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OVH Reviews 20

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OVH Fraudulent practices and false promises: my experience with OVH

I gotta say, my experience with OVH hasn't been that great so far. I opened a ticket with them, asking for some help, but I haven't heard back from them in like 24 hours. That's pretty annoying if you ask me! On top of that, I asked for a refund but still haven't heard anything back from them. Maybe I shouldn't have been so dumb and checked their reviews on Trust Pilot first. I mean, they've only got a score of 2.2, which should have been a big red flag for me.

When I signed up with them, they promised me 20GB of SSD. But they gave me fake space which disappeared in no time at all, even if I didn't actually do anything with it. I tried deleting some files to free up space, but the space still kept changing every second. I checked my space using the CMD DF command and it just kept adding more space every second. When I asked them why that was happening, they never responded! It just seems like they're trying to scam me with fake promises and false security measures.

Apparently, OVH is a French company, and it seems to me like they're using fraudulent practices to get ahead. If you ask me, that's not cool at all. They only seem to respond to negative reviews on Trust Pilot, which makes me think that they're trying to keep up appearances. If you're thinking about using any French company, I'm telling you right now, be careful! They all seem to use fraud as a way of doing business. If you do decide to take the risk, make sure they accept PayPal as a payment method. At least that way, you'll have some extra protection.

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OVH Disappointing Experience with OVH VPS Plan: Unreliable Servers and Inflexible Refund Policy

I purchased a VPS plan from OVH on September 18th. I was eager to start using it, but unfortunately, I ran into a few issues along the way. Firstly, I had some trouble accessing the root, then I had trouble with some outdated commands, and finally, I experienced some difficulty with securing the VPS. I made three attempts to set up the VPS, but to no avail.

Feeling frustrated and out of my depth, I decided to cancel my VPS plan altogether. However, when I tried to do so, I kept running into technical glitches with their cancellation form. It was really frustrating to be stuck in a loop like that.

Eventually, I had to contact their support team to request a cancellation. After waiting for three days, I received a disappointing reply. They said that they would only offer a refund if there were any hardware faults, which wasn't the case. That was a bummer, but I still explained my situation hoping they would understand and offer me a refund.

The very next day, I received another email saying that their billing team had reviewed my refund request but regretfully concluded that I was not eligible for a refund. I couldn't believe it! I'd lost my money, and their service hadn't even worked for me.

Overall, I wouldn't recommend OVH to anyone. Their servers are unreliable, and their refund policy isn't flexible. Be careful if you decide to use their service.

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OVH Warning: Terrible Experience with OVH Hosting Services

Je voulais donner mon avis sur OVH ( et franchement c'est la galère. J'ai payé ma facture en utilisant un transfert bancaire et j'ai envoyé le bordereau de paiement via email à leur support. Ils ont activé mon espace de suite et j'ai lancé mon site. Mais, après quelques jours, je me suis rendu compte qu'ils ont arrêté mon site et demandent régulièrement le paiement de la facture pour la deuxième fois (ça commence à faire beaucoup). Le support technique ne répond jamais. J'ai déjà perdu beaucoup de temps pour l'activation de mon compte qui devait prendre seulement deux jours et maintenant, je suis obligé de perdre encore plus de temps et d'énergie... Je suis vraiment énervé.

Le service est médiocre, le support est médiocre et l'expérience utilisateur l'est tout autant. Cette entreprise est un véritable cauchemar. À chaque fois que vous avez un problème, on vous renvoie à des "solutions standard" qui ne vous aideront pas à résoudre le problème réel. Ils sont également impossibles à contacter, ce qui ne facilite pas les choses. Franchement, je vous recommande de chercher d'autres alternatives pour votre hébergement.

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OVH OVH Review: Great Service, Mediocre Support

I been using OVH for years and I really like them. I shutted down my 2 old VPS systems because they were slowly moving away from my old VPS line. Now I am using their newer ones. Right now, I don't have any complains with OVH but when I had some problems with my system, their support team didn't act quickly. It sucks, man. They need to get that sorted out! OVH guys are amazing at many things - except for support. I wish they could put more money into their support team. If they could get that right, they would be the best provider out there, no doubt. Sadly, the people up top don't seem to care about this issue, and it has been going on since the creation of OVH. Oh well, as long as things are working smoothly, I guess.

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OVH Beware: OVH's Fine Print Traps You in Unwanted Contracts" - A Review of OVH's VPS Hosting Services

OVH got a name in the tech world as the best deal in town to catch a VPS server, for hosting behind a website. They promote their high bandwidth machines with low prices, but you can buy customer service too. All pretty good so far.

But iron it out, their site always talks about how it's "easy to cancel," and in one part they say if you "stop paying your bill...we will reclaim your server."

So I'm in there. The service wasn't right for me. Don't matter why. I go to cancel and they're all like "you owe us 480 big ones," all because I agreed to a 2 year contract, I guess.

I dunno where they squeezed that in, but these guys ain't no saints and it's an insult to the Francophone tradition. You should look elsewhere.

Last thing: never never never sign up to a recurring thing online. Talk to someone in person and make the call.

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OVH Avoid OVH at all costs! My disastrous experience with them cost me $15K

I am so disappointed in OVH, it's no wonder why they have such bad reviews. My experience with them was absolutely disastrous. I was with OVH for close to a decade and I thought they were a good company, oh boy was I mistaken.

The entire server was unavailable for more than two days because one of my clients' website was hacked and the OVH Abuse team confirmed that the website had phishing files. Although I quickly removed the phishing files, OVH still took down the entire server on Friday night, just like that! I couldn't believe it.

I had over thirty-six important clients with high-level accounts on the server, but OVH didn't care about that, did they? It's been more than 72 hours since they took down my server and it's still offline. I have lost eight clients since last Friday and over $15,000 in revenue – all because of OVH's poor decision-making and bad business practices. I am fuming!

I am beyond frustrated with the lack of support I have received from OVH. I've spoken to tech support multiple times and each time they've told me the same thing – that the abuse team has to send an email before they can bring the server back online. The abuse team, on the other hand, hasn't responded to any of my emails. It's a joke!

I am now actively seeking legal support to sue OVH for my loss of business, especially in light of their negligence towards rectifying my server issues. All I can say is, avoid OVH at all costs! They are terrible and unreliable.

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OVH AVOID OVH France: Unreliable Service & Language Barrier Headaches

If you're looking for a server provider in the IT field and you stumble upon OVH ( from France, be warned - you might be in for a headache. Turns out, their support team doesn't speak English and will only speak French! How's that for being conservative and a bit racist? It's as if they don't welcome with open arms the idea of a global community.

When you call them, you might be talking to some teenage guys who think it's funny to make you the butt of their jokes. Imagine renting a server just 26 days ago and suddenly it crashes down, and you have no one to provide you support in a language you can speak. The best you can do is open a support ticket, and hope that someone will recognize your problem and solve it.

But, unfortunately, that's not what always happens. When our poor reviewer here contacted OVH because of a server issue, they changed the motherboard but that didn't solve the problem. This person found themselves calling OVH a whopping 17 times in one day, and it all seemed to be for nothing. These French companies all give the same answer - some may say it in blue language, some in red, some in white - but it's all the same! We're not sure what to make of this colorful description, but it's clear that OVH France is not the place to go for prompt and reliable service.

It seems that OVH Canada is much better than their counterpart in France, with a problem-solving approach that is more helpful for customers. It would be wise to steer clear of OVH France and keep your fingers crossed that they will someday be willing to solve their customer's problems. Our reviewer doesn't seem to care anymore, but you might if you have such issues to deal with.

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OVH OVH Review: Terrible Interface, Disappointing Support, and Not Worth Your Time

Bro, I gotta say, my experience with OVH has been an absolute hot mess. It's like what happened to their servers a few years back is still happening with their interface - it's just a total debacle. I mean, half the time this thing doesn't even load up! I'll have enough time to jot down my grocery list before this rubbish GUI decides to grace me with its presence.

And don't even get me started on their customer and technical support - something that should be basic, right? Wrong. If you wanna actually chat with somebody over an issue that could plausibly be caused by their substandard service, you gotta fork over a mad amount of dough for an annual fee! It's literally disgusting, man.

It's the worst because I gotta keep my domain names with OVH since switching to anyone else would have my websites completely out of commission for a week or two. But even as a registrar, they're still bummy because of their horrid interface.

I'm disappointed to say this, homie, but even though they're a French service (which I do wanna show some love for), I gotta warn you - stay away from OVH if you're trying to start something new! It's just terrible, bro.

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OVH OVH Review: Poor Customer Service and Communication Channels Lead to Frustration and Loss of Website

I recently had not one, but two problems with OVH. I needed to renew my website which had an application for patient tracking that cost me an arm and a leg, approximately $20,000. However, the email associated with my account was that of my programmer who no longer works for the company. Due to this, when it was time for the renewal, I never received the notification and was not alerted. I only realized the problem when it was too late and there was no way to recover my site. Consequently, I lost everything and was devastated. It was so frustrating because I put in a lot of resources, energy, and time into building the website, only for it to go down the drain without any warning.

As if that wasn't enough, I also had another issue with OVH. About a month ago, I reserved a domain name and received the confirmation email that it had been done successfully. I was happy and went ahead to install WordPress on the website, and to my dismay, everything didn't go as planned. I received confirmation that everything was done, but when I tested it, it didn't work. Disheartened, I reached out by opening a ticket, and to my surprise, they closed it, telling me that everything was fine. I opened more tickets, but the same thing kept happening. Every time I raised the issue, they informed me that everything was correct. They then advised me to call CIRA to confirm my domain name and assured me that they would quickly resolve everything. I followed their advice and called CIRA, but after talking with their support team, I was disappointed to learn that the domain wasn't reserved. It was so frustrating and discouraging.

I called OVH to inform them of the new development, and to my surprise, they promptly cancelled my invoice without even informing me. I called back for more details, and they told me that there was a registration problem and that they had decided to cancel it. According to them, it was the easiest thing to do, which was not the case at all. It was such a headache for me, and I was so disappointed by the whole experience.

To conclude, I think that OVH needs to improve their customer service and communication channels. They cannot afford to be cancelling things without proper consultation or notifications. It's unprofessional and only leads to inconvenience and frustration on the client's end. I hope that they will up their game and improve their services to avoid such inconveniences in the future.

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OVH OVH Review: Terrible Service and Support - Stay Away!

IV been with ovh for like 5 year man. Honestly, theyre support hasnt really been all dat good. I never really needed it before, so it werent no big dealio, ya know? But jus like a couple weeks ago, my VPS just went down on its own. And when we tried to reboot it from their ovh manager page, it didnt come back up and we couldnt access it no more - like no ssh, no WHM, no pinging the server, nuttin. Even the rescue mode was the same - it was like it was completely dead. I mean, no way a customer could fix that - it was all on ovh. But when we reached out to them for help in their support ticket, they just kept tellin us to use the rescue mode or their KVM to fix it ourselves. It was hella frustrating man, especially cuz we already told em we tried all dat and it didnt work. But they just kept comin back with the same response. Finally, we just said screw it and told em to gimme a refund of the last payment cuz this aint no way to run a business. And of course, they aint even responded to that ticket yet, so I dont even know if I'm gonna git my money back or not. But da good thing is I was uploadin backups to an external environment so I still got my data. All in all, ovh got terrible service and they a terrible company. Stay away from these guys, man.

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OVH Complaints 10

5:24 am EDT
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OVH Delayed refund and inconsistent communication from OVH

So, I decided to try OVH and got myself a VPS service, paying 266 Euros a while back on 15th February, 2023. However, they came back to me asking for my national ID or passport information as I had missed sharing it initially. They said that since I did not agree to send this information, the refund process would take between 9 to 14 days to be completed and that it was not entirely under their control. This gave me some doubts, but I had faith and waited.

But, I have noticed inconsistencies in the messages they wrote to me on different dates about my refund. As of writing this, it has been a total of 23 days since I first made the payment, and still, unfortunately, the refund has not come through yet.

I hope that they can sort this out quickly and refund me the money I have been waiting for, as any longer of this could really hurt my trust and loyalty towards them. Overall, it has not been the best experience with OVH, but I hope they will work on their customer support and policies moving forward.

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4:31 am EDT
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OVH Disappointed with OVH's False Promise of 256 IPs and Poor Service

I bought a server from OVH and apparently it came with 256IP's, but when I checked my account, all that jazz wasn't there. I wrote some tickets and no one got back to me after waiting one day. That's when I decided to call them and that's when they told me that I had to pay more money for every IP. Ugh, I was ticked off, but I ended up buying a few extra IP's and paid right away. But get this, it took like a whole day to activate them. Seriously, OVH, you gotta step up your game. That experience was not cool.

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2:41 am EDT
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OVH OVH Hosting Review: Interface Too Complicated, Customer Support Nonexistent

OVH, ah man, what can I say? I've been using this hosting service for a while now and I gotta tell ya, it really isn't all that great. The interface is just way too complicated for my liking! I mean, come on, I'm not a computer genius or nothin', I just wanna be able to navigate a website without feeling like I need a degree in computer science. And don't even get me started on the statistics, or lack thereof. It's like they don't even care about providing their customers with basic information about their website's performance.

But you know what the worst thing about OVH is? The customer support, or lack thereof, should I say. It wasn't great to begin with, but now they've gone and done away with it altogether! I mean, what kind of a company just gets rid of their support system like that? It's pretty crappy if you ask me. And if you try to get in touch with someone to help you out, you're forced to go through this annoying series of questions and you still don't even get to talk to a real person!

Honestly, OVH has become so bad that I'd rather use a free hosting service at this point. The only reason I haven't switched to a different platform yet is because I really don't wanna deal with the hassle of moving all my stuff over. But let me tell ya, if I had the option to switch without all the hassle, I would do it in a heartbeat.

So yeah, I wouldn't recommend OVH to anyone. If you're looking for a good hosting service, do yourself a favor and look somewhere else. OVH just ain't worth the headache.

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Is OVH Legit?

OVH earns a trustworthiness rating of 91%

Highly recommended, but caution will not hurt.

Our conclusion: After a detailed review, ComplaintsBoard finds OVH to be a trustworthy company. Although there's a 0% resolution rate for customer complaints, which deserves attention, OVH is known for their high standards and safety. If you're thinking about dealing with OVH, it's wise to check how they handle complaints.

OVH has received positive review on our site. This is a good sign and indicates a safe and reliable experience for customers who choose to work with the company.

OVH has claimed the domain name for for a long time, which suggests that the website is established and has a history of being in operation. This is a positive sign, as it indicates that the website has been around for a while and may have a reputation to maintain. has a valid SSL certificate, which indicates that the website is secure and trustworthy. Look for the padlock icon in the browser and the "https" prefix in the URL to confirm that the website is using SSL. has been deemed safe to visit, as it is protected by a cloud-based cybersecurity solution that uses the Domain Name System (DNS) to help protect networks from online threats.

We looked up OVH and found that the website is receiving a high amount of traffic. This could be a sign of a popular and trustworthy website, but it is still important to exercise caution and verify the legitimacy of the site before sharing any personal or financial information appears to have online shopping features, it's important to know that the platform supports an extensive range of payment methods, making it convenient and easy to complete your transaction. The payment procedure on the website is also relatively simple and straightforward, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free experience for buyers.

However ComplaintsBoard has detected that:

  • While OVH has a high level of trust, our investigation has revealed that the company's complaint resolution process is inadequate and ineffective. As a result, only 0% of 10 complaints are resolved. The support team may have poor customer service skills, lack of training, or not be well-equipped to handle customer complaints.
  • OVH protects their ownership data, a common and legal practice. However, from our perspective, this lack of transparency can impede trust and accountability, which are essential for establishing a credible and respected business entity.
  • We conducted a search on social media and found several negative reviews related to OVH. These reviews may indicate issues with the company's products, services, or customer support. It is important to thoroughly research the company and its offerings before making any purchases to avoid any potential risks.
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OVH Disappointing Experience with OVH Customer Support: A Review

Been using OVH for a few years now and gotta say, not super impressed. The customer support is pretty garbage. We've been dealing with some hardware failures for about 10 days now (servers and routers) and all we get are these automated emails saying they'll fix it in 10 days and not to bother them in the meantime. Like seriously? We've already lost over $15k in this mess.

Honestly this isn't the first time we've had problems with their support either. It's been consistently unhelpful all year, but this recent episode takes the cake.

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OVH OVH Review: Slow Dashboard and Unreliable Email Service with Poor Customer Support

Yo, I gotta say, OVH ain't all that great yo. When I tryna open up the dashboard, it's so freakin' slow, bruh. Sometimes it don't even open, so I gotta refresh the page and try again. And then, on top of that, the email ain't even workin' fam. I've tried following different guides and stuff, but it's like, nah, still not working. And when I hit up the customer care, they straight up said that they can't help me out yo. What kind of service is that? But then, when I asked for my money back, they suddenly wanna be a helpin' hand and all that jazz. They told me to configure some MX thing, and they even sent me a link to read up on it. But even after doing all that, the email still ain't working. Yo, I've been paying for this service since 12-09-22, which is like over 2 weeks ago, and my email still ain't workin' yo. So save your money. Don't waste it on OVH.

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OVH Avoid OVH: Poor Support and False Promises - A Disappointing Experience

OVH ain't that good, I tell you what. They promised me the world, but when it came down to it, they failed to deliver. I've been trying to get some support round here, but they don't seem to care. I opened a ticket and waited for 3 whole days, but nothing happened. I even had to ring 'em up multiple times, just to get them to take a gander at my problem. And when they finally did, all they wrote was some standard text. It was a load of baloney if you ask me.

I shelled out for one of their dedicated servers, with a whopping 500mb network speed, but the most I ever got was 30mb. Sometimes it'd spike up to 100mb, but most of the time it was crawling around 50mb. I spent a good two weeks trying to make the darn thing work, but it was no use. So I decided to cancel my service, but even that was a hassle. I've been trying to contact them to stop taking money from my account, but it's like talking to a wall.

All in all, I wouldn't recommend OVH to anyone. Stay far, far away.

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OVH Disappointing Customer Service - OVH Cloud Review

I been using OVH for a long time, almost seven years now, and I gotta say, back in the days everything was good, but now it's like a real mess. The customer care service is really BAD, like, very BAD. They don't handle your issue properly, and they just try to steer away from it. They close the ticket before you even have a chance to reply. And if you try to contact them again, they will make you open another ticket. It's pretty frustrating because the problem never gets solved in a single ticket. And, oh boy, getting in touch with the support team is a freaking nightmare. You need to go through a lot of obstacle courses to reach them, and when you finally manage to get a hold of them, it's like a miracle.

The worst part is they don't send reminders for invoices, and sometimes they straight up close your domain service because of it. And when you complain about it, the customer support team says that they have sent you an email indicating the upcoming invoice, but in reality, they haven't, and their own system confirms that.

It's pretty frustrating to deal with all these issues, and I would give no stars to OVH if possible. I think it's high time to switch to a better service provider.

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OVH - Sketchy Business Practices and Terrible Customer Service

Yo, lemme tell you bout OVH ( So, I tried to sign up with these guys and they got me jumpin through all sorts of hoops just to become a customer. They wanted me to send a pic of my credit card, photo ID, and even a selfie of myself holdin my credit card. What kinda sketchy biz is that?! And if they ain't feelin me, they just close the ticket without even tellin me why. Talk about rude! And get this, they want me to upload these personal pics to some sus website and they only "promise" to delete it later. Uh, excuse me, but that's not very reassuring. And don't even get me started on their customer service or lack thereof. Had to reopen my ticket twice just to get some BS response that says they won't tell me why I got declined. Like, come on now, just spit it out already!

Long story short, ain't nobody got time for all that nonsense. Do yourself a favor and stay far away from OVH. Trust me, you'll thank me later.

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OVH OVH Cloud Hosting: A Catastrophic Betrayal of Customer Trust

Firstly, I must say that OVH is not the best company when it comes to customer satisfaction. The fire incident that happened recently left their clients in a very bad situation. After the fire, OVH focused only on their infrastructures, without giving any thought to the customers who were left without service and data. It was a very difficult time for businesses that had their data stored with OVH.

What surprised me the most was that OVH did not try to communicate directly with their customers. They did not reply to the tickets nor did they pick up the phone. As a result, customers lost a lot of work, money, and even their businesses. In short, OVH caused a very big damage to its clients.

I strongly believe that OVH should have provided an auxiliary server to their customers for a rapid interaction and to maintain some level of work. This could have helped clients to load back from a local backup and keep somehow the work going. Unfortunately, OVH did not provide any help to the users. It appears that OVH only cares about the money their clients bring in, not the clients themselves.

Overall, I do not recommend OVH when it comes to cloud hosting because they might leave you without any backup plan in the case of an emergency. You might end up losing your data, time, and even your livelihood. OVH has a lot to improve if they want to keep their clients satisfied and loyal.

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OVH OVH Review: Shady Business Tactics and Terrible Customer Service

I don't know about you, but I'm super dissatisfied with OVH. I thought they were a legit business with top-notch services, but BOY was I wrong! They use some seriously shady tactics to get more money out of their loyal customers who just want to downgrade their services. And if that wasn't enough, they even suspend crucial services that businesses rely on, all because of their own mistakes and laziness. You'd think that they would be more on top of things and fix any issues they caused ASAP to avoid legal trouble, but nope - their customer service is the WORST, and don't even get me started on their claims department. It's like they don't even care about their customers at all! I'm so ticked off that I'm going to keep posting updates about this issue, so stay tuned.

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About OVH

Screenshot OVH
OVH is a leading provider of cloud computing services across the globe. With its roots in France, the company offers a range of cloud and web hosting solutions to businesses of various scales, from start-ups to large corporations. OVH has established itself as a reliable hosting company that provides outstanding performance and security, making it a popular choice for businesses around the world.

OVH has a strong reputation for its dedication to customer satisfaction, as exemplified by its robust 24/7 customer support service. The company offers a wide range of cloud computing solutions, including public, private and hybrid cloud, designed to cater to the unique needs of businesses with varying needs. It has a massive infrastructure comprising of data centers across Europe, the Americas and the Asia Pacific region that enable customers to choose their preferred location to host their applications and data.

OVH prides itself in the quality and performance of its data center infrastructure. It invests heavily in building state-of-the-art data centers that are secure, efficient and reliable. Moreover, the company is committed to using renewable energy sources in powering its facilities, making it a leader in environmentally friendly technology.

Another significant advantage of OVH is its outstanding value for money. The company offers an array of web hosting plans and cloud computing solutions that are affordable, with no compromise on the quality of service. Moreover, OVH provides a range of discounts and promotions that make the services even more affordable for businesses on a tight budget.

In summary, OVH is a reputable and reliable provider of cloud computing services that offers customers a range of hosting solutions. The company has established an exceptional reputation for its infrastructure, customer support, and high standards of quality and security. Its dedication to renewable energy sources and affordability make it a popular choice for businesses.

Overview of OVH complaint handling

OVH reviews first appeared on Complaints Board on May 17, 2023. The latest review Fraudulent practices and false promises: my experience with OVH was posted on Jun 5, 2023. OVH has an average consumer rating of 1 stars from 20 reviews. OVH has resolved 0 complaints.
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    May 13, 2024

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