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CB Energy and Power FerrellGas 419 Main St, Three Bridges, NJ, 08887, US
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FerrellGas company logo


419 Main St, Three Bridges, NJ, 08887, US
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1 complaint
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8:00 am - 5:00 pm
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
11:49 am EST

FerrellGas - lowering standard of customer service

I've used FerrellGas since the purchase of my house in 1997. Throughout that time, I was on an automatic delivery, pretty consistently needing my propane tank filled every three months. The propane heats my hot water and my dryer. This past year, FerrellGas sent notification to customers that they would no longer provide auto-fill services without a certain level of usage. This wouldn't have been such an issue before I became disabled with crippling arthritis in my hands, leaving me unable to lift the lid on the tank to see how low propane had gotten. I explained to the phone rep that I was disabled and unable to check my tank. I asked if there was any way, given my long-term patronage to this company and my disability, I could have an automatic delivery every 3 months. She checked with her manager who denied answering my request. (Bad manager.) This past delivery was the first I would have been required to call in, requesting a delivery. More than 3 months had passed and I ran out of propane. I called FerrellGas explaining and they stated it would be 7 days before they could come. I explained that I wasn't able to go without hot water for that amount of time. They did get someone out that same day which I very much appreciated. In reviewing the itemized bill, there was a charge of $100 in addition to the other typical charges. The rep explained that because the tank became empty he had to do a leakage check and that was the reason for the charge. $100.00 I asked! Really? I'm on disability, in the process of getting my house ready to sell because I can no longer keep it up nor can I cover the expenses, and you're charging me $100 that has come about because I'm physically unable to lift the lid on the tank in answer to the lowering of your customer service that I had become accustom to receiving for the past 18 years? She lowered the $100 charge a bit for me but now I'm stuck with a company I'd love to be rid of but I'd be faced with $100 charge to remove the tank and the installation charge in going with another more customer-friendly company when I may only be using them for a few months. FerrellGas: If angering customers by lowering your well-established standard of customer service is the best method of answering the need to become more cost effective, perhaps you need to employ leaders in the organization who can find more innovative ways of doing so. And perhaps you could have at least taken into consideration customers you have with special needs, such as the infirm and elderly who live alone. Shame on you for operating your business like a scrooge!

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