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CB Apartments Rentals Jomela Properties

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Welcome to our customer reviews and complaints page for Jomela Properties. We understand that making informed decisions about where to invest your time and money can be challenging, which is why we've created this platform for our community to share their honest feedback about their experiences with Jomela Properties.

On this page, you'll find a comprehensive collection of reviews and complaints from real customers who have used Jomela Properties's products or services. Our reviews are authentic and unbiased, providing you with a complete picture of the company, its products or services, and their customer service.

Whether you're considering doing business with Jomela Properties, or you've already had an experience with them, our community's reviews and complaints will give you a valuable perspective on what to expect. Our goal is to help you make informed decisions about where to invest your time and money, and we hope that our platform will be a valuable resource for you.

Please feel free to browse our reviews and complaints and share your own experience with Jomela Properties. Your feedback is an important part of our community and will help others make informed decisions.

11:58 am EDT
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Jomela Properties is irresponsible and They don't take care of things, because They are afraid of black tenants and They scared of black tenants! They closed down the 3103 Wells Street office and the 835 North 23rd Street office, Because Jomela employees are afraid and scared of black tenants, They said that black tenants complain too much! Every time when...

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7:52 pm EST

Jomela Properties They rent to crazy people and they refuse to evict people who do wrong

When I first moved in at 3104 West Wells Street in A young black girl tenant named Mya Walker who lives in Apt 403 has brought a big white dog who look just like Spuds McKenzie, I contacted Jomela Properties about her having a dog inside her apartment, They did not do nothing about it,They keep giving her chances and refusing to evict her for her wrongdoing. Mya is crazy,She be drinking alcohol,smoking weed and She be verbally attacking tenants on the 4th floor inside that apartment building! Preston Holmes,Kenyon Holmes and that short young black girl with the braids be running and playing in the hallway every night and They be leaving their garbage in the hallway for 3 to 4 days. I called up Jomela Poperties and reported it to them and Jomela keep giving them chances and They don't wanna evict them, Because Jomela is greedy,irresponsible and money hungry! That's why Berrada Properties is taking over all of Jomela's apartments and fixing them up! Do not rent to Jomela Properties and Stay away from Jomela Properties in the future!

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2:15 am EST

Jomela Properties They are irresponsible and they are money hungry and desperate for money

This property management company is irresponsible, They are money hungry and desperate for money, They rent to bad black tenants! This property management company cause good tenants to move out of their apartments, because of bad black tenants be giving good tenants a hard time! Jomela Properties refuses to evict tenants when they do wrong, That's why Berrada Properties is owning all of Jomela Properties on the 3010, 3100 block on West Wells Street and the 2800 block of West Kilbourn Avenue building. Berrada Properties is taking care of business by tearing down black fences, putting up wooden fences, steel doors, new ceiling lights and new concrete porch in the front of the apartment buildings. Jomela Properties is lazy and They never did none of this stuff when they owned these apartment buildings. Jomela Properties is a piece of trash company that will never be trusted! Stay away from Jomela Properties, Because they will cause you to lose your apartment. Rent a apartment somewhere else.

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10:37 pm EST

Jomela Properties They cost me my apartment

What happened to me in 2020 was I was living at 3104 West Wells Street in Milwaukee,Wisconsin in Apt 106. What happened was an old black lady tenant named Beverly Bown who lived in Apt 208 snitched and told on me calling up Jomela Properties and Tyler Still telling them that me and my boyfriend was arguing and fighting a lot! Beverly be going to tenants apartment doors eavesdropping and listening to tenants privacy, She be calling,whining and complaining to Jomela Properties about tenants wrongdoing inside and outside that apartment building! Beverly likes to get a bad attitude on tenants and She likes to see tenants get evicted from their apartments at that apartment building and She be lying,spreading rumors,making up false accusations and false allegations on tenants! She be having tenants bringing her bicycle upstairs on the second floor when she comes inside the apartment building, Beverly got me evicted and put out of that apartment building in 2020, That's why I got an eviction on my record because of her and That's why she's died on Wednesday July 1, 2021, Because of her craziness and her foolishness against good tenants and other tenants inside that apartment building! She deserved to die for her evilness and craziness against people. Do not rent to Jomela Properties, Because,Jomela don't care about what happens to good tenants in their apartment buildings, They cost Precious Foster and Mark Blancoutch their apartments. Jomela is money hungry and desperate for money! They like to see bad things happen to good tenants in their apartment buildings! Stay away from Jomela Properties, Because,They are not worth renting to in the future. Go somewhere else to rent an apartment!

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5:57 pm EST
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This property management company runs a bad business and They are desperate for money. They rent to bad people who like to cook and light candles/incense to set their own apartment on fire. They like to rent to bad tenants like to start problems with the good tenants in their apartments!!! The tenants be popping and shooting their guns in the air to hit...

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9:08 am EST

Jomela Properties Beverly Bown be lying, telling on tenants and be getting tenants kicked out of their apartments

At City Square Apts located at 3104 Wells Street, Beverly Bown is a bad person, A bad tenant and She has a bad attitude. She be lying on tenants, She be calling Jomela Properties and complain to them about tenants about anything especially when they playing their music too loud! She blamed a black male tenant for dumping his shoes on her bike and for blaming him for defacating and pooping in front of tenants doors! Beverly be making black tenants uncomfortable inside that apartment building, She be carrying her bike downstairs from her apartment to go somewhere and She be having tenants carrying her bike upstairs to her apartment, When a male tenant be carrying her bike upstairs, Beverly be getting a bad attitude with that male tenant and That's why tenants in that apartment building don't carry her bike upstairs to her apartment! Beverly be making tenants mad and She be pissing them off too much. She called up Tyler Still at Jomela Properties, She snitched and told on that black guy and his girlfriend for arguing and fighting, Beverly, Tyler and Jomela Properties got them evicted and put out of their downstairs apartment in Apt 106! Beverly Bown passed away on July 3, 2021 from natural causes, She deserved to die for her evilness and nastiness towards good tenants and That's why she's dead!

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8:49 pm EST

Jomela Properties This company runs a bad business

This company runs a bad business to rip people off. They rent to bad people to cause good tenants to move out. They don't keep people work in the office. When you move into their apartments, Things go wrong inside tenants apartments. They don't take care of mice, bugs, roaches and bed bugs! People who don't live in Jomela's apartment building be shooting their guns outside the apartment buildings. When Jomela owns their apartment buildings on the 3100 block West Wells Street, Their apartment buildings become dangerous and violent. It causes a bad environment on the good tenants and that causes them to move out! Tenants be loitering, hanging out, drinking alcohol and sitting outside in front of the apartment building that draws attention to crime. Do not rent from this property management company in the future and Stay away from this property management company.

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3:32 pm EST
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Do not rent from this property management company, Because Jomela Properties are running a bad business, They don't evict bad black tenants when they do wrong at any apartment building, The property management are money hungry and They let bad things happen to good tenants in any apartment building located on 3104, 3110 and 3118 West Wells Street in...

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2:48 pm EDT
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I was working for Jomela Properties until I quit in 2018, Because I was sick, tired and fed up with the BS that was happening in their apartment buildings!!! Jomela was renting to bad black tenants who live at 2803 West Wells Street. Black tenants was being way too filthy and being way too nasty, They was playing their music way too loud!!! Black tenant...

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12:46 pm EDT
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When I moved in at 3104 West Wells Street in Milwaukee, Wisconsin in 2019, Things were calm and cool when I was living in Apt 203, Until this black couple who lived in Apt 106 were always arguing and fighting all the time inside their apartment!!! This white lady who lived in Apt 206 the reason why she moved out in 2020 was, because it was getting bad...

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10:01 pm EDT
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Vice President Kayla Pierce, Apartment/Property Manager Tyler Still and Office Manager Lucas Koenings are letting bad things happen at City Square Apartments!!! They rent to bad black tenants and let them move in at 3104 West Wells Street in Milwaukee, Wisconsin and They are not doing nothing about these bad things that is happening inside the building!!!...

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8:02 pm EDT
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This review was chosen algorithmically as the most valued customer feedback.

What happened in 2020 was Me and My daughter moved in at 3104 West Wells Street in Milwaukee, Wisconsin that was owned by Jomela Properties. My daughter and I moved on the first floor in Apt 104. What happened was this black couple who lived in Apt 106 were arguing and fighting a lot.!!! We reported the incident to the apartment manager Tyler Still and...

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6:48 pm EDT

Jomela Properties Apartments are not safe to live in

Jomela's Apartments are not safe to live in and to move in, Because When Mary Karolewicz and I moved at 2803 West Kilbourn Avenue in Milwaukee, Wisconsin in 2017, What happened was it was safe until what happened in 2018 was black people and black tenants were playing their music too loud. I kicked Mary out of my apartment, because she kept on moving in and moving out of my apartment. In 2021, Black tenants were causing and starting trouble with me at that apartment building. I moved out earlier this year, because of the bad black tenants! That apartment building is a cess pool with black tenants smoking, smoking weed, drinking beer and alcohol, Playing and bumping loud rap music in cars! Bumping Loud music can buss and mess up your eardrums. The white staff who works at Jomela Properties likes to rent to bad black people, because they want money and they are money hungry. That's why Jomela never opened up their City Square Office on 3101 West Wells Street in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, because they are afraid and scared of black tenants who like to threaten the staff! Stay away from Jomela Properties, They are not worth renting to in the future.

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3:47 pm EDT
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Jomela Properties cannot keep nobody while Administrative Assistant Maddie O'Malley quit in 2017 or 2018, because she was fed up with all the Bull crap with the black tenants that was happening at 2803 Villages apartment building located at 2803 West Kilbourn Avenue in Milwauke, Wisconsin Elena who worked at the City Square Office quit in 2018, Senior...

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2:50 pm EDT
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When I was living at City Square Apts at 3104 West Wells Street in Apt 406 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, In December 2020, This young black girl tenant who lived in Apt 306, She left her candles burning inside her apartment and It got caught on fire. The apartment window, balcony door and the ceiling got caught on fire, The fire department and The police came to...

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12:33 am EDT

Jomela Properties Tyler Still rents to bad black tenants who set their apartments on fire

On December 2020, When I was living at City Square Apartments at 3104 West Wells Street in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Friday Morning, The young black girl who lived in Apt 306 left her candles burning inside her apartment and It got caught on fire, It burned down the balcony window, the balcony terrace and half my apartment ceiling in Apt 406. The Milwaukee Police and The Milwaukee Fire Department arrived at the scene where the fire took place. When I came to the third floor, That black girl started talking about my daddy and I was going to beat her down until the police held me back and handcuffed me and took me to the police van. The good black tenants told Milwaukee Police don't arrest me, because I'm a good tenant, I don't bother nobody and I don't mess with nobody inside that apartment building. The police gave me a ticket for disorderly conduct, because of that young black girl. I got a court date this coming June. The young black girl lied to all of the tenants and told them that Somebody broke into her apartment and Set her apartment on fire. The apartment building has no fire escape outside with the ladders. On that same day that young black girl moved out of her apartment. After she moved out Me, My boyfriend Howie and My baby moved out of that apartment the week after that. Stay away from Jomela Properties, because they like to rent to anybody especially bad black people! Rent somewhere else to get an apartment.

Desired outcome: none

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12:26 pm EDT
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At Jomela Properties located at 5601 West North Avenue in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Apartment/Property Manager Tyler Still ain't doing nothing about the trouble that's been happening at City Square Apartments at 3104 West Wells Street in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, because black tenants be damaging and destroying property inside the apartment building.!!! In 2019...

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3:21 pm EDT

Jomela Properties City square apartments needs help real bad

City Square Apartments located at 3104 West Wells Street in Milwaukee, Wisconsin needs help real bad, because things are falling apart inside and outside the apartment building! Black tenants who live on the first floor are damaging property by breaking windows in front of the building! The black tenants keep kicking down the front lobby door and They be stealing tenants packages that be delivered by Amazon and Fed Ex. When Fed-Ex and Amazon come by the apartment building with the package, They don't ring the tenants doorbell outside and They don't read the notes when the tenants be leaving up for the Fed Ex and Amazon delivery driver.They leave the package outside in the front beside the front door and They leave inside the hallway behind the front door. That cause people to be stealing tenants packages where they are being left inside and outside and Jomela Properties don't fix the doorbell at City Square Apartments! In February 2019, Ryan Kautz left Jomela Properties, because he got another job with a different company. The new white guy who's taking Ryan's place at Jomela Properties located at 5601 West North Avenue ain't doing nothing about these bad conditions inside and outside City Square Apartments! All he does is sit on the computer behind the desk all day.All of the tenants who got white fliers about the City Square Apartments office opening up in 2019 or 2020, The office did not open up, because Shawn the young black guy who worked for Jomela Properties quit, because Jomela Properties, worked him too hard and It caused him to quit! Terry who lived with Judith A Lewandowski in Apt 410 used to mop the hallway floors until he started complaing about, He ain't cleaning up after nobody and He ain't cleaning up after no tenant. Tyler Still and Kayla Pierce who manages City Square Apartments Building ain't doing nothing about these bad conditions that is happening inside the building.That's why good tenants are moving out of that building, because of the riff-raff from the black tenants inside the building!

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9:30 am EDT
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City Square Apts on 3104 West Wells Street in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, We lived in Apt 104, It was terrible, because the black tenants who lived in Apt 106 were always arguing, fighting and slamming doors loud!!! We reported them to the Jomela Property management and the management did not do nothing about them!!! That caused me and My daughter to move out and...

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