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EWA English Language Learning Reviews 17

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EWA English Language Learning Better than Rosetta Stone!

I love it! I have had Rosetta Stone for years as a matter of a fact since the first came out. I have learned and retained more new words in a few days than I have since I have Rosetta Stone. I love how they take movies that we all have seen and love in which makes it so easy to relate to actins and tones. I can’t say enough about it. The conversation are real conversation. They teach the variations of Spanish it just great all together. I love how when you read the books you can select the word and find out it’s meaning. When you go to the book section it well organized you can select from beginners or immediate, gene. The games the have are so much fun it helps you with spelling and you even have a game where you play with people all over. Again I can go on and on about this app! I definitely found it well worth the money!

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EWA English Language Learning Only functions about half the time

I would really enjoy this app, if it worked on any consistent basis.

It is just as likely that the translations won’t work as they do work. Sometimes they work for a few sentences and then they stop working. Most often they don’t work at all.

The translations are utterly uncurated by a human, of course, and done by the stupidest bot available. So what you get is translations that are contrary to the text. A conversation between men and women, for example, is often translated randomly. So a man is talking but the translation makes it a woman. I have to go back to see if I missed something but, no, it’s just that the translation randomly put female in place of male.

This makes language learning more difficult.

I rarely pay for apps at the beginning but I was excited about this one. Waste of time and money. One frustrating use after another. Awful.

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EWA English Language Learning 3 days trial?!

I had high hopes for this, but I uninstalled after the screen asking me to choose a subscription plan. 3 days trial? Seriously? How can I know if this is working for me in only 3 days, that’s ridiculous. Chances are I’d just forget to cancel and get charged for an app I’m not using.

Also, it asked me what my native language is in the beginning, and I couldn’t select two. Then it proceeded to talk to me in the language I selected, without asking if that’s my preference. I’m comfortable enough with English to prefer it for app interfaces, even though it’s not my native language. AFAIK this is pretty common with folks living abroad and speaking English regularly, or even many folks that live in the lie home country and just use English a lot. I had to go back and start over and then LIE by saying my native language is English to get it to talk to me in English!

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EWA English Language Learning Awesome idea, still buggy content

I’m reading along with the audio for a book in the app’s library, but I have no idea what the audio is reading. It doesn’t match up at all with the book! I wish more words were in the dictionary.

Often I have to open another app or website to look up these words, which kind of defeats the purpose of this app.

I also keep seeing reference to movie and tv clips, but I don’t see this at all! I just see some super elementary courses, two games, and a reading library.

I tried contacting support through the app, but this feature didn’t work.

I hope this app continues to develop and fix bugs. It could be a phenomenal language learning tool that I also think could be used in the Spanish program in the school I teach in. I teach Chinese and I’m learning Japanese, so I’d love to see those languages added, but I think the first priority is to work out the bugs for the app that exists before expanding.

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EWA English Language Learning Dishonest/misleading

This review is not for their courses because I only tried to use in less than 10 minutes so it’s not my place to rate how good/bad they are at all.
This review is for how misleading or dishonest the way they try to get people to sign up for free trial then automatically charge you later. Well, it says very clear that you will have 3 days which is 72 hours learn free then they will start charging your card. I signed up on July 31, cancelled on August 3rd after sending them email for the link to cancel and tell them not to charge after free trial. And they still charged me $34.99 on August 4th with the explanation that If I cancel it on the last 24 hours they will still charge?!? What the hell? Well, so let say its a 2 days- 48 hours free trial then. Don’t say 3 days free trial. Of course my bank will take care of that but if you don’t mind to waste 20 minutes of your life to email back and forth with them then call your bank for a dispute so feel free to give it a shot. I warned you.

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EWA English Language Learning It’s okay

The idea is great and it has kept me more interested than most learning apps but every time I open the app it’s trying to sell the expensive bundle deal to me after I’ve clicked not interested sooooo many times. Then since I’m not paying for it I have to wait for it to recharge so I can learn more but I’ll be off for two or three hours come back and only ten more lightning bolts have been added to my account. I can understand if it’s only ten per thirty mins but if I do it in the morning then get on again at night it should be recharged? I just feel like they are trying to push me to buy the package so hard that I don’t really want to use the app anymore. It’s promoted as a free app you can use to learn a language. Also if you don’t close out of everything it will stay stuck on whatever page you were learning on and then not give you any lightning bolts while you are gone. Sorry I’m not paying $100 for an app when I could probably find it free on YouTube. So that’s what I will be doing instead.

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EWA English Language Learning Great app

Thoroughly enjoying the app. Started out using their stories on the app - I studied French in high school and was able to jump into some sherlock holmes short stories with the accompanying narration pretty easily. The nice thing about the stories they have in the app is they have google translate enabled to translate whole paragraphs/ phrases. The individual word translation leaves a little to be desired, as sometimes a combination of three or four words makes up a phrase/saying and the individual word translations do not convey the true meaning. This is the issue when you upload an EPUB file format of a book. I am doing the french version of harry potter and listening to the audiobook on audible at the same time. It allows me to translate individual words but not full phrases, so I feel like occasionally I am missing some implied meanings. Still gave the app 5 stars but it would be nice to integrate google translate a bit more to be able to capture and translate more than one consecutive word at a time.

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EWA English Language Learning شكوى و رأي

اخترت طريقة مشاهدة مقاطع الافلام للتعلم واستمريت عليها لحوالي اسبوع، لكن للاسف مع الوقت بدأت تظهر لي مشاهد غير لائقة و مزعجة بشكل لا يطاق، كمشاهد ج*سية و مشاهد عن الشو*ذ جن*ياً و مشاهد عري و غيرها الكثير، على الرغم ان المقاطع هذه تظهر بشكل بسيط جداًً حوالي مقطع من بين عشر او عشرين، لكنني اجد هذا مزعج اكثر، كيف ذلك؟، بكل بساطة لان الناس لن يهتمو لتلك المشاهد ان كانت قليلة و هذا يعني تقبلهم لها مع الوقت، و اخشى ان هناك صغار في السن يستخدمون البرنامج اعمارهم لم تتجاوز الخامسة عشر، لذا يرجى تحسين المحتوى و ازالة ما سبق و اخبرتكم عنه في الاعلى. و اعتقد ان سبب وضع تلك المشاهد الغير لائقة هي ان البرنامج اجنبي و تلك الامور طبيعية في المجتمعات هُناك، فيرجى تغيير المحتوى بما يناسب المشاهد المسلم العربي، و اضيف كشيءٍ آخر انه كنت اتعلم عن طريق مستوى (المحترف)، لكنه لم يكن مناسب لذلك المستوى ابداً، فكانت هناك دروس عن الارقام و كلمات سهله و مبدأيات يعرفها المبتدأ فكيف تكون بتصنيف المحترف!، يرجى تحسين البرنامج و تطوريه و ازاله كل شيء غير لائق به و اضافه انشطة اخرى كطرق تعلم باللعب و حصص استماع و غيره و اضافه صور للكتب المتوفره لديكم و ترجمه الكلام بالكتب من حيث المعنى وليس كل كلمة كي نفهم المكتوب جيداً، شكرا لكم

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EWA English Language Learning So much potential!

When I first downloaded this app, I was so excited because I think this is a really cool way to learn Spanish and I think it will actually help me. For the past two days, I've been learning vocabulary and exploring the app and there are a lot of concerns I have. I know there is maintenance going on with some features in the app, but I still wanted to bring up issues just in case they were overlooked. For one, some of the translations on the example sentences for new words don't match up. 2, I wish that the vocab words were pronounced with every translation question instead of every other question (or maybe add a button to hear the word's pronunciation). 3, when I clicked on a book to read and pressed to learn the vocabulary that I will see, every Spanish word is butchered with an English reading and I thought this was important to mention. I haven't clicked and experienced everything but these are some of the issues I had so far. I really love this app and it has a lot of potential. I think if done right, this app can help SOO many people and get great reviews. The yearly payment will have been worth it.

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EWA English Language Learning Not good enough to be downloaded

I’m afraid of this app doing more harm than good. I’d say the largest flaw of the books is that you get word by word translations, despite there sometimes being phrases that have a unique translation. Not to mention that this app cannot even provide a translation of each word in the books, it’s more of a “pick and choose” on the app’s part. The translation provided for each paragraph is frustrating, since the translation does not dynamically move down the paragraph as you are reading along (so you have to be at the top of the paragraph and not scrolling through to be able to get the translation). Not to mention that the translation is off. For the more advanced books, it will keep some words in Spanish instead of translating. Other times it will get verb conjugations wrong. It seems that this app is simply a tool to read an interactive book with a google translate option embedded into its code. It got pretty intolerable after 5 minutes and I know I will never be returning to this app. I can get these books for free and have Google Translate open on another tab if I so wanted to learn a language in such a callous way.

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EWA English Language Learning Apparently only basic levels of Spanish are offered

I finished the basic level for the Spanish course and was very disappointed to discover that the VERY basics is as far as it goes. Thinking I must be mistaken, I reached out to support several times over the course of the past week. I have received no reply. It's a shame - I was actually enjoying the app for the most part. Visually speaking it is very well designed and interface is intuitive. That said, the beginner level is actually less extensive that what you get from Duolingo for free. I know this because I have completed the entire Duolingo Spanish course. The library feature is pretty cool but it alone is not worth the cost, imo. I can't speak about the other language offerings but if you are wanting to learn Spanish beyond beginner level, maybe pass on this app. I hate leaving negative reviews and rarely do. If it were a $10 app, I would have just moved on. But a hundo is a hundo and this is not a hundo level offering. I'll will of course revise this review should it turn out that I have been mistaken and the issue can be fixed with the help of support. Otherwise I would recommend Spanish learners take a hard pass on this one until the course is more robust and meaningful. Sorry.

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EWA English Language Learning Not for young audiences

Starting out, this app asked what your age category is. I chose under 18, since I was checking out the app for my kids to practice their Spanish. I was very interested in the interactive reading and media usage. However I was greatly disappointed that the media clips used even in the first couple levels had clips from movie scenes for mature audiences, likely rated R movies. I’m so glad I decided to screen this app before handing it to my kids! One scene had two supposedly nude people on top of each other (no body parts shown, but intimacy is implied), and another scene were a couple under the bedsheets together (nudity under the sheets is implied). Obviously not ok for children. There should not be an “under 18” category if these are the types of clips used. I don’t even appreciate them as an adult.

Also, I tried looking through the books, wondering if that was salvageable. I’m a fluent Spanish speaker. Nope. It mis-translated words in the first chapter I read! The book used the word “tardar” which was translated as “take” or “learn”, but it means “to tardy”, and it’s obvious from the context it was incorrect, too.

I’m greatly disappointed, and I’m grateful that they offered a free trial. I won’t be using this service. Loved the concept, but poorly executed and misleading.

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EWA English Language Learning Spanish Learners Beware

At the time of this writing, EWA offers only a very basic intro to the Spanish Language. I’ve been studying Spanish for several years and I was initially enthusiastic about the app when I first encountered it. The UI is very designed and intuitive and actually does have a very engaging experience. Right from the start an ‘AI’ bot put me through some paces so as to assess my ‘Level’. After answering all of the questions it decided that I should start on a beginner level. This should have tipped me off that something wasn’t quite right but I resolved to go along with it knowing I would breeze through it quickly. I did. Like I said, the app is very well designed and I was enjoying it - looking forward to the more advanced stuff. Problem is, this app has nothing more than a very basic level of Spanish to offer. I reached out to support and they confirmed as much with a promise that more content would be added. So at best this app is a work in progress pretending to have actual value. But it just doesn’t. The basics of what they teach isn’t as thorough as you’d get in a host of places for free. I’m not even sure I would say what this app offers is much more than an introduction. If this were a free or cheap app, no harm no foul, but the whole thing about a fake AI bot assessing a learner’s ‘level’ under the pretense of actually having something to offer on the path to fluency is just unethical. $100 bucks for what this app really offers is just ridiculous. The bait and switch didn’t really hurt me but that’s a lot of money for some people. It’s just not cool. I don’t know about the other Languages they claim to teach but if you are a Spanish Learner, don’t be fooled by the bells and whistles here - this app has a long way to go before it is anything like a robust learning aid.

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EWA English Language Learning The app needs serious improvements to justify the very high price

A great idea, if you’re looking to level up by reading and listening. But just not worth the price at all.

I am an intermediate/ advanced French speaker & this idea of reading & listening with dictionary is perfect for helping me get to a higher level of vocabulary, improve my sentence formation etc.

Firstly, although the subscription price made my eyes water, I continued to the trial. - (Note: absolutely dislike apps like this one, that force you to commit to a subscription for a trial. It feels like you’re trying to trap people who might forget to cancel after the trial)..

Moving on however: Unfortunately the app needs basic technical improvements.
- the audio ‘read along’ function is a nightmare to rewind. If you’re struggling with a sentence, it’s just frustratingly hard & time consuming to get the app to tap backwards to the section you need to listen to again.

-The speech speed is inaccessible quickly.. So again, in a difficult section, you can’t quickly slow it down to a pace that works for you to listen, read & learn. It’s just mucky UI design.

- Dictionary is far from complete. This should be resolved ASAP, I can’t see any good reason why basic animals are missing from the dictionary. Not good enough given the price.

- The price. This app can only supplement other learning tools, it WON’T replace fully-fledged language learning apps.

The pricing is absolutely unrealistic given - the basic lack of flexibility in the UI
- the difficulty for users to interact smoothly with cadence & repeating sections,
- time-consuming pain to start audio again from a tricky word,
- too unresponsive to users as they’re listening & learning.

- French audio voice is fine. Obviously a little bit robotic, but nothing worth complaining about: good intonation.

Final Thoughts: give it a go for yourself obviously, but IMO nowhere near good enough for the price.

Good idea, but sloppy back-end (dictionaries) & inflexible front-end (user controls) = no thanks. Will stick with voice-over on e-books.

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EWA English Language Learning Not worth the $29 annual subscription

When I signed up up for a trial, I accepted the offer of a $29 annual subscription based on the overall positive reviews. That was a mistake. It’s not worth it.

First, the app asks multiple prying, unnecessary questions, like narrow age ranges. You have to respond to these questions to set up the account. Of course, I assume most people lie in their responses, which makes this data meaningless to whomever buys it.

Secondly, as others have mentioned, there is inappropriate content on the site. I’m by no means a prude. But you will have to choose an app full of violent content or the kids’ version of the app with childish cartoons/content. While the sexual content is of less concern to me, I empathize with the parents who want to block this for their kids. It’s simply unnecessary, insensitive, non-inclusive, and disrespectful action on the developer’s part. (No, setting the “adult content” restriction does NOT resolve the issue.) The app creators clearly don’t understand the difference between children’s content and non-violent adult content. Even the app’s fiction book covers have gory images, including depictions of violence against women. We live in an era of warfare and mass shootings. Do we really need more violence in language learning apps?

Third, when registering, I had to choose between either movies or books. I could only choose one option and could not change it, even with an annual subscription. Language acquisition involves four components: reading/writing and listening/speaking. This app supports either reading or listening. You will miss out on the other half of foundational skills and will not advance to writing or speaking.

Fourth, the app description states that it supports 39 languages. To be clear: It doesn’t. It only supports acquisition of German, Spanish, French, and Italian. You have to select one language to learn and one native language. If you know multiple languages, you will have very limited ability to use laddering, etc. This app is geared to those who have a rudimentary education in one second language.

Fifth, having taken many courses through quality language schools, their definition of “beginning, intermediate, and advanced” are very lax. There is no alignment with general proficiency standards for placement/testing. Don’t expect that you can complete the advanced level and then be ready for an advanced proficiency exam.

Overall, I am disappointed with the app and feel it was a waste of $29. There is nothing here that I can’t do for free with Google Translate and the Chrome Language Learning plug-in that provides verbatim translations and scripts of movies/shows (with laddering). I don’t recommend this app.

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EWA English Language Learning Entertaining but…

This app is very clever and entertaining. I’ll even go as far as to say it’s quite fun. It however is not a viable path to actually learning a language.

I have tried many programs so far: Pimsleur, Rosetta Stone, Babbel and Duolingo. I’m currently deep into Duolingo’s Spanish course. In this review I’ll use it as the benchmark as I believe it is the best program available at the moment.

I believe Duolingo is the best because I have traveled through Mexico and after a few months of daily practice, I’ve been able to speak with native speakers in many settings effectively. I was not able to achieve this with other programs. I highlight this because I feel I know by now what makes a program effective: Can you actually speak (and hopefully write and read too) after a reasonable amount of time?

EWA has all the makings of a program that hits all the right phrases and necessary syntax but lacks the mechanisms which enable your brain to retain and make use of the new skill/knowledge. I used it for a good number or hours. It felt a lot like learning in an academic setting. How many people do you know who say they took a language in school and still can’t speak? I was speaking basic greeting and able to have very basic conversations after a little more time than I spent on EWA. Indicator?

Here’s why Duolingo works and EWA doesn’t:

Duolingo uses logical progressions, repetition, course correction and multi-sensory learning (seeing, hearing, doing/speaking). It is built around a syllabus that is scientifically derived: they have linguistics scholars on staff who have engineered the course to the way our adult brains learn language. It’s masterfully produced down to the voice actors and the NPR style podcast that is included with your subscription. It’s less expensive than EWA( if you buy a family plan). It employes a reward system that is very motivating. It’s very fun and almost addictive at times. Everything about it makes you want to learn and practice, especially the fact you can speak, write and comprehend what you learn after each lesson: it’s useful and effective immediately.

EWA uses gif style film and movie clips, flash cards and games to teach. I can see their angle making it fun and engaging but the methodology is flimsy. Thing is, just making it fun doesn’t equate actual learning and retention.

Let’s look at the first lessons. It started out with ways to say sorry and “don’t worry about it” and then jumped into how to ask someone what they do. I don’t know… I’d rather be able to say “hello, how are you” and “my name is… Do you speak my language?” The lesson progression made no sense.

As for the little video clips: they were fun at first but quickly became so tedious. Example: 7 clips in a row of “Disculpe” said by 7 different actors. That was half the lesson. I spent a full hour learning to say: Excuse me, sorry, I am and don’t worry about it. After an hour of Duolingo I could form full sentences, without prompt… I mean I could go to my friend and say, “Hola, cómo estas? Yo no hablo español muy bien. Hablas inglés? That’s useful! Based on my time with EWA I cannot even begin to believe I would be able to have a functional grasp of Spanish or any other language even after many months with the app.

I could go on. I’ll just say: skip this app if you want to be able to speak… ever. This app is cute and fun and a bit trite. It’s an interesting idea and approach to language learning but it’s pretty much useless if you’re serious about language learning.

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EWA English Language Learning DO NOT PAY if you are intermediate+! Has issues

TLDR: If you are a beginner planning to drop a lot of money on this and don’t want to use Duolingo (though I’ll say that Duolingo is far more “free” than EWA and has fewer issues reaching better/best answers), I recommend going to night classes, buying a textbook, practicing with friends, and/or finding a practice group/tutor. Your foundation will be so much better. This isn’t worth the money. And if you’re at an intermediate level or above? DO NOT GIVE THEM YOUR MONEY! This app doesn’t have enough content for more advanced speakers and has glaring flaws. You are much better off with Duolingo sadly because EWA will just stop having further lessons. And again, if groups/tutors/even chatting with AI in another language is is an option for you, I recommend that above all else.

For one thing, this app has a frustratingly short free trial window. Three days (technically 2 if you want to be sure you get it cancelled) is absurd for language learning! The cancellation process is also stressful, but I blame the Apple App Store for this more than EWA. Still, they certainly rely on people forgetting… I’m just too broke to afford to forget.

The thing is though, I knew within 1 hour that this app wouldn’t work because THERE IS NO MORE CONTENT for people who are already proficient, intermediate, or advanced. I tried skipping some the lessons that were way too easy. I eventually got tired and skipped to the LAST AVAILABLE LESSON. I completed it 100% correct. And it was still what I would consider beginner/barely scraping proficiency or intermediate level. I’m NOT trying to brag here. I want speakers who are intermediate + and looking to practice/brush up to know that IT LITERALLY JUST ENDS before you get to anything challenging or new. So IF YOU’RE INTERMEDIATE AND WANT PRACTICE, DO NOT GET THIS! It’s a massive waste of money.

I do appreciate some aspects of this app. It’s sad because it has potential if they could just create more content (and FIX their errors please!). I really don’t like Duolingo because it’s game-ified, punishing, and impossible to do anything but their endless linear track — im here to LEARN, not “win” Duolingo. For example, I really would like to make a new Duolingo account and get practice with different French subjunctives. But it will take sooo much time of grinding stuff I don’t have the time or need to practice to even get to that section.

EWA doesn’t have this problem! It’s really refreshingly non-punitive, not game-ified, and allows so much room for learners of different kinds*! I love that! And I’m mad that I just can’t get anything out of this app. If it turns out the more advanced content is behind a paywall, then… tbh I’m just going back to Duolingo because at least it’s free to access the higher levels, even if it takes way too much time.

*Caveat here: the app store makes it seem like you can take advantage of all the different learning styles they offer. At least in the free trial, I thought I selected one to start, but then I was unable to try their other methods! So what’s the point?

Final elephant in the room and then I’ll stop being a nerd. Language learning software has always struggled with the issue of multiple correct answers. EWA is NOT exempt from this. A good example is word order. Technically you *canask « Vous êtes Américain? » But that answer is really not it. If you’re using any pronoun, but ESPECIALLY vous, this is NOT polite. The polite word order and the one that’s best for all pronouns is reversed, like: « Êtes-vous Américain? » EWA won’t allow for best answers and I don’t know why they continuously default to worse answers.

I found the same issues in Spanish as well, where “correct” sentences said “¿Ud. tiene tarjeta de crédito?” For the love of god don’t do this irl. There was no mention of the fact that the polite word order — aka the word order that’s best for ANY PRONOUN, but especially Ud. — reverses verb and subject, ie «¿Tiene Ud. tarjeta de crédito?». And please do NOT get me started on «yo yo yo». I know it sounds trivial and pedantic. But if you’re building a foundation for Spanish without dropping pronouns, you will come off as self centered. It’s an entire American stereotype in Spanish-speaking regions. So why is «Yo necesito tarjeta de crédito» always the only correct format when it is VASTLY preferred to say «Necesito tarjeta de crédito»? Duolingo kind of has this problem too, but it at least makes mention of these important grammar rules/guidelines!

So ultimately, I feel like this app has a great idea. But it’s so poorly executed. I will repeat that i DO NOT ever recommend this to people who are any higher than beginners. But even for beginners, I feel really uncomfortable with the amount of extremely important things that EWA fails to mention, messes up, or worse, teaches you to do incorrectly. I would argue that no foundation is better than having to unlearn mistakes from a poorly realized language app.

That’s all I have to say. I’m sorry I let the language nerd in me write this monstrously large review. I promise I don’t ever do this. I just want people to use their money and time wisely!


A really frustrated language tutor!

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EWA English Language Learning Complaints 15

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EWA English Language Learning It’s 2023…and there’s no landscape mode for iPads?

I just downloaded the app. I have the discount code. I was about to get the year subscription because the concept sounded great. Aaaaaannnd, when I went to open the app on my ipad - no landscape mode.

Ipads and tablets have been around for 10 years now. They are ubiquitous. Many people use them (prefer them, even) over laptops and phones. I am on my tablet about 2 hours at night…which is exactly how I would use this app, along with tens of thousands of others.

What gives here? Again, this is 2023.

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EWA English Language Learning Worthless overpriced video lessons

Maybe i should’ve done the reading but I went with the movie speaking track and it is complete garbage.
They give you 50 energy to start and each lesson costs 20 energy. But the first lesson was literally clicking ‘Hola’ 20 times. The second was clicking ‘Buenos días’ or ‘Buenas tardes’ 20 times. It completely ticked me off and brought me to this review. If this app is actually good I will never know it, because the welcome and introduction they give is one of the worst I’ve seen. Even the babel app wasnt this bad.

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EWA English Language Learning What happened to EWA?…

This used to be a great app without billions of ads and the opportunity to use it free now it automatically reverts back to the ads when you are trying to use for the trial period within the same play. Very $$$$$ please restore the old app, make it where you can pay with your iTunes card rather than a credit card so many language apps that are great are not as expensive as EWA and don’t require a credit card,
Hope to come back someday,
Ps please don’t send me your computer generated response that you send to everyone else

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Is EWA English Language Learning Legit?

EWA English Language Learning earns a trustworthiness rating of 97%

Highly recommended, but caution will not hurt.

Our conclusion: EWA English Language Learning stands out for their exceptional legitimacy, according to ComplaintsBoard’s detailed analysis. This highlights EWA English Language Learning's reputation as a trustworthy leader in their field. Customers can rely on EWA English Language Learning's services, assured they're dealing with a highly reputable and fully legitimate company.

EWA English Language Learning resolved 100% of 15 negative reviews, its exceptional achievement and a clear indication of the company's unwavering commitment to customer satisfaction. It would suggest that the company has invested heavily in customer service resources, training, and infrastructure, as well as developed an effective complaint resolution process that prioritizes customer concerns.

EWA English Language Learning has received 6 positive reviews on our site. This is a good sign and indicates a safe and reliable experience for customers who choose to work with the company.

The age of EWA English Language Learning's domain suggests that they have had sufficient time to establish a reputation as a reliable source of information and services. This can provide reassurance to potential customers seeking quality products or services. has a valid SSL certificate, which indicates that the website is secure and trustworthy. Look for the padlock icon in the browser and the "https" prefix in the URL to confirm that the website is using SSL. has been deemed safe to visit, as it is protected by a cloud-based cybersecurity solution that uses the Domain Name System (DNS) to help protect networks from online threats.

We looked up EWA English Language Learning and found that the website is receiving a high amount of traffic. This could be a sign of a popular and trustworthy website, but it is still important to exercise caution and verify the legitimacy of the site before sharing any personal or financial information

However ComplaintsBoard has detected that:

  • EWA English Language Learning protects their ownership data, a common and legal practice. However, from our perspective, this lack of transparency can impede trust and accountability, which are essential for establishing a credible and respected business entity.
  • We conducted a search on social media and found several negative reviews related to EWA English Language Learning. These reviews may indicate issues with the company's products, services, or customer support. It is important to thoroughly research the company and its offerings before making any purchases to avoid any potential risks.
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EWA English Language Learning Don’t try the free trial - you only get two days to cancel before you’re charged

You can’t cancel your free-trial through the app itself. Instead, you have to go into settings/your account/subscriptions and cancel it through a slew of inconvenient steps. They’re basically banking on you failing to cancel the free-trial in time.

To make matters worse, the default subscription is defaulted to their annual plan for $100 and they have this statement in their ‘How to Cancel Guide’:

“You must remember to manually cancel a subscription 24 hours before the trial period ends.”

It’s a pathetic and low attempt at tricking people out of their money.

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EWA English Language Learning Horrible for Spanish learning

We downloaded this app with very high hopes. Absolute failure! Out of about 10 words, almost half had incorrect meaning. For example, “se” was translated as “commit suicide” (excuse me?), “hacienda” was translated as “finances” instead of “estate”, with only one meaning provided (the sentence was that the kid lived on an estate). I could go on an on. After about half an hour of total frustration we cancelled the three day trial. We will just stick with reading Spanish books on Scribd and using paper and pencil for learning vocabulary. In short: EWA no vale la pena.

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EWA English Language Learning Great start

I began using this app a month ago, and immediately liked it, so I purchased the premium version.

I quickly finished the lessons offered, which didn’t take long. Then I discovered that there are no more lessons. That’s it. Done. Nada mas. I can still read books, but that’s not as helpful without more lessons to explain the grammar and help me practice speaking.

Despite purchasing the premium version, I continually get bombarded with discount offers for the premium version that I already own.

I have contact support numerous times, and I haven’t heard back from them once.

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EWA English Language Learning Such potential

This app has great potential. The software is good looking and not buggy and I’d love to learn Spanish by, let’s say, reading Harry Potter without having to consult my Spanish dictionary.

But... the translations are simply wrong for some of these words. Seems pretty clear they are just using something like google translate, and it makes a lot of errors just looking at individual words (versus in the context of a sentence). It would be much better quality if someone (bilingual) proof-read the translation to fix errors. Otherwise it’s so inaccurate as to not be useful. Bummer.

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EWA English Language Learning Amazing idea with lots of flaws

I was excited about this app to keep up my fluent Spanish. It asked me up front what my level was and I thought it would customize the experience towards that level. I decided not to pay for the app as I wanted to try it first. The app doesn’t seem to have any functionality for more advanced speakers in the reading section. The games and the vocabulary are very very basic and there is no way to test out of them and get more applicable content. Also, I agree with other peoples reviews, the pop up translations are lazy and bad. I’m really glad I didn’t pay for this app and I tried it out first!

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EWA English Language Learning Translate feature isn't working

Leaving a 1 Star until this is resolved.

I paid for this app, and the feature I primarily paid for was the in-app translate.

Most of the content is available for free online already, so without the translate feature I'm just throwing away money.

Learning Spanish, current English speaker.
Device is iPhone 12 mini fully updated.
Tried re-installing already.

Error is "APILayerService.ApiError" and happens when selecting a full phrase.

Content for example is El Tesoro en el bosque" by HG Wells.

I've developed apps myself so I understand there are issues and will gladly increase my rating if they are fixed.

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EWA English Language Learning Subscription fraud

We downloaded this “In-App Purchases” App to try & see if it would be good. Didn’t like it as soon as we opened so deleted & never used and somehow we are pending charge of $34.99 6month subscription service that’s now affecting any app downloads from App Store until we pay it ! After talking to Apple they say we have to pay the “Subscription” in order to continue using App Store !

And no we do not get a warning when first entering app “subscription is automatically renewable” according to some of the developers response in the reviews. Subscription should not be automatically forced upon ! Watch out for unexpected charges & subscription !

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EWA English Language Learning Great Idea but Needs work

I tried out the free trial and love the idea of learning a new language while reading some of my favorite classics. But still I had to have Google translate open to help me out. Some of the vocabulary translations made no sense in the context of the sentence and when double checked with Google translate, I realized the definition was wrong or the word could be translated that way but not in this context. I also was hoping every word would be available to tap on for vocabulary but some significant and confusing words were not available as vocabulary. I definitely would not pay for a subscription for this until the tweaks get fixed. Lots of potential in this program it’s just not there yet.

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EWA English Language Learning False Advertising

I lived in Colombia for two years and came to speak Spanish fluently. I downloaded and bought the app because I was led to think it would help me increase me fluency even more and brush up on lost idiomatic phrases l, etc. I was told (as I answered their questions to show my level of spanish) that they had a learning experience tailored to my level of ability. I get to the app and, to my great dismay, they start me at level 0, a beginning Spanish speaker. Theu sure reeled me on. I paid a fair chunk of money for this app hoping for good language training (seeing how they used video clips to teach) but it turns out, the training is essentially as good as Duo Lingo, a free language learning app.

Very disappointed.

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EWA English Language Learning No bueno

1. Why are all the examples with sex and horror jokers and witches. Why is everything today filled with that trash!? What ever happened to good old PG content ?
2. 10 dumb exercises just to learn the word hola after i said i was intermediate
3. Tried a few books and the selection was very small and not every word was clickable, including words i dont know and when you click on the words they dont give you the conjugated translation so the story made no sense. It should translate the way the word is being used in the story. I cancelled within 10 min
4. 3 days is not enough to test this app personally assuming one likes it, which I quickly didn’t so it was a fast no for me.
5. Only have 4 languages to learn


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EWA English Language Learning Reasons

Way overpriced. No landscape view. No bookmarks to hold places in very long books. All books are just a giant vertical screen of never ending scrolling. You can hi-light words but not phrases, you can’t put phrases from the books in flash cards but only individual words which are often the wrong translation of the word when words have different meanings. Their language learning is just flash cards. The voice read overs are not terrible but they’re just a computer voice , you can get YouTube to read to you in a human voice for nothing. Almost all of these issues are fixable , I’ve included the feedback and had zero response from this company, this after having paid $100 for a yearly subscription. Nice customer service EWA. I do not recommend.

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EWA English Language Learning Not going to work for me

First, I can’t even find the movie Heroes part after I chose to start with books. I realize I don’t know enough Spanish to read many words at all so I have to click on almost every word. I tried the vocabulary part. But it looks like it’s just a test to see how much you know. And it says “Feliz” means “lucky” even though google, duo lingo and the feliz navidad song all say it means “happy”
I don’t trust the translations and I don’t see any books that interest me anyway. I’m more of a mystery, Stephen king fan when it comes to books. I also am not a fan of not being able to do much at all without a bunch of energy points. Duo lingo is way better in that they allow you to practice all the time on the free version without waiting for hearts or energy.

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About EWA English Language Learning

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EWA English Language Learning is an innovative and comprehensive language learning platform that offers a wide range of tools and resources to help learners improve their English language skills. The platform is designed to cater to learners of all levels, from beginners to advanced learners, and provides a personalized learning experience that is tailored to each individual's needs and goals.

One of the key features of EWA English Language Learning is its interactive and engaging content. The platform offers a variety of multimedia resources, including videos, audio recordings, and interactive exercises, that help learners to practice their listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. The content is designed to be engaging and relevant to learners' interests, making it easier for them to stay motivated and focused on their language learning goals.

Another important aspect of EWA English Language Learning is its focus on personalized learning. The platform uses advanced algorithms to analyze learners' progress and provide personalized feedback and recommendations. This helps learners to identify their strengths and weaknesses and focus on areas where they need the most improvement. Additionally, learners can set their own goals and track their progress over time, which helps to keep them motivated and engaged in the learning process.

EWA English Language Learning also offers a range of features that make it easy for learners to practice their language skills in real-world situations. For example, the platform offers a virtual conversation partner feature that allows learners to practice their speaking skills with a native English speaker. Additionally, the platform offers a range of interactive games and quizzes that help learners to practice their language skills in a fun and engaging way.

Overall, EWA English Language Learning is a comprehensive and effective language learning platform that offers a range of tools and resources to help learners improve their English language skills. Whether you are a beginner or an advanced learner, EWA English Language Learning can help you achieve your language learning goals and become a more confident and proficient English speaker.

Overview of EWA English Language Learning complaint handling

EWA English Language Learning reviews first appeared on Complaints Board on May 10, 2023. The latest review Better than Rosetta Stone! was posted on Jun 9, 2023. The latest complaint It’s 2023…and there’s no landscape mode for iPads? was resolved on Jun 13, 2023. EWA English Language Learning has an average consumer rating of 5 stars from 32 reviews. EWA English Language Learning has resolved 15 complaints.
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EWA English Language Learning is ranked 7 among 26 companies in the Language Learning category

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