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CB Online Shopping Catalog Favorites Terrible customer service - do not order from this company!
Catalog Favorites

Catalog Favorites review: Terrible customer service - do not order from this company! 29

Author of the review
12:00 am EDT
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This review was chosen algorithmically as the most valued customer feedback.

This email explains the customer service problems I had with this company. Please forward it to your friends and relatives and add my email picturestudio AT and help AT to show them that the Internet can provide a voice to those that feel some companies no longer provide valuable customer service. At this point I'm no longer upset with the product not being shipped, just the attitude each associate used!

I placed an order on June 26th (Tuesday) and paid for a 2 day delivery. I checked the order status on June 28th (Thursday) and the order had not been processed from the warehouse nor had it been shipped. I placed a called to the company and asked about the status of the order, and was told the order was never processed and their is nothing they could do except ship the package to me on July 2nd (Monday). This didn't work because I placed the order to have a present to bring to a party on Saturday. What was I thinking that a company would actually deliver when I paid extra for 2-day delivery? (which by the way I did so that I had an extra day if it didn't show up) So I asked for a supervisor, in which the person I was talking to said she was. Getting no customer service I then asked for a manager and she transferred me, right to voice mail (customer service?). So I left a message and then called back to customer service. I asked to be transferred directly to a manager.
When the manager answered I asked for his name, he would only give me a 1st name and ext. number (customer service?). I said, I would like to have my order processed and someone personally drive it to FedEx in order to receive the package on Saturday. He advised me they would not do this. My response was, You would rather me send an email to friends and family explaining this situation and the terrible customer service? All he could say was sorry (with attitude), Did you want me to cancel the order? which I said Yes! I then asked this manager for the Corporate Headquarters Address, and he told me to look it up on the back of the catalog (customer service?). I then asked this manager to provide me an email stating that my order has been canceled, his reply Your credit card won't be charged! (customer service?). He finally said he would send me a cancellation letter (again attitude). I asked, Why do you offer a 2-day delivery at an extra cost and then not notify the
customer if their is a problem? His reply I'm sorry (again attitude). This manager then asked me if there was anything else he could help me with. I said no, he replied Well you have a great night sir (with attitude, customer service?).

So here are the problems: They never shipped the product and didn't give a reason.
I asked for a manager and was transferred to an answering machine.
I talked to a manager who wouldn't give me his full name.
When asked for the Corporate Headquarters Address, I was told to look it up.
When asked for a cancellation letter, Your credit card won't be charged?
They offer express shipping and never track to see if it is actually shipped.

Well thanks for reading the hassle I experience with this company. Please forward this letter, hopefully this letter will reach the CEO and they will eventually read it (I wonder if the CEO cares)!

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marsha d stanley
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Jan 22, 2008 9:48 am EST


I will never order from Catalog Favorites again.
I placed an order 11-15-07 and still have not
received products or a credit for $56.83. I made
several calls to the customer service number with
no avail. I also sent 3 e-mail memos and did not
receive an answer from any of the 3. My latest call
was on 1-7-08, this time I did speak to a breathing
human - Wendy, and was assured my products would
be sent~~~~~~~~~~1-23-08, no products. I am
going to report the company to the Illinois Atty Gen

Marsha Stanley

Send a message
Jan 25, 2008 5:42 pm EST

I was going to place a large order - but after reading this
I have changed my mind.
What a shame

Lisa Sandoval
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May 16, 2008 11:22 am EDT

I was also going to place an order and decided not to after reading these comments. It's a shame that owners of these companies are not aware of how there customer service are be ran. This is what happens when you employ children instead of adults! I will definitely recommend to my family & friends NOT to order form this company...

Send a message
May 29, 2008 10:59 am EDT


Patricia S. Clauser
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May 30, 2008 8:22 am EDT

Please note that their catalog comes from the same address as the NorthStyle catalog.

Mark L
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Aug 19, 2008 7:46 pm EDT

First I thought, ok, a guy had a (really, really) bad experience with this company, back some five years or so, they are still in business, so how bad can they be, then I read down, and see folks still having problems in 2008. I'm looking to buy an anniversary present, and NO WAY can I afford for one to not be shipped on time, so before I place my order with this company (NOTE: they are also doing business as the "Pyramid Collection" at the same address), I plan on checking the BBB and Illinois Atty Gen office for confirmation. To those that posted before. I'm sorry for your rotten luck, I appreciate your comments, and should I find anything (+/-) I'll post again.

Mark L

constance walz
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Nov 04, 2008 11:38 am EST

Please do not send me any more catalogs from CATALOG CODE = 1977442
constance walz at 49 layton st freeport ny [protected]

White Hall, US
Send a message
Dec 16, 2008 4:48 pm EST


I placed on order 12/2/08, it shipped 12/3/08 and still have NOT received the order. According to the web site it takes 5-9 business days to receive your shipment. I have called a few times about my order and get a different answer each time I call. Before placing your order, please know that they use 3rd class bulk shipping although they charge you 1st class shipping rates. I called my local post office to find out exactly how 3rd class bulk works to be informed it is not a service offered to the public, you MUST be a business, and it is the SLOWEST shipping service available to any business. Your order is sent to a huge shipping center at USPS and it is separated by zip code and only ships when a certain amount of mail is sent to your zip code. So, apparently it can be weeks before you receive your order. Catalog Favorites should be ashamed of charging customers 1st class shipping rates and giving 3rd class bulk service to their customers! This is so WRONG!

Again, I have called Catalog Favorites customer service department to get different stories. Their web site states 5-9 business days, although their reps will tell you 10-12, and 7-10 business days. One unprofessional CS rep told me I miscalculated and I needed to go back and recount my days! Business days are Monday through Friday, and with that being said, today is business day #10 and NO package. Then I went online and found these complaints. Not very encouraging. I called Catalog Favorites back and asked them to remove my name and address from their mailing list as I did not wish to receive any more of their catalogs, or their affiliated companys' catalogs...also Potpourri, Expressions...this is my first and last order with this company, never again.

Peggie ONeill-Baron
Cleveland, US
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Jun 17, 2009 11:04 pm EDT

I wasn't going to comment as I've never ordered a product from the Company named ""Catalog Favorites".

However, I did see in one response, the company also does business under "Pyramid Collection". I do not know if the same Associates from "Catalog Favorites" are incorporated with 'Pyramid Collection", but I can say I HAVE purchase items from "Pyramid Collection" with GREAT success, and items arrived several days PRIOR to when I was expecting them! My orders were placed prior and after this Christmas past.

I did notice similar items for sale in the "Catalog Favorites" catalog as what is sold In "Pyramid", but I can say as far as "Pyramid" is concerned I was thrilled with the products, the early shipment (regular shipemend ... no rush or overnight), and that the receipents of my gifts enjoyed them as well.

Thank you!

Whitinsville, US
Send a message
Aug 11, 2009 3:44 pm EDT

I worked for catalog favorites... let me just tell you, no one there actually cares whether or not you get your ###! Hahah. including me. I quit because I couldnt deal with all the ### customers like you.

Jerry Ann Haynam
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Sep 11, 2009 1:59 pm EDT

I was just getting ready to order the bears on the tree with the initials or names on the tree. My husband past away and I wanted it with our names to hang on the wall. Now I am afraid to place this order, because I really don't have this money to be spending in the first place. But I wanted it because in our old house we did have our initials carved in a tree. Jerry Ann Haynam

Anne Flanagan
Norfolk, US
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Sep 25, 2009 3:58 pm EDT

I am on the phone on hold with them right now. You all are right there seems to be no one with an ounce of sense working at this company let alone any manners.

Do not order from these folks and I am sending this e-mail to everyone in my address book.

I returned an item to them and they can't seem to find it. So I guess I have provided one of their employees with that item. Never again will I order from them or any of their other companies. Bad customer service, especially from a woman (?) named Heather.


Talent, US
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Oct 07, 2009 7:26 pm EDT

Regarding EXPRESSIONS: I ordered a large clock, but did not ask for rush shipping. It arrived in ten days (which is okay, as it came to Oregon. However, the carton was not marked 'glass' or fragile, or any
indication that special handling was needed and it came by USPS. There was no packing material except brown paper... the crystal was shattered... the hands had broken off... I e-mailed a complaint,
requesting information about returning it, giving a time limit. No response. I just mailed it back, wrapped the same way, & it cost $22.83. So I'm out a total of a hundred bucks! L. Clark

San Francisco, US
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Oct 13, 2009 9:47 pm EDT


Pyramid Collection has the WORST customer service I have EVER encountered...and I mean EVER. I have been trying to get my money back for days now on an item they ran out of. The order opperators insist on just transferring you to some "customer service" number where you will sit on hold for a MINIMUM of 25 minutes. I've had to deal with this 4 times now, and still have not gotten my money back - even after I was assured last week that the funds were being credited back. I am now at the point where I am contacting my credit card company to reverse the transaction. I will NEVER purchase another damn thing from them again and will advise others not to either. Other merchants carry the same, if not similar items and we consumers should not have to put up with this kind of crap.

Harmony, US
Send a message
Aug 15, 2010 11:10 am EDT

Thank you! I was going on line to place an order, but I dont have time deal with ignorant companies...QVC still is and always will be my #1 source for shoes, clothing, bedding, Christmas gift and birthday gifts...In this day and age people want friendly customer service and QVC has it! I am done with catalog shopping forever!

Douglasville, US
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Nov 25, 2010 11:46 am EST

Thank you. I was just about to place an order, but now NO WAY!

s.m. 55
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Feb 05, 2011 1:45 am EST

I returned a shirt to Catalog Favorites and was never given a credit. I have caled them many times only to be treated rudely by the Customer no service rep, each time, after I explain my situation, she put me on hold and voice mail comes on. I know I will never receive a credit for the shirt I returned, I will never shop their Catalog or the family of catalogs that they are associated with. They don't care, they have my money and a returned shirt that they can resell, they have a real thing going! I am out the price of the shirt, the shipping and the return shipping.

Sulphur Springs, US
Send a message
Aug 31, 2011 9:06 pm EDT

This is to the idiot that wrote he use to work there and quit, see even rude on here! That must be their qualifications. He said tired of dealing with customers like who is on here. Well, its people like us that kept that job for you buddy and if you are ever hired at another job, which I hope not with that attitude. Those people sit on their a** all day and play games on the cumputor or something and get pd. min. wage and are mad about that! After reading this I am NOT going to order anything either. i almost did not check them out! I wanted a bluejean jacket coat, pink tools, raincoat and 2 other items, well over $300.00. They are too expensive, anyway and no promo codes, no shipping deals and no discounts, that right there is not good! I do not want to deal with savings ace, already was reading about that and found out that is bad. So, they get you at the front door and the back door. At least good old Wal mart does stand behind their stuff and a few other places, I have found. Thanks, to all this my business is going else place! Thanks, Winterlace

Sulphur Springs, US
Send a message
Aug 31, 2011 9:11 pm EDT

Oh by the way, I complained about jewelry television and looked up and this place right here had an advertizement for them, go figure! So, the next time, I am on here they will probably be advertizing for catalog favorites, so something about that is just not right! Everything on this computor with all sites is a scam!

marcige T
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Jan 12, 2012 1:16 am EST

Has anyone actually received something ordered from this company? I ordered on 12/16/11, it's now 1/11/12, and customer service is acting like they have no clue what is going on.

Is there a chance in heck I will receive my order

helen Weinar
Kirkland, US
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Jan 27, 2012 1:09 am EST

I ordered peacock sequin top. When it finally arrived in did not liked the fabric and sewing job was terrible. So I sent it back and was very disappointed that I had to pay shipping. I paid 13.95 with my order and paid shipping again. Usually company pays for returned items. When I call them they said no. So I paid over $ 20 for nothing. I don't have to tell you that will never order from them again.

Bel Air, US
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Sep 06, 2012 10:32 am EDT

NEVER ORDER FROM THIS PLACE! The never sent the item that was ordered. I called three times to track the item and did not receive the same answer. I takes 10 takes 2 takes 2-3 weeks, but ten business days from when it was sent. They have no clue where it was shipped from, no clue where the items where and did not have an answer for me. I never write reviews, but this so called business is terrible!

Debra Knight
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Oct 06, 2012 9:09 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

This company is horrid. There is obviously a need for someone else to start a catalog sales company. The competition will be easy to beat!

Send a message
May 12, 2013 8:39 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I also have worked as a customer service rep for this horrible company. I can honestly tell you the supervisors could care less about your complaints. They will never respond to your emails, so don't even bother. I have never worked for a company that could care less about the complaints of paying customers. It made me sick to see the way they handled certain situations. I couldnt handle working for a company like this. And true most of the reps dont have a clue. I agree with that 100%. Your better off taking your business elswhere. They do take orders for about 13 different catalogs.

Bailey, US
Send a message
Oct 23, 2013 4:48 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

My complaint is about Pyramid Collections - I will echo the sentiments that the supervisors do not care about the customers. We've bought several items from them in the past without a problem. This time I ordered a dress that I needed delivered before 10/26 for an event. The dress shipped on 10/16. I had paid for expedited shipping & received an e-mail telling me that if I paid for the expedited shipping that I would receive my item in LESS than the normal 5-9 days that it takes to ship. Today is 10/23. I don't have my dress. Called them and requested that they resend it to me at their expense so I would have it by Friday & that I would return the other dress when it arrived. I was told NO. I asked for a supervisor. I was told that the supervisor was TOO BUSY to speak with me, but they would credit me back my shipping costs. NOT THE ISSUE! The issue is they promised to have the dress to me by now. I will NEVER do business with this company again.

Had by CatalogFavorites
Acra, US
Send a message
Dec 03, 2013 11:02 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I guess I'm just another sucker who thought a simple order would actually be that. I ordered a t shirt on nov. 6th was told it would ship on nov. 14th, that date came and went. I found out they processed my payment yet I never received the merchandise I ordered. I have sent two emails to this company who said I should receive my package thru the us mail. I guess my recall as the company has not replied to my request for a refund is to contact the attorney general and possibly to report mail fraud. Will forward a copy of any correspondence to the federal trade commission and postmaster general. The shipping stated that my package would ship via FedEx and be delivered by the USPS. Will update as this Forum is important. Hopefully no one else get duped.

Bailey, US
Send a message
Dec 04, 2013 2:43 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

FYI - I wanted to update my complaint to state that after I did some research I actually was able to contact someone within Pyramid Collection and they put me in contact with someone higher up in Customer Service and they not only shipped me another dress in time for my event but they credited my account for it. So, while it took extra work on my part to get this done, once upper management became aware of my issue, they stepped up and took care of it.

Major Online Shopper
Saint Peter, US
Send a message
Dec 19, 2013 9:07 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I placed orders with several companies on December 6 and have received everything in a timely manner EXCEPT MY CATALOG FAVORITES ORDER! I wish I had checked them out online before ordering. It's Christmas with the family this week and 4 gifts are missing so I guess I'll go shopping last minute and hope to find something. Don't risk ordering from them unless you don't mind if and when the order arrives. ) =

Dawsonville, US
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Oct 15, 2014 1:14 pm EDT

My experience has been with Northstyle. I had 2 orders, both were fulfilled in a satisfactory manner, though the merchandise in the second order was defective...on two counts. Once, the shirt had a fabric flaw in the front of it...both shirts (the orig. and the replacement) were fitted with snaps that don't stay closed. Bend over and they pop open. I tried adjusting the snaps, no success.
My main complaint is what they do with your information.
I have received unwanted catalogs from all of their (14?) affiliates whether I have an interest in them or not. One day I received nine catalogs. Nine. Not exaggerating.
I have taken the time to call each and every one as well as taking time to unsubscribe via email, and three months later, I'm still getting catalogs from their *&#%$!@ affiliates.
Today when I called to unsubscribe from "Young Explorers" (I have no children), the customer service person confirmed I'd unsubscribed months ago, but that even having done so, some catalogs still go out.

This is a flat out unethical, miserable practice. Even if I saw something I wanted terribly in Northstyle or one of the affiliated "stores", I'd never order from them again due to the terrible misuse of my home address and data...and frankly, they're overpriced for the quality of clothing I received.
Steer clear unless you enjoy getting bulk catalogs and paying more for average and below merchandise.

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    101 Billerica Ave, Building 2, North Billerica, Massachusetts, 01862, United States
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    Feb 06, 2025
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Catalog Favorites Category
Catalog Favorites is ranked 1128 among 1606 companies in the Online Shopping category