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Impark Parking Complaints 117

4:31 pm EDT

Impark Parking impark parking lot at dundas and spadina toronto

Hi there,

I have a monthly parking pass and parked my car for work. I came back to find that there was a pipe in the lot that was dripping all over my car. I found out it was an oily substance and it damaged and corroted the paint on my car.

I got it washed and the damage was still there.

I need to have this rectified immediately- please contact me.

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10:50 pm EDT
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Impark Parking I am complaining about my ticket notice not right

I parked my car at the front door of Steam Work Restaurant - 6:35PM on Sunday, Sep16th2018
(Gastown - Vancouver) inside the Impark Lot (531, address: 601 West Cordova Street). I paid 9, 75$ for 3 hours until 9:35PM, I put the ticket on the back seat
However, when I finished after my dinner, I saw they give me the notice paper and I need to pay.
But my car still in 3 hours I paid for parked. I took a picture of their notice and my ticket I paid, time when it happened as well. They gave a notice is not right and I won't pay for that.

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9:25 pm EDT

Impark Parking patroller #19

Yesterday my vehicle was towed after being parked for NINE minutes at the Edmonton City Centre Mall. How can that possibly be justified? I had to recover my car from the tow yard which cost $270, and I asked them when the call came to them. They informed me it was just before 9pm. When I recovered my car there was a "ticket" time stamped at 8:50. I parked at 8:41.
How is any of this justified?

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Update by Jclan
Aug 19, 2018 3:33 am EDT

So Impark committed Grand theft auto on my vehicle tonight. I have zero tickets with them, because the last one I received was over 2 years ago, but they went ahead and had my car towed for an infraction of maybe 3 hours of parking.
So thanks for committing criminal activities.
I'll be expecting my lot fees to be reimbursed without question.

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10:41 pm EDT
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Impark Parking notice#01e959706

On the date I was ticketed, I sent you a message thorough your website. There is no sign to show there is a limit of free parking where I parked;the 85 fee is absurd. Most importantly, the patroller made a mistake. At that time, I did not submit the picture. Just let you know, I was not parking on stall 70 when the ticket was issued.
Today I received a letter(ICBC is shameless to sell all the driver's information!) claiming the fee will go to a debt collection company. I Just want to let you know I will sue you through small claim court after I receive the first call from the debt collection people. If you want to fine the vehicle parking on Stall 70, it is fine. But that is not my vehicle.You should have a better patroller.

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8:44 pm EDT
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Impark Parking complaint about patroller or impark officer

Hello, my name is jasleen singh. I parked my car in front of calgary laboratory services on date August 14, 2018 around 3.15 pm. I was having appointment with doctor and i parked in front of the laboratory. There is free parking and no impark or paid parking sign over there. When i went out from the laboratory, i was shocked when i saw ticket in front of my car gave to me unnecessarily. I wanna to say that, they gave me unnecessary ticket coz of no paid parking sign and no other impark sign as well as there was other cars are standing too. Please reply me as soon as possible. I don't wanna to pay this ticket until they provide me valid reason. I am having question to that officer that why he gave me this ticket and this is too much. I am not putting up into this unnecessary ticket. Please call me for more information-[protected] and email is - [protected] The postal code I mentioned below is my home postal code.

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5:59 pm EDT

Impark Parking why is level 1 l off limits to monthly paying customers?

Last wk the elevators were't turned on at 7am I had to use the escalator w/my kids, things etc My 8 yr old tried to get onto the escalator but I was already on moving up holding my 3 yr old she cried I screamed to coach her 2 make it on Today we waited 15 mins 4 the elevator 2 be turned on the escalator was closed I'm strongly asking to park in 1L!

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Update by Anissa Mendez
May 14, 2018 6:05 pm EDT

My name is Anissa Mendez. I am a resident at The Alexander, Luxury Apartments in Rego Park, Queens, NY.

I am writing to express my disappointment and bring awareness to the parking inconveniences I have been subjected to since we moved into the Alexander three weeks ago.

When we came to see the Alexander – we were told that parking was available and convenient. It wasn’t until all paperwork was signed and we moved in, when we discovered that there were actually 2 options for parking, the private parking option (for $250) and the option to park on levels 1A, 2, 3 (for $190)

Of course, it was clear to us that we would select the private parking option because I travel alone with my two children, with book bags and baby carriages and other necessary things that I need for my children and for my work, daily. Walking a far distance to get to the car was never an option we would choose.

Soon we realized, there really are NO options.

Issue # 1: We were not aware that the parking company was in transition as it was taken over by another company. Literally, the week we moved in. All residents were required to re-apply for their parking passes. When I went to apply for a parking pass (with both my children) we waited on a 10 minute line – only to be turned away – the reason – “We are not accepting new applications at this time” I was told to come back on Sunday – which was Easter Sunday to try again.

On that Monday – I returned – waited once again on line – with my 2 children-and again the new management told me they were not able to accept new applications for parking. It wasn’t until I spoke to management at the Alexander when a phone call was made on my behalf – I was told to return for the 3rd time to the parking office to put in my application for parking.

Issue # 2: When the parking company finally accepted my application I was charged $230 upfront – I assumed that was because I would be able to park in the private parking area adjacent to the Alexander. I was mistaken.

After sending the company an email requesting an explanation as to why I was charged so much – The response came three weeks later – asking “what city are you in?” and nothing more. I later discovered that there was a waiting list to get into the private parking area. Therefore, leaving me NO choice but to park in the other parking levels.

Issue # 3: So allow me to explain what it is like to park on the other levels. Purely inconvenient. When I return from work I am forced to wait in whatever traffic the public lot may have that day. The parking on level 1A is always full at around 4pm- 5pm. So I have to park on level 2 or 3. With my 2 children and things… I have to wait for the elevator because the stairs aren’t an option for me with all of the things we carry home.

The elevators are packed with customers for the mall and Costco. Yesterday – we could not get out of the elevator because the door opened on the opposite end and the elevator was so packed we had to travel up and down until enough people exited – giving us wiggle room to leave the elevator. Add in the walking distance and you can say it takes me 15 minutes just to get home from my parking spot.

Issue # 4: Leaving in the morning- purely inconvenient. Just this morning my kids and I waited for the elevator 10 minutes – that never came. We had to figure out – it was shut down or broken (I guess) and use the elevator that only goes to level 1A. but we were parked on level 2. With carriages and children – We took the escalator. To level 2. 15 minutes from the moment I left my apartment to exit the parking lot.

Issue # 5: The Alexander sent us the email about not parking in 1L. because… “These levels are intended for mall customer parking only.” Which seems like a really bad deal for the residents of the Alexander. From what I have witnessed, level 1L is not as widely used by customers of the mall, as the other levels, and it is the most convenient level for the residents of the Alexander.

It is no surprise that people who live in the Alexander would use that level since there is no need to go through the “obstacle course” to get to their home. It seems to me that elderly residents and residents with children should be given an exception to be able to park in 1L.

My husband and I work extremely hard to be able to afford to live in a place like the Alexander. We moved here for the local convenience. We would, without question, pay the extra fee to be able to park in the private parking.

I am pretty sure we would not have chosen to live in the Alexander had we been fully aware of the parking situation. 30 to 40 minutes a day used to travel from and to my car is just unacceptable when my time is valuable. Not to mention that we pay $190 which is way overpriced for the inconvenience of this all.

The mere fact that the parking company has changed hands with another company is no excuse for the time, stress, and energy that I have had to put into living this inconvenience.

We truly love our new home at the Alexander. Everyone from the management, down have been more than accommodating. Since we are well qualified and prepared to live here for years to come we hope this parking situation can be rectified.

We are requesting to be placed immediately on the waiting list for the internal parking and for the parking company to re-consider allowing residents of the Alexander to park in level 1L over night at least until we finally move forward on the waiting list and get a spot on the inside, otherwise a reduction in a monthly charge should be applied to the “obstacle course” parking option.

Thank you for your time, Anissa Mendez

Update by Anissa Mendez
May 14, 2018 6:04 pm EDT

To whom it may concern:

Since my last letter – I have experienced new disruptions to my already chaotic trip to get to my car in the morning and to come home in the afternoon.

This concerns not just the inconveniences but the safety of my children.

We have tried to be optimistic about exercising in the early morning. Both my children have to ride their scooters through the parking lot for time management while I jog next to them. My worry is that it is an open area for moving cars. There is clearly some element of danger there, even though I am diligent about training my kids to be careful.

We need to move quickly because we have no idea how long it will take to get to our car.

Last week- the elevators were not yet turned on at 7am – I wasn’t aware of when they would be turned on. I was forced to use the only other source available, the escalator, with both my children, their scooters, two book bags, lunches, my briefcase, and one carriage.

My 8 year old daughter got scared as she tried to get onto the escalator, while I was already on, moving upward, carrying our things and holding my 3 year old. While she cried, I screamed to coach her to make it on, a traumatic experience for her and me, to say the least.

Just today, my children and I waited 13 minutes for the elevator to be turned on. And even though the escalator is no longer a choice for me…it was closed, none the less. I thought it would be best to video tape my experience trying to get to my car, for example in the morning, for more clarity. I spoke to several people who were waiting who told me this sort of thing happens all of the time.

I cannot remain quiet about what is happening, especially since I believe this can all be easily resolved.

Level 1L – is hardly used by anyone. I am absolutely sure of it. We are already on a waiting list that was apparently hand written on a post-it – one can only imagine how accurate the list really is.

I am strongly requesting – that I be allowed to park in level 1L while we wait on the waiting list for a spot in the private area. Surely an exception can be made for a mother with 2 kids.

Thank you,

Anissa Mendez

Update by Anissa Mendez
May 14, 2018 6:03 pm EDT

Today - first thing Monday morning - my parking pass was not opening the gate for my car to exit- the color turned green but the gate did not open - While others were able to exit - We were stuck waiting... I had to call the concierge from my building - The Alexander - to walk around and open the gate for me-

I don't need to express how these inconveniences effect the rest of my day -
I will instead remind Impark that we are paying costumers- $190 a month for this type of service - with no other choices - we are up against a wall - having to pay for a ton of inconveniences- in such a short time-

I would also like to document the abandoned cars left to rot in the lot - on level 1A - While I- a paying customer is threatened by Impark to get towed- when trying to park on Level1L for better access to my building -
I am a NYC school teacher - with A LOT of patience but this is just outrageous.

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11:15 am EDT
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Impark Parking parking, penticton regional hospital

I purchased a 2 day pass, expired April 15, 2018 at 9:57 am. Ticket # [protected], add time # 106267. It was extremely windy last night and although I had this ticket displayed on my dashboard it must have blown off when closing the car door. It was dark and I was not aware it had blown off. I found it on the floor passenger side after driving home last night. I am handicapped and had my disability pass hanging from my rear view mirror.

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3:24 pm EST

Impark Parking tony runge-parking manager

My daughter got a parking ticket which we felt was given to her for the wrong offence. We were trying to explain what happened as asked if the bylaw person who issued the ticket could be contacted as we felt they could verify or support us in confirming that we were telling the truth. We were asking to have the ticket amended, not voided. In all my correspondence I was respectful and professional. All I asked in the last email was to more clearly explain and ask that they contact the bylaw person that had been there to confirm that a car had already been parked there as my daughter had seen the bylaw vehicle nearby when she pulled in. Tony Runge replied with a rude, unprofessional email which I find offensive when all we were asking was to check with the bylaw person who was there who should have been able to back up what we were saying with respect to the ticket. Receiving a response like this, especially from someone who is supposed to be a manager, is again, uncalled for an unprofessional and offensive. I did not say anything in my email to deserve that response.

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10:11 am EST

Impark Parking parking notice

Impark Contacts & Information
Posted: Dec 15, 2017 by B. marinescu
Parking Notice
Complaint Rating: 0 % with 1 votes
Contact information:
Toronto, Ontario
Good morning,

Re: Notice # 09F166992

Please be advised that we have called the Parking Ticket's Department on December 3, 2017, advising that the above noted ticket was issued in an abusive manner.
At the time when the officer issued the ticket I was in the car, not parked, with a witness in my car, and it is my right to file an lawsuit against this unjust action.

Please make the verification and clarify this situation.

Thank you.


Doina Marinescu

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Update by Doina Marinescu
Feb 05, 2018 10:11 am EST

Submit a Complaint Impark Parking Corporation
Posted: Feb 5, 2018 by Doina Marinescu
Parking Notice
Complaint Rating: 0 % with 1 votes
Impark Contacts & Information
Posted: Dec 15, 2017 by B. marinescu
Parking Notice
Complaint Rating: 0 % with 1 votes
Contact information:
Toronto, Ontario
Good morning,

Re: Notice # 09F166992

Please be advised that we have called the Parking Ticket's Department on December 3, 2017, advising that the above noted ticket was issued in an abusive manner.
At the time when the officer issued the ticket I was in the car, not parked, with a witness in my car, and it is my right to file an lawsuit against this unjust action.

Please make the verification and clarify this situation.

Thank you.


Doina Marinescu

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5:44 pm EST

Impark Parking lot 1651 not labelled properly

I reversed into a stall and there was a pipe sticking out of the wall that I was backing into that was not labelled with yellow tape or a warning sign to "not back in". The pipe scratched the roof of my vehicle. I have taken pictures of everything, the stall, the pipe and the damage. Please let me know if you can do anything before I take legal action. The lot is located in north vancouver, Lot 1651.

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Shaun R.
Jan 22, 2018 7:13 pm EST

Please let us know if you really take legal action.

10:48 am EST

Impark Parking parking pass - parking tickets

I purchased a monthly parking pass from you guys on December 11, 2017 to be active on January 2. This left ample time receive the pass in the mail. Today is January 4 and I still have not received the pass. I also have to call the monthly parking department and also the ticket place and wait on hold for a total of half an hour EVERYDAY as I am being ticketed EVERYDAY. they keep saying they will put a note on my account and everyday I get another ticket. I am very frustrated with this whole situation !

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5:33 am EST

Impark Parking parking notice

Good morning,

Re: Notice # 09F166992

Please be advised that we have called the Parking Ticket's Department on December 3, 2017, advising that the above noted ticket was issued in an abusive manner.
At the time when the officer issued the ticket I was in the car, not parked, with a witness in my car, and it is my right to file an lawsuit against this unjust action.

Please make the verification and clarify this situation.

Thank you.


Doina Marinescu

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11:33 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Impark Parking parking notice 02f 153793 - pass numbers 242623, 334243 licence 19l278

I received a parking notice. I have two monthly parking passes for over ten years. I called to advise Impark. I was told it could not be cancelled. I was told to contact City Collection Company Ltd. I called City Collection Company Ltd, I was told it could not be cancelled and advised to Call Impark.
I have valid parking passes on my vehicles. I called Impark again.
I was told by Impark that "I had no alternative but to pay this one as its too late to query it" . I asked if there was any way to contact Impark by email to make a formal complaint. I was told no there is no way to file a complaint. I asked to speak to a supervisor. I was told everyone follows the same rules and I could not speak to anyone else.
Thank you,
Denis Byrne

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5:56 am EST

Impark Parking 875 heron road, ottawa

The pay reader doesn't accept new credit cards.
My BMO credit card is rejected. It shows not readable. I use my card everywhere without any proble. Imoact old pay station at Heron road is the only one rejecting my card.
Been like that for about 2 months
I spoke with Impact agent at CRA.
I told him the parking pay station doesn't read my credit card.
He said it is working fine.
Now the change dispenser to be allow to pay cash has been out of service for days
Serge [protected]

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4:46 pm EST

Impark Parking impark - parking lot

I parked in the impark parking on marine gateway and paid my parking ticket with pay by phone, when I came back I had a ticket. I called impark customer service and one of the representatives told me that it was my fault to get the ticket and when I tried to explain to her that I parked my car within the same floor and I did not know it was different locations with in the same floor., she did not let me finish and was super rude in her answers and kept telling me it was my fault. If you are having 2 separate locations within the same floor you should expect to have lots of clients making the same mistake and the least you can do is to treat your clients with respect. Also, I got a second ticket from impark at the costco downtown location (Time of the parking ticket 18:36 pm - time of my paid parking receipt 18:29 pm), I spent 2 hours of my time waiting for a customer service to help me with these tickets. Impark made a mistake and I had to lost 3 hours of my time for their mistakes.

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2:50 pm EDT

Impark Parking parking infrastructure

Hi There,

Yesterday (16th Oct 2017) around 1610 hours at Century Park LRT Free parking lot in Edmonton (2515 111 Street NW Edmonton, AB T6J). While I was taking my vehicle out of the parking stalls to outlet while turning right for exit, one of the cement movable blocks which are used by Impark for ending the parking zone was moved in a way it was cutting out in road. Which is totally not visible while turning right. It got my vehicle scratched from passenger side from from front to rear. This is a Infrastructure fault for not maintaining parking lots properly and damaging public property. As per city council of Edmonton this is liability of Impark . So please advise me how Impark will deal with this vehicle damage.
Please contact me at [protected].

I called impark office as well on same day and customer service rep took my details and assured that I will get a call from them regarding this matter. Since nobody called and reacted to this matter until now. So filling an online complaint regarding this.

Hope to hear from you at the earliest .

Lovedeep Suri

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7:59 am EDT

Impark Parking ticket

Notice# 13A403374.
I had every intention of paying for my parking.

The machine is the problem!
It doesnt take bills!
It doesnt take debit!
It doesnt take credit card!

so with nothing else on me I left!

This is terrible and I will not be paying this bill!

Date: Oct.[protected]:14am
P# 34

location 100 Queens Ave London ON

This is just unfair, if you had the means for me to pay this I definately would of, but who comes to court with a pocket full of change of $ 15.00

Just ridicoulous!

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11:42 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Impark Parking refund due

On Sept 26, 2017 AM I parked in lot #1024 by the Port Moody West Coast Express. By mistake, I paid for the parking of my old car 116 FJK (as it was previously registered in the system). I realized the error and immediately called the telephone number posted in the lot [protected]). I spoke with someone at customer service and requested that the $3 be transferred to my new car (EF5 58W). I was told me they could not do this, and that I had to call back the pay by phone number to park my new car and then, I was clearly instructed to call [protected] to arrange for a refund. I expressed that it would cost more for the postage and their time to process this $3 refund. However, I did as directed and was told that there was no record of any paid parking (of either of the 2 cars) this morning. I have now learned that the telephone number I was instructed to call was to Westpark - an entirely separate company that also manages parking lots! This caused great confusion as I had no idea I was calling another company. To further confuse the situation... I parked in an Impark lot but the online receipt (that I was later able to secure) was to an Imperial lot.

This confusion continued as the representative at Westpark told me to contact Impark to get proof of purchase so that they could issue a refund. I then called Impark (spoke with Mark Lothman) to find out how to get the proof of purchase info. He walked me through it online (I cut and pasted the proof of payment below). Impark (Mark Lothman) then gave me Westpark's email address so I could get my refund processed. I emailed Westpark and received a telephone call from their customer service explaining that Westpark was not at all responsible as I did not park in their lot.

Here is the info from the Impark (? Imperial) website.

Location: 1024
License: EF558W From 7:29 AM 9/26/2017
To 11:59 PM 9/26/2017 Imperial Parking
Parking $3.00 CAD
Location: 1024
License: 116FJK From 7:11 AM 9/26/2017
To 11:59 PM 9/26/2017 Imperial Parking
Parking $3.00 CAD

I would have emailed Impark about this but their website does not list any contact email addresses (only telephone numbers). This is about what is right and good customer service.
I would be happy to share my relevant emails, but there was not anyway to attach them.

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3:43 pm EDT

Impark Parking trying to solve a parking in a wrong spot

Hello, this is not a complaint at all, hope I'm in the correct web site explaining my issue. On Oct.1 my husband and I arrived Richmond, Vancouver BC by crossing the border, driving a rental vehicle in Seattle.
We decided to park the vehicle by ourselves (instead of paying valet) but we parked in the wrong parking area. We didn't notice until the next morning when we saw the notice from impark placed in the front wind shield.
The hotel asked me to called your office directly and explained my mistake. The instruction that I received is the steps that I'm following now.
Please understand that it was not my intention to has this happened. Please accept my apologize if this is causing your offices more job time.
Thanks for understanding.

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6:51 pm EDT

Impark Parking parking

On June 16, 2017 I parked in the Impark lot near St Michael's hospital in Toronto, ON. I paid $30 to the attendant upon entering the lot. When I returned to the car several hours later I found an $80 ticket on the car. I should not be ticketed when I paid to park in the lot. I made an effort to contact Impark through their website and have received no reply apart from threat letters saying they are sending the ticket to a collection agency. I expect to have this ticket dropped as it was unfounded. Tickets aren't legitimate if they offer no complaint resolution process.

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Overview of Impark Parking complaint handling

Impark Parking reviews first appeared on Complaints Board on Jul 6, 2008. The latest review Calgary Impark lot 425 - safety was posted on Jul 17, 2024. The latest complaint Online Account Access was resolved on Jul 03, 2023. Impark Parking has an average consumer rating of 1 stars from 117 reviews. Impark Parking has resolved 8 complaints.
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    +1 (403) 299-7275
    +1 (403) 299-7275
    Click up if you have successfully reached Impark Parking by calling +1 (403) 299-7275 phone number 0 0 users reported that they have successfully reached Impark Parking by calling +1 (403) 299-7275 phone number Click down if you have unsuccessfully reached Impark Parking by calling +1 (403) 299-7275 phone number 0 0 users reported that they have UNsuccessfully reached Impark Parking by calling +1 (403) 299-7275 phone number
    Calgary, Canada
    +1 (780) 420-1976
    +1 (780) 420-1976
    Click up if you have successfully reached Impark Parking by calling +1 (780) 420-1976 phone number 0 0 users reported that they have successfully reached Impark Parking by calling +1 (780) 420-1976 phone number Click down if you have unsuccessfully reached Impark Parking by calling +1 (780) 420-1976 phone number 0 0 users reported that they have UNsuccessfully reached Impark Parking by calling +1 (780) 420-1976 phone number
    Edmonton, Canada
    +1 (250) 372-0203
    +1 (250) 372-0203
    Click up if you have successfully reached Impark Parking by calling +1 (250) 372-0203 phone number 0 0 users reported that they have successfully reached Impark Parking by calling +1 (250) 372-0203 phone number Click down if you have unsuccessfully reached Impark Parking by calling +1 (250) 372-0203 phone number 0 0 users reported that they have UNsuccessfully reached Impark Parking by calling +1 (250) 372-0203 phone number
    Kamloops, Canada
    +1 (250) 763-9905
    +1 (250) 763-9905
    Click up if you have successfully reached Impark Parking by calling +1 (250) 763-9905 phone number 0 0 users reported that they have successfully reached Impark Parking by calling +1 (250) 763-9905 phone number Click down if you have unsuccessfully reached Impark Parking by calling +1 (250) 763-9905 phone number 0 0 users reported that they have UNsuccessfully reached Impark Parking by calling +1 (250) 763-9905 phone number
    Kelowna, Canada
    +1 (902) 423-1126
    +1 (902) 423-1126
    Click up if you have successfully reached Impark Parking by calling +1 (902) 423-1126 phone number 0 0 users reported that they have successfully reached Impark Parking by calling +1 (902) 423-1126 phone number Click down if you have unsuccessfully reached Impark Parking by calling +1 (902) 423-1126 phone number 0 0 users reported that they have UNsuccessfully reached Impark Parking by calling +1 (902) 423-1126 phone number
    Halifax, Canada
    +1 (905) 648-5131
    +1 (905) 648-5131
    Click up if you have successfully reached Impark Parking by calling +1 (905) 648-5131 phone number 0 0 users reported that they have successfully reached Impark Parking by calling +1 (905) 648-5131 phone number Click down if you have unsuccessfully reached Impark Parking by calling +1 (905) 648-5131 phone number 0 0 users reported that they have UNsuccessfully reached Impark Parking by calling +1 (905) 648-5131 phone number
    Ancaster, Canada
    +1 (519) 433-7511
    +1 (519) 433-7511
    Click up if you have successfully reached Impark Parking by calling +1 (519) 433-7511 phone number 0 0 users reported that they have successfully reached Impark Parking by calling +1 (519) 433-7511 phone number Click down if you have unsuccessfully reached Impark Parking by calling +1 (519) 433-7511 phone number 0 0 users reported that they have UNsuccessfully reached Impark Parking by calling +1 (519) 433-7511 phone number
    London, Canada
    +1 (514) 875-5626
    +1 (514) 875-5626
    Click up if you have successfully reached Impark Parking by calling +1 (514) 875-5626 phone number 0 0 users reported that they have successfully reached Impark Parking by calling +1 (514) 875-5626 phone number Click down if you have unsuccessfully reached Impark Parking by calling +1 (514) 875-5626 phone number 0 0 users reported that they have UNsuccessfully reached Impark Parking by calling +1 (514) 875-5626 phone number
    Montreal, Canada
    +1 (613) 234-6119
    +1 (613) 234-6119
    Click up if you have successfully reached Impark Parking by calling +1 (613) 234-6119 phone number 0 0 users reported that they have successfully reached Impark Parking by calling +1 (613) 234-6119 phone number Click down if you have unsuccessfully reached Impark Parking by calling +1 (613) 234-6119 phone number 0 0 users reported that they have UNsuccessfully reached Impark Parking by calling +1 (613) 234-6119 phone number
    Ottawa, Canada
    +1 (250) 563-8430
    +1 (250) 563-8430
    Click up if you have successfully reached Impark Parking by calling +1 (250) 563-8430 phone number 0 0 users reported that they have successfully reached Impark Parking by calling +1 (250) 563-8430 phone number Click down if you have unsuccessfully reached Impark Parking by calling +1 (250) 563-8430 phone number 0 0 users reported that they have UNsuccessfully reached Impark Parking by calling +1 (250) 563-8430 phone number
    Prince George, Canada
    +1 (306) 352-2681
    +1 (306) 352-2681
    Click up if you have successfully reached Impark Parking by calling +1 (306) 352-2681 phone number 0 0 users reported that they have successfully reached Impark Parking by calling +1 (306) 352-2681 phone number Click down if you have unsuccessfully reached Impark Parking by calling +1 (306) 352-2681 phone number 0 0 users reported that they have UNsuccessfully reached Impark Parking by calling +1 (306) 352-2681 phone number
    Regina, Canada
    +1 (306) 653-1884
    +1 (306) 653-1884
    Click up if you have successfully reached Impark Parking by calling +1 (306) 653-1884 phone number 0 0 users reported that they have successfully reached Impark Parking by calling +1 (306) 653-1884 phone number Click down if you have unsuccessfully reached Impark Parking by calling +1 (306) 653-1884 phone number 0 0 users reported that they have UNsuccessfully reached Impark Parking by calling +1 (306) 653-1884 phone number
    Saskatoon, Canada
    +1 (416) 369-1801
    +1 (416) 369-1801
    Click up if you have successfully reached Impark Parking by calling +1 (416) 369-1801 phone number 0 0 users reported that they have successfully reached Impark Parking by calling +1 (416) 369-1801 phone number Click down if you have unsuccessfully reached Impark Parking by calling +1 (416) 369-1801 phone number 0 0 users reported that they have UNsuccessfully reached Impark Parking by calling +1 (416) 369-1801 phone number
    Toronto, Canada
    +1 (604) 681-7311
    +1 (604) 681-7311
    Click up if you have successfully reached Impark Parking by calling +1 (604) 681-7311 phone number 0 0 users reported that they have successfully reached Impark Parking by calling +1 (604) 681-7311 phone number Click down if you have unsuccessfully reached Impark Parking by calling +1 (604) 681-7311 phone number 0 0 users reported that they have UNsuccessfully reached Impark Parking by calling +1 (604) 681-7311 phone number
    Head Office, Vancouver
    +1 (604) 331-7288
    +1 (604) 331-7288
    Click up if you have successfully reached Impark Parking by calling +1 (604) 331-7288 phone number 0 0 users reported that they have successfully reached Impark Parking by calling +1 (604) 331-7288 phone number Click down if you have unsuccessfully reached Impark Parking by calling +1 (604) 331-7288 phone number 0 0 users reported that they have UNsuccessfully reached Impark Parking by calling +1 (604) 331-7288 phone number
    Customer Service, Vancouver
    +1 (204) 943-3578
    +1 (204) 943-3578
    Click up if you have successfully reached Impark Parking by calling +1 (204) 943-3578 phone number 0 0 users reported that they have successfully reached Impark Parking by calling +1 (204) 943-3578 phone number Click down if you have unsuccessfully reached Impark Parking by calling +1 (204) 943-3578 phone number 0 0 users reported that they have UNsuccessfully reached Impark Parking by calling +1 (204) 943-3578 phone number
    Winnipeg, Canada
    More phone numbers
  3. Impark Parking emails
  4. Impark Parking address
    601 W Cordova Street, Suite 200, Vancouver, Ontario, V6B1G1, Canada
  5. Impark Parking social media
  6. Janet
    Checked and verified by Janet This contact information is personally checked and verified by the ComplaintsBoard representative. Learn more
    Jul 18, 2024

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