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Securitas Complaints 117

6:39 am EDT
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Securitas company is a joke!

When I began working for Securitas here on Maui, I was ecstatic. They portrayed themselves as a professional, highly trained, elite company with highly trained officers. I was told about all of these great opportunities for advancement and training I would be receiving. They really put up a great facade.
It took me just a few months to learn that this company is so full of crap. Apparently officers pay depends on the site you're assigned with pay rates from $9/hr.-$11/hr. I was moved to different sites monthly sometimes working at 3 different sites in 1 week. We never had a set schedule, every week was different days off or shift. Sometimes you work 20hrs a week and sometimes 60hrs. a week. We had no way of knowing what our schedule was for the next week because schedules would come out the day before it began. There were times that no schedule came out at all and we had to contact the FS to find out your schedule. There were 3 incidents where I showed up at work just to find another worker there...apparently we were double scheduled therefore someone would have to go home which was usually me...I was never compensated not even once for my wasted time due to their incompetence.
I'm sure everyone heard that Securitas are known to short employees hours on paychecks...well let me assure you that this is true. Almost all my paychecks was shorted between 1-12 hours and I would have to keep asking the FS when I would be paid sometimes for weeks until I finally get an adjustment "off-cycle" check. The company acts like you're trying to scam them out of money when you tell them your paycheck is short. Luckily I kept track of all my hours which proved I was shorted. When they realize I was shorted, they point fingers at
As for training, what training? I received no training whatsoever in the 2 years I was there. There were no Post Orders, nothing in black and white and no emergency plan in place for any of the sites I worked. Basically I was told if I see something happening, call my SS for instructions...which was usually "keep a distance and call the police"...smh. They basically want a uniform to be seen and not heard. Most officers have no idea what to do in situations so they just do nothing. There was once a bomb threat that was already handled by police but I knew I needed to inform the higher ups via chain of command. Therefore I notified my SS who was to inform client and FS who was to inform BM. Well apparently my SS dropped the ball and failed to inform anyone. Now get this, I get written up because they say I should have followed up and made sure the info was passed up the chain. WTF? Isn't that what chain of command is? I did my part...I made my notification. WTF am I responsible for making sure my supervisor make his notifications?
It didn't take long before I realized this company was a joke. Nobody took us serious, with good reason apparently. I was actually told by the BM that "here at Securitas we do not stand our ground"...lmao. They do not want us to approach anyone or intervene with anything. The simply want us to call the police for everything. We had an officer literally chased by a homeless guy back to his vehicle locking the doors while calling the police. We had officers threatened, pushed around, punched and lunged at and yet the company does nothing to protect us. After I was lunged at by a homeless male and threatened that he would be back with his boys to hurt me, I informed the BM of the incident and requested we get another officer on this 1 officer site or we get some type of training to deal with aggressive combative people. Apparently it fell upon deaf ears and I now was looked at as a liability. From that point on I got falsely accused and written up for bogus things until they finally suspended then fired me for not hitting enough TOCO's during my shift even though I was told there's no set amount by my SS when I started working there.
This company turned out to be a huge disgrace to security companies and makes all security look weak. Securitas has 2 different divisions: airports and all others. So just to be clear, I'm not referring to the airport division because the officers there are top-notch professional officers unlike the sad pathetic worthless division I'm referring to.

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Lahaina, US
Nov 22, 2013 9:59 pm EST

AGREE! The company that outsources them in my area of Maui are NEVER seen when they are hired to manage an up-scale community in West Maui. Banks and lucrative franchises pay them to handle security -- to no avail! Illegal Mexicans begging in front of McDonalds. Breaking bank windows! Knife-weilding perps living in their trucks for months on property. What a SCAM the property manager is -- based on Oahu. He will be exposed...

7:58 pm EDT

Securitas look at all of these complaints

This company really does suck...Look at all of the complaint's and the government does nothing...I can't beleave companies like GE use this company for guards...Well yes I can there cheap...There are other companies out there that use this company also...All because they are cheap...But they do charge like 18 per hour for each guard and pay the guards 8 dollars an hour to be there slaves...### company

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Jan 17, 2013 12:45 pm EST

all security companies are like that.

10:42 am EDT

Securitas no raise

Work for this company and yes they never give you a raise...And the office staff are idiots and jerks...

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Spokane, US
Jan 02, 2015 4:15 pm EST

The only way to get a raise is if Securitas re-does the contract when it expires and adjust the pay per hour per officer. Basically the contract says that the cliant will pay X amount for Y amount of time (length of contract). Part of that billing includes the pay per hour of each officer at that site. Therefore the client having already paid X amount for securitas' services are not obligated to provide any raises, and are restricted by the contract from doing so. However, if Securitas changes the rate of pay per officer and bills the client accordingly when the current contract expires, the client must approve it, and that means the client must have the "extra" amount allocated for that part of their budget, and must agree to the price difference. Securitas can certainly do that, but if the final bill is too high there is the risk that it might get rejected and Securitas could lose that job in favor of another security company with lower rates. So Securitas tends to keep the contract at the same rate each time the contract is renewed to avoid losing it. Thats why you don't get a raise each year. Thats one of the negative parts of working for a contractor, wages rarely, if ever, increase over time.

10:26 am EDT
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There are some serious issues with a Securitas office in Manhattan on Broadway. The office in New York, Manhattan may need investigation of its practices. Wages not paid to workers, incompetent scheduling personnel, possible racism and preferential treatment given to whites/hispanics, lack of 40 hour week for many officers, no holiday pay or overtime...

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9:45 pm EDT
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Securitas hired, never worked charged for training

OEF Combat Veteran here. I dont work for this company because i was "Hired" but never even worked. I agreed to the required training which was about $102.00 even. i got fingerprints done, backround check done and aced the job interview. They set me up for the wrong orientation date and then had me wait a week to do the training. I complete the training and call them immediately. They tell me to wait for a phone call. So i do for two weeks. They called and they asked if i could work. I said of course but not Saturday (as i put on m job application). They tell me to wait again. One full month later i get a rejection notice and a collection fee for $102.00. That is just low on all ends. I fought for their freedom so they can screw people over and take up collections. I think they are as crooked as they come. They dont know if theyre going to hire or not hire someone. Tell them they go the job, reject them and try to collect on the $102.00. What low lives and a truly reprehensible company.

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Mr Magillicuddy2u
May 20, 2012 3:08 am EDT

Well, how do you know if you "ACED" the interview? I doubt they told you. Perhaps your EGO? The fact you waited so long for them to offer you a position after having received the PRE-HIRE TRAINING that does not automatically mean you are entitled to a job, goes to show YOU LACK COMMON SENSE and you realy are not the brightest knife in the drawer. I to am a veteran from the 70's and I resent you brining in your military service into this lambchop. No stand tall or sit the f*** down, lick your wounded ego, and go forth and find a job elsewhere.

4:49 am EDT
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Securitas bad company

Don't work for this company.You might think it is ok at first but give it time.I worked for them and they let me go like I was trash.I worked at a Hotel that was Dangerous at times.Many drunks and some fights and some real weird people.I told the office I need backup and they said no. They are all about the place you work for and not about you at all.They called me one day and said that I call the police to much.Well to bad.If your out numbered and drunks give you a bad time I will call PD.At times there would be 300 + for a wedding and no help.So if you want to work for a company that does not give a Crap about you then this is it...Your just a piece of meat to them...Read about what happened in Kauai Airport and a Securitas Guard it is funny...That's LIHUE AIRPORT KAUAI...I am sure it was not the guards fault to kick people out of the airport when it was closed...Try getting paid if you have to stay and do overtime due to heavy rains and storm...The office would just laugh at you...

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7:54 am EDT
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Securitas stay away from thie company

Securitas is one of the worst security companies to work for, they don;t care about their employees their a joke beware stay away from this company.

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Anaheim, US
Sep 19, 2012 1:32 am EDT
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Here is why Securitas is a bad company to work for. Kieser hospital in Riverside on magnolia ave has a security female officer driving around the property in her blue twhen she is off duty. Anna the supervisor know about this and does nothing about it. Is this person stalking the nurses, also we should not forget about Dan who cared more about his ego than the nurses safety. The hire up's in the office do not know about any of this, because there own officers are not smart enough to report anything. There is employee harassment going on with Securitas security officers. That is why the Securitas keeps hiring and firing. Nice work Securitas and Kieser, bunch of idiots.

Apr 24, 2012 9:41 am EDT

Porkchop, you didn't say WHY they are the worst to work for! Are you in need of being loved? Whats da matter cupcake, do you long to suckle atyour mamma breast again or do you need to work? Who is "they"? The company is "Whom"? One manager, two managers, all managers? Gads, my noggin is getting confused with your broad generalization there peaches! Perhaps, you just need to hire a baybysitter to change your diapers and feed you your tapioca puddin'.

1:06 am EDT
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Securitas Poor benefits

Don't work for this company if you want good benefits or decent pay... If you get a 32, 000 dollar Hospital bill you have to pay 20 percent of that... And there dental is very poor... And there pay is poor... Is this what the Country means when it talks about jobs... All the good paying jobs went to China... A friend of mine moved to Europe and is doing much better over there... Pay is much better and benefits are great not like in the USA... I will be moving there after my Mom passes... I tell you what there are no good jobs anymore out there and Living in Florida is the worst they treat workers like crap here... No thanks... Can't wait to leave...

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Oct 15, 2008 5:52 pm EDT

Health coverage from employer is only good if you have no illnesses or injuries. I hear Securitas owns the company that is providing the health insurance for some of the employees. If so, they should be able to do better for thier people.

Silver Spring, US
Jun 13, 2010 5:24 pm EDT

I am a teacher at Thomson Elementary School, District of Columbia Public Schools. I had a Protective order at the school.A security guard, named Sunceray Kelly violated this confidential information by telling another staff member at our school.When I found out about it I told the Principal, Dr.Gladys Camp .
I requested a meeting with the security guard, my Principal and the Captain of the security guard.The security guard gave information that endangered my life when the person on the protective order came into the building two times this school year.She also told another staff member in the building and admits telling her information about us going to court and things pertaining to this protective order that had nothing to do with this other staff member.I never met the captain face to face.We did a phone conference with her because she kept making herself unavailable to meet .At the meeting I was told to sweep everything under the rug and forget about it.The security guard and the cafeteria worker who she told lied to cover her.This security guard should have been fired!
The captain (Johnson) could not answer even the simplest questions that I asked her as to What are the policies regarding the safeguarding of confidential information such as protective orders.She didn't know anything about what training the company offered for security guards or anything about discipline procedures of the security guards.How can she be in a position to supervise ? For all I know this might not have really been her Captain, it could have been her friend or relative.However, I was told to just let it go, forget about it but I can't and I won't until I know that this guard receives the discipline that she deserves!
This behavior is unprofessional! It is unacceptable ! This is not high quality! It is the complete opposite.I want this further investigated.
Beverly Carson

Mar 30, 2012 4:58 am EDT

I'm currently a secuit officer for this company. Being a security officer w are not supposed to disclose informatin about these things what this officer did was wrong and unethical and its not her place to disclose this information. we are not supposed to disclose personal info about clients employees. I believe thhis oficer shuld be punshed. Sincerely flex officer Patt.

Willi Franklin
Buffalo, US
Feb 13, 2011 12:29 am EST
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In my opinion, since we all are human being, you're responsible for your own action, and is the security guard responsibilities to protecting you from that bomb. Understand Human Psychology is an option...

12:29 pm EDT
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This company fn sucks! They steal from their employees in Hawaii. When your annual vacation check is due, they don't send you one unless you COMPLAIN to them. I've worked for this company in Hawaii for over 5 years and they don't send out our checks until you pay them. You know whats even more jacked up about this company? I personally gurantee they do...

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6:00 pm EDT
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Securitas personal hygiene/laziness

Has any one ever filed a complaint for another personal hygiene? We have an officer that reeks of odor. He smells like dog piss with a mouth full of nasty tobacco. We have tried for over a year to have our supervisor (S) get this man to clean up and smell like a human being. We even gave a statement to these a-holes and still nothing. They just think he's the best they have ever seen. Well they don't work with him. You try being in the same office and his odor is so bad that one can get physically sick. And when you leave you take his odor home with you. Our supervisor do not care how bad it is for us to work along side with this nasty person!
Another thing about this officer is that he is the laziest person ever. He does absoultley nothing! Does he do his monthly testing on the building fire system (Nope). Hasn't since june of 2011. It took one of the building's employees to point out one of the fire extinguishers needed to be taken in and reserviced. If he did his monthly check he would of found it not the client. He has no proof that he does his monthly testing and if he says he does he's lying through his teeth. It's to where the first shift office has decided not to do their monthly testing as of the first of this year. Why should she? He's gotten away with not doing his testing going on nine months. No ones called or checked on either one of the officers about their monthly testing.
He smokes on the client's property and gets away with it. He uses the company's trucks as him own personal chauffer. When every time he gets dropped at work he has the second shift supervisor pick him up 10 to 15 minutes before his shift ends to come pick him up and take him home. Now if they are doing that for him they should do it for every one! If not then take the bus or call a taxi but not the second shift supervisor.
We are tired of having to deal with this for over a year and nothing being done. May be seeing this will change things but probably not.

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Mr Magillicuddy2u
Mar 26, 2012 7:14 am EDT

Sister, sounds like you have an ax to grind with this gentleman. Why dont you worry about yourself and stop being a whiner? ###, ### ###, is that all you do? what do you expect for a low wage earner? Audie Murphey? For god's sake woman, shut your pie hole and do your job!

10:33 pm EST
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Securitas I want my break

So after working a year and a half, I finally get a break. Apart from eating at my post, I am still by law to receive two uninterrupted 15 minute breaks! For one I'm the only guard that wasn't scared to complain to HR. Well he gave me a break a week straight then stopped. Now he comes sometimes and its mostly at 2:45, I get off at 3pm. Attitudes about whats owed to me when he isn't doing crap any way! Do not work for this company because they don't care. We are hired by an HOA & this ### thinks he is one of them. I hungry, tired and this shouldn't be when I do the job

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Mr Magillicuddy2u
Apr 02, 2012 4:51 pm EDT

OOPs, pardon my fast typing fingers, I meant to say they can employ a MONKEY to do your job, yea thats right buckwwheat, a [censored] Monkey, and he would probably do a better job than you you sniveling girly boy.

Mr Magillicuddy2u
Apr 02, 2012 10:34 am EDT

Your tired from doing what ya lazy bum? Let me get this straight, you want a break from sitting at your desk eating your lunch? You're probably sitting in some guardhouse at a gated community, doing nothing, checking in cars as they come through from time to time, waiving through residents, sitting on your fat ### doing pretty much nothing and you want a break? Get a grip you whiny loser, they can employ a money to do your job so stop your [censor]in', MAN UP, and suck it up cupcake.

12:40 pm EST
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Securitas fired for no reason

I worked for this company for years and was fired because they said that I abandoned my post which was such a lie...They knew weeks ahead of time that I would not be working this night in question...And I knew the guard that replaced me that night...He said he was asked 4 nights before that if he could fill in for me that I would not be there...How bad is this...I knew this because they did not call me that night in question saying what is wrong how come I did not show up...They have my phone numbers...And they always call if a guard is a no show...So to say I abandoned my post was such a lie and they even gave me a letter saying why I was fired...My friends said I should sue them...I am thinking about it...

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Salem, US
Mar 19, 2014 12:31 pm EDT

Unfortunately Securitas is an at will company meaning they terminate you for any reason when ever they want unless you can prove discrimination but in the long run it will be hard.

David Woodall
Jun 26, 2017 6:11 am EDT

That is very true. They are just beginning to get back what they dish out and in the next few years are going to get their day big time. Huntsville, Alabama Securitas Branch Manager Christie Brinkley is a first-class [censor]. From David Paul Woodall of Huntsville, Alabama

6:56 pm EDT
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Securitas horrible management

This company is goin down hill fast. They hire mangers who know nothing about law enforcement. They tell us what we need to do and they have no idea what the F**ck they are doing . It wasnt like this before, they actually had a manager who knew what the hell she was talkin about and actually worked hard for the ones who were doin the job and got rid of the ones who where making us all look bad. They fired her probably cause she was to hott. So know we got a bunch of losers who are losing accounts left and right cause of this Luke Hutsel guy who doesnt know squat about Security... Upper Management if u can read this help I want to keep my job, Im tired of getting shiffled around.

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9:02 pm EDT
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Securitas damaging reviews

I worked for this company for over five years and was terminated in June of this year. Without any verbal or written reprimands for the reasons I was terminated. In my estimation I was terminated as a retaliation due to here say. But my complaint is not that I was terminated but that my previous supervisor is giving potential employers damaging reviews and giving her opinion on whether they should hire me or not. (Quote) Pamela Skelly, hiring him would be a big mistake. Is this legal? And is there any thing I can to stop this attack on my person?

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Al G
Jan 30, 2012 6:19 pm EST

I just read this complaint about this company. to begin, I am hoping that this web admin will hold true to their promise and protect our identities as we communicate or post our grivenances here. I am hoping that our IP addresses are not provided to anyone, where the company will "put some time between" this post and their intent to fire based on the contents of such. a note to the web admins...they really will fire people based on this ###! all of that said, I do understand what you mean about the supervisors. These indivudals are NOT college graduates and only have internal training which is presented at grade school level, replete with child like pictures and annimations to help the view understand. this company is not EOE or EEOC with promotions..Yeah, they will hire you, but you WONT get promoted! this company is much like walmart with their internal politics...they just dont give a darn! people are have supervisors using street knowledge to manage and prove violations against employees. Employees dont know whats going on until its time to be fired...they post memos and have written policies that you cant copy or take a copy of the memos off their specific locations, where the supervisors will change the memo content when complaints about them are communicated, but wont mark the memo an update, amendment or other indications that this memo is not the original. so what hapens, the employee LOOKS like a liar based on the abusive practices of supervisors. the upper managers, such as branch managers like to play the I didnt know game, indicating that they have a lot of work to do...sounds to me that what the branch managers are REALLY saying is that "I cant handle my position..." what is their purpose for management or supervision. Employees of this company are prohibited from shopping, or other wise contacting companys that this company patrols...that limits employees to basically being in a box! the company will fire you for telling any of this informaiton!

Hollywood, US
Sep 28, 2011 12:30 am EDT

Also they had a habit of bouncing checks on drivers or not paying on time (Can be verified by National City Bank-Buffalo Grove Illinois) treated their drivers with disrespect and worked them 20 hours aday or more.

7:48 pm EDT
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Securitas management

Never agree or sing up to be a flex officer with this company. Managers will be demanding with you, they say I need you at with site information. Also if you don't respond to their fist text message they will send you another text message with ? all in one minute. These managers also do not like to respond to emails or text messages unless it is to their benefit. They will tell you one thing and do the opposite. With Securitas once yous a Flex Officer you stay a Flex Officer. If you ask to be removed from the flex program don't hold your breath and expect to wait months to get a response if you even get one.
Avoid working for Securitas if you can.

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8:31 am EDT
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Securitas abuse

i also work for securitas in the 3 years of working for them we were absorbed by them when a decent company lost the contract at kaiser securitas lied from the first day that they had the contract their insurance trash designed to keep the employee broke they screw up the pay they recently violated a officers constitutional rights civil rights human rights securitas is the securitatrash if you can help it do not work for them they break the law every day

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Mr Magillicuddy2u
Apr 01, 2012 7:26 pm EDT

I agree and I suggest you fly to Ney Jersey and personnaly arrest Santiago at once for being an abusive idiot!

4:55 pm EDT
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Securitas is horrible company to work for they loose contracts left and right becasue of how horrible the H.R people are i have been with this company for 6 months and i hate every second of it! There ignorant and they dont care about their employees what so ever! I started at a good site 5 min from my house then they lost that contract because they SUCK!...

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12:20 am EDT
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Securitas med. insurance they offer

The health insurance that Securitas offerd sucks suck sucks .DONT SIGN UP FOR Aenta Ins. Securitas takes money out off every check for Aenta Ins. but when its time to use the insurance you may as well pay to go to the doctor out of your ouwn pocket. I've paid $130 a mth. for the last 3yrs, I tried to get my teeth fixed and all Aenta would cover was half on my teeth to be cleaned and I had to pay the remaining balance I still dont have my teeth fixed because i would have to pay $1000 out of my pocket to get the work started. Back in Oct.2010.March2011 I went to emergancy, Aenta only paid $100 towards $2700 balance now I have to pay this bill out off my own pocket. I tried to cancel my insurance with Aenta back in Jan.2011 they told me I can't cancel I have to wait until Nov2011. So Aenta takes $130 out my check and I stil have to pay the $2700 out off my pocket. DO NOT GET THE AENTA INS. THAT SECURITAS OFFERS

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Troy, US
Nov 30, 2011 4:18 pm EST

one more bad thing about that insurance it only covers $1000 a year for surgical and diagnostic coverage. if you work for Securitas don't take it

11:00 pm EST
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Securitas hire and never started working

I was hired for a job I did all the necessary procedures, had orientation and received uniforms. I was told they are waiting for a drug test Two months later im still waiting on a job. I had three interviews they lied about the pay and hours. I only heard from them once I wrote a email that I filed a compliant and spoke with my lawyer.

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7:09 pm EST
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Securitas Human resources

The human resources department is the worst i have ever seen. After going down for an interview, they tell you that the are hiring and they dont bother calling you back, even if you have a security license.

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Antonio Borbon
May 18, 2016 5:03 pm EDT

Security always denied a day off even you gave them advance a day off request for a month still never approved it happen all the time to other officers. This not rigth. I hope somebody do something about this.this is for L.a county account.

information sharing
Pacoima, US
Apr 16, 2011 1:52 am EDT

Los Angeles County Olive View Medical - UCLA Center.

Securitas Code of Conduct : Integrity, Vigilance, Helpfulness

Alleged False Accusations:
Graveyard Shift, 10:00 PM to 6:30 AM - A Security Guard read an exaggerated Sexual Harassment Complaint against a fellow Security Guard filed with the Human Resources and the Los Angeles County Police Department by a Servicon maintenance employee from the graveyard shift. The Post Commander or Supervisor removed the guard stating it was orders from the Los Angeles County Police Department.

Night Shift, 2PM to 10:30 PM - A Security Guard was suspended after being accused of stealing andwhile at Olive View then fired even though the charge was cleared.

Morning Shift, 6 AM - 2:30 PM - A Security Guard received a termination of employment via United Parcel Service after being accused of sleeping on ther job even with all around surveillance cameras.

The manager of the Los Angeles County contract office has changed location from the Mid-Wilshire possibly to a branch in the San Fernando Valley.

No documented information nor witnesses to prove the claims of sexual harassment, work place hostility.

Potential witnesses against the Contract Manager, Area Human Resources Manager, Post Commander ended being relocated to prevent depositions.

The Contract Manager and Area Human Resources Manager changed and they have a different Area Human Resources Manager as of 2010.

Witnesses who worked with the Security Guard accuse of theft are not there.

Those who worked with the Security Guard fired on the accusation of sleeping on the job are not there.

The Contract Manager and Area Human Resources Manager breached the contract as they did not allow for arbitration to happen

Arbitration is in the the employment contract.

Claims of havings orders from a law enforcement agency without documents is a felony.

As of 2010 the Los Angeles County Police Department was dissolved with the Los Angeles County Sheriff Department taking over in June 2010.

Many to include had complained their wages went down mainly because of the Los Angeles County Contract Manager.

Who to contact :
Securitas Security Services, USA
3325 Wilshire Blvd, Suite 1100
Los Angeles CA 90010
Phone: [protected]
Securitas Security Systems, USA is a division of Niscayah

Securitas-Olive View Medical Center
Post Commander:[protected]

Los Angeles County Police Department-Olive View Medical Center
Post Commander: [protected]

Olive View Medical Center Servicon Office:[protected]

Securitas Official Policy

Corporate social responsibility
Securitas is its people – more than 250, 000 employees in over 30 countries. To ensure that customers, employees, shareholders and other stakeholders have confidence in our company, our ethics and values play a prominent role in our operations.

Securitas’ Code of Conduct, based on our three fundamental values: Integrity, Vigilance and Helpfulness, serve as guidance for all of our employees in building trust with customers, colleagues and the surrounding community.

sdgG, US
Apr 13, 2011 8:01 pm EDT

A s the price of gas goes up, and clients or the inner office demand more and more labor movements per daily shift -the guards cannot do more for the money...TRUE!...2 GUARDS WORK FOR THE ONE GUARD RATE!...CHEAP CROOKS!

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Overview of Securitas complaint handling

Securitas reviews first appeared on Complaints Board on Nov 24, 2007. The latest review Supervisor stealing company time and sexual harassment was posted on May 27, 2024. The latest complaint Security guard was resolved on Mar 07, 2024. Securitas has an average consumer rating of 2 stars from 117 reviews. Securitas has resolved 26 complaints.
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163 reviews
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    Lindhagensplan 70, Stockholm, California, 10228, Sweden
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  6. Jenny
    Checked and verified by Jenny This contact information is personally checked and verified by the ComplaintsBoard representative. Learn more
    Jun 13, 2024

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