite; why? Have they found a more profitable way than long-term tenancy?

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Grey Ghost
Feb 24, 2021 11:58 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

We moved into Building No. 880 Kipps Lane approximately 9 years ago. Over that period of time, my wife has had the licence plates stolen from her new Subaru and she started getting fines from T.O. and Highway 407 toll fees obviously resulting from the driver of the vehicle operating his/her car with my wife's stolen plates. Dealing with the City of Toronto (over parking tickets) and Highway 407 was a nightmare..., but FINALLY, my wife stopped receiving tickets/fines... We are confident that her licence plates are still being used on a vehicle that is not registered to my wife. I had my Hyundai (Santa FE) S.U.V. broke into and approximately $5, 500.00 worth of goods stolen. Every month, either the fire department, police and ambulance come blaring down Kipps Lane and stop at 880 or 882 Kipps Lane because of a fire, or someone suffering from a health issue..., sometimes at 02:00 and 04:00 hours (wee hours of the morning when you're fast asleep!). The cockroaches run like crazy inside our apartment together with water dripping from various sources..., mainly in the bathroom and kitchen.., causing a distinct odour of mould. We are on the first floor and the dust inside our apartment is just wicked..., causing us severe allergy problems (breathing and sneezing)... We are still waiting to have these problems resolved but after waiting for well over a month now..., the Landlord has failed to address this issue. The calibre of people living in this building has gone down since we've moved in..., such as tenants coming home drunk on a Friday, Saturday night..., creating unnecessary disturbances at one and two o'clock in the morning..., which is a major piss-off especially if you're sleeping at the time. The Landlord is at best, mediocre when it comes to addressing repair issues in a timely fashion. (We are still waiting for some kind of pest control service to come in and spray for insects and nobody has responded to our mould complaint... ... ). On the positive side..., the Landlord is quite cognizant about fire safety and the fire alarms are inspected on a regular basis. Snow removal is usually completed within hours of a snowfall.. The front Lobby is generally clean..., but..., on occasion, the parking lot is not kept clean (pieces if paper, garbage, plastic cups, beer cans, etc., are strewn about and remain an eye-sore until the Superintendent decides to clean things up. On numerous occasions, ignorant people attending at this location have parked in my PAID ("RESERVED") parking spot and neither the Landlord nor the Superintendent(s) have taken any steps to ENFORCE the parking violations, by arranging to have these vehicles removed towed away..., so I've had to find an alternative parking spot and wait until the inconsiderate visitor leaves the premises. Over the course of 9 years..., we have paid our rent ON TIME. EVERY TIME! That's approximately 110 payments and not one has been even a minute late. We are model tenants (seniors), who do not go out of our way to create problems for the Landlord.., or other Tenants. The time has come where we had enough! We submitted our 60-day NOTICE to move to a much better building in BYRON..., adjacent to the Thames River. We have discovered that the Landlord is substantially increased the rent for a two-bedroom apartment.., which is now $1400.00 - $1450.00 per month plus the cost of hydro...Our rent at our new location in BYRON is $1, 400.00 per month plus hydro..., but this new location is so much more than you will see at 880-882 Kipps Lane! There is a higher quality of Tenants..., this newer property is well maintained by quality Landlords, the apartments are super clean with air-conditioning. The landscaping is beautiful. The kitchen is almost three times bigger and there are two full-size bathrooms. Compared to what TERRA-CORP is offering here at 880 and 882 Kipps Lane..., we are getting a real bang on the buck for our apartment in BYRON! By the way..., since we moved into this apartment building at 880 Kipps Lane..., we have seen 5 different Superintendents in-charge here. In my view.., that is a high turnover... ... I would give this property at 880-882 Kipps Lane (and TERRA-CORP) and two-star rating at best!

5:46 am EST
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I moved into an apartment at the end of August 2010. The address of these apartments is 1255 Huron St. in London Ontario. Everything was fine with the apartment until the cooler fall and winter months starting coming. As the weather started to get colder, cockroaches started to come into my unit. They were crawling up the bathroom drain. I immediately got...

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Overview of TerraCorp. complaint handling

TerraCorp. reviews first appeared on Complaints Board on Jan 3, 2011. The latest review Garbage bins not being emptied due to furniture being dumped and garbage strewn all over the place was posted on Nov 27, 2023. The latest complaint Garbage bins not being emptied due to furniture being dumped and garbage strewn all over the place was resolved on Nov 27, 2023. TerraCorp. has an average consumer rating of 3 stars from 6 reviews. TerraCorp. has resolved 3 complaints.
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    560 Wellington Rd., Second Floor, London, Ontario, N6A3R4, Canada
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  6. Nick
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    May 13, 2024

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