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CB Computer and Video Games Zynga zynga poker site scamming chips and real money from poker players

Zynga review: zynga poker site scamming chips and real money from poker players 26

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7:46 pm EDT
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Zynga Poker site scamming chips and real money from poker players. Zynga Poker software system get red flag, assuming someone is hacking my account and lucked my FB account preventing me to access to my wall account, mean time ZyngaPoker system automatically send me email advised me that, a perpetrator from Rome may hacking my account, and asked me to change my password, which I did, after 5 steps re installed my new password, then I accessed to my FB wall and from there to ZyngaPoker game, I found out there is only 1 million chips in my account instead of 73 mill my original amount of chips which I both some of them with my CC.

When I email the issue to ZyngaPoker customer support, they respond is….

“Dear M*******,

Thanks for getting back to us! This is Jesus with Zynga Customer Support and I’ll be more than happy to assist you with this issue, Michael. As previously stated, more than once, we are unable to verify your loss in our logs. Since we can not verify what you claim we can not grant you Chips. This decision is final and will not be reversed. All further e-mails to Zynga regarding this issue will not be answered and will be set to solved.

Thank you for playing Zynga Poker!

Kind Regards,
Zynga Customer Advocate
Your Incident # is: ******-****** “

I emailed my proves, Who ever scammed chips or real money from ZyngaPoker site, Please email to United State Justice department Address: [protected]

I have been raging for days at the most unbelievably horrible business ethics I have been so unfortunate to witness. Not only am I stunned to find out that this apparently happens far to often, but there seems to be no one to hold accountable for this sheer thievery! Was playing, Go to bed at some point next day I try to log on and i have what everyone else does some suspension screen! I myself and I am sure many others on here have spent way to much money on buying chips from u when there is no actual payout….

For our entertainment an as soon as we stArt doing well I guess u think u need to steal our chips so we would be stupid enough to buy more from u! Yeah right! U guys are nothing bit glorified crooks, someone need to figure this out and reimburse my damn chips back!

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Nevada, US
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Dec 22, 2010 4:29 pm EST

i was sent an email said i won the weekly contest and would have to claim with in 48 hours i claimed the chips and gold with in 20 minutes and have waited for 5 days and no such luck of getting my claimed chips or gold if they are going to send emails stating that you won and you claim the prize you should get your prize im still waiting for a responce on the 2 emails i sent to them and nothing so i guess that site doesnt care about it players or site verry well wheres my 300 mill you promissed me zynga

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Feb 05, 2011 10:44 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I have never known a complaint concerning chips being hacked, taken when the game has frozen, or any other reason for the disapearance of chips be acted upon by Zynga can anyone prove me wrong!

stirlingshire, GB
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Oct 09, 2011 5:15 pm EDT

can anyone help.The screen at the top of my poker page is blank, when i scroll down to play poker, i can only see the top of the tables preventing me from playing poker.
thanks for any help.

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Jan 26, 2012 6:38 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

today i won 400m in zynga lottery i claim my 400m but zynga not give me my lottery chips why zynga this is not fair give my lucky player chips.

Barayajurig Jurig
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Feb 13, 2012 1:27 pm EST

why my chips

Barayajurig Jurig
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Feb 13, 2012 1:28 pm EST

why my chips minus

aashsih jain
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Feb 13, 2012 9:33 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

zynga my chips are stolen ...and its asked me tht u have reset ur password at 3.55 am ...kindly look into the matter

aashsih jain
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Feb 13, 2012 10:03 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

sir, I was playing zynga poker on facebook, A window appeared on my screen asking for claim lottery, as soon I clicked on it, i was asked again to login, but I was't able to login as it said u have reset ur account passwod at 3.45am and somehow I manged to login again on my facebook id, and open texas hold'em poker, I saw my chips were 200k only which was there around kindly look into in ths matter zynga

MY facebook id is

Jackie Robinson
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Feb 16, 2012 10:34 pm EST

I would like you to find out what happened to my 3million chips please.

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Apr 19, 2012 6:47 pm EDT

My name is harun firmansyah with facebook account name. last night I played poker zynga and won $ 10, 500, 100. today re-opened my account and I lost all the chips. Zynga is cheating has taken all my chips. I never buy chips via credit card, I get the chips, but the next day, zynga chips take it without my money back. I was playing fairly and do not transfer chips to another account. why my chips taken? I hope zynga chips soon restore me. for my friends who feel like my case, let us unite to report zynga to international courts to be closed only game in facebook. because zynga in operating system highly fraudulent or we complained to the international media.

I’ve contacted the customer support facebook but no follow-up. I think the company Zynga is breaking the law and must be acted upon immediately.

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Apr 30, 2012 10:51 pm EDT

Somebody hacked me twice now. I had 30 million in chips. when I tried to log in facebook. it said i changed my password. And I didnt, so I went and changed it. Finally got back on facebook and there was me chatting on the chat line to another person. And it wasn’t me. Talking about what poker hands they had. They even sent him a Friend request. Trying to get him to log on another chat line. I changed my passwords again. Now zynga Poker app wont let me in to play. And my chips are gone. I have pics from my Iphone of the chat line. What to do? About to give up playing Zynga poker.

Once I can see but twice. If I get my chips up that high again will the same person hack me again. Probably won’t get my chips back and that really sucks.

its been about 2 years now since i lost 22 million, from a e-mail scam.I was told you would look into the issue and i have never heard from you since!….i’ve paid for chips, won the greater mass of them, and zynga still hasn’t returned my chips.I’ve gave the tech all of my info, and he said he doesn’t see my account?But they certainly saw my account when i purchased a chip package…..zynga is a money scaming site, ripping off their customers is just second nature to them…..and i will put up a post everyday for the rest of my life if needed, till they redeem my chips, and prove to the mass of others, and myself, their chips ripped off will be redeemed….

angerily waiting for your response, though i know you wont respond with the correct remedy, zynga will find another way of scamming us all….but i will not stop posting this message…my 3rd FB account i had to make because of your e-mails saying i have been banned for abuse…such a dirty trick by zynga….MAKE THE CORRECT CHANGES, AND REDEEM THOSE OF US OUR CHIPS!

rafael santos buboy
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May 11, 2012 2:28 pm EDT

please...get my chips back..i did not play my account and something plays it...when i open it my 25.6 million chips is now 178...zynga give back my chips...your the one who should be blame because my chips is lost...

rafael santos buboy
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May 11, 2012 2:32 pm EDT

please...give me back my chips take away my 25.6 million chips and now suddenly it became 178 should be the one who will blame because of your irresponsible ware that can hack account...give me back my chips you zynga you irresponsible servers!

Danish Qasim
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May 20, 2012 9:19 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Hello everyone...
I was playing last night with my buddies n got some warning message from zynga poker that they will fine me 1m and after that I will continue playing... But when I refresh my page what I saw that all my chips has been taken by zynga...
Can anyone help me on it... Pleaseee

I was having 189m and how just have 84000 : (

farrukh iqbal
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May 22, 2012 2:29 am EDT

my chips has been hacked 20m please do action on it .. i am a very big fan of zynga poker and play this game daily please help me to get back my chips... thanking u in advance

cliff los baños
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Jun 12, 2012 8:18 pm EDT

i'm cliff los baños, frm philippines i would like to report to u that i am hack about three days ago at night when i was playing with my buddy mac. but before i play i claimed a reward as i saw it after a few min my 128 millions chips was gone. will u please review what happened. y my chips was gone. and if possible my will come back into my account pls help zynga ... thank you sooooo. much...

london, GB
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Jun 23, 2012 2:58 am EDT

absolutely ###ing outrageous i love Zynga Poker but i did not expect this

portstewart, GB
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Jul 07, 2012 5:16 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

i was the same only 50 million chips taken some of which i had bought i think zynga is doing this so people have to buy more chips ! because when u complain they ask you for alot of info and when u give the info still nothing is done about it their security and customer services is a joke ! i have been ripped off big time the 50 mil was taken right in front of my eyes i wasnt logged out or changed tables and i never cliked on anything then i change my security settings and they asked me for a screen shot and the code id been sent to log in via my mobile this would then give them mobile access to my whole face book account .Why would they need that to recover chips from a zynga account they are a fraudulent and dishonest STAY AWAY !

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Aug 04, 2012 2:55 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

my account had $205m poker chips on it, i was playing on a table..when suddenly my chips went down to 20m(that was the amount i sat on the table, only that was left).I think my account was there was an unrecognized devised who logged into my me to get my chips back

i played in the rules to win that...i have a friend who was on the same table..she has witnessed that...

i sent that complaint 3 times to the zynga customer service but NO REPLY from them..that's not acceptable!

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hak Sophea
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Sep 26, 2012 7:12 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

i had flush QQ777 but i could not win QQQ? i lost over 20M. how can i claim it back? it is error in game coding?

German Molina
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Nov 01, 2012 7:43 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I was playing zynga poker and suddenly my laptop shut down and when i restarted it, i wasn't able to connect to internet.
I used another laptop and i entered again and all my chips had been stolen. But the worst problem is that i haven't been able to connect to internet after that problem.
Now i cannot connect and i use my laptop to work and study. All the problem was due to zynga security issues and they just say that they are
"unable to verify that the reported loss was the result of a compromise or hack on your account. As a result, i cannot credit any lost chips back to your account. "
Right now, i don't care about my chips. I care about my laptop that hasn't been able to connect to internet again after i was hacked.
And all the problem has been due to zynga's security issues. If they are not able to control hackers, they shoudn't keep their site open.

German Molina
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Nov 01, 2012 8:01 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I was playing Zynga poker and suddenly my laptop shut down and when I restarted it, I wasn't able to connect to Internet.
I used another laptop and I entered again and all my chips had been stolen. But the worst problem is that I haven't been able to connect to Internet after that problem.
Now I cannot connect and I use my laptop to work and study. All the problem was due to zynga security issues and they just say that they are
"unable to verify that the reported loss was the result of a compromise or hack on your account. As a result, I cannot credit any lost chips back to your account."
Right now, I don't care about my chips. I care about my laptop that hasn't been able to connect to Internet again after I was hacked.
And all the problem has been due to Zynga's security issues. If they are not able to control hackers, they shoudn't keep their site open.

jarred phy
Columbia, US
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Jun 12, 2013 2:51 pm EDT

I was playing poker last night and was playing at 1m/2m tables and when played till like 2am. When I woke up early and tried to play it wouldn't let me play it kept saying there was an error code oauth2-997. My wife plays the game so I then try to log on from her phone and still got the same code. When I looked it said my account had 1m. I am very upset because I had 1.2 b in chips just hours before this. I don't know what to do, but I have spent almost a 1000 dollars with zynga through out the years and I want my chips back please. Look into this matter ASAP. I have a picture to confirm my previous chip count.

eslam asfour
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Sep 30, 2013 1:31 pm EDT

i used to see a note or a massage when i playing on a table this note make me know the average of the table now i cannot see it and it is difficult to play u know i want this massage back
ps : i play from my i pad

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Jan 20, 2014 3:59 pm EST

676m.i lost how can i claim

Teresa Hart
Newburyport, US
Send a message
Feb 28, 2014 8:28 am EST

This site never gets back to you steals chips and can't purchase chips

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