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CB Construction and Power Tools Sherwin-Williams 1107 Church St, Georgetown, SC, 29440, US
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Sherwin-Williams company logo


1107 Church St, Georgetown, SC, 29440, US
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1 complaint
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Working hours
7:00 am - 7:00 pm
7:00 am - 7:00 pm
7:00 am - 7:00 pm
7:00 am - 7:00 pm
7:00 am - 7:00 pm
8:00 am - 6:00 pm
10:00 am - 6:00 pm
7:40 am EDT

Sherwin-Williams - lack of security and safety procedures for their female workers

I would like to address safety concerns as a parent of my daughter, Aleisha Hicks. There was an incident involving a belligerent, verbally abusive customer on Monday, June 3 @4:13 pm at store #2994. Rob, the rude, obnoxious customer/contractor was threatening, yelling, and using profanity /vulgarity calling my daughter, Aleisha Hicks, who happens to be the assistant store manager, a stupid [censored], and other obscenities over an order that she had no knowledge of because she didn't initiate it and just returned after a much-needed vacation. I advised my daughter to call the authorities because she was in fear of her life being in the store alone with this racist, irate man. Aleisha is a young female, who finds herself often closing and opening the Georgetown store location alone. I lay awake in Japan worried about my daughter's safety at that location. As a concerned parent, I find it deplorable that this company feels comfortable having a female work alone. She could get attacked, robbed, or killed. This is unacceptable!
Typically, a business will have two employees working a closing shift for safety reasons, especially if the company is too cheap to hire security personnel or install security cameras. Why is this uncommon at this location?
Please allow this to serve as a warning to John Geto, Andrew Christopher, or Logan, if anything happens to my daughter that causes her harm, I will sue Sherwin Williams for all that it's worth! This is not a threat, but a promise. I will exhaust every resource I have to seek justice for my daughter. As a veteran, citizen, and an employee of the federal government, I am and will contact the Better Business Bureau, my local Congressman, and Sherwin Williams district HR office in person if the following is not done to protect my daughter or other employees of this company:
1. Install security cameras and have it monitored like the average business does to protect both their customers and workers.
2. Hire a security officer to patrol the area at closing or have two employees closing, not one.
3. Limit the amount of days females are working and closing alone.

If procedures are not put in place, I will be hiring an attorney.

Upset parent and customer,

Ms. Carla Hicks

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Girl Power1980
Apr 02, 2020 6:28 pm EDT

I was just wondering if Sherwin Williams ever addressed this issue? Was your daughter offered any type of reassurance for safety?

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