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CB Investment, Insurance and Financial Fidelity Investments retaliation, fraud and malicious acts of bad faith
Fidelity Investments

Fidelity Investments review: retaliation, fraud and malicious acts of bad faith 7

Author of the review
10:39 am EDT
Review updated:
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
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Through my experience with Fidelity, I totally agreed with the other investors who have similar horrific experience of the unethical and unlawful business practices of Fidelity. I do not trust Fidelity handling my investments, and have defrauded me previously. The staff is very rude, hostile, abusive and uncooperative. I have transferred most of my funds to other financial institutes for that reason except my small IRA account.

Among the horrific acts of Fidelity, the most lethal act commenced from my request to change a mailing address. A female foreign vice president of operations at Fidelity is a control freak (rude, hostile and abusive); she refused to change my mailing address and withheld my STATEMENTS as a hostage unless I provide a new physical address. She has no supporting legal authority to demand a new physical address when I have not moved. Ironically, she used a postal office box for correspondence; she refused to provide her business physical address; that is a double standard! She had so much time using the filthiest tactics to return my letters 8 different times; and then she admitted researching my name on the web to fabricate a new physical address as my address, which turned out to be an identity theft.

This barbaric female vice president of operations at Fidelity continued to harass me with her preprinted form letters faking her own words to force me sign her dotted line. I reported her nuisance to Edward C. Johnson 3rd, chairman of Fidelity who is just like one of the staff with no integrity to respond my letters. Conversely, he retaliated against me and ganged up with Fidelity Risk Management to instantly close my account without warning. He bold-typed his reason, “My account may be terminated by me or Fidelity at any time.” To close an investment IRA account “at any time” is barbaric, unlawful and unconscionable; it is retaliation. Although I have been trying to transfer my last small IRA account to another firm, but not fast enough for Fidelity to close an IRA with penalty before I did.

The malicious acts of bad faith, abuse of power, and injustice of Fidelity are absolutely barbaric, unethical, immoral and possibly illegal. Fidelity showed unconscious, uncontrollable and inhumane displaying their unlawful, horrific and hostile culture. They assembled ###s, creeps, and crooks to scam investors, to delay return investor’s money, to abuse and to take advantage of investors. I would not recommend Fidelity to anyone!


The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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cincinnati, US
Aug 10, 2010 9:41 pm EDT

Wow, sounds like you were a real problem client. I have done business with many investment firms and hear horror stories of people actually being kicked out. To hear you tell you story is like watching a train wreck... How do you get through your days. I bet you have a lot of complaints. Well if this gives you any piece of mind you have made me smile :). I hope the rest of your life is as good as this story. Please post more compliants so when I have a horrible day i have something to look forward to.


Feb 25, 2011 7:56 pm EST

sarcasm not necessary and at wrong place. this is a complaint by a person. commonly complaints are emotional. if you enjoy the sound of irritation, that is weird but fine with everyone. we just do not need you to tell us your sarcastic inner thoughts. it adds to our irritation and that might not feel as good as it sounds to you. a little privacy please.

tail end
Jul 25, 2016 5:41 am EDT

Fidelity is a company that will take your money in minutes and keep moving it around while charging fees$.Then when you want your money they will keep it for three business Friday to Thursday(3days?) then tell you it takes 3 to7 more days to get electronicaly transferred out unless using certain banks like Chase?. Twenty four hours to send them more money to invest. A little advice if your company is using Fidelity to invest on your behalf opt out, and invest your money your way. When we changed jobs after eleven years it took over sixty days to get OUR MONEY! Along with fee's$$$$$$$$$.

Aug 26, 2016 1:40 am EDT

They said their website would be up for the spring, we had to wait 3 weeks. Once up, they never updated our listing, they never put them on the websites that are advertised on the front of their site. I contacted realtors pretending to be a potential buyer and I heard words like, pathetic, and no one would buy this house because there were no pictures, etc.. all because it took them a month to update my photos. The live help desk is a joke, it is an answering machine that no one will call you back on.. EVER. When you write to them they lie and say, yes, everything is taken care of, even when you go into your account and see that it is clearly not.

Fidelity Customer - No More
Mar 10, 2018 9:36 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Fidelity Retaliation - Illegal

Fidelity cancelling accounts left and right retaliating for any complaints of bad service hiding behind statement, but retaliation is illegal. Saw over 20 such cancellations on blogs today, many different sites all stating Fidelity cancelled accounts when customers complained. Recent tactic, don't care about customers anymore, uncooperative to the max - new development since 2016.

Was with Fidelity over 35 years and were the best. Now the worst of worst. I am checking blogs many sites - - Because they just cancelled my 36 year account for same reason - Retaliation against complaint for bad service. Going to attorney general consumers affairs to file Fidelity complaint and ask for investigation regarding this recent Third World Dictatorship tactic. You need to file complaints with government also. I now hate Fidelity, they make me sick.

Nov 26, 2022 6:49 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Where should we complain about this? Fidelity also closed my account when i complained about bad customer service.

Jun 01, 2018 4:15 pm EDT

You are a true suckhole. Grab your Fidelity flag and run. Typical southern raised cornhole financial advisor wantabee. LOSER!

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