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Mental Health Forum Reviews 13

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Mental Health Forum A Lifeline of Support: My Experience with the Mental Health Forum

I've gained a lot of knowledge and support from the Mental Health Forum ( over the past 5 years. It all started when I stumbled upon it on the Intervoice website. Since then, I've become a frequent visitor to this online community.

Being a voice hearer myself, I find this forum to be incredibly beneficial. The individuals who also experience this condition are truly amazing folks. I haven't come across a more welcoming and friendly bunch of people anywhere else on the vast Internet.

One of the things I appreciate most about this forum is the opportunity to share my own experiences. It feels comforting to know that there are others out there who can relate to what I'm going through. Reading about their journeys and the challenges they've faced has been eye-opening and reassuring.

The forum provides a safe space for open discussions about mental health. It's a place where I can freely express myself without fear of judgment or stigma. The support and understanding I've received from fellow forum members have been invaluable. It's like having a virtual support system that is available 24/7.

Navigating through the forum is relatively easy, even for someone like me who isn't particularly tech-savvy. The layout is simple and straightforward, making it accessible for individuals of all ages and backgrounds. The threads are organized in a way that allows for easy browsing and finding relevant topics.

While there are occasional spelling and grammar errors in some posts, it doesn't hinder the overall clarity and understanding of the information being shared. In fact, it adds a touch of authenticity and reminds me that I'm interacting with real people who, like me, are just trying to navigate their mental health journeys.

In conclusion, the Mental Health Forum has been a lifeline for me. It's a place where I can connect with others who understand my experiences and offer support when I need it most. I highly recommend this forum to anyone seeking a compassionate and understanding community to share their mental health journey with.

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Mental Health Forum Life-Saving Support and Understanding: A Safe Haven for Mental Health

I've been part of the Mental Health Forum for more than a decade now, and let me tell you, it's an amazing place. The moderation isn't too strict, but it strikes a good balance to ensure everyone's safety. I can't even count how many lives have been saved (seriously!) just by having the opportunity to connect with others who truly understand the depths of despair and loneliness.

Personally, I can't express enough gratitude for the support I've received from this community. Being diagnosed with bipolar disorder hasn't been easy, but during my episodes, I've been fortunate to encounter incredibly gentle and kind individuals who have been there for me. It's like having a warm embrace during the darkest times. I genuinely believe that anyone seeking solace and understanding should give this forum a shot. It's a safe haven where people can come together and find comfort in one another's company. Why not give it a try?

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Mental Health Forum Disappointing Experience on Mental Health Forum: Lack of Support and Questionable Intentions

Well, I gotta say, my experience with this Mental Health Forum was far from great. I wouldn't even give it two stars, to be honest. So, I tried to start a thread, you know, just to get some opinions on this idea I've been mulling over for years. I've been thinking about starting a business that focuses on counseling, therapy, and mental health services. But, guess what? My thread got automatically deleted, or so I assume. It seems like they couldn't handle the realness of my question. I mean, come on!

I've been on this forum for a whole day now, and let me tell you, I've already encountered some serious testing. I got a reply that I've seen before, you know, the one that tells you to keep your opinions to yourself because they think they're all high and mighty. Well, naturally, I couldn't resist giving a snarky response. Can't let them get away with that kind of attitude, you know?

Now, I try to convince myself that the people posting on this forum genuinely want help. But, deep down, about 70% of me thinks it's all just propaganda and trolling. I mean, seriously, there are some shady characters lurking around, looking to take advantage of lonely hearts. Most of the threads with replies are about people struggling in abusive relationships. And guess what? It's always the same person replying to them, or at least that's what it seems like.

I gotta say, this Mental Health Forum has left me feeling a bit disappointed. I was hoping for a supportive community where I could find some genuine advice and connect with people who understand. But, it seems like I've stumbled upon a whole lot of drama and questionable intentions. It's a shame, really. Mental health is such an important topic, and it deserves a safe and reliable space for discussion.

So, if you're looking for a mental health forum that's all rainbows and unicorns, this might not be the place for you. But hey, maybe you'll have a different experience. Who knows? Just be prepared for some bumps along the way.

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Mental Health Forum Positive Experience on Mental Health Forum: Supportive Moderators, Sense of Humor, and Room for Improvement

I sometimes post on the Mental Health Forum and so far, I haven't had any problems with anyone. The moderators, TiredTina and Mischief, have both been kind to me when I got freaked out and messaged them about a concern I had.

I just wanted to mention that they seem to have a sense of humor over there as well. I derailed a serious thread that was started by one of the admins, and the worst that happened was my posts and the other posts that joined in the silliness got moved to a non-serious section. Instead of getting yelled at for daring to be silly in a serious thread, they just moved our silly posts.

The thread was about reporting spam, so to be silly, I posted a picture of a tin of spam and reported it. It was just a lighthearted joke, and nothing bad happened. They simply moved my silly posts and the other posts that joined in the silliness.

I now post on the forum every day, and I appreciate that they don't punish people if they know that their behavior is influenced by their mental health issues. It's a supportive environment where people can feel understood.

The only thing that I think could improve this forum is having a chat room. In my opinion, it would be a great addition to the platform.

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Mental Health Forum Disillusioned with a Mental Health Forum: Lack of Support and Unpleasant Comments

I joined this forum back in 2016, and at that time, it was pretty decent. There were some helpful members who offered support for my mental health struggles. However, last summer, I decided to start a thread in the People section seeking assistance with some strange feelings I had towards a family member. Unfortunately, the responses I received were not very helpful and the thread eventually died off.

But just recently, a bunch of these idiots decided to resurrect the thread and started making incredibly unpleasant comments about me. To make matters worse, they even went as far as calling me a paedophile, which really hit me hard. I couldn't just sit back and take it, so I snapped back at them. Well, guess what happened next? A moderator swooped in and removed my thread, punishing me in the process.

They had the audacity to claim that the forum wasn't the appropriate place to discuss such matters, which is complete rubbish because it clearly states otherwise. Initially, I thought it was just a warning, but no, they put my account on moderation. Now, I can't make any posts unless those darn moderators are pleased with what I have to say. And let me tell you, they are never satisfied with my posts.

Ever since this incident, I've grown extremely disillusioned with this website. It's infuriating to see that there's another user who frequently spreads false information about Covid-19 on the forum, yet they never face any consequences for their actions. Out of sheer frustration, I even reported their posts, but the staff couldn't care less about them.

Honestly, if you're in need of help with your problems, I strongly recommend seeking support in real life. This forum may not be the best place to find the understanding and assistance you truly need.

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Mental Health Forum Unacceptable Favoritism and Abuse of Power: A Review of [Forum Name]

in a way that is completely unacceptable. It is clear that there is favoritism towards certain members, and those who are not part of this inner circle are treated unfairly. The staff at this forum do not hesitate to break their own rules and exercise their authority as they please.

One of the biggest issues is the lack of communication and transparency. They claim that they will inform you of the reasons for any moderation or action taken against you, but this is far from the truth. More often than not, they will restrict or ban you without any explanation or sufficient justification. And once you are locked out of the forum, there is no way for you to defend yourself or address the situation.

What is truly concerning is that this forum is meant to support individuals who are already dealing with mental health issues. The staff, however, seem to have no regard for the potential harm their actions can cause. By isolating someone who may be in desperate need of support, they are essentially pushing them further towards the edge. It is disheartening to see that some of the staff members view their position as a power trip rather than an opportunity to help others.

While there are certainly some kind and supportive members on this forum, they often turn a blind eye to the behavior of the staff until they become victims themselves. Unfortunately, once you experience the mistreatment firsthand, you will find that you are unable to voice your concerns or share your experience. It seems that many people on the forum feel the need to suck up to the favored members in order to maintain a favorable position, which only perpetuates the toxic environment created by the admin.

It is clear that an investigation into the actions of the site admin is necessary. They hold a position of power and authority, and it is evident that they are abusing it. The lack of compassion and disregard for the well-being of the forum members is truly shocking. It is my hope that more mental health forums will emerge, providing a safe and supportive space for individuals who are seeking help, without having to endure the pathetic behavior of the staff on this particular forum.

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Mental Health Forum Review: Moderation Issues and Racial Prejudice on Mental Health Forum

I used to be a member of the Mental Health Forum, but I wasn't too happy with how the moderators handled things. There was this one member who claimed to be black, and her experiences were definitely different from those of the average white person, especially if they live in the US.

It was interesting to see that this member had posted about how two of the moderators had told her not to talk about race or culture on the forum because it made HER look like a racist. So, she started using different words to be politically correct, but even the new moderator said that wasn't appropriate. I mean, how can using a "euphemism" to avoid mentioning race make a statement inappropriate?

Apparently, this member was getting bullied every day by Hispanics, white people, African Americans, and people of any other race she encountered in her area. It makes sense, you know, because she's black. There isn't a day that goes by in the US without someone in the news showing prejudice or bigotry towards people like her. That's probably why she sought help on the forum. Bullying can lead to anxiety, depression, and sometimes even suicide.

It seems like this made the moderators, who are apparently white and from the UK or US, very uncomfortable. It looks like they didn't have the guts to handle it themselves before. But now, they've brought in a new moderator named to do their dirty work.

That member really made a difference on the forum. She didn't just talk about herself and her own problems. She reached out to others and made many of us laugh.

She also posted about how other members would send her private messages assuming she was white, even though she had been talking about her culture since she joined several months ago. When they found out she was black, they either left the forum or stopped posting. There was one person in particular (from Florida, I think) who made a fool of himself by assuming she was white when she talked about her experiences at the gym. I guess he thought black women don't go to the gym or get attention from white men.

I wouldn't be surprised if the people who seemed uncomfortable with her presence on the forum reported her or said something to the moderators about having a black person on the forum. It must have really scared them and disrupted their white world.

*Personal information redacted by admin

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Mental Health Forum Review: Terrible Behavior and Abuse of Power by Staff on Mental Health Forum

A member posted a link to this review site on the forum yesterday. The admins were quick to remove that topic. I hope others had time to see it and will leave honest reviews of the terrible behavior of the staff on the mental health forum. Also, if you can, add links to these reviews on FB. Get the word out and hold these admins and staff supporting them accountable for their cold, nasty antics on this forum. Playing with mentally ill vulnerable people's lives.

A big thank you to that member for posting the link directing people here! Well done.

The staff on this forum are a disgrace. There are one or two admins who seem to be the dominant ones, and the rest of the staff follow their lead. They are spiteful and completely indifferent to the vulnerabilities of the majority of this forum's users.

They have a clique of untouchables. If you are not one of them, then tread carefully. They will think nothing of putting you on moderation without good reason. They will not discuss or try to help solve the problem. On moderation, you will be lucky if your posts are approved within 4 or so hours sometimes. You will see staff logged in, ignoring your post that needs to be approved and posted by them while on moderation. This is a sick show of power.

This site should have some sort of monitoring as it is dealing with some of the most vulnerable people in society, and the admins are not equipped to be in charge of such a responsibility. I sincerely fear they will be the cause of someone taking their own life, if this hasn't happened already. There needs to be somewhere to report people like this. There must be; they are playing games with people's lives. It seems they are more preoccupied with stroking their own egos.

If you aren't in the clique, they will ignore and allow bullying to go on without stepping in. If you are in the clique, you will be defended even when you are wrong, and the person in the right will be punished with over-the-top infractions. Their use of moderating the forum has little to do with the average user's well-being. It is their personal playground, and there is no sympathy from these people. Imagine a mental health forum run by people who don't have any compassion for others.

There aren't many reviews here so far, but you will see all go back to admins abusing their position.

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Mental Health Forum Warning: Stay Away from This Site - They Only Want Superficial Problems and Will Flag You for Sharing Real Issues

This site, let me tell you, it's a real doozy. Don't go poking around too much, pouring your heart out and explaining your real issues. They only want to hear about light problems, you know, the ones that are like "I feel alone" or "I'm sad" or "Tough breakup..." It's like another critic said, this site is run by a bunch of snowflakes. And let me tell you, that's why this site is so darn awful. If you dare to explain something in detail, especially if it's too graphic or too triggering, they'll flag you faster than you can say "help."

Now, picture this: a young man or woman is in desperate need of help, but they can't afford to see a doctor or they have some other issues preventing them from seeking professional help. They're struggling deep down and they just need someone to talk to. So, they turn to this site, pour their heart out, and wait for some kind souls to reply. But you know what this site does? They flag you and ban you. Can you believe it?

I mean, seriously, to all you snowflakes running this site, how does it feel knowing that you might have ruined somebody's life by making them believe that what they're going through is so bad that they can't even seek help anonymously? I hope you feel a pang of guilt, sweethearts.

I promised myself that I would do everything in my power to take down this site, and let me tell you, I'm just getting started. But let's circle back to why they're just downright terrible. They have the audacity to say things like "We can't tolerate such posts" or "go see a doctor." Excuse me, what? Are they out of their minds?

If you're dealing with anxiety, harm OCD, or eating disorders, I'm telling you, registering on this site will only make things worse. Don't trust them, don't get involved with them, just plain ignore them and report them if you can. You might think, "Well, they seem to listen and be kind." Yeah, the folks in the forum can be pretty sweet, and I actually received a nice comment that made me feel a bit better. But let me tell you, the team in charge is just plain horrible. They lack something crucial: respect and common sense. Trust me, they lack even more than just those two things. They lack brain cells, I tell ya.

These types of people are rotten to the core, and I mean it. Why? Because they pretend to offer help, but then they slam the door right in your face. If you're looking for some genuine help, I'm sure there are plenty of other sites on the internet that are way better than this one.

They claim to support people with mental health problems, but only if it's light and "quirky." I swear, if you get too detailed, they'll flag you faster than you can say "schizophrenic behavior." They're just a bunch of liars. If you dare to share too much, you'll end up getting hurt in the end.

So, think long and hard before you decide to register on this site. Take it as a sign, my friend. If you were even considering logging in, maybe this is the universe's way of telling you: don't do it. Please, just don't.

This site is dangerous, not just for you, but for the people around you too. I may be strong enough to ignore their emails, but what about others who have cried because they thought that even a team created to handle a site for mentally ill people couldn't understand them? Help those people out, write a negative review, give them a bad grade.

Oh, and guess what? I can't even access my account, but it still exists. Now, isn't that shady? Be careful, my friend, be very careful.

I'm telling you, I will do everything in my power to shut down this site. I'll protect people from the harm it can cause. So, take my advice, don't register.

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Mental Health Forum Toxic and Unsafe Mental Health Forum: A Vanity Project with No Regard for Member Safety

This Mental Health Forum is just a vanity project, you know? The people who made it probably have good intentions, but they don't seem to understand how important it is to keep their members safe and their information private. They'll go ahead and reveal your private info without a care in the world, and then they'll act like it's not their problem because they're "too busy" (as if we should be grateful for their so-called service). And if you decide to leave, they'll make it seem like you were banned. They never even try to see things from the members' perspective.

As another reviewer, Femme, pointed out, it's a pretty toxic and abusive environment. I personally experienced this when I got hit with two specific rules within my first 12 hours of joining. One of them was about posting a link as a new member, which nobody bothered to tell me was a rule, and the other was about discussing medicine or self-medication. I never really understood what the problem was with that. So, I politely suggested to a moderator that it would be helpful if they included these specific rules in the registration process for new members. But you know what they told me? They basically said I should just read the rules myself!

That's the kind of people they are. They don't listen to anyone. They hold their members to ridiculously high standards, all in the name of creating a so-called safe space. But when you try to point out how toxic and gaslighting the staff can be, they just brush it off with excuses like "we're too busy" or "we're just volunteers" (as if we should be grateful for their lackluster efforts).

I couldn't take it anymore, so I left after only 24 hours. I could already see where things were headed. The moderator tried to convince me to stay and give it more time, but they didn't give me any good reasons why I should. It just sounded like empty words, you know? So, I asked them to delete my account, but instead, they banned me. When I called them out on it, they finally corrected their mistake.

And even after all of that, I asked the moderator to think about how I was proven right. They were the ones urging me to stay, promising things would be different. But my gut feeling told me not to trust them. I made it clear that I wanted to leave, but they couldn't even handle that simple request responsibly. I ended up getting tangled in conflicts with them, asking for my personal information to be removed from public view. They told me they couldn't do it, but guess what? They actually could, and they did. The moderator didn't even have the decency to reply to my question. They just don't seem to care about the harm they can cause.

It's just a terrible place, you know? I don't think they're good people at all. They're completely clueless about their responsibilities as forum administrators. They love throwing around the term "safe place," but all that means is that they'll control every little thing you say and do. It's all about them having power over you. And when you try to tell them that their staff is creating an unsafe environment, they just don't want to hear it. They'll get all defensive and start complaining about how busy they are or how they're just volunteers (as if that makes them immune to criticism). But if you make a simple mistake in your post, they'll have all the time in the world to edit it and make it say what they think you should have said.

So, my advice is to be really careful if you decide to use this site. It seems like they left another forum thinking it would be "fun" to have their own. It's just a vanity project for them. They ended up splitting the existing community and they simply don't care about their responsibility to foster a supportive community, especially for vulnerable individuals. It's not even on their radar (except for making it look like they're doing something to keep members safe, which they have plenty of resources for).

If it were any other forum, like one for car repair or something, it wouldn't be such a big deal. But this is a site for people who are already vulnerable, and it's run by people who don't take that responsibility seriously at all. They're so defensive about it. They wave around the term "safe place" to control you, not to actually make the forum a safe place for everyone.

Believe me, you can get hurt there. They really don't care about that at all. I tried to be nice and suggest things, but they were just annoyed. They have no integrity whatsoever. I asked them thoughtful questions, and they got offended. It's just a mess.

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Mental Health Forum Complaints 3

6:03 pm EDT
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Mental Health Forum Disappointing Mental Health Forum: Strict, No Room for Humor, but Not Alone in Its Rigidity

This Mental Health Forum is quite a disappointment, to be honest. They have this strict policy where they won't even allow you to crack a harmless joke. It's like they're always in DebbieDownerville mode, constantly bringing down the mood. It can be really frustrating, you know?

But hey, let's look at the bright side. The truth is, most other mental health forums out there are just as bad. So I guess you could say that's a plus, in a twisted sort of way. It's not really a positive thing, though, is it?

Overall, I must say that this forum leaves a lot to be desired. It's a shame that they don't allow a little bit of humor to lighten the atmosphere. But hey, at least they're not alone in their strictness.

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Multan, US
Sep 20, 2023 5:58 am EDT

This Mental Health Forum is disappointing due to its strict no-joke policy, which can be frustrating. Unfortunately, this seems to be a common issue in many other forums as well. Overall, the atmosphere here could use some lightening up with a bit of humor.

4:07 pm EDT
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Mental Health Forum Mixed Bag: The Mental Health Forum - Biases, Challenges, and Potential Support

The Mental Health Forum ( is an interesting platform to share your thoughts and concerns. It's not just about what you post, but also about who is posting it. You might notice a significant bias from the staff, favoring those who have been around for a while. It's quite noticeable, to be honest. Additionally, there seems to be a fair number of right-wingers and conspiracy theorists on the forum. This can make it a bit challenging if you're looking for genuine help and support.

It's important to keep in mind that the forum's atmosphere may not be the most welcoming for everyone. The staff's favoritism towards long-time members can make it feel like newcomers are not given the same level of attention or support. This can be disheartening, especially when you're seeking help during difficult times.

Another aspect worth mentioning is the presence of right-wingers and conspiracy theorists. While diversity of opinions is generally a good thing, it can sometimes create an environment that is not conducive to open and respectful discussions about mental health. It's important to approach these discussions with caution and be prepared for potential clashes of ideologies.

Despite these drawbacks, the Mental Health Forum does have its merits. There are still many members who genuinely care and offer valuable insights and support. It's just a matter of finding the right people to connect with. If you're patient and persistent, you may come across individuals who can provide the help and understanding you're seeking.

In conclusion, the Mental Health Forum can be a mixed bag. It's important to be aware of the biases and potential challenges you may encounter. However, with some perseverance, you may find the support and guidance you need. Just remember to approach discussions with an open mind and be prepared for differing opinions.

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Multan, US
Sep 05, 2023 6:53 am EDT

The Mental Health Forum has biases and challenges, including staff favoritism and the presence of right-wing and conspiracy theorists. However, it can still offer valuable support if you connect with the right people. Be aware of potential issues but approach with an open mind.

3:04 pm EDT
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Mental Health Forum Mental Health Forum: A Supportive Community for Mental Health Discussions and Connections

Looking for a place to discuss mental health? Well, Mental Health Forum ( might just be the spot for you. It's a platform where you can connect with others who are going through similar experiences. However, there are a few things you should know before diving in.

Firstly, it's important to mention that the forum has certain guidelines in place. These guidelines are meant to ensure a safe and respectful environment for all members. While this is understandable, some might argue that it can sometimes feel a bit restrictive. It's crucial to be mindful of what you say and how you express yourself, as there is a strong emphasis on avoiding any potentially offensive remarks.

In terms of the community, it can sometimes feel like there is a prevailing mindset that everyone should conform to. This can be seen as both positive and negative. On one hand, it creates a sense of unity and support. On the other hand, it may discourage individuals from expressing their unique perspectives and opinions. It's important to find a balance between fitting in and staying true to yourself.

Now, let's talk about the topics that are commonly discussed on the forum. Mental health issues are the main focus, and you'll find a wide range of discussions related to various conditions and treatments. It's a great place to seek advice, share experiences, and find support from others who truly understand what you're going through.

However, it's worth noting that the forum may not cater to every mental health issue out there. Some members have expressed concerns that certain conditions or experiences are not given as much attention as others. This can be frustrating for those seeking specific support. It's important to keep this in mind and explore other resources if you feel your needs are not being met.

In conclusion, Mental Health Forum ( can be a valuable platform for individuals seeking support and connection in their mental health journey. While there are some limitations and a prevailing mindset, it still offers a space to discuss important topics and find understanding. Just remember to be mindful of the guidelines and find your own balance between fitting in and expressing yourself.

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Is Mental Health Forum Legit?

Mental Health Forum earns a trustworthiness rating of 91%

Highly recommended, but caution will not hurt.

Our conclusion: After a detailed review, ComplaintsBoard finds Mental Health Forum to be a trustworthy company. Although there's a 0% resolution rate for customer complaints, which deserves attention, Mental Health Forum is known for their high standards and safety. If you're thinking about dealing with Mental Health Forum, it's wise to check how they handle complaints.

Mental Health Forum has received 3 positive reviews on our site. This is a good sign and indicates a safe and reliable experience for customers who choose to work with the company.

Mental Health Forum has claimed the domain name for for a long time, which suggests that the website is established and has a history of being in operation. This is a positive sign, as it indicates that the website has been around for a while and may have a reputation to maintain. has a valid SSL certificate, which indicates that the website is secure and trustworthy. Look for the padlock icon in the browser and the "https" prefix in the URL to confirm that the website is using SSL.

Several mixed reviews for Mental Health Forum have been found on various review sites. While some customers have had positive experiences with the company, others have reported issues with their products or customer service. It's important to read and consider a variety of reviews before making a decision to purchase from this website.

We looked up Mental Health Forum and found that the website is receiving a high amount of traffic. This could be a sign of a popular and trustworthy website, but it is still important to exercise caution and verify the legitimacy of the site before sharing any personal or financial information

However ComplaintsBoard has detected that:

  • Mental Health Forum protects their ownership data, a common and legal practice. However, from our perspective, this lack of transparency can impede trust and accountability, which are essential for establishing a credible and respected business entity.
  • We conducted a search on social media and found several negative reviews related to Mental Health Forum. These reviews may indicate issues with the company's products, services, or customer support. It is important to thoroughly research the company and its offerings before making any purchases to avoid any potential risks.

About Mental Health Forum

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Mental Health Forum ( is a comprehensive online platform dedicated to providing a supportive and informative space for individuals seeking guidance, understanding, and connection in relation to mental health. With its user-friendly interface and active community, the forum serves as a valuable resource for those looking to discuss their experiences, share insights, and find solace in a non-judgmental environment.

One of the key strengths of Mental Health Forum is its commitment to fostering a sense of community. The platform brings together individuals from diverse backgrounds who are united by their shared experiences with mental health challenges. By encouraging open and honest discussions, the forum creates a safe space where members can freely express their thoughts, emotions, and concerns without fear of stigma or judgment.

The forum covers a wide range of mental health topics, including anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, eating disorders, and many others. It provides a platform for individuals to seek advice, share coping strategies, and gain insights from others who have faced similar challenges. The forum also offers a wealth of resources, including articles, research papers, and links to reputable mental health organizations, ensuring that members have access to reliable information to aid in their journey towards mental well-being.

Furthermore, Mental Health Forum is known for its active and supportive community. Members are quick to offer empathy, encouragement, and practical advice to those in need. The forum's moderators play a crucial role in maintaining a positive and respectful atmosphere, ensuring that discussions remain constructive and supportive. This active moderation helps to create a sense of trust and safety, allowing members to openly share their experiences and seek guidance from others who have walked a similar path.

In addition to its community-driven approach, Mental Health Forum also provides a platform for mental health professionals to contribute their expertise. Licensed therapists, psychologists, and counselors actively participate in discussions, offering professional insights and guidance to forum members. This valuable input from professionals enhances the forum's credibility and ensures that members receive accurate and evidence-based information.

Overall, Mental Health Forum ( is a reliable and empowering online platform that plays a vital role in supporting individuals on their mental health journey. Through its active community, extensive resources, and professional input, the forum provides a safe and inclusive space for individuals to connect, learn, and find solace in their shared experiences.

Overview of Mental Health Forum complaint handling

Mental Health Forum reviews first appeared on Complaints Board on Aug 1, 2023. The latest review A Lifeline of Support: My Experience with the Mental Health Forum was posted on Aug 5, 2023. Mental Health Forum has an average consumer rating of 1 stars from 13 reviews. Mental Health Forum has resolved 0 complaints.
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We stand for unbiased reviews

We make sure all complaints and reviews are from real people sharing genuine experiences.

We help resolving issues

We offer easy tools for businesses and reviewers to solve issues together. Learn how it works.

We advocate freedom of speech

We support and promote the right for reviewers to express their opinions and ideas freely without censorship or restrictions, as long as it's respectful and within our Terms and Conditions, of course ;)

We ensure transparent and fair ratings

Our rating system is open and honest, ensuring unbiased evaluations for all businesses on the platform. Learn more.

We care about your privacy

Personal details of reviewers are strictly confidential and hidden from everyone.

We are easy, free and open to everyone

Our website is designed to be user-friendly, accessible, and absolutely free for everyone to use.