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Got Questions Reviews 20

11:33 am EDT
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Got Questions Beware of Deception: Unmasking the Satanic Agenda of "Got Questions

Got Questions is a website that claims to provide answers to various questions from a Christian perspective. However, upon closer examination, it becomes evident that this site is not what it appears to be. It is like a wolf dressed in sheep's clothing, deceiving unsuspecting individuals with its mixture of half-truths and satanic ideologies.

This website shamelessly promotes the satanic agenda, leaving no room for doubt. It is as if they have mastered the art of deception to the absolute "tee." They cunningly present themselves as a legitimate Christian website, but in reality, they are nothing more than a tool for spreading satanic beliefs.

For those who are just beginning to open their eyes to the truth, it is important to understand that spiritual ties are real. Engaging in sexual relations with more than one partner in your lifetime is considered sexual fornication, which is a grave sin. It doesn't matter if the Lord "allows" divorce or not; it is still a sinful act. Your first love will always belong to you, and it is disheartening to see people falling for the disinformation spread by this website, believing that divorce is a morally acceptable option when it never is.

I must warn my fellow Christians to steer clear of this site. Do not be fooled by their fabricated half-truths, as they are nothing but a web of lies. Everything they present is a carefully crafted deception, designed to manipulate and control unsuspecting individuals. It is an implicit psychological operation that aims to lead people astray from the true teachings of Christianity.

In conclusion, I urge everyone to be cautious when seeking answers online. Not everything that claims to be Christian is truly aligned with the teachings of Christ. Let us remain vigilant and discerning, relying on reliable and trustworthy sources for our spiritual guidance. May God bless and protect us all as we navigate through this world of deception. Farewell.

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10:16 am EDT
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Got Questions Warning: Deceptive Website Alert! Got Questions: A Web of Satanic Ideologies Disguised as Christianity

This website, Got Questions, is quite concerning. It's like a wolf dressed in sheep's clothing, trying to deceive unsuspecting Christians. They mix some truths with satanic ideologies, making it seem like a legitimate "Christian" website.

I must say, this site promotes the satanic agenda to the absolute "tee." It's quite alarming, really.

For those who are just starting to see the truth, let me tell you, spirit ties are real. And engaging in sexual relations with more than one partner in your lifetime is nothing but sexual fornication, which is a sin. It doesn't matter if the Lord "allows" divorce or not, it's still a sinful act. Your first love will always be yours, and people who believe otherwise are falling for this misinformation. They're pretending that divorce is a morally acceptable option, when it never is.

I want to warn all my fellow Christians out there, please do NOT use this site. Do NOT fall for their fabricated half-truths. It's all a web of deception and a sneaky psychological operation.

May God bless you all, and farewell.

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8:29 am EDT
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Got Questions Highly Recommended: Got Questions - Your Go-To Site for Clear and Prompt Answers!

Got Questions has been a very helpful site for me over the years. When you search for a question, they give you multiple options for potential subjects/answers. If your question isn't answered, you can move forward with submitting your own question. Answers are received back promptly and are usually fairly straightforward and direct. You even have the option to ask follow-up questions. Based on their website information, many of their writers hold graduate level degrees in theology or closely related disciplines, which lends credibility to what they're providing you. It shouldn't take the place of your local pastor/elders as your initial spiritual guides, but it can be a very helpful website when trying to learn more about a whole host of subjects/issues and a great place to begin getting answers to your specific questions. I definitely recommend them.

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Got Questions Frustrating Experience with Got Questions: Dodging Answers, Inconsistent Translations, and TULIP Teaching

I gotta say, I had a bit of a frustrating experience with Got Questions. I had a burning question, you know? And instead of giving me a straight answer, they went off on a tangent. Like, come on, guys, just answer the question!

But get this, when I pushed them for a real answer, they basically told me that if I didn't like what they had to say, tough luck. They weren't gonna respond anymore. Talk about rude, right?

And here's the kicker. They're all about switching up Bible translations whenever it suits them. Like, if their translation doesn't support their own beliefs, they'll just jump ship and find one that does. And when you call them out on it, they just throw the question right back at you. Talk about dodging the issue!

Oh, and by the way, check out this link:*** It's some interesting info about Got Questions. Seems like they're part of an organization, kinda like those Jehovah's Witnesses. And let me tell ya, they've got some similar behaviors too.

But wait, there's more! Got Questions also follows this thing called the TULIP teaching, which is all about Calvinism. They're all about four out of the five Calvinistic teachings. It's like they'll adopt anything that works for them, and if it doesn't, they'll just move on to something else. Can't make up their minds, I guess.

So yeah, that's my take on Got Questions. They may have some answers, but they've definitely got some issues too. Just keep all this in mind when you're looking for some spiritual guidance.

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Got Questions Got Questions: The All-Knowing Gurus of Bible Interpretation or Just Plain Narcissists?

If you really stop and think about it, it's quite something to see how full of themselves these folks at Got Questions are. I mean, seriously, who do they think they are, claiming to have all the answers to any Bible-related question you might have? They act like they're some kind of all-knowing gurus or something. It's just plain old narcissism, if you ask me.

And let's not forget that they only represent one narrow viewpoint of Christianity, the Calvinistic Protestant one. Now, I don't know about you, but I find it hard to believe that even the early church fathers, who were the closest to Jesus and spoke that ancient Greek language of the time, could agree on every single interpretation or concept in the Bible. So how can these guys claim to have it all figured out?

They have the audacity to claim that God himself has put them on this divine path and that the Holy Spirit has given them some sort of superpower to understand every single verse in the Bible. Can you believe that? I mean, come on! There are so many different translations (and let's not forget the mistranslations) of the Bible out there, not to mention the staggering number of Christian denominations in America alone, over 30,000 of them! It's mind-boggling!

And let's not even get started on the fact that the Bible was written in ancient and classical Greek, Hebrew, and Aramaic. I mean, those are some seriously ancient languages, my friend. Yet, somehow, these folks at Got Questions think they have all the answers to the most debated, confusing, and mysterious book on the face of this planet.

It's just hard to wrap your head around, isn't it? But hey, if you're into that sort of thing, go ahead and give them a try. Who knows, maybe they'll surprise you. But personally, I'll take their claims with a big ol' grain of salt. After all, nobody's got all the answers, no matter how much they might want you to believe otherwise.

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Got Questions A Reliable and Respectful Source for Christian Questions and Answers

This website has been my go-to for many years now when I have a question about anything regarding Christianity. It answers questions by straightforwardly reporting what the Bible has to say on the manner in a respectful manner. Even on issues that the Bible doesn't directly address, it either provides related scriptures or provides an unbiased overview of different viewpoints. Another review accused volunteer writers of not having theology degrees. While I'm sure that's true, the site's About Us page clearly states that every answer going out is reviewed for biblical and theological accuracy by the staff. Yet another review accuses the site of slandering other religions. This site gives straightforward facts on other religions and explains why those religions cannot get someone to heaven. Considering that the Bible claims that Jesus is the only way to heaven, this is (again) consistent with what the Bible teaches. I suspect the people who wrote these reviews have more of a problem with what the Bible teaches than they do with the site itself. For me, I visit this site often and love to refer people here. If you want to know what the Bible says on a matter, this is the place to go.

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Got Questions Review: Helpful but Flawed Website Promoting False Teachings and Bible Versions

At first, I gotta say, this website I stumbled upon was pretty helpful, you know? They talk about the Bible and stuff, and they seem to know their stuff. But, man, they got some issues, let me tell ya. They claim to be all about salvation by grace through faith and eternal security, but then they start going on about Lordship Salvation and easy-believism being bad. Like, what? I thought all you had to do was believe in Jesus, you know? Acts 16 says so, and Romans 10 too. It's all about confessing with your mouth and believing in your heart, and bam, you're saved.

But no, this website thinks that if you don't change your behavior after you believe, then you're not really saved. That's just a sneaky lie from the devil, if you ask me. And get this, they use all these different Bible versions, even the ones that ain't so good, like the NIV, ESV, and ERV. They even have the nerve to bash the King James Only position. Can you believe it?

Because of all this, they start spreading false teachings, like Lordship salvation and Calvinism. They're all about God's "sovereignty" and this strict interpretation of Romans 13. It's like they want to control everything, you know? And don't even get me started on the false teachers they promote, like John Piper and John MacArthur. It's a mess, I tell ya.

So, if you're looking for some better websites to check out, I got a couple recommendations for ya. Try this one: They seem to be more on point with the Bible, you know? And if you're into teachers, this guy David Stewart from is one of my faves. He knows his stuff, man.

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Got Questions Grateful for gotquestions: A Valuable Tool for Spiritual Journey and Discernment

Thank you, gotquestions, for the clear and concise answers that have helped so many people start and continue their spiritual journey. I appreciate your honest perspective that all answers should be prayerfully evaluated based on Scripture. In the end, everyone will assess the answers based on their upbringing, church influence, and various other factors, but let's hope that the final evaluation is guided by the Holy Spirit. We must remember that gotquestions is just a tool, similar to a book, commentary, or even the preaching of your pastor. All tools need to be evaluated.

I truly admire the tremendous effort this website has made to provide necessary information. For years, myself and many other faithful brothers and sisters have been using this site with great success. I have even made a donation once, although it's not nearly enough, as all of God's workers deserve compensation for their labor. In my experience, gotquestions has been accurate about 95% of the time, and I don't mind if they lack discernment on certain topics. I actually disagree with my pastor more often, haha!

Once, I reached out to them about an article I had some concerns about, and they kindly responded. They are willing to address any concerns you may have. I truly appreciate the courage and boldness required to take on this great responsibility. We are all ministers in Christ, and each of us needs to be accountable when sharing Christ and His Word. Are we fallible? Absolutely. We will make mistakes, but let's not allow our fallibility to prevent us from using our spiritual gifts and talents.

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Got Questions Misleading Interpretations and Security Concerns: A Warning about Got Questions

I was searching for an answer about masturbation and stumbled upon Got Questions ( I must say, their conclusion on the matter (URL LINK FOR "MASTURBATION ADVICE" seemed completely off to me. It was based on an interpretation that I believe is incorrect. From what I've gathered from other reviews, it seems like they often misinterpret scripture when it doesn't explicitly address a specific topic. Frankly, I think this website is trying to deceive people. To make matters worse, when I tried to use their email option, I received an email from As a fellow Christian, I wanted to understand why they misinterpreted a question that doesn't have a clear answer in the Bible. Additionally, this website asks for donations and encourages prayer. I want to warn everyone: DO NOT donate to this website! You might end up losing your personal bank account or email password. It's important to take a stand and remove this website immediately.

Here's the email I received from Yahoo, copied and pasted without any personal information (no personal email info, no time, no IP, no location, or no timezone):

Hi Austin,

Your account is currently not enabled to sign in from apps that do not meet modern security standards (ex. Older versions of mail and calendar apps such as Outlook). As a result, we prevented a sign in to your Yahoo account (NO PERSONAL EMAIL INFO).



We strongly recommend that you switch to Yahoo's apps such as Yahoo Mail on desktop and mobile and remove your account from all other less secure apps.

If you still want to use an app that uses less secure sign in, go to and turn on "Allow apps that use less secure sign in". This is not recommended and may leave your account more vulnerable to compromise. To learn more, please visit our help page:***.html.

Yahoo blocked this sign in attempt, but if it looks suspicious to you or it's not from an application that you're using, go to and change the password for your account.



Please note that replies to this email cannot be answered.

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Got Questions Got Questions Ministries: A Treasure Trove of Biblical Knowledge and Spiritual Enlightenment

This site is extremely informative and well constructed. If you are interested in learning more about the Word of God or just about the world around you in general, then this is the place for you. It doesn't matter who you are or where you're from, God's divine love and incomprehensible holy nature can be readily taken in and understood by the wisdom He gives freely to all those who ask for it, and I am firm in my belief that Got Questions Ministries is a form of that Heavenly wisdom. If memory serves, arriving at the conclusion that life in this world from a surface perspective was pointless and vain. Pondering a higher purpose for life, I decided to follow the (real) Holy Bible (KJV), and I got personally saved at age 22, back in 2014. I was already in tune with the higher Being known as God years prior and only knew but a hint of the wide range of knowledge that was always constantly available at my fingertips, but never actually laid a finger on. However, being a new believer and all, I inevitably had more deeper questions that needed attention before my faith could truly excel any higher. I prayed about it, and lo and behold, along came this blessed organization with their vast library of biblical knowledge bursting at the scene, oooh Got Questions you come over here, let me give you a full-on 2-minute hug. I am by new nature a knowledge seeker and actually fell in love with this "site" at first "sight". Let's get something out of the way before I proceed any further, for those who are genuinely interested in knowing and understanding more about God's holy word and are in full agreement with God's ways, despite what our finite minds may tell us otherwise, will indeed be greatly satisfied and enlightened to the point of spiritual security. As for the non-believers who have only come to criticize and not actually try to understand the truth of things, will always be stuck because they do not actually want to be delivered or change their lives for the better. Moral change can be a very scary concept for the people of the world; let's not forget. There is a saying: "no amount of evidence or proof will satisfy the faithless". God and His Word require faith (which means trust and dependency) in order to be fully received in all its glory. This is a "closed off harden heart" issue and not necessarily a "lack of knowledge" issue, but of course, even the most stubborn of hearts can be evangelized and reconciled unto God if they are "willing" to believe on the Son of God for salvation, the apostle Paul is the best example of this. Now back to our original program, this organization is very precise and fact-oriented, only interested in the cold hard truth, which can dissuade those who seek after a more "sprinkles on top" approach. The authors take great care to reveal understanding about verses that have been misconstrued by simply breaking down these verses in a way of: who the author was, who the audience were, the purpose of the written scripture, the different meaning of terms and phrases, the way people conversed in their native language, the customs of a nation or people in those days, the dates and timelines of events, the inclusion of ancient past "BC" to the modern-day era "AD", and so on. You can ask any question in relation to the Holy Bible that concerns you, although I'm sure that every type of question has already been asked and answered, with almost 7,000 inquiries, leaving you with the very simple task of opening the app and just scrolling through to whatever subject you would like to be extendedly educated or reeducated on.

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Got Questions Complaints 10

10:20 am EDT
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Got Questions Handy Research Tool, but Beware of False Doctrines: Rapture and Dispensationalism

Sadly, they support some false doctrines like the rapture and elements of dispensationalism. You gotta be careful 'cause just 'cause somethin' is popular don't mean it's right. But hey, it's still a handy research tool.

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9:51 am EDT
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Got Questions Concerns about "Got Questions" Site: Holy Spirit's Role & Language on Sexual Immorality

I have a couple of concerns about this site, Got Questions. First, I'm not sure about their perspective on the role and nature of the Holy Spirit. It seems like they might be trying to use words that are more acceptable in society to describe "sexual immorality."

I think it's important for us to take a close look at what the Bible says and form our own understanding with the guidance of the Holy Spirit. We shouldn't just jump to conclusions without considering multiple verses and seeking a deeper understanding. It's crucial that we approach the Word of God, the Bible, with humility and a willingness to learn.

I hope that God blesses all of us as we seek to grow in our faith and understanding.

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9:06 am EDT
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Got Questions Disappointing Lack of Compassion and Respect in Customer Service

Got Questions, let me tell you, they say they care and understand, but their answers, oh boy, they were anything but caring and understanding! I mean, seriously, they were so rude and disrespectful, not at all like how Jesus would have responded, you know what I mean? It's like they were just throwing insults left and right, no compassion whatsoever! And let me tell you, with that kind of attitude, it's no wonder why there are so many folks out there who are against God and Christianity. I mean, who would want to be a part of something when the people representing it are so mean-spirited? It's just not right, plain and simple.

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Is Got Questions Legit?

Got Questions earns a trustworthiness rating of 91%

Highly recommended, but caution will not hurt.

Our conclusion: After a detailed review, ComplaintsBoard finds Got Questions to be a trustworthy company. Although there's a 0% resolution rate for customer complaints, which deserves attention, Got Questions is known for their high standards and safety. If you're thinking about dealing with Got Questions, it's wise to check how they handle complaints.

Got Questions has received 4 positive reviews on our site. This is a good sign and indicates a safe and reliable experience for customers who choose to work with the company.

Got Questions has claimed the domain name for for a long time, which suggests that the website is established and has a history of being in operation. This is a positive sign, as it indicates that the website has been around for a while and may have a reputation to maintain. has a valid SSL certificate, which indicates that the website is secure and trustworthy. Look for the padlock icon in the browser and the "https" prefix in the URL to confirm that the website is using SSL.

Several positive reviews for Got Questions have been found on various review sites. While this may be a good sign, it is important to approach these reviews with caution and consider the possibility of fake or biased reviews.

We looked up Got Questions and found that the website is receiving a high amount of traffic. This could be a sign of a popular and trustworthy website, but it is still important to exercise caution and verify the legitimacy of the site before sharing any personal or financial information

However ComplaintsBoard has detected that:

  • While Got Questions has a high level of trust, our investigation has revealed that the company's complaint resolution process is inadequate and ineffective. As a result, only 0% of 10 complaints are resolved. The support team may have poor customer service skills, lack of training, or not be well-equipped to handle customer complaints.
  • Got Questions protects their ownership data, a common and legal practice. However, from our perspective, this lack of transparency can impede trust and accountability, which are essential for establishing a credible and respected business entity.
  • We conducted a search on social media and found several negative reviews related to Got Questions. These reviews may indicate issues with the company's products, services, or customer support. It is important to thoroughly research the company and its offerings before making any purchases to avoid any potential risks.
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Got Questions Misleading Interpretations and Opinions Disguised as Biblical Truth: A Review of Got Questions

The info in this website makes ya think they're quotin' scripture 'n teachin' from the Bible, but they're doin' the complete opposite. If ya read real close, they swapped out their own words while tryin' to make ya think the words are biblical. Words like, what God is sayin' here is that there's a "life for life" consequence. This site is all 'bout opinions with some biblical verses thrown in to try 'n trick ya.

But lemme tell ya, this website called Got Questions ( ain't what it seems. They claim to be all 'bout answerin' yer questions 'n helpin' ya find truth, but they're just twistin' things 'round 'n givin' their own opinions instead. They try to make it sound like they're quotin' scripture, but if ya look real close, they're actually puttin' in their own words 'n makin' it seem biblical.

Ya see, they'll say stuff like "God is sayin' here that there's a 'life for life' consequence." But if ya search the Bible yerself, ya won't find those exact words. They're takin' liberties 'n interpretin' things in their own way. It's like they're tryin' to deceive ya by mixin' their own opinions with a few Bible verses.

Now, don't get me wrong, it's okay to have opinions 'n all, but when ya claim to be teachin' from the Bible, ya gotta stick to what it actually says. This website, though, seems to be more 'bout pushin' their own agenda 'n twistin' the words of the Good Book to fit their narrative.

If ya wanna find real biblical answers to yer questions, I'd suggest lookin' elsewhere. There are plenty of other resources out there that stick to the true teachings of the Bible without addin' their own spin. Don't let this site fool ya with their fancy words 'n mixed-up messages. Stick to the real deal 'n find a source that's faithful to the Word of God.

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Got Questions Misleading Information on Deliverance Ministry: A Review of Got Questions Website

Got Questions is a website that provides information on various topics, including spiritual matters. However, I must say that I found some inaccuracies in their content. For instance, they claim that there is little mentioned in the Bible about deliverance from Satan and his demons, and they even go as far as saying that deliverance is not a "ministry." This is simply not true.

In fact, if we carefully examine the Scriptures, we can see that a significant portion of Jesus's ministry was focused on deliverance. He frequently encountered people who were possessed by demons and He cast them out, setting the captives free. This aspect of His ministry cannot be overlooked or downplayed.

Moreover, it is evident that even in our present world, there are individuals who are still afflicted by demonic forces. This includes not only ordinary people but also some pastors who have encountered such spiritual battles. To dismiss the reality of deliverance and its importance is to ignore the struggles that many people face in their spiritual lives.

Unfortunately, due to these misleading statements, I have lost trust in Got Questions and will not be returning to their site. It is disheartening to think that they may be spreading misinformation and inadvertently serving the devil with their misguided information. It is crucial to seek reliable sources that provide accurate and comprehensive insights into spiritual matters.

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Got Questions Review: Got Questions - A One-Sided Approach to Theological Topics

Got Questions is a website that offers articles on various theological topics. While some of their articles provide a somewhat accurate depiction of views they don't agree with, like conditionalism, there are many instances where they poorly represent opposing perspectives, such as egalitarianism. This is definitely not a good approach, in my opinion. It's not right to assume that you possess all the answers, as it shows a sense of pride!

It truly saddens me to see that so many inquisitive and vulnerable individuals are directed to this site, only to be exposed to one-sided viewpoints that claim to be the absolute biblical truth. What's even worse is that they encounter language that is demeaning and belittling towards the diverse theological alternatives that are also rooted in the Bible. It's disheartening to witness such a lack of respect for differing opinions.

I believe that it's crucial for a platform like Got Questions to present a fair and balanced representation of various theological perspectives. People who are seeking answers and guidance deserve to be exposed to a wide range of viewpoints, allowing them to make informed decisions based on their own understanding and beliefs. Unfortunately, this website falls short in that regard.

In conclusion, while Got Questions may have some articles that accurately portray differing views, their overall approach is flawed. It's important to remember that no one has all the answers, and it's essential to respect and acknowledge the diversity of theological interpretations.

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Got Questions Controversial Views and Dismissal of Science: A Critical Review of Got Questions

Got Questions is a website that has garnered quite a bit of attention for its controversial views on various topics. One of the main issues that people have with this site is its stance on homosexuality and other religions. It is important to note that this website does not shy away from expressing its disapproval of homosexuality, which can be seen as offensive and hurtful to many individuals.

Furthermore, Got Questions tends to dismiss scientific findings that have been widely accepted and proven. This can be frustrating for those who value scientific evidence and rely on it to form their beliefs and opinions. It is worth mentioning that the basis for many of the arguments presented on this website is a book that was written and rewritten thousands of years ago. This book is heavily influenced by stories that have been passed down through generations, originating from a time when people believed that the world revolved around the Earth and Jerusalem was the center of everything.

During this period, people who held even minor religious differences were subjected to torture and even death. Considering the historical context, it is understandable why many individuals find it difficult to accept the teachings and beliefs presented on Got Questions. To them, it seems evident that these ideas are outdated and do not align with the progress and understanding that society has achieved over the years.

In conclusion, it is clear that Got Questions has a particular perspective that may not resonate with everyone. The website's views on homosexuality, other religions, and scientific findings have been met with criticism due to their controversial nature. It is important for individuals to approach this website with caution and consider alternative sources that provide a more inclusive and evidence-based approach to these topics.

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Got Questions The Importance of Prophetic Praying and Hearing from God in Today's World

This website ain't accurate at all! We still gotta hear from God nowadays, ya know? Prophetic praying is still a thing, man. We need to hear from God to know which way to go each day. The Holy Spirit, bro, guides us in all truth. The whole Bible ain't just some history book, it's alive and kickin' for today! I've helped out a bunch of folks over the years, sharing stuff from the Holy Spirit to encourage, uplift, and build 'em up. Saying that all ended after the apostles died is just plain wrong, dude. Your understanding of the scripture is way off. You better pray for God to give you a fresh perspective and some wisdom to rightly understand His Word! May you be blessed, my friend.

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Got Questions Review: Biased and Unreliable: The Problematic Nature of Got Questions

Got Questions is a website that claims to provide answers to various questions, but it falls short in many aspects. The viewpoints expressed on this platform are extremely limited and heavily biased. It is evident that the volunteers who respond to queries lack proper theological education. In fact, some of them struggle to provide coherent responses, often failing to construct complete sentences or paragraphs.

One of the most concerning aspects of this website is its clear inclination towards promoting the interests of white, heterosexual men, while simultaneously vilifying and marginalizing other groups. This biased approach is evident throughout their content, which undermines the credibility and reliability of the information provided.

An example of their problematic content can be seen in their article on rape culture, which ironically perpetuates rape culture itself. Instead of addressing the root causes and societal issues surrounding sexual assault, the article shamefully blames women for their own victimization based on their choice of clothing. Such victim-blaming is not only insensitive but also perpetuates harmful stereotypes and contributes to a culture that fails to hold perpetrators accountable.

In light of these concerns, it is advisable to approach this website with caution and skepticism. It is far more beneficial to engage with the Bible directly and form your own conclusions rather than relying on the questionable information presented on this platform. Ultimately, Got Questions cannot be considered a trustworthy source for reliable and unbiased answers.

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Got Questions Misleading Interpretation Criticized: A Cautionary Review of

This particular post on is quite misleading, as it criticizes an interpretation error and tries to offer what it claims to be the correct interpretation. Frankly, this is not acceptable. I'm relieved that I'm not the one responsible for writing these answers because it seems like a precarious position to be in. We will all face judgment eventually, so it's important for us to be wise and study the Bible ourselves. If we don't understand something, it's better to seek guidance from trusted friends or fellow believers whom we hold in high regard. In my opinion, it's best to avoid as they might hinder others rather than help them.

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About Got Questions

Screenshot Got Questions
Got Questions ( is a popular website that aims to provide confident and comprehensive answers to various questions about Christianity and the Bible. It serves as a valuable resource for individuals seeking biblical guidance and understanding.

The website covers a wide range of topics, including theology, Christian living, church history, and biblical interpretation. It offers a vast collection of articles, devotionals, and answers to frequently asked questions, all written with a confident and authoritative tone.

Got Questions presents its content in a straightforward manner, avoiding ambiguous language and instead providing clear and concise explanations. The articles are written by a team of knowledgeable and experienced Christian writers who strive to present biblical truths in a confident and reliable manner.

One of the strengths of Got Questions is its commitment to addressing difficult and controversial topics. The website tackles sensitive issues such as homosexuality, abortion, and the existence of evil, providing biblically-based answers that are grounded in the authority of Scripture. The writers do not shy away from expressing their convictions and beliefs, offering readers a confident perspective on these challenging subjects.

Furthermore, Got Questions demonstrates a commitment to biblical accuracy and sound doctrine. The website emphasizes the importance of interpreting Scripture within its proper context and adhering to the teachings of the Bible. It seeks to provide answers that are consistent with orthodox Christian beliefs and teachings.

In addition to its written content, Got Questions also offers a "Question of the Week" feature, where readers can submit their own questions for consideration. This interactive element allows individuals to engage directly with the website and receive personalized responses to their inquiries.

Overall, Got Questions is a reliable and trustworthy resource for individuals seeking confident and biblically-based answers to their questions about Christianity and the Bible. Its commitment to clarity, sound doctrine, and biblical accuracy makes it a valuable tool for those seeking to deepen their understanding of the Christian faith.

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Got Questions reviews first appeared on Complaints Board on Jul 22, 2023. The latest review Beware of Deception: Unmasking the Satanic Agenda of "Got Questions was posted on Aug 9, 2023. Got Questions has an average consumer rating of 1 stars from 20 reviews. Got Questions has resolved 0 complaints.
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    May 13, 2024

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