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CB Online Surveys Survey Junkie Getting kicked out of a survey
Survey Junkie

Survey Junkie review: Getting kicked out of a survey 1

Author of the review
1:45 pm EDT
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What is happening is that many survey's use a thermometer to tell you how far along you are in the survey. What is happening is I get to 100% and then it says survey just filled up and gives you 2 or 3 points instead of the original which may be as high as 125. This would be called data mining. Getting data and not paying. This is happening way too much. I can understand once in a great while. Sometimes when I complain I get a bunch of nothing for an answer and I know what is happening because I'm retired from Microsoft and do this in my spare time.

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Bethel Park, US
Oct 18, 2022 4:17 pm EDT

I have been getting a notice that says 'sorry it didn't work out this time, give honest answers" That would make sense, except I never answered a questioned, just clicked on the survey. I think some companies don't want to pay the paltry two cents if you just don't qualify

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