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Excelsior College

Excelsior College review: It's a scheme. 111

Author of the review
1:47 am EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
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I was enrolled in the LPN to RN program via The College Network (another group of crooks). This college charges all kinds of fees that go up on a regular basis. They claim that they are there for the student, but that is not true. Calling them is a headache, if you can get anyone on the phone. The lost my application for clinical. When I finally got to clinical I found the nursing "examiners" (we were not allowed to call them instructors) were rude and unprofessional. They look for any little reason to fail students and when they fail them they present them with an application to take the clinical again, and of course to pay the high fee again. After talking to other victims of Excelsior this seems to be their game. Avoid them.

Update by Kathleen Dailey
May 13, 2009 9:59 pm EDT

The College Network is made up of crooks, just like Excelsior College. Both are only after the money of the students and they do NOT give the support they claim they will give. The student is basically left on their own and then once that student reaches clinical they are failed in order to get more money. The College Network LIED to me and did not give me all costs up front, and failed to inform me about a computer course that was required. When I complained I got nowhere, so don't make laugh when you say you'll address my complaints. I was hung up on one time when I complained. The only time either the College Network or Excelsior really pays attention to the student is when they are billing them and taking their money. And, fellow students, if you do complain about how they treat you, they will smugly tell you that some students just can't handle this type of format and are not disciplined enough for self study. It's always the student's fault with them. Take it from me, and others, it's bull.

Update by Kathleen Dailey
May 15, 2009 2:55 am EDT

I appreciate it Rick, but I tried to address these issues when I was in the program and it got me nowhere. I don't know why now would be any different. Nothing personal, I know you're just doing your job.

Update by Kathleen Dailey
May 17, 2009 10:48 pm EDT

I did contact support, more than once. I was told in the seminar when I signed up that the study guides contained ALL of the material needed for the Excelsior exams. When I took the tests I found that this was not true. The tests contained a lot of material that was never covered in the College Network study guides. I left one test in tears because I had to guess at almost 1/3 of the test. I called the College Network about it, and all I got was denials and the usual shifted blame that somehow I didn't study well enough, and I was hung up on, as I mentioned. I only failed one test, but I had to pay another $200 plus fee to retake it. So what I started doing was reading other materials. I took the subjects and I read nursing books, articles, even health sites online. Whatever I could get my hands on. Once I stopped relying solely on the College Network study guides I started getting A's and not panicking about missing material. For the huge price I paid for these study guides this should NOT have happened. I said this to the College Network, but nobody wanted to hear it.

Update by Kathleen Dailey
May 20, 2009 11:07 pm EDT


You can say that your materials are sufficient all you want. It doesn't change what happened to me. I'm not stupid. I made excellent grades in LPN school and I got the highest score in the class of 25 on the much dreaded Endocrine System test. I have had very good evaluations at work and no complaints against me or my license. I don't mean to toot my own horn, but I am beyond sick of the excuses made by the College Network and Excelsior College. It's always the students fault. Well that is bull, and I will tell everyone I possibly can.

Update by Kathleen Dailey
May 20, 2009 11:12 pm EDT

By the way, Rick, if Excelsior College deems the College Network's materials "sufficient" then why do they have a disclaimer about the College Network on their site and why do they offer students other materials (with plenty of extra fees, of course) for the exams and highly suggest that they student use these? I don't put much stock into what Excelsior college says. They are unprofessional and dishonest. What do they have to lose if the student fails? They get another huge fee paid for by the student to retake the test.

Update by Kathleen Dailey
May 24, 2009 9:57 pm EDT

Rick, At the time I was a student Excelsior college specified on their website that companies that sell study guides (such as the College Network) do not supply sufficient material to pass the test. I believe that neither the College Network or Excelsior cares if students fail and they are both out for money. Both made my experience a nightmare and neither had anything to say to me when I failed other than Excelsior's request for another $2, 000 to retake the exam. The unprofessional, uncaring attitudes that I encountered spoke volumes to me. I spent twice the amount I was told it would cost by the College Network and I have nothing to show for it because of a greedy organization. I ran into other people with similar stories, and it's my understanding Excelsior got into trouble over high failure rates back in the 1990's, they ADMITTED that. I used my own materials to prepare for the tests, and that is how I made better grades and passed them.

The only reason you're talking to me now is because I am making my experience public. When I complained before no one cared. All I got was "it's your fault" and that was it.

Update by Kathleen Dailey
May 24, 2009 10:04 pm EDT

Miesha, if I were you I would not go into this program. I spent twice what I was told it would cost. Excelsior raises the prices on a regular basis, and they charge hidden fees that Excelsior did not tell me about. Some fees are annual too, and I was not told that by the College Network. You will have to travel for the clinical exam unless you live in one of the few states it is offered. When you review the material you will see they have it set up so that they can easily fail you. Believe it or not, in the material it said if you don't greet the patient the way they say you should it is considered "emotional abuse" and it's grounds for failure. I mean, the stuff they come up with is unbelieveable. I was failed because I did not chart that my instructor put a pillow behind my patients back. My patient was happy with me, and they could not find anything in my care plan, so they made something up. At first I thought they were joking. Make no mistake, these people are out for money, they don't care about you. In the 1990's Excelsior got into trouble for failing too many students. They admitted this to me, and they haven't changed. I wish you luck, but take it from me, you don't want to go into this program. Once they have your money they don't care what happens to you.

Update by Kathleen Dailey
May 25, 2009 7:49 pm EDT

Well Rick, that "sounds" nice. The program "sounded" nice on paper and looked affordable. However, reality does not reflect what you are saying or what was put on paper by the College Network at my seminar.

I believed the man at the seminar when he said, "If you can pass the mock test in the back of the study guide then you can pass the actual test." I had no reason not to believe him until I started taking the tests and I discovered that what he said was not true.

I had no reason not to believe him when he told me what my education would cost. Then I found out about hidden costs, extra courses, annual fees, and additional study materials I would have to pay for.

I had no reason not to believe him when he told me I would have support from the College Network. But when I called with my complaints and concerns I was told the same, generic statements that the study guides are sufficient, etc etc. I even gave the person on the phone examples of questions containing material not covered in the study guide.

I had no reason not to believe Excelsior would be fair, but in clinical I found out they were anything but fair. If it is in Excelsiors "best interest" for students to pass, why would they fail such a high number in the 90's in the first place and risk tarnishing their reputation?

Again, Excelsior's website had a disclaimer about the College Network study guides, and I was directly told by the college that they do not vouch for these study guides and that the material may not be covered fully in them. I don't know if they still have a disclaimer on their site or not, but they did at the time I was there. They sold their own materials on this site as well.

Anytime I have ever complained to either the College Network or Excelsior I have gotten a response along the lines of "some students find self study to be too much of a challenge" etc. I think it's all a scheme to get as much money as possible from students, esp with Excelsior. I regret that I ever heard of this program. I regret the time, the money, the unprofessional attitudes, and the overall lack of support. I cannot turn the clock back, but if I could I would go to a traditional school.

Update by Kathleen Dailey
Jun 18, 2009 8:14 pm EDT


How can you help me if you're not part of Excelsior College?

Update by Kathleen Dailey
Jun 21, 2009 11:08 pm EDT

Thanks, Rudy. If your sister would like to contact me I would love to talk to her. I would like to take our case to the media against Excelsior College. If we can warn others about it then they won't suffer the same fate. Why should we take this lying down? If I can find others who are interested I would gladly talk to any media who is willing to listen to expose Excelsior and their scams.

Regardless, I wish your sister the best of luck. It had to be dishearterning for her to pay that insane fee yet again just to be failed over something frivelous. It's terrible to know that you are a good nurse and you worked and studied hard, but because Excelsior is money hungry you are not where you should be in your career. Keep me posted. Take care.


Update by Kathleen Dailey
Jul 26, 2009 5:56 pm EDT

Hi Heather, I understand what you are saying, but to me it does matter how you get there. If more people stepped up and took action, maybe these things would not happen. Obviously to retake the clinical each time you had to pay the insane fee, travel, pay for a hotel, and give your time and effort. I also know the seminar costs a lot of money. I paid for tapes and study guides for clinical as well. The "expensive lesson" is that Excelsior cheats it's students, and they need to be exposed. I have worked many years as a LPN, and my patients and families are happy with me. I was failed for a ridiculous reason, which was not charting that my insructor put a pillow behind my patients back. Number one, you don't chart the work of other people, and number two, I didn't even know she did it. They were seeking to fail me, probably for money. From what I gather, they have a history of doing this. And there is no appeal for the student. This school is not interested in fairness, your career, or anything other than money.

Update by Kathleen Dailey
Feb 24, 2010 9:26 pm EST

With all due respect, EC, your condescending post (complete with poor grammer) makes me think that you probably work for Excelsior College. You sound a lot like them. And they will readily throw the College Network under the bus when defending their own issues.
You were not there at my clinical, were you? So how do you know what happened, and if I was treated fairly or not?
I made excellent grades in LPN school, and I have received many compliments on my work by supervisors, patients and families. So take your dictionary and, well, you know the rest : )

Update by Kathleen Dailey
Feb 28, 2010 7:44 pm EST

Sara, I am more than willing to file a class action lawsuit against Excelsior College.

Update by Kathleen Dailey
Feb 28, 2010 7:49 pm EST

You could file a complaint with the Dept of Education, but I didn't get anywhere them when I did. They believed everything the teachers said (without proof) and nothing I said. Until people get together and speak out and file lawsuits, nothing is ever going to change. They will continue to take advantage of people.

Update by Kathleen Dailey
Mar 04, 2010 6:18 pm EST

Hey Matt, let me know if you sue, I will gladly join you.

Update by Kathleen Dailey
Mar 30, 2010 11:37 pm EDT

I'm willing to bet you are a plant from Excelsior or the College Network. I can't understand why anyone would come on to a COMPLAINT site to say good things about about a business or a product and thenargue against people who have had a bad experience with that business or product.
I had no problem teaching myself. I got good grades on my tests. What I have a problem with is the dishonesty I encountered, and a lack of living up to the promises and claims advertised, hidden expenses, and a clinical with a high failure rate in order to get students to cough up another huge clinical fee just so they can make it to the finish line.

Update by Kathleen Dailey
May 07, 2010 10:05 pm EDT

I hope it doesn't happen to you, either, Queenbee, but the truth of the matter is I haven't had any trouble running into people who have been ripped off by Excelsior College. I'm sorry for your experience. Your professor reminds me of the kind of people I dealt with at Excelsior.

Update by Kathleen Dailey
May 13, 2010 9:33 pm EDT

Sure, Equusz (what kind of a name is that?), I bet. Some questions:

WHY would you come to a COMPLAINT site to COMPLIMENT a business?

What is in it for you to fight for Excelsior or TCN?

How do YOU know what my experience was when you were NOT there, and you don't even know me?

Why are you so passionate about it, enough to be a vulgar jerk about it? It's just a school. If I went to a store and I was happy with my experience but another customer wrote to complain I would tell them to "shut up, nut up, and put up." I would be adult enough to realize that just because I had a good experience it does not mean everyone does.

Do you honestly believe every business has either a. complaints only, or b. compliments only? NO, because some people have good experiences, and some do not.

So, "Equuaz", you shut up, nut up, and go back to work for Excelsior.

Update by Kathleen Dailey
Jun 17, 2010 7:45 pm EDT

Mr Sorry, nothing you say shocks me at all. I would suggest that every single one of you file a complaint with the state Board of Education (another waste of money). It didn't do me any good, though. They believed everything the teachers said and nothing I said, regardless of proof or lack of proof, and they didn't bother to answer my questions. They were in with the school from the start, but I believe there is power in numbers, and eventually if enough people complain they may have to do something. People have also talked about a class action lawsuit, but so far nothing has materialized that I know of. I would be willing to particpate, so if you want to do something like that let me know.

I suggest that all of you talk about your experience online, at your job, and anywhere else you find other nurses. If someone had warned me or you, we would not have wasted our money and time. You'll also find that you too often run into people who are victims of Excelsior College.


The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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Mary Lou Fineman
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Oct 29, 2008 12:46 pm EDT

I am sorry you had a bad experience.

I received my B.S. degree about 12 years ago, and was immediately accepted to the two graduate schools I had applied to.

I found the advisor extremely helpful and the whole process easy.

J. Varnadore Jr.
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Dec 01, 2008 7:10 am EST

I attended Excelsior online and never had any problems with their advisors or any of my instructors. I found them helpful in all areas I needed help in. I just received my BS Degree on 21 Nov 2008. I would definitely recommend this school.

charleston, US
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Jan 31, 2009 1:48 pm EST

Stay away from The College Network. They will rip you off. The people that wrote the positive comments, I bet you work for them.

New York, US
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Feb 13, 2009 6:24 am EST

Excelsior may be ok for the online theory courses or programs, instead of intern or clinical parts. There are really some problems in the design of CPNE.

Pittsgrove, US
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Apr 22, 2009 9:57 pm EDT

Thanks for the info. I am currently a LPN and want to obtain my RN. It is very hard to go the traditional way (you know school everyday) to college. I am thankful for all of the TRUE postings about The College Network! I almost fell for it! Although, I have read so much good and bad about Excelsior! I am so confused now! Help!

The College Network
Indianapolis, US
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May 03, 2009 7:34 pm EDT

Dear Kelley,

I am an employee of The College Network. After reading the initial complaint made in this post by Kathleen, I can say without a doubt that she is referring to her experience with Excelsior. She does refer to us as "crooks" and why I don't exactly know, but she is welcome to contact me at and I will attempt to address any issues she may have.

I am aware that there are complaints here and elsewhere about TCN, but relatively few compared to the more than 150, 000 people who have decided to become customers of The College Network. My intent is not to sell you our program. My intent is to answer people's questions, attempt to help dissatisfied customers, and clear up any misconceptions about our products or services. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

The College Network

The College Network
Indianapolis, US
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May 14, 2009 11:04 am EDT

Dear Kathleen,

I have forwarded your concerns to our Customer Care Unit. I cannot speak on behalf of Excelsior or the manner in which clinicals are conducted, however I can say that The College Network does care about the success of our customers. If people did not have success using our programs, that would reflect poorly on us, our products, and our services. It is my sincerest hope that our Customer Care Unit will be able to address your concerns to your satisfaction.

If you have questions in the meantime, please contact Academic Support.

The College Network

The College Network
Indianapolis, US
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May 15, 2009 10:36 am EDT


The computer course that needed to be completed through Excelsior was the result of a curriculum change. The College Network is not responsible for changes in curriculum made by the degree granting institution.

You also state that you were basically left on your own. This is a self-study program and Excelsior grants degrees though equivalency exam credit. Should have required more help you should have contacted Academic Support.

With regard to being hung up on, I apologize. I see the advisor you spoke to documented that she was about to sneeze and she meant to hit the mute button, but she accidentally disconnected the call. I see you also called right back. The advisor who disconnected the call should have called you back and apologized. All calls are now recorded and there are quality assurance measures in place to prevent such things from happening.

The College Network

The College Network
Indianapolis, US
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May 20, 2009 1:36 pm EDT


Our materials have been reviewed by Excelsior College and they have been deemed sufficient to pass the exams. We also speak to customers everyday that use our materials to pass the exams.

As I had previously addressed, being hung up on had nothing to do with your complaint. It was an accident and for that I apologize. I see from the notes that you called back almost immediately and spoke with the next advisor for a lengthy amount of time about your concerns.

We take complaints about our materials seriously. Our entire business is built around successfully preparing our customers to pass their exams, so we have to be certain that we are putting out the best products possible.

The College Network

The College Network
Indianapolis, US
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May 22, 2009 9:28 am EDT


I am not making excuses for our products and services. I am simply trying to reach out to dissatisfied customers or people who have had difficulties in the program to provide assistance. The fact of the matter is that we have a high success rate for people that use our materials and it is our goal to help everyone succeed and earn their degree.

To address your question regarding our relationship with Excelsior; although we partner with several colleges and universities, we are not in a partnership with Excelsior for the ASN program. We do however have a collaborative agreement with them for their BSN program. They have reviewed our materials and deemed them sound and sufficient for use in passing their exams. They do of course have their recommended list of texts and that is why you see that they "offer" other materials.

As far as students failing, no university wants that. If everybody failed no one would enroll with them and I would imagine at some point they would lose their accredidation. They have nothing to gain and everything to lose if students fail. It has nothing to do with collecting another fee.

The College Network

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May 22, 2009 8:34 pm EDT

Sooooooooooooo. I'm vey interested in Excelsior college. A course advisor meet with me 2 days ago and it sounds great. But if there's additional fees, not enough study material, and I have to drive from Grand Island to Syracuse, NY jus to fail?, why should I waste my time. I need a very honest member of the college network/Excelsior College to let me know something asap. thankyou.

The College Network
Indianapolis, US
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May 24, 2009 10:22 am EDT

Dear Miesha,

All the fees related to the program are covered in the "cost estimate form" that your Program Advisor will go over with you as well as leave you a copy of. This form breaks down the different costs of the program - costs of modules, costs of exam fees, and fees paid to the school (application fee, enrollment fee, graduation fee, info literacy course fee, etc.). All fees are disclosed, so you don't have to worry about unexpected costs.

The materials have been reviewed by Excelsior College. They have been deemed sound and sufficient to pass the exams. As a whole, our customers do extremely well on Excelsior's exams with our materials. Although we are not partnered with Excelsior for the ASN program, we do have a collaborative agreement with them for their BSN program.

A distance education program is essentially what you put in to it. We do the easy part. We provide the materials and resources necessary to assist you. You have to study and you have to take the exams. Let me know if you have any additional questions as I would be happy to help.

The College Network

The College Network
Indianapolis, US
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May 25, 2009 10:29 am EDT


The information I am stating is factual. Excelsior College has reviewed our materials and they have been deemed sound and sufficient to pass the Excelsior College Examinations.

I cannot attest to your individual clinical experience, your performance, or how you were assessed. However, I can say that it is in no one's best interest if you fail. You even state in your complaint that "In the 1990's Excelsior got into trouble for failing too many students." I cannot verify the accuracy of this statement, but it would seem to me that based on this statement it would be in their best interest if you passed.

Also, my responses and continued conversations with you are not simply a result of your complaint. When I see customers on other sites and nursing discussion forums that are having success and progressing in their programs, I am sure to congratulate and encourage them. I also remind them that Academic Support is available should they require assistance.

The College Network would never tell a customer that "it's your fault." Our Advisors are trained with one goal in mind - to assist the customer. Sometimes that assistance comes in the form of encouragement, sometimes it's working through an algebra equation, or sometimes it's reviewing questions that were on an exam. We are here to help our customers with all aspects related to their programs. Speaking as a former supervisor in the Academic Support Department, I can promise you that telling a customer "it's your fault" would not be tolerated.

The College Network

nowhere, US
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Jun 15, 2009 1:10 am EDT

Kathleen, all these for profit schools are a scam. I went to Remington and even though it was an actual in class setting I got an A in a class that I never did work for because the teacher just didn't teach it. I find it hilarious that some person from Excelsior actually is trying to defend this diploma mill.


Kathleen Dailey
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Jun 15, 2009 2:14 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

vl- Did you actually get a degree? The person defending this overpriced, no good program is from the College Network, which isn't much better than Excelsior College.

I was amazed at the unprofessional behavior of the Excelsior nurses in my clinical exam. They were crabby, holier than thou, and just plain nasty. I was failed because I did not chart that there was a pillow placed behind my patients back in bed. First off, I did not put it there, the examiner did. Nurses are not supposed to chart the work of others. Second, I didn't even know she put it there till after they failed me. I had left the room to take the sheets, etc to the laundry. Third, nurses do not chart in that much depth. Unless you have a patient with a hip replacement, or something where positioning is very relevant, why would you chart in that much detail? We'd be there all day if we did that. Nonetheless, I can't chart it if I don't know it happened. My patient was very happy with me and my care plan was impeccable. Since she could not find anything there she found another way to fail me.

So to thank them for screwing me out of my money, time and effort I plan to continue to tell nurses and others in general to avoid them. I wish someone had told me. I could have avoided this overpriced nightmare and went to a real school.

The College Network
Indianapolis, US
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Jun 16, 2009 11:16 am EDT


I have no problem with you expressing your opinion about your individual experience. My concern is that many people experience success furthering their educations this way. You should take a moment to read some of the stories of those who have earned a degree or certificate with the assistance of TCN (

Oftentimes this is a more cost-effective, convenient way to earn a degree that would otherwise be out of reach. I think it would be a shame if someone were to base their decision to further their education on statements made in your posts.

The College Network

Kathleen Dailey
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Jun 16, 2009 4:31 pm EDT


I am sure you do think it would be shame because it would result in financial loss for your employer, The College Network. I am also willing to bet that the College Network and Excelsior only post positive comments from students (how do we know they are actually from students) on their websites. That is only common sense.

It's too bad there was not any of this "concern" when I was enrolled in the program and running into problems. No one showed any concern over the extra courses I had to take that I was never informed of in the seminar, and there was no apology when I explained that I was never told that the college charges annual fees that go up every single year if not more often. I was basically told that I wasn't right about the study guides, even though I reported the material that showed up on the test but was never covered in the study guide. I was told "well, don't you learn that at work"? I couldn't believe it. There was no concern from Excelsior, in fact there was discrimination. So, I am sure you would like me to stop talking about my experience because it may harm your bottom line, but I am not concernd about that. I already gave enough to that and got nothing for it. CN and Excelsior need to examine how they treat students and how they deceive them. That is the truth, and that is what I will keep talking about. I spent 3 years of my life and my hard earned money, and my precious time, all for nothing but hassles, hidden expenses and lies. I do NOT take that lightly. It may mean nothing to you, but it mean everything to me. That was my dream that was not to be because I made the wrong choice. If someone had warned me and I had made a different choice it's very likely that today I would be an RN.

The College Network
Indianapolis, US
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Jun 18, 2009 4:22 pm EDT


You have come so far in your program. It's not too late to become an RN. I apologize that you feel as though your concerns were not handled appropriately. We can continue on this way as we have for the past month, or we can move forward and try to help you complete that last bit of your program. You've done a lot of hard work and it would be a shame to let it go to waste.

Please contact our Customer Care Manager. Her name is Heather and she can be reached at [protected].

The College Network

Rudy V
Fremont, US
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Jun 20, 2009 8:31 pm EDT


You are right on in your statements, the truth hurts. Everything you said is exactly correct . I went on a search for complaints etc on Excelsior College, this is after my sister who works at Stanford Hospital as a LVN failed her 2nd time, over the most rediculous thing, won't mentioned it hear cause my sister doesn't know Iam posting this. Iam so fed up with these 2 Grand trips, Airfare, hotel, rental car, all that and you get these Nurse Ratchets with there (subjective ) thumbs up or down. Its a joke. Id never enroll in an online course. I feel so sorry for my sister, she's got one last chance and I don't know if she's going to put her self threw this again. I feel sorry for these people, many just lose everything, and feel like its all their fault, which nothing could be further, Ive heard some of the horror stories from my sister on the forums of some of these wako examiners . Sorry to hear about your ordeal. Best of luck to you in future.


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Jul 02, 2009 7:14 pm EDT

the college network is a professiona publishing company.. NOT a college or school of any kind. They sell study guides . Ihave ehard that their sales pitch gives the impression that they are a school, however reading the infe print will show that they are offering a loan so students can afford to purchase their overpriced study guides.

Excelsior College is an accredited school and their nursing program is NLN and ANCNE certified ( a feat a diploma mill could not muster). In addition the schools students are eligible for pell grants and government backed student loans ( another feat that diploma mills can not imitate).

Excelsior does give wanrings about using these expensive vendors on thier web site and in their written literature. I feel badly that many students do not find out they can enroll directly thorugh Excelsior college until after TCN, Chancelors, RUE or IStudy Smart have bilked them..

Check out low cost study aids on ebay if you decide to go with Escelsior college.

Lisa Arends BSN, RN

Heather Brittingham
Seminole, US
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Jul 26, 2009 12:10 pm EDT

I too went to Excelsior and took the CPNE 2x and failed for stupid little things ( I actually stopped for one lab because the examiner was on the phone and then I went over time). I appealed and lost and had to take it a 3rd time, I wasnt sure if I could do it but went to Tinas review seminar in San Jose, Ca and passed on the 3rd time. I am now a RN and charge nurse on a step down open heart unit. I do understand the feeling of being " screwed" by them but yet I also know it can be done. I figured after taking all those classes I wasnt going to start all over again.When you have the RN in the end it wont matter where you went to school and can just chalk it up to expensive lesson learned.Good Luck to all in their endeavors!


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Jul 31, 2009 4:13 am EDT

Lisa - The only reason you are trying to put down College Network is it is one of your competitors. You sell study guides on ebay that are copied material from textbooks and other web sites. You sell videos which the copyright belongs to someone else yet you call it your copyright. Excelsior gives warnings about people like you too!

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Jul 31, 2009 8:23 am EDT

Dear “concerned student” I actually put down The College Network (TCN) because they charge ridiculously high prices for their study guides and give the impression that they ARE a degree granted agency and ARE connected with Excelsior College (they are a publishing company willing to give students a loan so they can afford TCN study guides) – TCN is the type of expensive publsihing company that Excelsior College warns about!

I do sell self-made copyright protected study guides that are very well referenced. My guides do not infringe on any ones copyright and I do not sell videos. You must have me confused with the LPN /name removed/, she sells yahoo notes and other Pirated work.

I am actually an Excelsior Graduate, Registered Nurse and Author selling lost cost study guide s that have heplped thousands of students save money and still pass the Excelsior exams with high scores.

Please get your facts straight.. Moreover, consider using your name when you slam someone, to hide behind a pseudo name is cowardly.

Lisa Arends BSN, RN

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Aug 12, 2009 9:31 pm EDT

Wow, Ok, .. first of all I gotta give credit to Kathleen for speaking up! I kinda had a similar experience with another college. In my opinion, this whole college network - Excelsior College thing is a crock of ###! I think all colleges, except for Ivy league schools are a crock of ###! Ivy league schools get all the money they need from wealthy parents, so they don't mess with them. Anyway, you got all these crack pot colleges popping up and even the SUNY-CUNY systems are getting involved with this scam. The big picture here is that one thing the colleges DON'T tell you is that they get kick backs from banks to get the students to take out loans with them. WHY? Because it's a guaranteed loan backed by the government! So, in essence the schools work with the banks to start the "Matrix" way of life by ###ing us all with high interest loans from the start. Ever wonder where all the credit card applications come from? How do you think they know what you make? Of course the college network is going to stick up for the Excelsior school/system. I don't even know them, and from what I read sounds like a recruiting ground for the start of the whole ###ing scam. There is enough evidence and court cases that can prove that this "steering" with the banks exists. They don't even tell you that you can actually get a loan from your own bank, or in my case a credit union that has even lower rates. Where the ### was that check mark box son!? USED CAR SALESMEN! Good god... sometimes this whole way of business makes me sick in this country. We been ###ed since the creation of the "federal" reserve...

Answer me this Rick from the college network - Excelsior elite college man! Why is it I can program and run a server for a private company, but when I apply to a job for a major company they shoot me down for some jack off that got ripped off by you and your "system"? I talked to that knuckle head in the lobby, he practically sounded like some intern. All because you ### bags want to charge hundreds of thousands for what? a piece of paper? Please I got a enough TP from walmart and that only cost me a buck or two. Granted there are somethings you need to go to school for. I don't want some guy with a pocket knife giving me heart surgery. But, all you crooks listen up! If it's one thing your going to learn is... Don't ### with the chief or a doctor! This guy might invent a cure for some terrible disses that you might suffer from someday. And when you don't get it, and you ask why? Because there is no money in the cure! So you will have to take a pill the rest of your miserable life just to live! Call it Karma, but in time when you skrew someone over you get whats your in the long run!

P.S. You think I'm just a little pissed at something?

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Aug 12, 2009 9:40 pm EDT

By the way, if the schools are really for the student... they should adopt grandfather clauses on the campus requirements from the day the student enrolls. Otherwise its false advertisement... You can lie to youself and say you told them in the [protected] page of the student manual that you have the right. But who the ### is going to find that? ###s!

Mapleton, US
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Aug 23, 2009 2:15 am EDT

I am enrolled in the College Network and I can say that I have not had these problems with them at all. Never had a problem on the phone getting anyone to explain or be helpful about anything. I asked for a book and it was here in 3 days, and the only money I have paid is just what the agreement has stated. I do take it upon myself, however, to buy additional material on the subjects I am studying but was never told that was a requirement. ..I am still in the program with a ways to go, but as I said no problems ot complaints from me for the few months I have been involved with them. Cami

lynn turner
Monroe, US
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Sep 29, 2009 9:41 am EDT

Miesha, I agree with Kathleen. The College Network and Excelsior College can be very confusing and misleading. The material/books is not even 1/3 on the test . I ended up failing #3 and buying the regular Rn books anyway, which takes another 90 days and 240 dollars out of your pocket. For the last three years I have taken Anatomy/Physiology 1 &2, Microbiology, Nursing 1, 3, 4, 5, 6 and just took 7 and made lower than a C! I only lacked the Cnep now Excelsior has new Currileum and I am required to take additional three exams and simulation labs before clinicals. I am so upset about this how can a program change currileum and not grandfather the old students in. Well I will not give another dime or my time to this unethical place of business! The sweat and tears and numerous amounts of studying I have done. The upsets and failures, not seeing my family, countless nights of worrying about grades, ClEP! Is this what nursing is all about? To pay and pay more money for a profession I love and want to succeed in. To obtain my goals to be an Rn from and LPN. I have worked as an LPN for almost seven years both hospital and nursing home and have loved this career of choice. I have a BS degree in Criminal Justice and did not put the numerous time and energy into that degree that I have in this one. Miesha if you or anyone is reading this please take my advice look into your community colleges near you, study the admissions test get in! Believe me it is 90 percent cheaper and you will have advisors and clinicals instructers to help you along the way. The best thing I did learn from test seven is who our NLN and organizations to better are education of nursing. Nursing is a wonderful profession, yes it challeging, however this is what makes us stronger at our positions. I am currently trying to go back to LPN TO RN school where I obtained my Lpn. Im in no hurry, Im actually putting it in Gods hands this time.

Kansas, US
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Jan 07, 2010 6:14 am EST

Wow! My brain hurts, but great feedback from everyone-curse words or not! I happen to agree with the plaintiffs here...and justice should be given to these students. Online college is relatively new per say and now the kinks are starting to show rapidly. Eventually, after all of our endurance to fight the scams and the backward ways these colleges are doing things, we'll have created an easy going situation for our future grandchildren. Fact is, however, we are here and now, and want a good ol' honest experience! We're giving at least 2 arms and a leg here right?
I'm a college student online myself. I will not disclose the college at this time, but I do have to say that the instructors do not teach- they are only there to grade you. Generally the instructors do not follow their own curriculum, they are so busy that they have issues with their own grammar, and they make accidents while grading. It has and can be quite frustrating. I feel that I have more problems with my academic counselor/financial counselor more than anything else.

So, to provide some justice as much as I can, I will have to say for those of you who have bravely stated your claim: Thank you...I will not be enrolling to Excelsior. Second to this, I am willing to appear ignorant for the time being because it is only a matter of time before a close friend of mine will have to take her I am just waiting to hear back. Further, I have always been a person who had hope in things greatly condemned. Later I end up kicking my self for not listening. This time, I think I will. So, good by Excelsior for now.

Head the warnings people. I am!

imani mcdonald
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Jan 20, 2010 9:04 am EST

Once again-I am tired of your system not being able to log me on so I can pay for my test. Excelsior says it is something with my bank! US Bank says that Excelsior web site has not even registered in my account-they have no record of Excelsior posting any transactions to my account! I have had nothing but trouble with this on-line program and to me nobody at Excelsior gives a damn. You at Excelsior have “been working on the problem”- this has been going on for 6months now. This program and technical support is CRAP in my opinion. I referred a couple of people to this program and I can only apologize to them for getting them mixed up in this program. I am a working adult trying to further my career, if I would have known that on-line programs where more work than going to a university-I wouldn’t have looked twice at this MESS(EXCELSIOR). I don’t want anybody to contact me back-Because it has not help in the last 6 months so I doubt that in 2010 you will be able to resolve the issue. I just need to get this off my chest!

Kathleen Dailey
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Jan 24, 2010 4:47 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Imani, your experience sounds typical of what I and others have experienced with this arrogant excuse for a school. They lost my clinical application and then had the nerve to get snippy with me when I complained about it! It set me back 6 months (keep in mind they charge a yearly enrollment fee, among other insane fees). Not that it mattered anyway, since they invented a reason to fail me at clinical. You're right, they don't care. If I were you I'd see if you can just withdraw. Don't spend another penny on these thieves. Find a real school.

Oceanside, US
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Jan 26, 2010 12:35 am EST

iencounter somewhat the same situation the material given to me by the college net-work.did not prepare me at all for the exam. i put hrs. into my studing consider myself somewhat intellagent when i apply myself. no matter how much you study, if you are given the wrong's useless . i also fell like i was setup to fail. and most of the time you cant get onto the web-site to study your modules. and ofcourse when you call them they have an excuse.

Kathleen Dailey
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Jan 26, 2010 9:35 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Since I could not get anywhere with my complaints to Excelsior or the College Network, I decided to educate others about them. I wish someone had warned me before I signed up. I could have saved a lot of money and went to a decent nursing school instead of this excuse for a nursing program.

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Jan 29, 2010 6:18 pm EST

Umm...sorry "lovemybaby" but what's this nonsense about not being grandfathered in on the new curriculum? Everyone was given plenty of warning about the change. I enrolled way back in 2003 and slowly picked my way through the pre-req's and then the nursing exams. When Excelsior changed their curriculum in 2006, I was given THREE YEARS' notice - sent multiple emails that I needed to finish by September 09 or I would have to take the additional courses. I call that plenty of warning. Of course, I procrastinated and ended up taking the last 4 exams in one month, but I still passed them with A's.

The CPNE wasn't easy, but I passed that first time with no retakes last month, and I'm just a medic with no bedside nursing experience. I studied hard and took a workshop and had NO problems. The CE's and CA were great. 5 out of my group of 6 passed. The CPNE in general has a 62% first time pass rate. That means the majority pass first time.

As for TCN - why bother? I didn't need any third party charging me a buttload of extra money for study materials I was perfectly able to gather on my own. Hell, I didn't even open some of the textbooks and still got good grades. I'm no genius but I know how to study. Excelsior was always available by phone and completely up front. I have my ADN now and no complaints.

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Jan 29, 2010 6:20 pm EST

Also I don't know where you get "we were not allowed to call them instructors". The Study Guide clearly says that the the student will refer to themselves as a student and the Examiner as an instructor, when introducing themselves to the patient. That's what were also told in the CPNE orientation and what we did at the bedside.

EC, Alumna
Brentwood, US
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Feb 12, 2010 5:05 pm EST

Excelsior college is an excellent school. I had my Associate and Bachelor degrees in Nursing from Excelsior College. The courses are hard, but follow the syllabus and DO NOT GO THROUGH THIRD PARTY CROOKS that claim they represent Excelsior College. Great School and Quality Education for your money. My Masters degree courses in another college is currently a breeze. Excelsior College really prepare you for future challenges. Go back and look at what you missed in your clinical and correct it. Also you can not call a Clinical Examiner an Instructor. Check your dictionary for the meaning. I had similar problem and finally, I was able to differentiate between the two. The Examiners are very nice and strictly follow the guidelines for patient safety. They are not there to teach or instruct, but to assess what you already learned.

EC, Alumna

Sara Thomas
Appleton, US
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Feb 27, 2010 1:19 pm EST

Anyone have any advice as to how to get out of the contract with the CU, which claims they are owed nearly $10, 000.00 after only a few months of study which ended with a failed test (due to insufficient study materials). What about a class action lawsuit?

Bristol, US
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Mar 04, 2010 10:35 am EST

Not only is the college net a scam it is being investigated by the Atty General in CT I am being surd for some 6400 dollars by these ### because I refuse to pay for Garbage Material I will burn
the pile of books and the 6400 before I pay u SOBs (not shortness of breath) see you in court

Westerville, US
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Mar 21, 2010 9:48 am EDT

Excelsior is a scam. It does not prepare you to be a nurse and work somewhere. Go to a conventional school for clinical experience. Even the traditional lectures at schools...I learned so much more that from studying and testing out of the courses. The CPNE is a joke and does not show that you can work in a clinical setting. Shame on nurses that work for this school. You know you are doing an injustice to the nursing profession.
There are so many schools now that cater to LPN's and expect you to have to work. They are cheaper and you get hands on experience. There is no comparision to the traditional school and excelsior.
Rue, Chancelors and College Network are JUST book company's.!

St. Petersburg, US
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Mar 30, 2010 6:50 pm EDT

I am currently a student at Excelsior in the LPN-RN program. Excelsior College is not for people who like to be taught, you literally just buy the books and teach yourself. It's not impossible either, I'm almost done with all my theory exams and I have gotten B's and C's on all of them with about 1 week of studying on each one, and of course bought the practice exam. I bought last year's college network texbooks from someone off ebay for around $100 each, which is a bargain compared to College Networks rates around $500 a book. And by the way the college network texts are AMAZING, compared to the other non-spell checked and meager study guides by independent excelsior grads.
Whenever I needed to talk to someone at Excelsior I never had to wait more than 15-20 minutes, which may sound like a hassle but compare that to scheduling a session with an advisor at a traditional school (which I am also enrolled at USF) and having to wait days or weeks to talk to someone.
It is costing me about $1000 more for this program than it would at my community college, but I will finish in about 8 months compared to a year and a half, and with this I can still work full time and have a life.

Bottom line: College Network is expensive and I believe contract-binding if you go with them but if you can get your hands on their study guides you are almost guaranteed to pass, and Excelsior is not for those who like to sit in a classroom 4 days a week for a year and a half being taught the material, it take a lot of self-discipline to sit their for hours on end studying.

Hope this helped.

Brooklyn, US
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May 07, 2010 12:01 am EDT

Just applied to Excelsior becaus I was cheated out of a degree from Kingsborough Community College because my clinical professor made a typo with his email address and then refused to accept hard copies of the clinical reports - long story short he failed me and that failure qualified me to being kicked out of the program - it was supposed to be 2 failures = kicked out...but that semester they added a new policy of 1 failure= kicked out...and in size 8 font added it to page 50 of the manual! Anyway, my story is tragic for many reasons I will not get into. The director of the Nursing program - PROF LAVIN - said I should avoid applying to any other schools and choose a new career - when I was in my last semester of Nursing! She said no one will take a student that was kicked out of "her" program. Just a few days ago I met with a Kingsborough graduate and she told me that PROF LAVIN graduate Excelsior and that this nurses friend who was kicked out of Kingsborough went to Excelsior and graduated. And it gave me a glimmer of light - maybe I have a chance in finishing my degree.

After reading these posts I am so scared to get involved in yet another college who would screw me... I hope these are all just specific instances... and I hope I will not have the same experience.


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