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Welcome to our customer reviews and complaints page for Omni Business Solutions. We understand that making informed decisions about where to invest your time and money can be challenging, which is why we've created this platform for our community to share their honest feedback about their experiences with Omni Business Solutions.

On this page, you'll find a comprehensive collection of reviews and complaints from real customers who have used Omni Business Solutions's products or services. Our reviews are authentic and unbiased, providing you with a complete picture of the company, its products or services, and their customer service.

Whether you're considering doing business with Omni Business Solutions, or you've already had an experience with them, our community's reviews and complaints will give you a valuable perspective on what to expect. Our goal is to help you make informed decisions about where to invest your time and money, and we hope that our platform will be a valuable resource for you.

Please feel free to browse our reviews and complaints and share your own experience with Omni Business Solutions. Your feedback is an important part of our community and will help others make informed decisions.

8:16 am EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

Omni Business Solutions Terrible company

I too, am a 'Victim' of Omni Business Solutions/Empire Mentoring Group. My story is the same as everyone else that has posted a complaint here, so I won't go into the details, except to say, the ex-employee of Omni that posted a complaint here was my coach! So i can see why I never made any money...just read her complaint! It's, for the most part, self explanatory! Also, I found out the same information Omni teaches you, is available on the Internet for FREE from sources such as Google, and some others. And, after all, who knows more about SEO (Search Engine Optimization) than the largest 'Search Engine' (even though, Omni claims they know more...What a joke!)!

After I canceled my account with Omni Business Solutions, I acquired a 'web hosting' account, and built my own website with the help from a friend at (hope he doesn't get angry with me for using his website name). Once my website was completed, I went to work marketing it. However, I didn't use the information taught by Omni, but rather, the free SEO Forum at Google, and some others 'In-The-Know'. I'm here to say, while I'm not getting 'Rich', I made more money during the first six weeks, operating my own site (my way), than I did the entire twelve months I was with Omni (doing it their way)! And, I've invested less than $500.00 doing so, thanks to my friend, and my website continues to make money!

Stay away from Omni Business Solutions and John Ivy (was with Empire Mentoring Group at the time I was BS'd into signing up)! These people will take every $ they can from you, and more if they can get it!

For those of you that have a complaint against Omni Business Solutions and/or related companies, you need to file a complaint with the FTC (Federal Trade Commission), not the BBB (Better Business Bureau). The FTC has the ability to investigate and prosecute offenders, where the BBB doesn't! Besides, Omni Business Solutions IS NOT (or wasn't at the time I signed with them) a member of the BBB, so the BBB has little, if any, power over them.

I sincerely hope everything gets 'Better' for those of you who have filed a complaint here! However, I strongly suggest that you don't just 'Give Up'! You obviously had a wish to make money, or you wouldn't have signed with Omni in the first place. With a little research, you can still make it happen with far less expense!

Read full review of Omni Business Solutions and 6 comments

The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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Stacey Lanter
May 13, 2021 4:41 pm EDT

I just started working for Omni as an independent contractor and after only less than three weeks I can say it’s the worst company I’ve ever worked for. I’m sorry for your experience as well! My degree is medical Aesthetics but I needed a job I could do from home to help with my husband who has been ill. This company is paying minimum wage and zero benefits! Looking again! LOL 😆

Jul 17, 2011 9:13 am EDT

I too was persuaded to do a mentoring course which ended up with omnibiz, consisting of 1 half hour session over telephone once a week for a couple of months, for which i paid £4500.
I was persuaded by two people who rang me offering '' Guaranteed success'' and earn my outlay back within first month.
Did not know at time it was going to entail omnizbiz or that all they did was teach me to build a website on a hobby- nothing profitable there. When i tried to get money back there was no answer.
Only thing i can think of is they were a part of the ''Rich jerk'' team as i had just bought one of his ''money making websites?''
Paul, U.K

corey lorenzo
Mar 30, 2011 2:01 am EDT

I have located the owners and scammers / contact the Utah BBB / Utah Consumer Protection / & the FTC as they have cases open currently to file criminal charges against the owners.
NJ Corporate / Nicholas Johnson
7440s Creek Road #300
SLC UT 84093

Barker, US
Jun 17, 2010 8:11 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

This is a piss poor excuse for a company. My wife and I are a victim of this company. I have put a couple hours a night into my website which is through them for not one sale. I have put thousands of hours into this. I was told that within 45 days that I was going to earn my inital investment back. I hav emailed them, called them, reported them to the BBB and have not heard a damn thing from any of them. I am full of rage with this company. My wife and I will NEVER get back the money we put into it. THIS COMPANY is a complete scam. If anyone out there is looking to optimize your website in local search, contact my rep with Local Edge Media in Buffalo, NY. His name is Dave Schwab. His company is an independent company that really works for the customer. I will never do any business with OMNI. They can take their scam of a company and go belly up. DO NOT USE THIS COMPANY FOR ANYTHING TO DO WITH THE INTERNET. My ecommerce site has been up for 15 months now. The sad thing is that it's tough to just stop knowing that it's almost $7, 000 you will never get back. I've recently tried using google adwords to market it and that isn't working either.


Oak Ridge, US
Apr 15, 2010 11:22 am EDT

Resultzzs took my $3, 000.00 too. Our agreement stated that I would recoup my investment is six months or they would work with until that happened. there was nothing in the agreement about hosting fees. They tried to charge me a monthly hosting fee and I refuse. They have now shut my site down so there is no chance of recouping my Investment. I have done everything they taught (and then some) - but have made NO money.

DO NOT do business with Resultzzs.

another victim
Buena Park, US
May 27, 2009 8:20 am EDT

Now they are doing business as Resultzzs LLC. Same scams. Don agree to anything over the phone. They have no contract and impossible cancellation policy. All of Resultzzs testimonials are from Omni. They changed the name.

10:18 am EST
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

Omni Business Solutions Fraud and cheating

This is the fourth time I've reported Omni Business Solutions. Incredibly, they have contacted me three times after nearly selling me a contract two years ago. In that incident, I agreed to a contract for mentoring which was woefully inadequate, consisting of courses that had little or no applicability to my efforts as an online marketer and would have been a complete waste of time. In addition, the hours allotted for a one-one mentoring session(s) were completely inadequate as well.

Before I signed the contract they charged my credit card. When I told them the contract was unacceptable, they became extremely verbally abusive. After the verbal abuse, they sent me a very long and essentially demented email begging me to sign it. I refused and demanded they credit my account.

I received to more phone calls after that spaced about 8 to 9 months apart. Each followed my purchase of an ebook written by one of the Internet marketing gurus, Mike Glaspie and Latif Muhammed (Google Snatch). Claiming they represented these individuals -- incidentally the one involving Latif Muhammed was a real joke. When I asked the rep who wrote Google Snatch he didn't know. When I asked how he could be representing Google Snatch when he didn't know who the author was, he tried to tap dance around the question. In the previous incident, involving Mike Glaspie, I asked for an email from Mr. Glaspie confirming that he actually had contracted these people. I received no email, of course.

The latest incident involved another Omni rep again claiming they represented Google Snatch. This time the rep knew Latif's first name. He 'reviewed me for qualification for the program' and I got a call from his Supervisor. This happened long after the two incidents I mentioned above, and I had forgotten Omni's name, though I remembered the company that had created the original problem was in St. George.

When they told me they were Omni Business Solutions, my memory was immediately refreshed. I then told them 'no' and they immediately began the abuse 'Tell me why, is it the money? It makes no sense; You don't have the guts, You don't have the balls' etc. As usual, I couldn't get a word in edgewise so I said goodbye and hung up.

This company cries out for INVESTIGATION. They are acquiring lists from people who purchase books online, and they are using the names of famous Internet 'gurus' (whom they claim have contracted them -- a claim I seriously doubt) to recruit people for what is an inadequate and insubstantial 'mentoring' program.

They need to be investigated for deceptive and fraudulent business practices and put out of business if the charges are verified.

Read full review of Omni Business Solutions and 23 comments

The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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Train Guy
St Petersburg, US
Oct 13, 2012 9:34 am EDT

Getting support is horrible. I have had my site with them since 2007.
Now their site and site builder are down again.
Take your site somewhere else.

Sep 26, 2012 8:38 am EDT

I was in their coaching program and over paid like many! $6K is allot of money. I would give the value of their services about $1K that's it . They wanted to charge me around $300 to submit my site to 300 top web directories. That was a sign that they were money hungry. Also, their site builder and keyword research tool worked fine, but was too expensive at $40/mo. If, you learned some of their business strategies and want to remain in business online you need to find viable solutions and think long term. I did my own research got a different web hosting company and continue online because I am paying low prices for my domain names and web hosting service. I now have a quality web host that I can afford! I also learned to use Word Press for blogging, it's simple and FREE open source software! Apply the fundamental principles and improve, nothing is going to be handed to us for FREE. We must work consistently at it and be prepared to adapt to change. If, a particular niche isn't working for you find another one. The first niche or ideal may not make you any money, so keep trying others.

If you need a cheap cost high quality web host like I have visit following... or I now can create unlimited email addresses and enjoy unlimited disk space :)
and more!


View 0 more photos
Apr 23, 2012 1:17 pm EDT

Try looking into the fair credit act because you have rights.
They Omni Business overcharge retirees, working class people, students etc. for hyped up services
They are providing you a very expensive membership site that keeps them making money on you!
I was snagged too by getting a call from them like they do to others. They got my $6K
Even though you exceeded the 60 day credit card dispute, make a dispute with your credit card co. Tell them that you didn't receive the services as offered. They will file a dispute against them. I got this from a good source in AZ.
If, you want mentorship from an online co. pay only a monthly service less than $60/mo. and stop subscription, if they can't deliver results. I'm in the process of trying to get my money back and outsource to a more responsible web developer. Have some expert do all the leg work.

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MrMrs 03
Melita, CA
Apr 03, 2012 4:08 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I was a victim as well, but there is hope I received a phone message from a lawyer that said he was filing a class action suit against them, but my stupid answering machine cut the message off before he could leave any contact info!
So I am sending out an

Jan Matthews
Hereford, GB
Nov 23, 2011 3:59 pm EST

To "United front against stupidity" - your attitude to those of us who paid our money in good faith and did everything we were told to do and more - is very unfair. My own experience dates back to 2004 - I paid in excess of $4000 with a promise that I would make my money back or they would stay with me until I did. My training mainly involved how to use the omni site builder. The first one was really poor and then I had to relearn with the new one - all of this was eating into the mentoring time. Very little time was spent teaching what was necessary to make money with my site and looking back now - the mentoring was woefully inadequate for a raw newbie. I have learned far more subsequently from free courses such as the 30 day challenge. I was then expected to pay a monthly fee for the site builder even though I was still not making any money. When I eventually left, out of complete frustration, they were reluctant to transfer my domain name - so all in all I left with nothing other than the knowledge of how to use their site builder. I complained on several occasions but got nowhere. Companies such as these should be closed down. The Federal Trade Commission are on to these people - I hope they get what they deserve

Cheated Royally
Waycross, US
Jun 04, 2011 1:10 am EDT

Is someone filing a class action suit against them?... because I want in and all of my money back. Just finished paying these crooks a lot of money ($5800) from 6/2/2008 until 5/5/2011. I didn't know how to get out of this and I hope there is something I can do.

K in St George
Saint George, US
May 30, 2011 4:03 am EDT

In 2007 I worked for Omni for about six weeks. I would have left after two or three weeks but it took me several weeks to find an honest job. I quickly realized the business was built on a fraudulent foundation. Customers were promised impossible results in too short a time period by sales agents of companies which were in theory separate from Omni Business Solutions, but in reality closely allied with Omni.

As Molleysue pointed out, the WYSIWYG editor wasn't complete crap. From what I saw, those customers who already had a working business and a solid business plan could benefit from what they were taught. However, they paid way too much for this learning. A person with time and drive could research on their own almost everything Omni taught them, for a fraction of the cost. I did my own online research to supplement out of date material I was supposed to teach people.

When I left Omni in mid-2007 I told a friend who worked there that the company would likely collapse in 18 to 24 months. It looks like I was right. The sad irony is that many of the individuals who worked at Omni were really trying to help their customers. I decided Jeremy Cobb was a con-artist when I left Omni, but I only saw one other employee about whom I felt the same way.

The bottom line is this, when someone presents you with a business idea or investment opportunity that looks too good to be true, thats your clue to run the other way as fast as you can.

Mar 28, 2011 3:12 pm EDT

I was one of the lucky ones who managed to do a chargeback on my credit card because Achieve Technologies failed to respond to my contract cancellation letter (sent the day after signing the contract, so within their T&C's).

However I didn't notice that they had passed my card details to Omni Business Solutions (AKA Successful Education Online) who have been charging me 39.95USD for access to something that I didn't have nor did I want. I'm now in the process of requesting reimbursement from Omni/SEO but I don't think I'll get it. If not, I'll be straight on to my bank for another chargeback.

The whole thing stinks and businesses like this should not be allowed to get away with it.

Colorado Springs, US
Mar 04, 2011 6:43 am EST

Hey Guys--I actually used to work for Omni Business Solutions before they were bought by the Ence family, and Jeremy Cobb was fired for not showing up to work... or was it just for being a [censored] in general? Who cares? The way the company worked was Cobb had set up deals with companies like ESM who would sell suckers, like you guys, pre-fabricated websites what were essentially worthless get-rich-quick schemes. Only the desperate, greedy and stupid would get sucked into these scams; like the old addage says; "If it's seems too good to be true, it is." Once ESM sold them them websites, they would send the client to us for mentoring sessions where I'd tell them that the pre-fabricated website was worthless, but they did have the site builder which they could use for $30 a month--later $40. It was a glorified WYSIWYG set up, but it was capable of doing a lot of cool things... well, I figured out how to do more with it than anyone before or since. My site was as professional as anything on them web, but almost every client I taught couldn't do the things I could or they were too lazy to do the work. They wanted quick money, which is impossible. By the time I'd figured out what the company was, it was too late; I needed the job to support my family--so I did the best I could and worked tirelessly to help my clients make money with their sites. I helped my clients make some pretty decent sites, but I'd be shocked if any of them recouped anything close to the money they spent. I finally reached a point where I couldn't stand it anymore and I told Cobb what a [censor] he was an was subsequently fired. Then, the company was shortly sold off and I believe sank. In the end, if you're stupid enough to give someone thousands of dollars with the promise of making you rich and successful, then you're stupid. You're the sucker P.T. Barnum was talking about.

Susie C
Anderson, US
Aug 15, 2010 7:05 am EDT

I signed up with Achieve Technologies. Huge mistake. Jeff Albright seemed to be my best friend until he got my money. Then surprise! No return phone calls. I am not going into the crap he pulled, but he is a slug and he needs to crawl back under the rock that he came out of. I ended up getting my money back from my credit card due to their fraud invistigaton. These slimeballs have so many affiliates, you don't know who you are supposled to be talking to. In March, Achieve Technologies was ordered a cease and ditest order against them for refund policies, (supposed to have 30 days instead of 3), failing to disclose added charges, and failure to disclose right to cancel and were fined $10, 000. This is from the Utah State Attoney General's office. They failed to show up in court for a government agency. I have contacted my state Attorney General's office on them also and I am looking into a class action suit against these dysfunctional companies. I signed a contract, but I also was lied to. It does not give a company any right to say whatever they want and come back and say, "Ha Ha, you signed, too bad" which is basically what happened to me. They know their product sucks and that is why they have those 3 days to cancel . I didn't even get signed on until later in the second day and then I was waiting on my instructor and that was anoter 9 days. I told her I was cancelling then because of the "miscomunication" I got from that slug Jeff Albright. Of course, my 3 days were up...These companies need to be shut down. Fines don't stop them. They did the same crap to me that they were ordered to stop just 3 months after they were fined. I was just trying to make some money with investing and I got scammed. Big lesson learned... Do not give anyone on the internet your banking information and either let the [censor] talk to air or hang up.

And to Bev Hobson,

I am sorry you went through this also. I heard of the recouping your money back in 6 months. They tried that game with the BBB and my compaint. Thank God I didn't get that far. Whatever bank institution you have, see if they will conduct a fraud investigaton for you. Send them your emails, BBB information, even these comments. There are some on [redacted].com also. Also write to the Utah Attorney General. They fined them once, so maybe if enough people compain, the company will be shut down. We didn't do anything wrong. Some of us are just too trusting. Karma always catches up with these types of people. Good Luck.

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