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Vencano Reviews 18

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Vencano Vencano Review: Complete Rip-Off and Terrible Customer Support

and I urge anyone thinking of purchasing from Vencano to steer clear! This company is a complete rip-off and should not be trusted at all.

I recently bought a dress from Vencano and upon opening the package, I was immediately disappointed. The color of the dress was completely different from the picture on their website, and the fabric felt rough and cheap. Moreover, the stitching was all over the place and the dress did not fit me properly.

But that was not the worst part. After paying upfront for the dress and a few other items, I waited for almost a month to receive my order. And when I finally got an email notification from Vencano, it was to inform me that some of the items I had ordered were out of stock. I was furious! How can a company accept payment for items they don't have and then notify customers AFTER they have been charged?

I decided to request a refund but that proved to be a nightmare. Their customer support is practically non-existent. It took me forever to get through to someone and when I finally did, they completely ignored my refund request and instead sent me a useless coupon.

I was not going to let them get away with stealing my money. I kept emailing them but it was the same old story - they kept offering me coupons that didn't work. It was so frustrating and I felt completely cheated.

In the end, I had to escalate the issue to Paypal for assistance. What a waste of time and energy! I cannot stress enough how terrible Vencano is. Do NOT buy from them or you will regret it.

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Vencano Disappointing Quality and Overpricing - My Experience with Vencano

To be honest, I was super excited about getting my hands on a new item from Vencano ( I had been looking for something new to add to my wardrobe, and their website seemed to offer a decent selection. However, when I finally received my item, I was left feeling completely disappointed. The overall quality of this item was just poor. It didn't offer any support, and the fit was just lousy.

Before ordering, I did take the time to read through some of the other customer reviews for Vencano, and I have to say that most of them were negative. Although I felt a bit disheartened by this, I still wanted to give them a chance - after all, everyone's experience is different. However, after getting my hands on this item, I can't stress enough how much I regret making this purchase.

For starters, the item was overpriced - I felt like I had wasted my hard-earned money. To make matters worse, I had to wait for weeks for it to arrive. I'm not a very patient person, so waiting for something that didn't fit or look good was a total bummer. Ultimately, I would have to say that this experience was a complete letdown.

At this point, all I can say is that I don't recommend purchasing anything from Vencano. I wish I could report them for scamming me, but I don't want to be mean - although, given the money I spent, maybe I should be! All things considered, I think it's best to stick with well-known sites like Amazon. They offer better options, better prices, and better overall customer service.

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Vencano Vencano Review: Worst Shipping and Website, Don't Waste Your Time and Money

I just gotta say, Vencano is the worst. I mean, come on, I paid for expedited shipping several months ago and still haven't received my order. What a load of baloney! And don't even get me started on their website. First, you gotta register for an account and then you're thrown into this labyrinth of pages that are totally useless. Like, what's the point of registering if all you're gonna get is spam and have your personal info stolen? I'm starting to suspect this company is based outside the US, because the grammar on their website is atrocious and not at all professional. Like, do they even proofread anything?

I've tried to contact them multiple times through different email addresses (I won't list them here, but let's just say they're sketchy looking) and have gotten no response. It's like I'm talking to a brick wall or something. So, I've given up and just asked for a refund. Hopefully they'll actually follow through on that.

Long story short, I wouldn't recommend Vencano to my worst enemy. Save yourself the trouble and go somewhere else.

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Vencano Vencano Refund Nightmare: Useless and Frustrating Process - A Warning to Future Buyers

of refund, and how useless it is)

Just wanted to share my experience with Vencano. I made a purchase from their website a couple of months ago and it turned out to be a complete nightmare. First of all, it took them so long to separate my items that I had to cancel my order. I had a time schedule to follow and it was just taking too long. That's when all the trouble started.

I have been trying to get my refund for over 2 months now and every time I contact them, I get an automatic message. They keep sending me a proof of refund which is basically an image that the bank doesn't recognize. It says nothing about my bank account and they say that's all the financial team can provide. It's really frustrating.

To be honest, I don't leave many reviews online, but this experience was just too ridiculous not to share. I wouldn't recommend this website to anyone. It's a scam! I still haven't received my refund and it seems like I lost my money for good. This whole process has stressed me out so much. I'm going to make sure I review them on every website and channel available so that no one else has to go through this. These people should be put in jail for this!

If you take a look at the file attached, you can see what they sent me as proof of refund. It's completely useless. Don't make the same mistake I did. Stay away from Vencano!

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Vencano Vencano Review: Disappointing Quality, Missing Item, and Poor Business Practices

Man, I gotta tell ya, Vencano is a real letdown. I was so excited to order some dresses from them, but boy was I disappointed when they finally arrived. And let me tell you, the reviews on this place did not lie - they were terrible!
For starters, when I got my package, there was one dress missing. I've been going back and forth with Vencano and their billing department for weeks now trying to get a refund or at least that missing dress, but no luck. They did offer me a 5% refund on each dress if I kept them, but honestly, these dresses are so poorly made and look nothing like the pictures online. I'm pretty sure they're not even worth 5% of what I paid for them!
And to make matters worse, I ordered through PayPal and when I opened a claim to try to get a refund, Vencano reached out and said they couldn't process it until I closed the claim. So I did... and then they still didn't give me my money back! Talk about bad business practices.
Honestly, if I were you, I wouldn't waste my time or money on Vencano. It's just not worth it. You'll end up feeling disappointed and ripped off, just like I did. Save yourself the trouble and go somewhere else for your fashion needs.

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Vencano Vencano Review: Scam Alert - Poor Quality Products and Fake Ratings

The photos on Vencano's website may look familiar to you, and that's because they are the same as another site I ordered from a year ago. Identical. I was excited to order a beautiful sweater, but when it arrived, I was horrified. I'm not exaggerating when I say it looked like it was pulled from a garbage heap and ironed. It was torn, smelled terrible, and was so small that it would barely fit a five-year-old child. The "style" was completely different from the picture, and I was so disappointed that I threw it away instead of aggravating myself further.

When I contacted Vencano, they told me to take pictures of it, but I refused. I wanted a refund and was willing to send it back. However, they didn't want it back, and I can see why. This experience taught me that there are many scam sites out there, and if you don't do your homework beforehand, you could be throwing your money away. The ratings on Vencano's website might be fake, too. Scam companies have many employees who write false reviews to trick people into thinking they are legitimate.

I made a similar mistake before when I ordered a table from another site without checking reviews first. Luckily, my credit card company refunded my money after I showed them the poor quality of the product. Don't make the same mistake I did. Always do your research before ordering from a new site. Don't let Vencano scam you out of your hard-earned money like they almost did to me.

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Vencano Vencano Review: Poor Customer Service and Low-Quality Merchandise

I was super bummed with how Vencano handled my recent order. So here's the deal. I placed an order on 09/16/[protected]@ 5:11pm, and right away I realized that I should have gone one size up, since their clothes run super small. I reached out to their customer service that same hour to request an exchange to a "Medium" size. One of their reps replied saying they'd got my query and that my order was on hold until I confirmed that I wanted to do the switcheroo.

But can you believe it? After I confirmed that I definitely wanted a medium, they hit me with a message saying that my merchandise had already shipped? Wait a minute, didn't they just say that my order was on hold until I confirmed what I wanted to do? This was just completely ridiculous to me.

Fast-forward ten days, and my item finally arrived, but as expected, it didn't fit me at all. So I had to send it back lickety-split. Today, I got a message that they'd refund me $11.00 instead of the $ 18.99 that I initially paid for it. Seriously, what a rip-off. It was clearly a total scam!

So let me tell you, do not even think about engaging with Vencano. First off, their merchandise is poorly made -- the materials are cheap -- and finally, the company is just a total joke. This is not a good look for them -- it's a total scam!

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Vencano Vencano: The Misunderstood Online Store - A Review

Soo...I gotta say sorry to Vencano for the real brutal reviews I done posted about 'em earlier. I ordered a sweater from 'em and it didn't come for like a month, and there wasn't no tracking info in the description so I got worried it mighta been a scam. I went lookin' up reviews online and half of 'em said they got their order but it wasn't what they ordered, and the other half never got their order at all! I was freakin' out, ya know? So I sent Vencano an email all nervous-like, and to my surprise, they got back to me right away. I was like, what kinda scamming website emails ya back so fast with more info? Shouldn't they just ignore ya? But there was still some info missin' from the tracking, so I thought they was still tryna scam me. So I gave 'em some real mean reviews to warn others not to buy from 'em.

But then I decided to email 'em back and ask more questions, and we were emailing back and forth all night. And in the mornin', my package was right outside my door, just like they promised it would be. In the emails, I told 'em it was a gift that I needed before Christmas, and I don't know if it helped get my order here faster, but it showed up real quick after all them emails.

The product I got was just what I ordered, and it's in great condition. I'd totally recommend shopping at Vencano. They got good stuff, you just gotta be patient cause it takes a while for it to get there, and they might not give you all the tracking info you need.

Sorry again, Vencano. My bad for the nasty reviews. And thanks for the fast email replies and gettin' my order to me on time. I don't think you's a scam website, at least not for me, but I'd still be careful. And I learned my lesson, gotta read reviews before I order from any website from now on!

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Vencano Warning: Avoid Vencano - A Complete Ripoff

This store is a complete ripoff. I've had a terrible experience with them and I don't recommend anyone to try it. I thought I had found a new gem when I first ordered from Vencano. The order arrived quickly - four days to be exact. However, the boots I purchased were way too tight and didn't fit properly. I returned them to the store hoping for a refund but I ended up losing almost all my money and the dang boots! I wish I had kept them because I would have sold them off to someone else for more money than I got back. Unfortunately, I had already placed two more orders with them.

My second order was a T-shirt that I checked would fit me according to their sizing chart with details of a bust of 50 inches. However, the T-shirt I received was 12 inches smaller. It took over 2 weeks to receive the order. I contacted them about the refund but they only offered me a 40% refund on that shirt, which I decided to donate since it was of no use to me. They didn't even give me the 40% back.

My third order hasn't even arrived yet and it's been almost a month since I placed it. These last two orders were placed before I discovered what a scam this store is. They even charged me the value of a coupon I "earned" which I can't even use because it has already expired. The store policy says that coupons aren't refundable, which is ridiculous because I didn't pay for it in the first place. The policy also states that I receive a full refund for defective items plus shipment costs. However, instead of receiving that, I was charged $7.99 for the shipment and only received a $6.88 refund. I paid over $53.00 for expedited shipment and I'm worried about what's going to happen when the package finally arrives.

If you're lucky enough to not have a problem with Vencano, that's great, but don't expect quick processing times. The expedited shipping charges are a complete joke. They list the processing time as 7-9 days (not working days) but they don't guarantee it. They can effectively take an entire month for processing before shipping. They make a lot of money doing this while customers wait and twiddle their thumbs for something that won't arrive any faster than someone who paid for regular shipping.

If you're thinking of trying Vencano, don't say you weren't warned. I hope this review helps someone out there avoid losing their money and products to this terrible online business.

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Vencano Complaints 9

6:42 pm EDT
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Vencano Disappointing Experience with Vencano: Long Wait, Shipping Issues, and Poor Customer Service

Ordered two new dresses some time ago from Vencano. The dresses took a full month to come, which is a long time to wait if you’re excited to get something new. When the dresses were finally supposed to arrive, I was met instead with news that the shipper couldn’t get through the security gate to deliver them. Sadly, that was the end of the story – the dresses were simply returned to China and I was left with no further options to get them. I searched for the contact information for the shipping company, but this was nowhere to be found within the package I received. There was no alternative way to reach out to them. I tried to email customer service, but wasn’t able to get through there, either. For a few days, the link was down and I couldn’t do anything but wait. So, while this ordering experience was not a positive one for me, I’m hopeful that perhaps Vencano will look into ways to improve their customer service for future orders.

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6:29 pm EDT
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Vencano Disappointing quality and return policy from Vencano: My experience

I ain't too happy with Vencano. I got my stuff a little while back and what I got was not great. The quality was real poor, the shrt (I'm pretty sure they meant shirt) didn't even have a hem line on the bottom, and I had no idea that I couldn't return a bathing suit with the tag still on it. So now I'm out $136 and I can't even send the stuff back. I've tried and tried but the return system says they can't process it. This is a real mess and I want my money back. Ya feel me?

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5:02 pm EDT
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Vencano Warning: Stay Away from Vencano - Dishonest Advertising and Poor Service

I gotta say, Vencano is one of the worst companies I've ever had the misfortune of doing business with. I only wish I had stumbled upon these reviews before making the mistake of ordering from them. My advice to you? Save yourself the headache and avoid this company like the plague.

Let me tell you why. Firstly, their advertising is all a bunch of lies. They claim to offer expedited shipping and shipping within 24 hours, but in reality, it's all a load of rubbish. It's taken over a month for my order to even ship, and that's just unacceptable. I've requested a full refund - fingers crossed that actually happens.

Honestly, the whole thing just feels like a scam. The items I received weren't even close to what I was expecting them to be, and the orders are so far from being timely that it's genuinely ridiculous. If I could give Vencano zero stars, I absolutely would.

So yeah, save yourself the time and money. Stay well clear of Vencano - they're not worth your time, effort or money. Trust me on this.

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Is Vencano Legit?

Vencano earns a trustworthiness rating of 1%

Stay away! We strongly recommend avoiding Vencano.

Our conclusion: ComplaintsBoard's comprehensive research indicates that Vencano is highly unreliable and may be operating as a scam. We advise against dealing with Vencano to prevent potential harm. If you notice any suspicious behavior, report it by writing a complaint.

With only 0% of 9 complaints being resolved, Vencano slow complaint resolution rate suggests poor service, lack of responsiveness, or a lack of helpfulness, causing frustration to users. It is obvious that the company has the lowest level of trust.

Vencano protects their ownership data, a common and legal practice. However, from our perspective, this lack of transparency can impede trust and accountability, which are essential for establishing a credible and respected business entity.

The website belonging to Vencano has a low number of visitors, which could be a red flag for users. However, it's important to conduct additional research to fully evaluate the website's legitimacy and trustworthiness.

We have received reports that the website associated with Vencano is selling fake products. If you are considering purchasing products from this website, it's important to do additional research, verify the website's legitimacy, and consider contacting the manufacturer to determine the authenticity of the products.

Complaints Board has received reports that the website may be a possible fraud. To protect yourself, consider using a different website. If you find that the website is indeed fraudulent, report them to us, to help protect other consumers.

However ComplaintsBoard has detected that:

  • Vencano has received positive review on our site. This is a good sign and indicates a safe and reliable experience for customers who choose to work with the company.
  • has a valid SSL certificate, while Scammers can obtain a valid SSL certificate by using fake information or by using a stolen or hijacked domain. In some cases, they may even use a certificate issued to another legitimate website.
  • Several mixed reviews for Vencano have been found on various review sites. While some customers have had positive experiences with the company, others have reported issues with their products or customer service. It's important to read and consider a variety of reviews before making a decision to purchase from this website.
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Vencano Catastrophic Customer Service: My Disappointing Experience with Vencano

So, I had some troubles with my recent order from Vencano. I mean, we all have problems, right? And the real test of a company's worth is how they handle those problems. Well, let's just say that Vencano did NOT pass the test. The code they gave me to remedy the situation was a bust. And when I tried to explain this to the customer service rep on the phone, let's just say it was like talking to a brick wall. I mean, come on, can you even comprehend what I'm saying?! They seemed to be more interested in playing weird control games than, you know, actually helping a customer out. Like, seriously, why would I be trying to take advantage of them in that situation? Needless to say, it was one of the most bizarre customer service experiences I've ever had - and not in a good way. With all the other options out there, I don't think it's worth it to bother with Vencano in the future. Buyer beware, my friends! And definitely steer clear of the person I spoke to yesterday. I'm pretty sure they're in need of some serious training (or maybe even firing) in the customer service department. A total nightmare.

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Vencano Buyer Beware: Vencano Review - Impressive Quality Products, but Poor Customer Service and Communication

So, I recently purchased some items from Vencano, which is a website that sells clothing and accessories. My order included four items, however, I returned three of them for a variety of reasons. The product that I kept was a pair of boots, which looked absolutely stunning and seemed to be made very well. The quality of the boots was simply impressive.

However, I was disappointed with the two sweaters that I ordered, which did not look as beautiful as the ones that were pictured on the website. They were made from a thinner knit material and had a dowdy appearance. As a result, I decided to return them, and so I requested a return label through email, which Vencano sent to me.

After a week, I finally sent the items back to Vencano and had to pay for the shipping costs. I even got a receipt from the post office with a tracking number that showed the package had arrived at the destination safely. Nevertheless, to my dismay, I never received a reimbursement for the returned items. I tried to contact the company about the issue, but there was no email or chat, and the phone number provided was from Hong Kong, which did not go through.

I feel like I'm in a sticky situation now because I did not get any response from the company or the reimbursement that I was hoping for. Overall, I would advise anyone against buying from Vencano because their customer service and communication system are not very reliable. Unfortunately, I lost both money and time as a result of my recent purchase from Vencano.

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Vencano Beware: is a Scam! Don't Waste Your Money on Their Website - My Personal Experience

OMG, I can't believe I fell for it! I ordered from Vencano on their website ( and never received my order! It's been a whopping 4 months and counting and I haven't been able to get in touch with anyone! I've sent numerous emails, but no one has responded back. There's no phone number to call either, so I'm stuck with no answers and no way to get my money back. This is definitely a scam, folks!

I was so looking forward to my daughter wearing her new clothes and bathing suit this summer, but now it's over and she never got to enjoy them. As a single mom, that $132 I spent on my order was a lot of money for me. It's really disappointing that people can be so dishonest and take advantage of others, especially those who struggle to make ends meet.

It's just mind-boggling to me that you can't trust anyone anymore. Whatever happened to the days when people were kind and honest? It's a real shame that there are people out there trying to pull scams and rip others off. I wouldn't recommend buying anything from Vencano at all. Stay away from this site and save your hard-earned money for a trustworthy store.

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Vencano Beware of Unauthorized Charges! My Experience with Vencano

Me and my sister decided to order some swimming suits from Vencano. We had a nice conversation on the phone while making the purchase, but we later realized that we ordered the wrong sizes. Disappointed, we figured we would have to return them and start the ordering process all over again.

However, things only got worse from there. After 2 months, we both checked our credit card statements and noticed unexpected charges from $#*!'s Sporting Goods and WSS. My sister's charges appeared today, and mine came in 2 days ago. It was clear that we had to take immediate action, as we discovered that our credit cards had been compromised.

We quickly contacted our bank and our credit cards were voided. We were then forced to order new cards to replace the old ones. It was a hectic and unpleasant experience because it only became clear that we were scammed after ordering from Vencano.

I urge you to check your bank statements and credit card invoices for any unauthorized charges that aren't yours. This was no coincidence as my sister and I both ordered from Vencano around the same time, and our troubles started soon after. I hope this honest review will help you avoid any unwanted headaches and save you from potential identity theft and financial loss in the future.

Thank you for taking the time to read this review and stay safe with your online orders!

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Vencano Warning: Horrible Experience with Vencano - Do Not Shop Here!

I'd really like to talk about this online store, Vencano, where I ordered a Grinch shirt about two months ago. So, up front, let me tell you that I've been ordering stuff online for almost 20 years and never before have I received such a disappointing item as this one. Firstly, the shirt looks nothing like the style in the picture, and doesn't fit me well either, but I'm not too bothered about that. However, what really disappointed me, and left me feeling pretty gross, was the fact that it arrived in a close-to-soaking-wet state - sealed inside a plastic bag, with the tag peeling off from the wetness. To make matters worse, there were stains all over the front, with an orange-ish color that I can't even identify, and just touching it made me feel like puking! Absolutely disgusting, if you ask me.

After this, I decided to check if I could return the shirt, but lo and behold, I found out that I didn't qualify for the supposedly-worry-free returns, as it said on the website! Not happy, I decided to voice my opinion and wrote a review, only to find out that they removed my review right away! Unacceptable. So, let me tell you, friends, don't shop here. It's just gross and disappointing!

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Vencano Mixed Feelings about Vencano: Items not as described and poor customer service

I was totally excited when I stumbled upon Vencano ( Their website has so many items to choose from - it's like an online fashion heaven! I viewed some clothing items and fell in love with so many of them, so I decided to order a few things. Unfortunately, when I received my package, it became clear that not everything was all it was cracked up to be. The Camouflage Jeans listed were nothing like what I was expecting - they felt more like itchy synthetic pants. Although they were comfortable, they didn't look very attractive on. Then there was the blouse - the one that had pictures and described the lace inserts on the sleeves. Sadly, it was entirely deceiving, and there was no lace in sight - just printed fabric. However, I was happy with the three sweaters I ordered, and they fit me perfectly!

The only problem is that I still want to order from Vencano, but I'm hesitant now because I'm afraid the items won't match their descriptions again. In addition, I paid extra for expedited shipping, but I didn't receive my package until after a month (and I wasn't the most thrilled about that). The most frustrating part though is that whenever I reached out to their customer service for assistance - well, it was quite a headache. I asked for shipping reimbursement, and they agreed to give it back through a credit, which was okay but not what I was hoping to get.

In conclusion, although Vencano has many items to choose from, I am still quite hesitant to order because of my previous experience with the items not matching their descriptions. I still have my eyes on a few items that I'm looking to purchase, but I'm afraid it will be a repeat of my last experience. Even though their website looks great, I need some assurance that the pictures and explanations will match up with the actual items before I take the plunge and make another purchase.

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About Vencano

Vencano ( is an emerging online marketplace that offers a wide range of high-quality and affordable products, ranging from clothing and accessories to home décor and gadgets. This online store brings together a vast selection of products from different reputable brands and sellers worldwide.

One of the remarkable features of Vencano is its user-friendly website that is easy to navigate. It offers customers a seamless experience, with a simple and straightforward interface that is easy to use even for those who are not tech-savvy. This website ensures that all products listed are authentic and of high quality, giving customers peace of mind when they shop.

Another excellent benefit of Vencano is that it offers customers the best prices on various products without compromising quality. The site ensures that all products are available at competitive prices, making shopping on this platform more affordable for customers.

Vencano stands out from other online marketplaces by providing excellent customer service to all its shoppers. The site features a help center where customers can reach out to the customer service team for assistance, and their inquiries are resolved promptly and comprehensively.

What’s more, the uniqueness of Vencano lies in offering an exclusive array of products that is not readily available on other platforms. With an extensive range of categories and listings for different products, there is always something for everyone on this platform.

Overall, Vencano is an excellent choice for those looking to buy high-quality products at an affordable price while enjoying excellent customer service. This online marketplace is undoubtedly a game-changer in the world of e-commerce, offering customers an amazing shopping experience.

Overview of Vencano complaint handling

Vencano reviews first appeared on Complaints Board on May 14, 2023. The latest review Vencano Review: Complete Rip-Off and Terrible Customer Support was posted on May 30, 2023. Vencano has an average consumer rating of 1 stars from 18 reviews. Vencano has resolved 0 complaints.
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    May 13, 2024
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Vencano is ranked 145 among 159 companies in the Women's Clothing category

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