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DeVry University

DeVry University review: how devry victimizes students 17

Author of the review
2:54 pm EDT
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This review was chosen algorithmically as the most valued customer feedback.

It's a shame you don't have negative stars.

I took a single class from Devry years ago, which I paid for at the time. Obviously Devry agreed that I'd paid, since they sent me my final grade, and later sent several transcripts out to other institutions.

Five years later, I discovered that Devry had turned my supposedly delinquent account over to some disreputable collections agency. When I called Devry, they wouldn't talk to me about it because they'd turned it over. The collections jerks weren't interested in anything, including receipts that proved I'd paid. I finally had to get an attorney to straighten it out for me.

Of course we all know how disreputable collections companies are, and the kinds of people they routinely hire and use. Devry turned my account over with my social security number as the account number, so I've had no choice but to put watches on my information with the credit bureaus and on my individual credit accounts.

It's impossible to tell whether they're thieves or simply incompetent; either way, these are not people you want to do business with.

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The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
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May 19, 2008 7:17 am EDT

I had similar issues and the school. The school was a bad choice and I regret going there.

Aug 08, 2008 9:22 am EDT

I am going through a very similar situation right now. I have filed a report with the credit reporting agencies & filed a police report. The school is indicating I have applied for credit for another session. I have graduated recently & have NO intention of ever going back there. I never approved any such credit or loan & the school claims they do not know what happened or how it occured. They are not taking the issue serious enough. I have had other problems with their finance department screwing things up & not following up to correct the problem which created troubles for me that I had to fix over a 6 month period. I'm not going to sit back & wait again while they do nothing to fix their mistakes that will affect my credit.

DeVry was at one time a great school until they went public. Now they seem to screw up everything possible. I spent more time between finance, the Registrars office, the Dean's office, & the president's office than I did in my classes. Many times I spent class room time in those offices fixing things they botched up. I would never recommend it to anyone & I would STRONGLY recommend anyone interested in the school go somewhere that is not a publicly traded school & actually cares about the students all around.

Nov 05, 2008 8:28 pm EST

It sounds as if you made some bad choices and didn't pay a debt that you accrued. If you feel like a victim it is likely because you are trying to get something for free that isn't free. It's funny, students always want to blame the school for their own shortcomings. I have had nothing but excellent service here at DeVry and the education I am receiving is outstanding. Of course, I pay my bill. Receiving a grade does NOT indicate that you paid for the course. You abviously did not pay for something...otherwise you wouldn't have had your delinquent account sent to collections.

Current DeVry Student
South River, US
Jan 23, 2009 11:22 am EST

I believe that DeVry is a great university because of the instructors. Its the student central/financial office that has a serious problem. They are all a bunch of incompetent lazy people. The education I am receiving at this time is great, too bad the people who work in the office are unprofessional. The only time you get a call back is if you call them at least 3 times and you have to be upset and flip out before you get any attention, otherwise you will sit there for 30 minutes just staring at everyone walking around with their heads up their a$$es or you can watch the girl at the desk flirt with the other guy who does who knows what there.

Red Pill
Apr 24, 2009 12:54 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

In my opinion Devry is a ripoff plain and simple the mere fact that there are so many complaints tells it all. As a previous employee at this organization I can say that they are all about how to make more money off the students. It's a business first (as I was told in so many words by my Director of Admissions) so stay away unless you want to be another victim...

Jul 31, 2009 4:40 pm EDT

I attended devry in 2002 2003, after completing my 1st trimester they told me to log on to their website and my schedule would be on there for the classes i had to take for the 2nd trimester and if i didnt pass a class for 1st trimester it would show that I had to retake the class. I logged on and my 2nd trimester class schedule was there so that ment I had passed all my 1st tri. classes, then I proceeded to get my books, they had told me I could not get my books until the following week unless i wanted to use my devry student credit card, well i wanted to get what ever used books they had available for my classes because they were much cheaper than brand new books so i used my devry creditcard. They had told me that one of my loans would pay that credit card off, it was a loan for my books, so i belived them and didnt worry about it. Two weeks into the 2nd trimester i was called into the deans office, I was informed that i was not going to my classes that i was supposed to be going to, YET I had attended every day of school not missing one since 2nd tri. started, even though we have to swipe our cards every class we go to, like a time clock. I was informed that i missed x amount of days which was over the allowed limit of days to miss for 2nd trimester, mind you i didnt miss a single class, they had said i was supposed to be retaking 3 classes from 1st trimester, even though I had not heard a single thing about that until this moment i was in the deans office. They made me feel stupid and talked down to like i was a little kid, I then was expelled for no fault of my own, and have over 10 grand in loan debt for 1 trimester of school, AND they are making me pay for the second trimester as well even though they would not let me finish 2nd trimester or return my books. Now I have heard of a few people having a great education with devry, but there is FAR more complaints about DEVRY than good ratings. I am convinced that they are a HUGE rip off! In my opinion DEVRY takes advantage of kids right out of highschool because they are easy targets, also I belive they take out unauthorized loans because i added up my tuition and it should have only been 4800 dollars, devry took out over 10 thousand dollars for one trimester, can you explain that? I argued and argued with them and there seemed to be a revolving door with them, they denied to see me because i was no longer a student and told me i was no longer allowed on the property, even though i had never caused a scene. I'm always told to call back because the person or department i need to talk to is not available etc... I DO NOT RECOMMEND DEVRY TO ANYBODY UNLESS YOU WANT TO GET RIPPED OFF. I did everything possible to keep in good standing and to stay in school with them, but they are totally fascist and disorganized. This was the Phoenix campus by the way.

New York, US
Sep 03, 2009 12:05 pm EDT

I consolidated all my student loans in 2004, but the college did not release one of the loans indicating that I was still in school. Documents were submitted to have the loan release but the college referred to this loan as "In school Status", hence, hindering the consolidated process of my school loans. I am amazed as to why were the other loans release to the consolidator and this loan was not. Attempts were made to have the loan release but the college never released. When I asked why this loan was not consolidated with the others. I was told that this loan slip through the cracks and the college is seeking to recover all the money on this loan. This college's negligence, since I have no control over their finance department. The college reported me to the credit bureau.

Brunswick, US
Oct 01, 2009 2:53 pm EDT

I love DeVry

Brunswick, US
Oct 01, 2009 2:56 pm EDT

I think DeVry is a great school and has given me a great education. I make a lot of money and the have helped me become very marketable.

San Francisco, US
Jan 02, 2010 11:36 pm EST

Who ever says DeVry is great is obviously employed there.

Beaverton, US
Jan 17, 2010 12:15 am EST

I don't work for DeVry and I think it's great. The issues that I hear many people talk about are concerning student finance and financial aid. I've been fortunate to never have any of these issues, in fact the Student Finance department in Portland, OR has been much more helpful than the first university that I attended.

somerton, US
Feb 09, 2010 10:18 am EST

Im attending DeVry in Phoenix this year.I would like to hear some feedback of your experiences there. Please email me at

Brooklyn, US
Apr 18, 2010 4:00 pm EDT

i'm planing to attend devry, at first, my choice was penn foster college but was skepticle of it cause not to many people have heard of it. so i find that devry has the program i'm interested in, and of course its an online degree program. Now i have read many neg reports rgds to devry and i'm wondering, is there any colleges, or universities out there that may have a clean rep. it realy sucks to feel discouraged especially when it comes to educate yourself for the better of you. please say it isn't so (of devry). since i am a full time employee with a city agency i have very limited time to attend a campus, physically. i need some encouraging insights of devry university( especially the brooklyn branch.

Sued Devry!!!
Sep 02, 2010 2:11 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I sued and they tried to settle. I am trying to upload a copy of the settlement. This school is a fraud and they have been exposed. There is a class action being started send your information to make sure you have evidence of what you were told like emails. Go to to print them.

Here is a copy of the settlement documents.


This Settlement Agreement and Release (the “Agreement”) is entered into between DeVry University, Inc. (“DeVry”), and Plaintiff

Incorporation of Recitals. The recitals set forth in the Background section above are incorporated in the body of this Agreement as if fully set forth herein.

2. Monetary Consideration. Upon the later of (a) receipt of this Agreement signed by all parties and (b) notice that Plaintiff has dismissed the Complaint with prejudice, DeVry shall forgive the outstanding balance on Plaintiff's account with DeVry and shall not seek payment of the outstanding balance on this account from Ellis; provided that if Plaintiff ever re-enrolls at DeVry or another institution owned or operated by DeVry Inc., the balance on his account resulting from Plaintiff's attendance at DeVry at any time prior to his execution of this Agreement shall become immediately due and payable.

3. As an element of, and in order to induce DeVry to enter into, this settlement, Plaintiff and his heirs, representatives and assigns, do hereby absolutely and unconditionally forever release, discharge and acquit DeVry and its parents, subsidiaries, affiliates, officers, directors, partners, members, stockholders, employees, agents, attorneys, successors and assigns, of and from any and all claims, demands, obligations, liabilities, indebtedness, breaches of contract, breaches of duty or any relationship, acts, omissions, misfeasance, malfeasance, cause or causes of action, debts, sums of money, accounts, compensation, contracts, controversies, promises, damages, costs, losses and expenses, of every type, kind, nature, description or character, and irrespective of how, why, or by reason of what facts, whether heretofore or now existing, of whatever kind or name, whether known or unknown, suspected or unsuspected, liquidated or unliquidated, arising from any time leading up to and including the date which this Agreement is signed by him; provided however, that Plaintiff does not release and expressly preserves the right to enforce his rights under this Agreement and to compel performance and satisfaction by DeVry of its obligations hereunder.

4. No Admission of Liability. The execution of this Agreement shall not be deemed or construed as an admission of liability by DeVry, and DeVry expressly denies liability of any nature whatsoever arising from or related to the subject of the Agreement.

5. Confidentiality; Public Statements. The parties agree that both the existence of the Agreement and the terms contained in this Agreement are confidential and shall not be disclosed to any third parties, except that the parties may disclose the foregoing (a) to the extent required by legal process, court order, or applicable law, rule or regulation, (b) to their respective attorneys, accountants, auditors or financial advisors, and boards of directors, and to governmental bodies to the extent necessary to comply with any applicable tax or financial reporting laws, rules or regulations, and (c) in the event of a breach to allow the non-breaching party to enforce his, her, or its rights under the Agreement in the courts in the Chicago metropolitan area. In the event of any inquiries by any third party concerning the status or resolution of the Complaint, no information shall be disclosed other than that such matters have been “resolved.”

6. Non-Disparagement. Plaintiff agrees to refrain from any communications with third parties, written or oral, that could reasonably be considered to constitute disparagement of DeVry.

7. Non-Cooperation and Non-Solicitation. Plaintiff agrees that he will not assist any attorneys or their clients in the presentation or prosecution of any disputes, differences, grievances, claims, charges, or complaints by any third party against DeVry, unless compelled by lawful subpoena or court order. Plaintiff further agrees that he will not solicit or encourage any third party to present or prosecute any disputes, differences, grievances, claims, charges, or complaints against DeVry.

8. Understanding of the Parties. (a) This Agreement constitutes the entire understanding between the parties and supercedes all prior agreements, agreements in principle, and written or oral communications with respect to the resolution of the Complaint. (b) This Agreement may not be modified, amended or terminated, except by a written agreement which is signed by each of the parties hereto. (c) Each party represents and warrants (i) that he or it has had the opportunity to obtain independent advice from counsel of its choosing in negotiations for and the execution of the Agreement, (ii) that he or it has read the Agreement or have had the same read to them by his or its counsel, and (iii) that he or it is fully aware of its contents and legal effect.

9. Authority. Each person executing this Agreement represents and warrants that such person is lawfully authorized and empowered to execute the same as an individual or on behalf of the entity on whose behalf such person is signing, and that upon such execution this Agreement will be binding on such entity without any further approval, ratification, or other action.

10. Binding on Successors and Assigns. Neither this Agreement nor any interest hereunder may be assigned by any party without the prior written consent of all other parties to this Agreement. This Agreement shall be binding upon the parties and their respective successors, permitted assigns, heirs, and executors notwithstanding any reorganization, merger, or consolidation of any party hereto.

11. Severability. The parties agree that, if any term or provision of this Agreement is found to be invalid or unenforceable for any reason, then the invalid or unenforceable term or provision shall be severed so as to make the Agreement enforceable to the fullest extent permissible under applicable law.

12. Further Assurances. The parties agree to execute any additional documents to do all other acts reasonably required to effect the intent and purposes of this Agreement. 13. Applicable Law. This Agreement shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Illinois, irrespective of its conflict of law rules.

14. Headings. The paragraph headings contained herein are for convenience only and are not intended to add or subtract from the text hereof.

15. No Third Party Beneficiaries. Nothing contained herein is intended to confer any rights on any person or entity other than the parties hereto. No third party beneficiary rights shall be conferred on any party by virtue of this Agreement or any term or provision hereof.

16. Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in more than one counterpart, each of which shall be deemed to be an original and all of which, taken together, shall constitute one agreement binding on all parties.

17. Court Jurisdiction. The parties agree that in the event of a breach of this Agreement, the party seeking enforcement shall be entitled to specific performance in a court in the metropolitan area of Chicago, Illinois and the prevailing party shall be entitled to an award of its costs and attorney fees in connection with such application. The parties submit to the jurisdiction of the courts in the metropolitan area of Chicago, Illinois, to resolve any disputes arising from, or relating to, this Agreement.

18. Agreement as Evidence. Nothing in this Agreement shall prohibit a party from offering the Agreement as evidence in a legal, administrative, or quasi-judicial proceeding involving a claim released herein.

19. This Agreement shall be construed as a whole and not for or against any party.

20. Any notice desired or required to be given hereunder shall, unless otherwise specified, be sufficient if in writing and personally delivered or sent by certified mail, return receipt requested, as follows:

If to DeVry, to:

Laura Sitarski

DeVry Inc.

3005 Highland Parkway, 7th floor

Downers Grove, IL [protected]

or to such other address as the addressee may specify in a notice fully given to the sender as provided herein.




By: ____________________

Name: ____________________

Title: _____________________

Lincroft, US
Feb 27, 2011 4:47 pm EST

Ms. Patel in the New Brunswick Office is the worse here is a e-mail I wrote her about my disappointment in her errors of sending checks to wrong addresses.
A letter of disbursement was sent out (2weeks ago) like the one Joshua received in the summer and early fall of 2010. The ltr stated that a check release of $5, 000 (sum odd dollars) and a check of $3, 000 (sum odd dollars.) Where to be released for his use. One check showed up to my complete unbelief with our old address on it ofxxxxxxxx. (Now I know what happened to the oher checks!

I have repeatedly given our new address since July 2011 as being 11 xxxxxxxxxxxNJ. Now the one check showed up but the three other checks, (The reimbursement of checks in the fall of 2010) And the current winter check of $5, 000 check has not shown up at all.

I need that $5, 000.00 check if not used for school needs to be forwarded to our home address of 11 xxxxxxxxxxxfor Joshua's use not some thief! I need an investigation on other checks that may have been sent by error by your office Ms. Patel to a wrong address. I put in the new address to Student loan last spring 2010. I need all of these checks to show up at the right address and not make believe that everything is okay.

Your office has done a huge blunder, and all I want you to do is correct an error on your part not my sons. I'm expecting to see these checks reimbursed to the correct address immediately, especially those from the fall of 2010.

Seriously yours,
Karen Edmond

Orlando, US
Sep 10, 2011 8:29 pm EDT

Don't let the winds of life take your ship without steering. Get a college education where they truly teach the foundations you'll need in life. DeVry is NOT that place. They are a business and their only motives are to get rich by enrolling any student who can pay cash, or has student scholarships like Bright Futures and government grants and military financial support.Please don;t waste your years at DeVry to realize in the end that the paper mill degree won't even get you through the front door of reputable companies. Most well-known companies will not consider you if DEVRY is where you graduated.

Oct 04, 2013 10:58 am EDT

I am now being reported to the credit bureau because I was 30 days late on making a payment. I have been paying on this account faithfully over the past six months. These people are ###s... The letter stated that they would report it as paid once payment has been received. Thanks Devry! So, all I owe now is $217 and my credit is going to be ###ed up for 7 years because I fell into financial hardship yet had been making payments all along.

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