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CB Digital Cameras

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3:24 pm EST
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction. bait & Switch AVOID!!!

Same complaint as others (wish I had seen it before getting involved with Delta Camera)- We purchased one item (a projector listed at $519), and received an email asking us to call in confirmation. The sales rep then tried to hard sell add-on or upgrade parts, which we finally accepted when the offer was sweetened. When we received the shipment, it included only the stock item (without the add-on), and included an invoice for a much more expensive "package deal" which we neither ordered nor received. Customer service has been non-responsive. Taking into account what we DID recieve, they overcharged us $178 on an order of $519.

We recieved a package shipped by "All Electronics" (and not) Delta Camera, from their same address.

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The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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12:29 pm EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction. Canon HF camcorder

Ordered Canon HF200 online. Got email with subject:...order confirmation so I didn't pay attention to message itself. Discoverd after several days that I had to call to confirm order. First call I had to wait a while and then got connected to an answering machine. Second call, again wait a while but got through eventually. Confirmed order, and was then asked what battery I would like to add. Turned out there was no battery included(!) although this is a part of the accessories included with the camcorder at all other companies. And shipping time? 4 - 6 weeks, because it has to be shipped from overseas! (note: shipping option is UPS ground) . I would say: do not trust this company at all.

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The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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Nov 05, 2011 2:45 pm EDT

This is a complete bait-and-switch website. Sure, they will list a low price but then you need to call one of their phone numbers to confirm your order and that's where the fun begins. For example the camcorder that I unfortunately bought from them, hmm they said it does not come with a charger so I need to buy one. They said they have a ac adapter for $179 or the ac adapter and one hour charger for $199. That is complete bs. First the camcorder does come with the ac adapter so basically you are paying a lot of a little charger.

And, you won't get an itemized invoice because everything is bundled so you would never be able to tell how much you are paying for their 'bundles' of crap.

Buy from a reputable website or spend the extra money at retail store and don't waste your time at their website.

Aug 23, 2010 8:27 pm EDT

This is a complete bait-and-switch website. Sure, they will list a low price but then you need to call one of their phone numbers to confirm your order and that's where the fun begins. For example the camcorder that I unfortunately bought from them, hmm they said it does not come with a charger so I need to buy one. They said they have a ac adapter for $179 or the ac adapter and one hour charger for $199. That is complete bs. First the camcorder does come with the ac adapter so basically you are paying a lot of a little charger.

And, you won't get an itemized invoice because everything is bundled so you would never be able to tell how much you are paying for their 'bundles' of crap.

Buy from a reputable website or spend the extra money at retail store and don't waste your time at their website.

Flavien G
Detroit, US
Dec 02, 2009 2:09 am EST

I ordered a Canon Powershot G11 last week on (SCAMMERS) and received a confirmation email saying that I must confirm my order on the phone : I called them the next day and the told me that I have to buy a 4h battery with the camera for 150$ ! This camera comes with the battery usually... I just asked the guy to send me the camera I ordered and that I don't want anything else.
Today, I called to cancel my order... the scammers just hang up on me with no explanation.

DO NOT ORDER FROM THIS WEBSITE. SCAMMERS. I reported this to my credit card company and wish they will try to use my credit card this way someone will finally be hable to sue them.

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