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Welcome to our customer reviews and complaints page for Tshwane Municipality. We understand that making informed decisions about where to invest your time and money can be challenging, which is why we've created this platform for our community to share their honest feedback about their experiences with Tshwane Municipality.

On this page, you'll find a comprehensive collection of reviews and complaints from real customers who have used Tshwane Municipality's products or services. Our reviews are authentic and unbiased, providing you with a complete picture of the company, its products or services, and their customer service.

Whether you're considering doing business with Tshwane Municipality, or you've already had an experience with them, our community's reviews and complaints will give you a valuable perspective on what to expect. Our goal is to help you make informed decisions about where to invest your time and money, and we hope that our platform will be a valuable resource for you.

Please feel free to browse our reviews and complaints and share your own experience with Tshwane Municipality. Your feedback is an important part of our community and will help others make informed decisions.

4:57 am EDT
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Good day My water meter burst on the 22 march 2023 at around 15h30, I immediately called the municipality as the water was like a fountain, it was gushing out very badly and alot of water was wasted, they never came out, we clamped the pipe to stop the water, but it was still leaking, I called everyday twice cause too much water was being wasted and still...

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1:40 am EST
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TSHWANE MUNICIPALITY ACCOUNT NUMBER [protected] COMPLAIN (call ref: [protected]) Always meter readings data captures estimating electricity meter readings for consumers. Ignoring the one that was taken. Whenever there is an increase in rates or taxes, they are doubled. There is so much ignorance in data captures. It is possible that data loggers are doing...

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2:04 am EDT
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Tshwane Municipality services rendered and they don't want to pay

I have supplied 20l degreasers to Tshwane and quoted them, when they have to pay me they told that my municipal bill is in arrears. they must pay me for the job done, the services I have rendered and I will make a payment arrangement on my own not for them to withhold my payment when I am trying to make a living. I have just started a business.

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Hendrick & sons inv vno 240311


Linda Martin

AttachmentsMay 23 (6 days ago)

to Lampies, Santie, Silas, me, Petro

Hi Lampies/Santie

Please release this vendors inv for payment processing.

The bank acc details on SAP are now correct, thanx

From: Silas Mashaba
Sent: 22 May 2018 14:33
To: Hendrick Ramorei; Linda Martin
Cc: Petro R. Bester
Subject: RE: Can you please assist? vno 240311

Hi Hendrick

It is now fine.

From: Hendrick Ramorei [mailto:[protected]]
Sent: Monday, 21 May 2018 3:35 PM
To: Linda Martin
Cc: Petro R. Bester; Silas Mashaba
Subject: Re: Can you please assist? vno 240311

Hi Silas

I did all that last week. details were changed at CSD and the new banking details updated and submitted for approval last week.



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2:41 am EDT

Tshwane Municipality Pre-paid electricity

On 4 September I receive a dodgy-looking notice in my mailbox, claiming to be from the Tshwane Municipality Electricity Department. This notice was:

1. Not on an official letterhead
2. Not addressed to anyone
3. Submitted without a date
4. Submitted with information scratched-out.
5. Claiming to have to perform a reversal procedure. Something that is not listed on their website and I could not find any explanation anywhere what a reversal procedure is.

Since this letter appeared to be a hoax, as I could not even confirm that validity of the telephone number in the form, I did not respond to it. Also take into consideration that there has been an armed robbery at my house and I take security very, very seriously.

On Saturday, 12 September, I found out that my pre-paid bill was blocked when I tried to purchase electricity. I have spend many rands in airtime of the phone with their customer care, trying to find a solution to the matter over the weekend. To my dismay only on the 5th did attempt the customer care department finally figured out that my account was locked from elsewhere.

I find this totally unacceptable. My account is up to date and was confirmed so on numerous occasions by the client care department. I think blocking pre-paid customers from purchasing electricity is unfair practice. Especially since only one lame attempt was made to get hold of us and no warning whatsoever that our account might be blocked!

Moreover, since this was over the weekend, my household and tenants were left without electricity for the whole of Sunday as the specific department is closed over weekends.

When I did finally get hold of them, it was explained to me that their service provider/s allocated directed purchased electricity to a wrong account. My questions is, does this warrant three households to be without electricity over a weekend? I have done nothing wrong!

Will the municipality now refund us for the spoiled food in our fridges?

Come on Tshwane, this is not acceptable, I am sure we can do better! At least know your customers, add their names to your letters and put your correspondence on official stationery. Not a dodgy copy of a letterhead.

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4:54 pm EDT

Tshwane Municipality No Service received on cancellation

Emails were submitted to [protected] on 29 September 2008 for the cancellation of services to rented property as the lease contract expired on 31 September 2008.

Subsequent emails were sent on 01 October and 11 October requesting feedback / confirmation that services were cancelled and the outstanding balance settled against the R800+ deposit paid. In order for the letting agency to return my deposit of R3500 for the rented property, proof is required that this bill was settled in full.

To date, no communication in any form has been received from the Tshwane Municipality to even confirm receipt of request.

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sonwabo xavier rweqana
Sep 13, 2011 7:49 am EDT

njo comment

sonwabo xavier rweqana
Sep 13, 2011 7:48 am EDT

need more infoprmation.

Apr 02, 2010 5:46 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

ive been trying to email you people about my statement but your website does not give me an option to send. im out of the country for some time. will you please email my statements as from now on to my email adress ( i dont want my kids to be out of electricity. my ID NO is [protected].

Jan 19, 2009 2:59 am EST

This is no news of no service. We sold our house 3 years ago, and after various letters to Tshwane only now they are looking at the refund of more than R4000. And you won't believe it but now we only get R1167 back from this R4000+ that the lawyers paid on our behalf, the other money can not be refunded because we didn't safe our receipts of the rates and electricity that we paid, although it shows on their system that the money was paid. And as you know there is nowhere to go with this. IF they owe you money you will wait and take what ever they feel you will have but if you owe them the electricity is just cut and that's it.

Wonderful city council that we have at Tshwane

1:45 am EST
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

Tshwane Municipality Incorrect Meter billing

Tess Whitlie
Account Number [protected]
185 Hay Street
Telephone: [protected]
email: [protected]

YOUR REFERENCE [protected]


Dear Sir/Madam

I am in receipt of a final demand for non-payment for account [protected], erf 000728, namely 185 Hay Street, Brooklyn, Pretoria.

I would like to inform you that I have phoned your offices on two occasions, and been to see a supervisor on one occasion, and was issued with the reference number above. ([protected])

My current electricity account is allocated to Meter 95-2234. This is incorrect. This Meter belongs to my neighbour, Mr Jacques van der Merwe, of 187 Hay Street.

My current water has not been allocated with a Meter number.

The correct Meter numbers for my premises are as follows: Electricity - 89/3023, Water 4755.79

I would like to once again, request an Inspector of the Municipality to visit the premises of 185 Hay Street to sort out this mix-up, and refuse to pay my account, until the correct meter numbers have been allocated to my account, as I do not see why I have to pay for my neighbour's electricity.

I was informed by your supervisor that the Meter Inspectors would contact me, so that I can show them exactly where the correct Meter for my premises is positioned.

I am happy to pay for electricity and water that I have used and which have been read from the correct meters. (Electricity - 89/3023, Water 4755.79)

Your urgent attention to this matter would be appreciated, as I would like to get this issue resolved as soon as possible.

Yours sincerely

Tess Whitlie.

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The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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Nov 19, 2018 9:46 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I reported water metre reading two months ago but never come to fix I now pay lot of money for water bill every month. And if I don't pay they close the service

Chantal Jordan
Sep 19, 2018 2:41 am EDT

26/8/2017. Acc. no.: [protected]. municipal bill miscalculated. e - mailed customer care but no response. a increase of +- R5000.00. can it be re calculated?

Vusi Mahlangu
May 26, 2010 8:44 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

VJ Mahlangu
Account Number [protected]
294 Van Den Berg Street
Telephone: [protected]
Home: [protected]

RE: Wronglfully charged as a final demand fee for month April 2010.

Dear Sir/Madam

I am in receipt of an invoice statement that you sent to me on May this year 2010 for the services of April 2010.

I would like to inform you that I have phoned your offices with no succes to reach relevant personnel in your department and have also written emails to and never got even a single response, then I went to talk to the customer help desk that the services fee invoiced on April 2010 for the services of March 2010 which was R665 was paid on the 7 April 2010 but the problem is that your deparment started sending me sms that theydemanded that I pay that amount as it was in arreas which was not true.
At your offices, they rectified that problem after realisisng that they did recieve the money which was deposited on the 7 April 2010.

I was suprised this month (May 2010) to see on my invoice statemnt sent by your offices that I was charge a final demand fee of R80 by your department for failing to pay on time last month for the services rendered in March.Now this clearly shows to me that there is quiet a lack excellency in service rendering by your department because this is not the first time that your department has done this and I wonder as to whether how many people have suffered and are still suffering under the hands of such people who do such poor administration work. My worry is that until when will such thing s continue or what must happen for such things to stop.

Yours sincerely

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