For Business Write a review File a complaint / A Foreign Affair / A Foreign Affair review: Fake profile, generic reply 95

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12:14 am EDT
Review updated:
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
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This review was chosen algorithmically as the most valued customer feedback. is a scam site. I met 2 women on that site who didn't want to give me their personal contact information after several emails, even though our communication was going exceptionally well, thus forcing me to pay $10 every time I wrote and received a letter to their women. I'm not even sure whom I was corresponding with. It may have been someone from writing me, pretending to be the woman in the profile. When I wrote to some guy named Juan Carlos who works at about this, he didn't even bother to answer my letter.


The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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Oct 04, 2015 7:22 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I know it all. I was a tour participant. John Adams was on the tour and 'invited' me to be a tour leader. I became engaged to an interpreter who told me all the dark secrets. Anastasia is much worse than AFA, by the way. Avoid at all costs. Anyways, a high % of these profiles are girls trying to hustle, make money, socialize, etc. For example, all girls who speak English are encouraged to request an interpreter, thereby putting more $ in AFA's pocket. At the time the rate was $15 hour with $4 going to the interpreter and John Adams pocketing the rest. Never - NEVER - allow the girl or AFA to pick the restaurant. You will be given higher priced menus with your date and AFA receiving a kickback. If/when you confront John or his lackey Bud, they will feign ignorance. Ukraine is a poor country. The men barely work and the Slavic culture is boorish. I played with - and was played by - quite a few girls. As I wrote, most just want a nice dinner, iPhone, attention, etc. My fiancé was a nice girl. She even sent chocolates and a card to my mother! Two times. I ended up becoming persona non grata with John Adams. Neither of us was wrong; we simply grew apart as I was doing one trip per year and then my job and interests in USA prevented me from continuing as a tour leader. John now employs his own hand picked group of sycophantic ### kissing tour leaders, including a black cop who has a GED and multiple bankruptcies and eats his meals at McDonalds while in Ukraine. And this homely low class uneducated troglodyte is supposed to understand the Slavic culture and aid wealthy educated white collar professionals seeking a bride? Stay away. Caveat Emptor.

marc antoine saint ourense
May 29, 2018 7:44 am EDT

Ah ah ah that's an awesome text.) Thanks for sharing

Mar 05, 2016 5:32 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

This site ( is a scam..My wife is Chinese and this site has her pictures posted. My wife had the pictures taken over seven years ago by a photographer in China who apparently sold them to this site. My wife and I have called and emailed and the response is; " they will not take the pictures down." I created a login to this site and they will accept requests for email and translation for a person who does not exist. I do believe you can call this a SCAM...

St. Joseph, US
Mar 05, 2016 6:08 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Looking for a good woman should just require the woman to pay for a response from you. If all that fails, at least the fraud will not lead to divorce.

Michael Jovan
Mar 29, 2016 10:30 pm EDT

I don't consider myself scammed or should I say too bad? Being a member, I received A letter from this woman Anna # 156824, So I paid to read her introduction letter using my name actually saying"Michael you are my man for sure". After reading her letter I decided to do my homework, I checked her name online which led me to Samson team on You tube and found out she was fitness model on Bellazon modeling Agency, Vk Ukrainian Face book and close to 9, 899 friends and Ukrainian 2 time woman's Body building champion! She (Anna Krukovskaya #156824) wasn't hard to find at all! She and actually her sister (Vika) is on multi dating sites. when I called AFA and asked, If she was actually writing the letter and told them all the information I knew, The Girl Liz told me they send intro letters to guys that fit the girls description of what they like (So even after using my name in the heading of the letter, making you believe she's writing you personally!) and leading men on! I have a suspicion, just a theory that profiles are bought from modeling agencies which give a small percentage to the girl? and then companies post the profile on their site and then make money from letter via their staff? So everyone wins, except the dude spending money on the letters? The perfect Sting! I was only suckered for $30.00, But after reading the posts on here feel really grateful. If your serious do your homework boy's and use the internet and take time to search, google, Vk, You tube Get creative! You'll be glad you did! And fight these fake woman and companies preying on you getting rich and laughing about it!

Feb 13, 2017 5:07 pm EST

in 2001 I met my now wife thru AFA; I read a article from men's health recommending it. I had a lot of friends from eastern Europe, so I looked at the ladies from there. thousands and thousands of ladies. I picked out three, all my age, and sent out letters. one never replied and the second responded that she was dealing with another man, so she wanted to wait and see. the third, we spoke by letter for about two months and then we talked to each other, I was so happy. later that year, I bought a round trip ticket and went to visit; best two weeks I ever had. beautiful countries and wonderful people. got home, and filed for the k1 visa. after the visa was approved, she came here and we got married; still together, going strong. when we talk about it, she said she got hundreds of letters, 90% were a waste of time, 5% wanted to visit her for sex and the rest seemed really interested, in her and the whole process. I feel lucky she thought I was sincere enough and we hit it off very well. I feel I did my homework and AFA helped me the whole way. did they get rich off of me? no, but the positive effect it had on me was happiness. am I a shill? no, I just know it works; too many guys think it is like Tinder or, and have a woman sent to you tomorrow; not going to happen. be realistic and open your eyes, many of the so called scams are just unhappy guys who want to blame others since they didn't get that 20yo blonde hair, blue eyes, who loves 44+ year old men.

Feb 27, 2017 6:45 am EST

Total scam. Letters are written by ladies who don't know the guys they are writing to and don't care. I saw one of their offices in St. Petersburg. There were 6 or 7 ladies in front of computers using the pictures of many girls and writing in their names. I met one lady I had written to and she apologized because she had NEVER received the many letters I had written to her!

Laila Tilos
Jul 12, 2017 2:35 am EDT

Why the hell would you spend 4 or 2 years e-mailing ? That makes no sense to me .. if you are serious About Some one .. get her over there or get youre lazy arrogant [censor] on the plain and go meet her .. that would safe you allots of money dear .

This is from a woman

Good luck guys !

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marc antoine saint ourense
May 29, 2018 7:42 am EDT

I agree with you but I am not what point you are trying to make with the quote form that girl. Clearly most people here say that most of the girls are fake at least ... they might be real but they are on this website to actually date you and meet with you ... they are there to help the local agency and themselves make money. The Phoenix company behind that scheme very much know about it and yet do nothing to prevent this mafia business. Of course the ones to blame of the users of such website, but well I have been one so ...

Oct 02, 2017 6:18 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

The problems start at the top with ALL dating agencies. Everybody wants to make money.! The women, the womens managers, affiliated agencies, translators and dating agency sites. Very few profiles ever get deleted. If you send an e mail to a women it may well be answered by the womans manager.! I tested this theory while I was chatting on Viber to a women I met in Ukraine. She swore she was not on any site and had not been there while she was chatting to me. I got a friend to write to her and he got a reply straight away.! 2 days later she contacted me and said she had been told by her manager that she had received a letter and a standard reply had been sent by her manager.! Everybody gets to make money every time someone sends or receives a letter or a picture. If you get 5 pictures every time you write it makes money for everyone. The main problem is the big companies use of affiliated agencies. They provide lots of profiles to the big companies and everybody makes money. I wrote to one woman for 3 months but when I arrived in her city she could not be contacted even after saying she would meet me at the hotel. Her agency could not be contacted either.! Did you know there are over 50 affiliated agencies allowed to operate with the big companies.? Very little vetting is done on these affiliated agencies so you pay your money and take your chance.

Oct 05, 2017 7:48 am EDT

Always check out the profiles before sending them a message or replying to one they've sent you. Generally, introduction letters with photos attached are from fake profiles from what I can tell. There are some genuine women on there. I worked out that out of 46 "letters" I'd received from women (without me writing to them first) only 1 seemed genuine (judging from their profile) Just got to be smart and patient, sift through the fake profiles to find the legit.

Jan 29, 2018 8:35 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more,, anewbride, sincere_asian_brides, exoticaasianwive, and many others are clones, sharing the same mailing système, but the girls don't exist. Juste ask them their phone number, they will never send, ask for a chat using Skype, and they will diseapear. But before the web site will try to rip off from you somme money with stupide mail like 'I don't understand" "please explain" then you wil receive it is forbiden by low...

Moreother some of the girls have the same age 10 years after...

Feb 19, 2018 12:16 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I wish that I had done a serious internet research on a foreign affair
(, before I tried out their website. I wish that I had found
The complaints earlier. I spent $50 trying out their the end, I
Discovered that their website is designed to squeeze as much money as possible
From gentlemen like you and me. I discovered that the way they control
Communications, between gentlemen and ladies, is designed to squeeze as much
Money as possible from the gentlemen. I stopped using their website. and
Contrary to my earlier interest, I will not attend their foreign tours. so I
Wasted $50 trying out a financial affair (

Feb 27, 2018 11:20 pm EST

Yes, could been a lot worse 👆 though! we got out good, compared to some! think that I am a pretty good judge when it comes to things like this. always finding the catfish lurking on social media lol constantly reverse image searching. some of these girls are good, if they are girls. one word of advice to anybody willing to listen, if a girls pictures, profile pictures most photos are missing the top of her head she's probably cropped the crap out of it. will not come back most of the time on image search. I despise liars and thief's. some people have to work very hard for what we make. and whoever runs this little ( is raking in the $ off these pour sap's, shouldn't say that! just very optimistic men, with very unrealistic beliefs. which I am guilty of at times myself! we just got to remember if it seems too good to be true, warning signs, red flags, etc., it probably is.
Good luck to all

marc antoine saint ourense
May 29, 2018 1:51 am EDT

50$ is nothing. you need a lot more if you wish to meet a girl there, I don't count but at least 400$. what they don't tell you is that if you want to meet a girl in kiev for example you will need to pay 125$ for a stupid [censored] that is called imbra that they invented and then 75$ per girl. and the 125$ is per visit to kiev. at least that's what they say. so if this is not racketing what is it? bottom line you saved a lot of $ be happy, cause in reality to get anywhere close to a girl it will cost you lot more... and when you will meet with her she will just treat you like dirt most of the time. girls are just going to get a free dinner and drinks in places they can't afford normally. that's all they want from you and it will be good buy. sou count : 400$ + hotel + trip + translation fees that are not there 30 usd/hour which is another [censored] ripoff then you trip to meet with a girl who will spit to your face will be about 3000$ minimum, 4000$ more likely. great! how many hookers can you get with this money?

Feb 27, 2018 11:09 pm EST

Thanks guys for the heads up! I just spent like a hour writing about myself, ideal women, etc. etc I knew it was fishy as soon as I tried to put up a picture, they told me I had to be a platinum member lol. luckily when I changed phones, and typed in loveme.. scam popped up right under it! so you guys are the real mvp's!
Just curious is there any reputable sites or apps? I think I know the answer to that unfortunately lol I would love for somebody to tell me different! I know there are bad apples in every bunch, but has anyone had physical contact, proof, skype, etc at all from anywhere.
Thanks, r.h.

Tom Sheff
Mar 21, 2018 12:36 pm EDT

I wasn't going to write in, because it's so embarrassing. I started communicating with someone on charmdate. she was awesome (or whoever it was). Everytime I asked her to allow me to purchase her personal information she would say no, she wanted to stay on the site. I'm not a wealthy man, I struggle financially and she knew it but I stayed with her anyway. After a year and many thousands of dollars later I made plans to visit her in Russia and meet her for the first time. I had never been out of the US so I started to get my profile pic and my birth certificate for my passport and while I am getting my stuff together I see an ad from some company to check womans information for me. I always had that little voice telling me I was getting scammed so I decided to shoot them an email and asked what the price was and they just said for me to send a link to them. I sent the link of her profile, etc and several days later they sent me back her Instagram and VK accounts. long story short, I was playing around with her Instagram and checking out people she was following and while I was doing my dd I found a guy who had pictures of himself with my girl. They were married! There was videos of the proposal, the wedding, photos of the ring, photos of her walking around naked in their home, etc. I reported this to charmdate and they said they would look into it. While I didn't hear anything from charmdate, her vk account and his Instagram account was being scrubbed clean of photos of the two of them together. Not a coincidence. She responded and asked why I got a third party involved...she denied everything))))). She said it was a photo shoot. she wasn't a model but was helping out a friend who was a photographer and the other guy was another friend helping the same guy out. Charmdate did look into it and offered a partial refund although they said she didn't scam me...whatever. The reason why I bring this up on this thread is that I saw the same womens photos on at the top of the page as I started checking this site out))))). On charmdate her name was Anetta on love me her name was Anna)))) Anetta was 5'5'' and a hairstylist living in Kolpino (right outside of st petersberg) and Anna was a psychologist and 5'9'' from St petersberg))))). Definitely the same profile picture. For those who don't know there is a website in Russia similar to google where you can search someone by photos, it's called a photo and it does a search if that picture is in other sites. Anyway, that's my emabarrassing story. Buyer beware.
PS. I shutter to think what would have happened if I didn't see that ad to have my girl checked out, I would have gone to Russia and who knows what was in store for me...probably nothing, but who knows whats on these scammers minds.

marc antoine saint ourense
May 29, 2018 1:02 am EDT

This website is mix of scam and no scam which is why it is still up to date. I have been using it for few years on and off and met girls. but they problems is two fold. it seems to have gone seriously worse in the last few months/year (2017/18) and the site seems to be invaded with girls real or not that are just here to make you lost your money. so let me explain the scheme, girls work or are recruited by agencies, local one in the home country such as ukraine, and people who reply to your letters are either the girls or the agency by they take cut on the price you pay for letters. they can surely make easily 50 to 100$ a day for the best looking one. other scam methods consists of answering very short letters pretending the length is limited and thus sending 2 or 3 letters in a row, also normally you pay for the translation services but letters are written by girls or agency who barely speak english, so you often letters that you don't even understand. finally girls all sort of scam to not meet you when you ask them for a date. they will pretend they have wedding on the week you will travel to kiev (and they will send you pictures of a wedding they had the year before to prove it) they presented they will be traveling for business reasons and one even told me the story of her grand ma ill and that she was helping her mom and doing 2 jobs at the same time while sending me hot pictures of her half naked. seriously?
Customer service? they don't exist just when you start send personal contact in letters, then they write to you to threaten you.
Basically this is border line mafia, legal one but a mafia nonetheless. these people running this service were not intentionally criminal when they started but because they allow such practice on their service in the end that makes them to me criminals. I believe these websites should be closed and that the company should be sued.
It is time dating scam stops especially with ukraine.

Example of fake girls:


And there will be many more... you have been warned.

Nov 14, 2018 9:08 am EST

I have used them on and off for years. Some of the girls are real. Some are not. The site used to allow exchange of personal contact information after the girl reviewed and signed the IMBRA form, as required by law. NOW, the site claims that they cannot allow the exchange of ANY contact information until you actually meet the lady in person. They claim that this is part of the IMBRA law. IT IS NOT. The IMBRA law does NOT require meeting in person before exchanging contact information. The changed this so that, if you ever want to meet the lady, you must continue to correspond with her at $10 per letter. I will no longer use this site because of it.

Tried and True
Nov 27, 2018 3:47 pm EST

Of course these sites are a SCAM, you have to be a FOOL not to see that from first look!
I took a tour and met a few women that was on the site - they told me they DO NOT write letters, they only model. Why would they meet me? They will try to steal as much $$ as they can from you!
It happened to every guy I know on the tour!

Michel 333
Jan 15, 2019 5:05 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I have known for quite a while that sites like this one use a supplier for pictures of fake women and fake emails but they kinda suck at what they do although quite amusing for me to watch. When I received an introduction leading with: " Well, well, {name], I am giving up ! Last chance to jump at the leaving "train"
> hah =)" ... CLEARLY, those are pre-written and those scammers only need to put in the name of a potential sucker.

I wrote the site to complain about what was obviously pre-written messages and this is what they answered with: "Dear,
The letters you are receiving are introduction letters; That means, messages writing by the ladies but they are sent to all of the clients that matches the lady's preferences such as age range, Marital status, etc.
It’s a matching system and when lady has no problem with age difference or others, the letters are sent to all of the clients."

That proves, without any doubt, that they are the lowest form of crooks. They prey on men by sending thousands of emails to unsuspecting suckers willing to spend hard earned money chatting with just about anyone including other men, without the consent of the women in the pictures. are crooks...nothing more! More proof? Try to find the most beautiful women they have on their site on the videos in Ukraine. You will not find a single one of them. Furthermore, once you send out messages to one of them, check them out at Same women but they will not recognize you.

About their socials, all paid for young women who have ZERO interest in you. They want to be wined and dined at the best restaurants and hope you will take them shopping. Once your gone, that's it!

Wake up, people! is just another scamming site.

Mar 31, 2019 3:52 pm EDT

This website,, as created by A Foreign Affair (YouTube channel) is definitely a scam! In April 2018, I met a lady in Kiev but through a different agency. We've been together ever since our first meeting and we even spent some time in Odesa back in September 2018. We're planning my third visit for the Fall of 2019. Before meeting her I was new to the idea of meeting someone overseas but became quickly cool with the idea. Anyway, I'm always open to learning new ideas and when it comes to learning about the Ukrainian female psyche because frankly I need all the help I can get.

There are a lot of great YouTube channels with good material. Recently I stumbled upon A Foreign Affair. I got curious though and went to their website My relationship with my Ukrainian lady became pretty serious early on and our communication has been virtually non-stop since my first visit in April 2018. Of course, we had our disagreements and misunderstandings; but despite that, we have remained together and very much connected. Even so, as I said, I got curious and I did a search on under their "Kiev Women" section. Low and behold, I found my lady. I confronted her about it. You might be thinking right now that I've been taken my lady and in all honesty I thought the same thing. Well, as it turns out, has established three profiles for my lady. I know how she writes, I know her eye color, her background, employment, education, interests, family, etc. Fine, has a few things correct but they are clearly running a shady operation. I have not paid a dime to this organization and don't plan on it either. I suspect that they hijacked my lady's profile from the other agency then they duplicated the profile, then again for a total of three profiles. All they did was they changed a few details but then in the Self Description section of her profiles they totally botched things up. Remember I said above that I know how she writes? Well, wrote phony Self Descriptions with language and phraseology that my lady doesn't even use.

Guys, please be careful. Don't fall for this scam. There are other agencies with better reputations than this one. I hope this has been helpful.

Konstantinos Kalaitzoglou
Oct 03, 2019 5:41 am EDT

I married a girl from Philippines in 1982 after letter writing (no web at that time) and I have been happy so far. Reading the above I pity the people that put much hope on the on line dating. Not that it is 100% scam. But there are quite a lot of risks, since big part is now commercialized. At that time (1982) I just bought a magazine and all photos and info written there were real.

Mar 19, 2020 11:27 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

First, I would like to say Thank You. Your organization has delivered as advertised every time. This is my third trip to Ukraine (Odessa Group Tour 2017, Nikolaev Euro Club 2018, Dnipro Group Tour 2019) and AFA has not disappointed me.

Second, I would commend to you Joe Gregory my Tour Leader. I have occasionally thought I would inquire about becoming a tour leader with your organization, then I recall the difficulties that Joe has faced during my two group tours with him. No Way! He can keep the job! He has been a font of wisdom and occasionally a bit of tough advice to me and many others. He has dealt with difficult clients as well as the occasional hostile native with courtesy and professionalism as well as an unending sense of humor.

Next I would like to single out some individuals that I believe merit the attention. Everyone I have worked with at AFA has been helpful and polite but there's always a few that stand out. Please excuse me for not having last names for everyone. It is only in hindsight that I realize I should have gotten more complete information.

Your Odessa Manager Anna, was helpful throughout my first tour and, as I understand she will be leaving your organization to pursue a new life, I am sure she will be missed.
Also from Odessa, a translator named Anna Petrelli. She steered me away from a table full of sharks and toward a table full of nice ladies. I am eternally in her debt. Her language skills were excellent and I wish I could have had her with me for all my dates.
From Nikolaev, another Anna. Unfortunately, I don't have any more than her given name. She was able to point out insincerity in one lady that was about to get her hooks into me. On my next trip to Nikolaev, I think I'll track her down and give her flowers.
Elena S., an affiliate manager in Zaporozhye. Elena has been excellent in her efforts to make dates for me, as a translator on one of those dates, as well as acting as a tour guide on Khortisa Island. This woman does it all!
Polina, the affiliate manager in Dnipro. Polina was able to give me a pep talk after a truly horrible date and had me set up with five more dates the next day. Polina had me back in the ring before I knew it.
Also in Dnipro, my translator for those five dates, Julia. She was skillful and efficient in her work and I found her to be truly a professional. What sets her apart is her advocacy for me to the ladies I was meeting. I truly felt Julia was there for me and as fully invested in my success as I was.
Last but not least, Anna V. I point her out not for any single act but for the totality of her work. I don't know how she managed to keep everything flowing so well, but she did. Whatever you are paying her, it isn't enough.

Last, I wish to express my thanks to you personally.
I understand that there was some debate about the two city tours. Having done both the three city and the two city tours, I will never do a three city tour again. While the thrill of three socials can't be beat, I sure as heck am at the end of the day. I also enjoyed the extra day in each city to have more dates with more women and an opportunity to schedule a second date the next day was invaluable to me. I appreciated the chance to explore opportunities that I would have missed otherwise.
Truth be told, I'm looking forward to my next trip and considering going as a Euro Club client and combining it with Social Only. I believe it will give me the time to really focus my efforts on the ladies I would meet at the social without the bother of trying to hurry and catch the next bus. If you were to create such a package, I'd be the first in line to sign up!
I will conclude with a simple:
Thank you and keep up the good work.

Dave S.

learning fast
Oct 19, 2021 12:22 pm EDT

You mean the beautiful 50 year old woman from Beijing who sings and dances and
is supposed to be excellent at English but writes like a teenage girl and costs me 15-20 bucks a day
and gives me vague replies isn't real? [censored]! You [censored]! lol I'm learning now...

learning fast
Oct 19, 2021 12:45 pm EDT

...and doesn't know anything about Beijing even tho she's supposed to live there her whole life. Lol

Jim Renn
Atlanta, GA, US
Nov 29, 2023 7:09 pm EST

My experience in China was simply amazing. So do not let cynical beta males like him throw you off here. You will never really know the ladies until you meet them in person. Forget the letters and the videos because it's not the same as meeting them face to face. The women in China are excited to meet a foreigner. They're serious. So if you are serious to find somebody, then I suggest you go to China because if you go, you will find somebody. Guaranteed.

9:52 pm
new york, US
Aug 01, 2022 9:54 pm EDT

As a former client of their service, I have to disagree with a lot of the negative reviews. My personal experience with this company has been nothing less than amazing. I truly think of their team every day and can’t thank all of them enough for what they have done for me. I had no idea what I was getting into when I traveled abroad but I couldn’t have come to a better conclusion. Irina an I are very happy together. We haven’t rung each other’s neck yet so it’s working. Thank you to all their staff in this episode of my ever changing life.

T. Matt
Seattle, WA, US
Nov 21, 2023 9:39 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more
Replying to comment of 9:52 pm

I also had a great experience in Peru. I enjoyed it very much. The people in Lima working with AFA were great. They were very helpful. The socials were very intimate. I’ve been to a few socials in South America and this social was a lot more intimate. The women are very nice and very respectful. I got to know very many beautiful women. Peru is very beautiful, Lima is wonderful. Many things to see, many things to do, and I had a great time.

Patrick Borrelli
New York, US
Aug 10, 2022 4:46 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Complete waste of time and money. They charge you to read the message from the girl and charge you to send a message back. Whenever you try to give them your email or your Facebook information or anything else for that matter, they exit out so you continue to pay and they continue to drip you along. Complete scam. Stay away.

K. Beane
Dallas, TX, US
Nov 21, 2023 8:46 pm EST

I read an ad in the Phoenix paper explaining a little about AFA. I made one phone call. All the questions that I had were answered. They immediately sent me information. Once I received the information, I asked some more questions, made some more phone calls, and any question I had was answered very properly, very honestly, they were more than willing to give testimonials from other clients. I’ve seen the catalogue with thousands of beautiful women. The next step was to actually write to these women and introduce yourself. I thought to myself, it’s an interesting process. I picked out 60 women that I’m interested in and I got 45 replies within a week. I’m very impressed with the success rate with the people that were interested in responding back to you.

K. Dale
Miami, FL, US
Nov 22, 2023 8:06 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

From my personal experience, loveme is definitely not a scam. I am so happy that they provided this wonderful service, I was having no luck trying to find a beautiful young woman here in America. Without their service I would not have found this amazing woman I am engaged to. I would have had to settle for some one I really didn't want or to be alone for the rest of my life. If a man is sincere and makes up his mind, what type of woman he is looking for before he goes, he can find the girl of his dreams on their tours. I couldn't be happier.

G. Nick
Ashburn, VA, US
Nov 27, 2023 12:33 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I was very impressed with the professionalism and kindness of their entire staff in Colombia. They catered to my every need and I never once felt as if I were a stranger. Prior to going I was concerned with the language barrier as I do not speak any Spanish. With the help of my incredible translator, Julie, as well as your office staff, Kayla, Grace, and Arnold, I never experienced one single problem communicating with my dates. The girls I met were absolutely incredible. It is true what they say about Latin woman: they are beautiful, passionate, affectionate, and they love American men. For the guys wondering whether they should go on a tour with this company, I can only say to them that if they decide to go it will change their life.

B. Gregory
Atlanta, GA, US
Nov 28, 2023 6:46 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

This was my first AFA tour and my first visit to Asia. The people of Thailand were very warm and welcoming. The AFA staff in Bangkok were very professional and looked after all details. The 2 socials were awesome, and I met a lot of very interesting ladies. 10 days was not enough, 14 days would have been better, a month would have been Great. I met a wonderful lady while I was there and we have been in contact almost every day since I have been back home in the States.

Donny F.
Dallas, US
Dec 04, 2023 7:56 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Thank you AFA for making it possible for me to meet the love of my life. Your service provided me the opportunity to find what I had been searching for so long. That search ended when I met Jocelyn. She is everything she said and so much more. Most importantly, we fell in love in Cebu and plan to get married as soon as her fiancee visa is approved. So if you guys go into this with your eyes wide open and truly take the time and spend a little money for a service like AFA, then the result will speak for itself. I am forever indebted to this company and thankful for the service they provided. I am the happiest man on earth right now!

Scotty S.
Chicago, US
Dec 13, 2023 7:47 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I have just sent a request to be removed from your newsletter because thanks to A Foreign Affair I recently got engaged. Elenita is from the the Philippines and we had been writing for almost a year before I went to meet her. Our Fiancee’ visa should be finalized within six weeks and then I will be going back to bring her and her daughter home to Pennsylvania. Without A Foreign Affair I would never have found her and I just wanted to say Thank You.

T. Ivey
Atlanta, US
Dec 17, 2023 8:07 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more
Replying to comment of Scotty S.

I too have gotten engaged to my future wife through their service. I was able to write to a woman in Cebu, Philippines for several months and we have gotten closer in that time. I made travel plans, flew there to meet her and proposed to her. In the mean time, I filed for a fiancee visa and we are planning to get married once we return to the U.S. after my second visit. Our meeting was all because of your site and I truly appreciate what your service has done by bringing us together.

Willy W.
New Jersey, US
Jan 03, 2024 9:04 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I flew to their Medellin Office in Colombia and set up dates with 4 perspective women and was confirmed for 2 dates. I never made it to the second date because the first one was a match for me. I met Paula, a Colombiana, speaks English, and is everything I was looking for. Although we still need to get to know each more, we have made the decision to give each other shot. I know that life has challenges that we all have to deal with, and because of the distance we face. But I believe that challenge can be overcome. I want to thank the team in Medellin for their great support and hard work of matching me and Paula together.

Caesar Coates
Boston, US
Jan 08, 2024 6:12 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

It's not easy to meet Slavic women in the U.S.. But they've come to Mexico so I had the chance to meet them on the tour and it was a great experience. The socials were great. It was so much fun. They had a lot of activities and it was very well organized. The event nights were theme nights - black and white was the first night and it was fantastic. They did a really good job. To the guys that are thinking about going on a tour to Mexico City, you should definitely go. It's a good time and great experience. You're gonna find someone for you there. It's a magical place. And the hotel was amazing.

Greg KM
Houston, TX, US
Jan 18, 2024 8:02 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

The AFA tour to Costa Rica was my first through this agency and from the first day to the last, the trip was filled with opportunities to meet wonderful and beautiful women. The tour was very well organized and the AFA staff was courteous and available around the clock for assistance. I would recommend this tour for anyone looking for a sincere, traditional Latin American woman. Thanks again to their staff in San Jose.

Daniel Cient
Los Angeles, US
Jan 24, 2024 8:56 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more
Replying to comment of Greg KM

I also happily recommend the Costa Rica branch of AFA. They helped introduce me to the woman who would become my wife. It has all worked out beautifully for me and I cannot imagine a better result.

Darwin D A
Denver, US
Jan 28, 2024 7:57 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I've been to other countries in search of my one true love and I tried it on my own and basically wasted a lot of money. I found out about AFA and I decided that I would try them. I wish I had found them sooner. They have a program that works. I was a little skeptical at first but I followed their recommendations before and during my tour to Peru and I met someone that I think might be the one.

Doug P.D.
Miami, US
Feb 04, 2024 6:37 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I wish all the women I met in Kiev could find a nice husband. Unfortunately, I can only take one back with me and it will not be an easy decision. These women attach a great deal of importance to a man’s character. I consistently discovered a 15 to 20 year age difference does not matter with Ukrainian women. This was a pleasant surprise because what man would not want a significantly younger wife. For me, going to the Ukraine was like getting on a spaceship and going to a planet of beautiful sexy women with the friendliest personalities.

Tom P.M.
Atlanta, US
Feb 11, 2024 7:02 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Sometimes a tour loses it's momentum a couple days after the socials are over, but that wasn't the case in Thailand. Their staff kept everyone engaged in dating always concerned that everyone who wants a date has one several times per day. It's one thing to set that as a desired goal, a goal every AFA staff all over world has, but they set us as top priority all the time. For 3 weeks Len's staff set up impromptu gathering places and activities. I think by last count 11 out of 14 left Thailand with a meaningful romantic relationship. That's pretty incredible! Really best tour ever!

Chad Bell
Miami, US
Feb 22, 2024 5:46 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I started looking around for a tour group that would allow me to kind of explore freely in China. I researched and found that this is actually a really good company when you’re just considering tours. And then you go through the whole introduction aspect of it, these guys are like rockstars. Ultimately, if you don’t do this, you won’t experience anything new. You won't have the opportunity to travel or find love, or whatever you’re actually going on these tours for. For me the experience was amazing. I don’t think you can find it in another agency.

Jim Renn
Atlanta, GA, US
Feb 28, 2024 10:28 pm EST
Replying to comment of Chad Bell

The single women in China are excited to meet foreign men. They're serious. At least the ones I met in Shenzhen.

Marco D.
Colorado, US
Mar 13, 2024 2:22 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Your service is very recommendable. A few hours after ordering the addresses I already receive them. After writing only one letter I got an answer from a very educated and charming Philippine lady. And the many helpful tips were also very useful. Very good experiences without exceptions. Congratulation to your service: If there is one on the Internet I can recommend without any doubts then it is certainly yours!

Bud S.
Kansas City, US
Apr 16, 2024 12:02 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more
Replying to comment of Marco D.

The women you write here, as attractive as they are, as much as they have to offer, the vast majority of them will not meet anybody. Not if only a small percentage of the guys on this site are ever going to get on the plane and go meet them. Get off the fence, fly out there and go find that special lady who is in the Philippines waiting on the other side of this experience to be discovered by you. I'm glad I did.

Shawn RS
Apr 30, 2024 7:58 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I've always had a passion for Latin women, and I think Colombian women and Medellin women are some of the most beautiful women out there in the world. Not only was I treated like royalty in Medellin, I met a really amazing woman. It worked out great. All I can tell you is do not write letters. Just get over there and you're gonna see the difference. Be positive and focused on what you wanna do and you can meet a lot of sincere women at the AMAZING social event. The moment I walked in I saw some of the finest, most beautiful women. It was just mind-blowing. I would recommend this to all the single guys that have not been able to find success with dishonest matchmakers. This is where you wanna be. Go down to Colombia and meet these stunners because it's a judgement-free zone there. There are a lot of fake matchmakers out there who take your money and not deliver. And those guys need to be out of business because AFA is the number one business in the industry.

K. Lane
Arizona, US
May 19, 2024 8:24 pm EDT

The social in Mexico City was just brilliant. You go around the tables, and at the very least, just make contact, focus on every woman at the tables to make them feel a little special. And then, I got to her table, and I sat down, and her eyes were just boring holes into my head. After the speed dating part I asked my interpreter to ask her to meet me in the lobby so we could sit and talk some more. It was just something magical about her that I never in my wildest dreams expected to experience. I went to Mexico expecting to find somebody I could love, but this was beyond love.

John M D.
Jun 20, 2024 10:55 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I just wanted to thank this agency for all their help in finding someone I met someone thru your office on the 6th day that I arrived we fell in love and are now making plan for me to move to Costa Rica we are in arrange to be married we both wish to thank this company and more so the staff for making this possible.

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