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CB Residential Rentals Equity LifeStyle Properties 7107 Gibraltar Avenue, New Port Richey, FL, 34653, US
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Equity LifeStyle Properties
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Equity LifeStyle Properties company logo

Equity LifeStyle Properties

7107 Gibraltar Avenue, New Port Richey, FL, 34653, US
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1 complaint
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5:55 am EST

Equity LifeStyle Properties - They asked to pay more money, but I didn't get for what

I paid money for the village, which I rented through the company Equity lifestyles/hacienda villages. I paid them money for the rent and for some other stuff, but they continued to call me and asked for more money. WTF? I was really shocked and tried to explain them that they got everything from me. But the rep refused to listen to me and asked for more money. I wonder if there are people, who faced the same problem? I really need help or any useful advice. Please, post your comments and ideas. Thanks.

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