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The Secret Society

The Secret Society review: Scam for money 52

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7:08 am EST
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I received a letter from these people to send $139.95 for life secrets. Well, I sent the money. Needlesstosay I was scammed and unable to retrieve the money I sent for the "inside secrets". Oh yeah, they give you telephone and fax numbers but refusal to make any refund. I again received a second installment due for another $139.95 as a second and final payment. This "organization" is scamming america. Wish there is something I could do to get my $140 refunded from these people. Sad and ripped off! Don't do it...

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out of work guy in hard times
Phillipsburg, US
Feb 23, 2010 8:10 am EST

I got the same letter. I requested the "free" literature, by the "deadline". Next, came a booklet of repetitive talk about how you can change your life in ten seconds. Along with a request for $139.95 for the "rest" of the secret. The odd thing is, all the stories, from the "changed" people, were GIVEN the information by someone else in the "Secret Society". Even though it tells you NOT to share the knowledge with anyone but your children. My guess, is they get public records about foreclosures, bankruptcies and credit report information. Then send it out to people who are experiencing a hardship of some kind. They must hope that they will try anything to change their lives. My suggestion, is take that money and pay one of your bills. You will be better off. I would love to change my financial life. Who wouldn't. With secure financial conditions, your emotional well being becomes better too. I would rather get back to work and earn my fair share of money. There is no worse feeling, than not being able to provide for your family. I have been in the home remodeling field for 30 years. It has never been this bad before. Trying to compete against companies who hire illegal imigrants for less pay, and those who don't carry proper insurance, has ruined it for legitimate companies. I hope for change, but this "Secret Society" is not the way to achieve it. Please don't fall victim to this scam.

convert, US
Mar 08, 2010 3:26 pm EST
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i also recieved this letter and was confused and creeped out by it's message. Knowing that other people have recieved these and that it's a scam is in a way relieving, but I feel bad about those who send the money in for the second installment.

Mar 23, 2010 9:12 pm EDT

I received a letter from The Secret Society and got scam for $139.00 never to rec'd book of knowledge. Please do not send money to thos organization.

Eva Rockwell
Jan 26, 2019 3:56 pm EST
Replying to comment of bobby123

I Just got one today and I don't believe in these scams I will follow up on this, because I hate people who scam others . I am very devoted to these kinds of scams by letter or phone calls people get. NEVER fall for these things it's all about money they can get from you. You are better to take a lottery ticket and you have more change to win. These scams will never give you anything but sorrow

Bloomington, US
Feb 06, 2013 6:04 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I just called them yesterday to order the $139.95 book with my bank debit card. Is there a possibility my bank can stop the payment or is it too late?

Billings, US
Jan 14, 2014 5:38 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

new address out of Dallas, Tx and it is of course a po box. funny thing is I rec a letter last year around Sept. i sent for the free info. then started getting letters to take the next step. a time limit for pmt. I then rec another in DEC for the free info again i sent for it to see if it was the same info and it was. this time i did not get a letter to take the next step until now and the letter is dated for Jan 4 was post marked Jan 3 was told needed to be back to them by jan 10th and low and behold I got it today Jan 14th. so i called the number to see if it was a call center and it was if you listen you can here the noise [protected]) Correen told me she could not do anything for me being it is past the due date so she gave me another # to call [protected]) If this isnt a scam then I do not know what is and that is why I did not send anything to them the 1st 5 times.

Jack Bouchier
Roswell, US
Feb 20, 2014 11:01 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Those folks are getting around. All the same stuff . Thought it was a scam and it is. You know what say If sounds to good to be true it NOT.

Seattle, US
Mar 17, 2014 5:23 pm EDT

They have proof they telling the truth! They have pay for me to proof this isn't scam! They can lie to you!

Already rich, in love, and famous
orland, US
May 29, 2014 10:12 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Has anyone actually received the 1200 page book from this Secret Society?

G. Ash
Sausalito, US
Jul 14, 2014 3:36 pm EDT

I, too, would love to know: has ANYONE RECEIVED the 1200 page book from this Secret Society?

Thousand Oaks, US
Jun 23, 2015 4:36 pm EDT

My mother got this letter and she lived in a care home. I know she did not send money because she didn't have much income. But for those that got stuck in paying, it's sad. There has to be a way to file a complaint with the FBI. They deal with fraud. Call them with the info you have and hopefully they can help.

Donald Harley
Jan 05, 2016 5:41 pm EST

I got the same letter, except i sent it back, telling them its a scam and some choice other words

Oct 16, 2018 9:59 pm EDT

I just got that very same letter in the mail today (16 October 2018) from: Invitation Processing
3490 South 4400 West #70629
West Valley City, UT [protected]
By the time i was done reading it, i was going to find a pond and see if i could walk on water.
This same thing happened about 4 years ago. I got the initial booklet and it was "talking in circles" and saying little to nothing. I stopped there. They got me for the price of a stamp and that was it .

Josh McCrary
Dec 18, 2018 9:03 pm EST

I got the same letter in the mail from today from Tom. Haven’t checked the mail in a few days, so it says I have to call by this Friday, or I’ll miss the boat.

Guess I better swim then. I’m not sending those scamming [censored] nozzles a penny. People, I’m a retired cop, this reeks of scam. Save your money. If you’re down on your luck, this isn’t the answer.

Same address:

Invitation Processing
3490 South 4400 West #70629
West Valley City, UT [protected]

Don’t fall for the BS.

Pamela Capria
Jan 14, 2019 7:04 pm EST

I got mine today (January 14th, 2019) I also believe it to be a scam. I'm so glad I checked online first.

Jan 14, 2019 11:52 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Ha this is just about the worst and hilarious form of scam I’ve ever received in the mail. You have to had to them they went the extra effort in the mailing proceeds but when you think about how many people fall for this presentation of probably pays for the mailings leaving a nice profit for them. Good luck with you’re secret society hope y’all have fun times together as mentioned in the letter. Some stand in ahhh...but they’re as normal as you and me - ok then seems legit- famous rich leaders of the world don’t do a mailing...Hmmmm Maybe they meet here for their meetings - if so I’m in they have the best spicy fish soup anywhere in the US promise

View 0 more photos
Jan 15, 2019 12:02 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Wow I’d like to edit my post my phone did weird things and now have wrong words and is a mess. So much for the simplest thing called the edit

andrew delano
Jan 15, 2019 12:06 pm EST

flattery will get you somewhere. i have had postal scams over and over all through the years. each time there is a hook of some kind that somehow even if only for a few minutes takes you for a little ride of sorts... i got a letter from "Tom" too, i guess back in the fall. the junk mail ended up in a pile. i was going through a clean up phase and came across the semi fancy first class envelope with the striped border, slightly oversize, multipage, printed on both sides. the flattery was amusing cause it describes me as special, it was creepy too, because, it said they knew a lot about me and had been keeping an eye on me. anyway its past the deadline. but the flattery was nice even though i don't deserve it. these people should rot from inside but live to grow old and die all alone.

Cliffa Gaddis
Jan 15, 2019 1:45 pm EST

Man, are all of you trying to tell me I'm not going to be rich in just a few weeks now? WTH? I just sent my letter off today for my free 55 page book. I thought I was the special one. I'm so depressed. Now I have nothing to look forward to. Thanks guys :0(

Don Brumley
Jan 18, 2019 10:28 am EST

How many $5.00 do they need to see if I have won the $12, 000, 000.00, I sent one in now I waiting for the results !

Mar 01, 2019 12:57 pm EST

Honestly, I can be quite gullible but this letter is insane! I, too, have experienced the misfortunes of receiving an invitation from Utah and now Nevada. My NV letter is different but all the same still a scam to get your hard earned money before receiving your, “Real Cash Secrets”! I believe these mailers are stemming from online surveys that you take for what personality you have. I graduated last May, and prior to graduating, we had to take a survey describing our characteristics. Shortly after, I received the same, first class-striped with red and blue, envelope addressed to me and “only me”. I read all of it, getting bored, about half way through it and decided to share with my better half. He believed it to be a scam from the start but I reluctantly sent in for my 55pages. I received the booklet and found it to be more jargon thrown together and dismissed any other content I received. My deadline came and went, plus about 4 more deadlines, before I sent them the paper, “ requesting them to pay me for-my wasted time reading their garbage!” I wrote to say they were a scam and didnt have $150 for them to live off of my dreams of becoming wealthy. After sending them my piece of mind, my invitation/ deadline mail-ceased! Last month, I decided to take another personality survey and low and behold, guess what showed up last week in the mail? Yet, another, first class red&blue striped envelope arrived, asking for me to submit for my FREE booklet, before submitting $139.50 for final installment! Got to give them credit- they are persistently doing the devils work! PLEASE HEED ALL THESE WARNINGS, THESE PEOPLE DO NOT CARE ABOUT YOU OR MY FUTURE, DO NOT WASTE YOUR PRECIOUS TIME!

Philadelphia, US
Apr 02, 2019 6:02 pm EDT

Thank you everybody for posting these messages. I now know not fall for "The Secret Society" b.s. Google "Finbarr International" for real inside information books that are much cheaper. In sharp contrast to "The Secret Society", Finbarr International is company with good reputation that promptly sends out orders for inside information books that are not a ripoff. I know because I have been a customer of Finbarr International for many years.

John Smitters
Apr 03, 2019 10:07 pm EDT

The Society provides life-changing secrets to its members. I have been a member for many years. It has changed my life. The Society is no scam. And yes they refund anyone not interested; they have for over a half century without missing the very few who don’t want their secrets.

Apr 03, 2019 10:32 pm EDT

Yeah. OK and I would like to sell you the George Washington bridge for a nickel. No scam!

Armida Gallegos
May 07, 2019 7:11 pm EDT

How do I deny them. I never sent money but asking for $139.95

Cindy Flores
May 21, 2019 8:23 am EDT

I'm so glad to hear from other people about the same BS letter. I sat there and read it. it just kept going back and forth about the same crap. not falling for this one. I have been scammed in the past. my husband and I are honest, hard-working people. we're remodeling our home and like anyone else always looking for odd jobs to do in order to earn an honest buck. well someone took advantage and we were taken for a lot of money. boy did we feel stupid. but we got back on the saddle worked even harder with some overtime here and there. and by the Grace of God, we are back on track. goes to show you can't trust anybody. so my advice, burn the letter, tear it up. that's what I did.


May 28, 2019 7:59 pm EDT

The UT processing address is a Post Office Building according to Google Maps. The fax number is registered to a guy in TX. Big time scam.

Bukk Holiday
Jun 13, 2019 9:22 pm EDT

Im not even going to lie to you but this is the second time I've received something from this group the first time was back in 1997 when I turned 17 and I just received one today in the mail I remember it after reading it the first time I was sent this information it had the same b.s story only difference is it was like a book with some pictures in it and this one is a packet of some sort of it a scam then they really want me I don't know what to do to...

Jun 28, 2019 2:25 am EDT

@John Smitters, Hey John, You should be a RICH MAN by now, How's about sending me $140.00 so I can buy the book ? Awww come on now, you can afford it now that you have All THE SECRETS, ROFLMAO :-)

Yasin Ismail
Jul 15, 2019 7:38 pm EDT

Thank you for this answer

Ed Dellinger
Jul 17, 2019 3:29 pm EDT

July 17, 2019 ~ "The Society"! I, at least got a chuckle out of your mailing today. ..."just for me, huh"?! For us ADHD persons, blah blah blah, too [censored]in' long! I was bored before finishing the first page. However, if you'll send me $280, cash only, to the same address, I'll give you a couple of tips on how to sweeten that hook up! But hurry, this offer expires at 11:59pm on July 22, 2019!

Aug 21, 2019 12:06 am EDT

This address is an office of USPS on google map. probably just a mail box. I don't understand why the police can't crack down this kind of fraud. At least they gave out their fax number. The police should be able to identify and locate the scammer. It is odd that after so many years, this scam is still running.

Sep 04, 2019 3:42 pm EDT

I h.ave gotten two of these letters. one from the Society, the other from the League...about three years apart. Not going to regurgitate what has already been said...enough said

Seth Rapella
Sep 26, 2019 2:38 pm EDT

How has the FBI not arrested these people yet?

Registrant Name: Steve Rapella
Registrant Organization: Rapella Holdings, LLC
Registrant Street: 2435 W. Horizon Ridge Parkway
Registrant City: Henderson
Registrant State/Province: Nevada
Registrant Postal Code: 89052
Registrant Country: US
Registrant Phone: +1.[protected]

Kerry Aswani
Oct 10, 2019 5:40 am EDT

Contact the Postal inspector. They handle mail fraud & determine what can be done. Fraud thru the mail is a federal offence.

D. Kay
Oct 21, 2019 4:10 pm EDT

They are still at it received a letter with a return address of 3490 South 4400 West #70629 West Valley City, UT 84120. Don't understand how they FBI Police or Post Master hasn't stopped this B.S..

Oct 22, 2019 6:53 pm EDT

I too received this letter today 10/22/19 from "The Society" . It is like many others stated a waste of money; however i would like to clarify for so many how and why they get away with it. It is technically NOT A SCAM ! The fact that they send you a "product" (the book of secrets) for your money technically makes them a business that sells a real and tangible product. If it were a scam you would get nothing. Likewise, the fact that they will not refund anyone is easily explained by the fact that they could claim that you have already viewed their "intellectual property". Fact is, its only a scam if you beleive it is and the only way to protect yourself from losing money to something you cant fund value in is to not send them money to begin with.

Sorry if i ruffled any feathers but im just speaking my mind.

Harold Sink
Feb 08, 2020 11:53 am EST

I received the invitation letter to "The Society" two weeks ago. Being skeptical and knowing it was a scam by the way it was written, I sent in the agreement which was due the day I received it. I also corrected the address as it requested. Yesterday, I finally received my book, "Greatest Secrets of all times!" It read very similar to "Acres of Diamonds" by lacked the writing luster of it. Their "secret message" isn't there as they kept writing about on and on.

So here is a run down on the whole thing. My mentor, "Bill" claims he is looking out for me. The first dead give away is that the second mailing reads "Domestic First Class / Foreign Airmail." What? Isn't that an oxymoron? So the stamped area by the US Post Office has the zip code 75236, which is a Dallas, TX zip code in the neighborhood of Ledbetter Hills. The return address is 4119 Logans Way, Perry, OH 44081. This is the present or former address of the Gamieres, Joshua and Kerri. I tried to get a street view of the house but was unable to do so. Spokeo helps quite a bit.

The address to send in for the 2nd installment for $139.95 at a 43% discount is: The Society, 3490 South 4400 West #701890, West Valley City, UT [protected]. This is a US Post Office, and the # is for the PO Box mentioned after the street address. The additional 4 on the zip gives that away.

Anytime you receive a letter that promises something over and over, it is a scam. I have worked with attorneys and other law enforcement people, and know how to identify these things. Don't be taken in to their story. "Bill" can try to excommunicate me from The Society for writing this, but he can't stop me from living my life.

I feel like sending a $1 money order to them for the book, and have it sent certified in order for them to sign for it. It would be funny to include a letter stating that the $1 is a down payment for the 2nd installment.

vanessa mobley
Mar 12, 2020 10:57 am EDT

I got one yesterday. The same Letter ! It has SCAM written ALL over it! DON'T Fall for this BS people!

vanessa mobley
Mar 12, 2020 10:59 am EDT

Got the same Letter Yesterday! It has SCAM written ALL over it! DON'T Fall for this BS People!

Linda Mucciolo Serbouti
May 20, 2020 12:08 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Got papers from the society today with a revelations booklet I sent away for. I was invited into the society so I could receive a 1200 page manuscript of ancient secrets to a better life... asking for money of course... I threw the papers in the garbage... will not be scammed... sorry to see many of you lost money... be vigilant!

Stee Stee
Jul 16, 2020 5:39 pm EDT

They've been sending me this letter time and time again in a span of 5 years since I was in my early thirties, and I;m 56 now. They said back then and still today, if I didn't respond within the time frame to return the letter with the 2nd and final installment, I would lose out. SO here I am, almost thirty something years later, and their still after me, trying to get my money. Well, I'm going to send this form back to them with a personal note again, to let them know that the only one who can help me unlock these powers to get riches, love, and happiness is God Almighty Himself. He's the only one who can guide me to what it is that I seek...PERIOD!

Norma Nelson
Mar 23, 2021 9:05 am EDT
Replying to comment of Stee Stee

I to receive a letter from these people, three years in a row, this the first time I ever read the whole thing, and for someone who came to know me so well, they don't know [censored] about me, for one am not rich and I just work a regular job like most people but am not suffering am not depress and am not lonely, and I can take care of my self very well. this the third time and every time this what they say if I don't respond I will lose my spot. so why the letter keeps coming I lost my spot from the first letter. so I decide to type the address in, and here and behold all these people talking about them, lol but they say it's no cost to you so how did you all have to pay that money. taught is was free.

Lady tired of scams
Oct 20, 2020 6:17 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I received the same letter, same address out of Utah, and name of Tom. I agree that it is time for our government to put a stop to these scams! How are they getting are names, address to send them? Time to put a stop to all of the scams everywhere! Government do your jobs, I'll back you up and let's put a stop to these scams once and for all! Received on 10/20/2020