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CB Unauthorized Charges*Banana STA Amsterdam

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Whether you're considering doing business with*Banana STA Amsterdam, or you've already had an experience with them, our community's reviews and complaints will give you a valuable perspective on what to expect. Our goal is to help you make informed decisions about where to invest your time and money, and we hope that our platform will be a valuable resource for you.

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4:47 pm EDT*Banana STA Amsterdam unauthorized card

Hi there I am charged 2 times one day

04-06-2019*Banana Sta Amsterdam EUR 29, 99
04-06-2019*Banana Sta Amsterdam EURO 29, 99

They charge me while I don't know this company and didn't ordered anything
also 2 times at one day, please refund

card # 5209 xxxx xxxx 1399 Meester (don't know if you need complete card number)
email from me (raimondmeester ADD me, com)

If you need more info please send me message

Thanks and best regards

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hermes les eux
Nov 09, 2020 7:09 am EST

Salve sono registrato con mail hermeslesdeux@gmail. it...
I miei dati li avete dalla carta di credito e qui per privacy nn sbarello nome e cognome.
. ho visto scomparire I miei 29 euro appena registrato sul vostro sito di imbrogli e vi diffido da oggi a non effettuare altri prelievi sulla mia carta di credito... pena una denuncia
Provvedero' comumque a sporgere denuncia nei vs confronti...
Cmq siete degli sciacalli... e puzzate di mafia
Quindi ripeto che io vi diffido formalmente da oggi nel non effettuare qualsiasi prelievo ingiustificato..! altrimenti giuro che vi porto davanti ad un giudice...

12:28 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more*Banana STA Amsterdam unauthorized credit card charges

On the last August the 4th, I have a Charge about 70 US Dollars in my accout. My bank told me that it was for a recurrent charge beginning in March 2018 wich is deatailed as*BANANA STA AMSTERDAM.
I remember I join to some internet page but I am absolutelly sure that I rejected any recurrent charges.
As far as i tried, I can no recall thename of the page because it was rubbish. I just delete any of my data and whereabouts with the site.
But as I told you, I receive again a charge. I have tried to look for the origin, but I erase any information of my membership.
my email is [protected]
Thanks in advance

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Carlos Muñoz
Jun 07, 2019 1:23 pm EDT

Thank you for the post.
I was a victim too.
My Master Card has been supplanted.
Hope you will get your money back.

Jasmine Lewis
May 03, 2019 5:40 am EDT

Nice Post
My name is Jasmine Lewis and thanks for sharing this information.
Best IT Service provider company.

Charlie Wilson1
Apr 03, 2019 3:56 am EDT

Nice Post
My name is Charlie Wilson and thanks for sharing this information.
Best Web and Mobile Application solution provider company Locus Rags.

Johan Penning
Apr 03, 2019 2:30 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Cancel mine abonnementen plaese

Emanuele Negro
Feb 11, 2019 3:48 am EST Verotel, sono a richiederle la sospensione immediata dell'addebioto mensile di € 29.95 sulla mia carta di credito
n° 5311 **** **** *286 intestatala sottoscritto, Sig. Negro Emanuele
Qualora non dovesse esser effettuato con sollecito tale richiesta, mi vedrò costretto ad adire alle vie legali chiedendo spese e rimborsi.
Cordiali saluti
Negro Emanuele

Francisco miguel Sanchez
Jan 03, 2019 9:38 pm EST

Me están cobrando 70 dólares en mexicanos cada mes y nose ni que pedo con esto me están robando. Kiero mi dinero

2:58 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more
Featured review
This review was chosen algorithmically as the most valued customer feedback. Verotel, sono a richiederle la sospensione immediata dell'addebioto mensile di € 29.99 sulla mia carta di credito n° 4935 **** **** *689 intestatala sottoscritto, Sig. Gallingani Paolo Mariano. Qualora non dovesse esser effettuato con sollecito tale richiesta, mi vedrò costretto ad adire alle vie legali chiedendo spese e rimborsi. Cordiali saluti Gallingani Paolo Mariano

Read full review of*Banana STA Amsterdam and 42 comments

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