Sold me a broke washer and dryer never used it because the didn't work the waste flooded my floor causing my floor to be warp the dryer was smoking making lots banging sound. They sold call service man didnt come until the next day said the valves and the motor bout gone call sga back no answer period. I gave them $200 and! my old washer and dryer they claimed I didn't but the security camera have it all my credit card company call saying the saw fraudulent activity going through on in my account 3 different companies was trying to get money out my account all 3 lead back to south Ga Appliance! They are investigating it. I am going to press charges plus I got a lawyer to deal with them and there company name Acima, is also a part of the scamming and fraudulent activities! Stay away from these scamming, fraudulent, thieving companies
Desired outcome: a class action lawsuit and to be shut diwn