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Christin Reviews 20

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Christin Psychic Medium Christin: Accurate Readings, but Untrustworthy and Expensive

At the beginning, I was really impressed with Christin's abilities as a psychic medium. Her first reading was so accurate that I was convinced she was the real deal. She knew exactly what was going on in my life and her predictions seemed to be on point too. She even gave me specific dates and time frames for when things would happen.

I was so impressed with her that I decided to pay for more of her services. She even talked to me about my belief in Chinese "fung shui" theory, which made me feel like she really understood me. I knew that anyone who provided such great service deserved to be paid, so I didn't mind paying for the first and second service fees.

However, when she asked for almost $300 for the third service charge, I started to feel uneasy. I mean, if her free reading was so accurate, she should have known that I didn't have that kind of money to spend. I even emailed her twice to ask for a refund, but she never replied. This made me suspicious, so I decided to do some research on her.

After looking her up, I found out that I wasn't the only one who had been scammed by her. Many people had complained about her high fees and lack of response to refund requests. I was so disappointed that I decided to contact my bank to stop payment.

Overall, I would say that while Christin may have some psychic abilities, she is not trustworthy and is only out to make money. I would advise anyone considering using her services to be cautious and not to spend more than they can afford.

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Christin Beware of Christin's Alarming Emails: A Review of Suspicious Claims and Requests for Money

So, me and my partner have been receiving emails from Christin and let me tell you, they are quite alarming. She keeps saying that my partner is going to come into a huge amount of money, but in order for it to happen, she needs to intervene and materialize it. The thing that really scared me was when she said that something bad was about to happen to my partner if she didn't intervene. She apologized for bringing such alarming news, but then said that a huge expense was coming our way after the 6th of February and we wouldn't have enough money to cover it. She even went as far as to say that things would get even worse unless she intervened.

Now, my partner and I are already struggling as it is, so you can imagine how anxious I am feeling right now. I clicked on the link that Christin provided and she was asking for ?19.00 to do some sort of spell or ritual to make all of our dreams come true. She also mentioned that my partner was the victim of jealousy and in danger, but that she could help him with a ritual.

I am just wondering if anyone else has received emails like this from Christin? I am really worried that something bad is going to happen and I am a bag of nerves. It's not easy dealing with all of this stress and anxiety, especially when we are already struggling financially.

Overall, I am not sure what to make of Christin and her emails. On one hand, she seems to be offering help and guidance, but on the other hand, she is asking for money and making some pretty alarming claims. I think it's important to be cautious and not jump into anything without doing some research first.

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Christin Disappointing Experience with Pushy Sales Tactics and Lack of Response

I have to say, my experience with Christin and her website has been quite disappointing. I received an email from her every single day for a year, and while I initially read every single one of her messages, I soon realized that every single one was about buying a trinket to solve my problems. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm all for trying new things and exploring different avenues for self-improvement, but I found it hard to believe that buying a trinket was the solution to all of my problems.

I decided to give it a shot and bought the first item that was supposed to help with my terrible luck. And while I can't say for sure whether it worked or not, I didn't see any significant changes in my life. But what really bothered me was that Christin kept pushing me to buy more and more items, even though I had already spent a considerable amount of money on her website.

As a skeptical person and a fan of CSI, I decided to do some digging and found out that there were four PO boxes registered to women doing the same thing as Christin in Wisconsin. I even went as far as contacting the Wisconsin police and filing a criminal report in New York, where I live.

Despite all of this, Christin continued to beg for me to answer her emails and messages, even though I had already tried reaching out to her multiple times with no response. It's frustrating to feel like you're being taken advantage of, especially when you're already going through a tough time in your life.

Overall, I wouldn't recommend Christin or her website to anyone. While I can't say for sure whether she's a scam artist or not, I do know that her constant push for me to buy more items and her lack of response to my messages and emails left a bad taste in my mouth.

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Christin Warning: Don't Waste Your Money on Christin's Services - A Review

So, I got this email from Christin, right? And she was talking about how she heard this voice telling her not to leave just as she was about to get in her car. And get this, she thinks it was because I sent her a message or something! Like, what are the odds of that happening to all of us she sent emails to? It's pretty weird if you ask me. I wonder if we all spoke to her at the same time or if it was one at a time?

Anyway, today she sent me another email talking about her "Light Pendulum" moving and pointing to my file. But here's the thing, I never gave her any information or contacted her for any reason, so how does she have a file with my name on it? It just doesn't make sense to me.

Honestly, I feel bad for anyone who sends her money for her services. It's just a waste of time and money. Especially for those who are struggling with illnesses or depression. We all have our own struggles, but some have it harder than others. It's just not right for her to take advantage of people like that.

So, my advice to you is to not send her any money. Her messages are all the same for everyone, so you're not special to her in any way. I really hope the BBB or the ICC shuts her down soon to prevent her from taking advantage of more people.

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Christin Beware of A Review on the Scam Psychic Site

I gotta say, I was pretty disappointed when I found out that Christin from wasn't a real person. I mean, who wouldn't be? It's not like I'm the only one who fell for it. There are plenty of people out there who just want to find some guidance on how to live their best life, or maybe even connect with a loved one who's passed on. And these scammers from Hong Kong are taking advantage of that.

But you know what? It's not the end of the world. We all make mistakes, and it's important to learn from them. That's why I'm writing this review - to help others avoid the same mistake I almost made. My partner is a bit more cynical than I am, but I like to think that there are good souls out there who genuinely want to help people. Unfortunately, Christin isn't one of them.

It's pretty clear that this is just a robot or some kind of algorithm sending out pre-written messages to people. And who knows who's really behind it all? Maybe it's just some guy in Hong Kong slurping up his noodle soup and laughing at all the people he's tricked into giving him their hard-earned money. It's pretty messed up, if you ask me.

But here's the thing - there are genuine people out there who can help you. You just have to do a bit of research and find someone who's trustworthy. Don't fall for the same scam I almost did. Save your money for someone who actually cares about you and wants to help you out. Trust me, they're out there.

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Christin Christin's Zodiac Website: A Scam to Avoid

So, I stumbled upon Christin's website while trying to learn more about my zodiac sign. I was excited to see what she had to offer, but boy was I disappointed. The daily emails I received were complete nonsense, and it was obvious that she just copied and pasted them. All she talked about was money and how we all deserve a life of luxury. I mean, who doesn't want that, right? But it was clear that she was just trying to sell me something.

I was so fed up with the emails that I just scrolled all the way down to see what the "catch" was. And of course, there was one. Apparently, the planet associated with my star sign was totally against me and my future wealth. But don't worry, Christin had a solution. All I had to do was click her link and take action. But I didn't fall for it. From what I could see, the link just led to buying stuff from her.

But even if you don't click the link, she still hassles you with emails about how time is running out and how worried she is about you. It's all just a ploy to get you to buy something from her. And it's not just me she's targeting. She seems very capable of manipulating vulnerable people who are struggling in these tough times. She uses carefully chosen words to make it seem like she's your friend and wants to help you get the life you deserve. But it's all just a scam.

And let's not forget about the so-called "free gift" she offers. It's just a print-out talisman that's supposed to bring you good luck. But let's be real, it's not going to do anything. It's just a waste of paper.

Overall, I would not recommend Christin's website to anyone. It's just a scam to get your money. Don't fall for it like I did.

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Christin Beware of A Disappointing Reading and Threatening Email

So, I just finished a ceremony with Christin from I have to say, I was a bit disappointed with my first reading. It was all about getting rich and didn't touch on any of the spiritual aspects I was hoping for. I was looking for insight into my spiritual journey, my starseed origins, and my journey in the craft. Unfortunately, I didn't get any of that.

To make matters worse, I received an email from Christin upset that I didn't respond back to her. She claimed to have done another reading on me and warned that not responding would have consequences on my future. I didn't even bother opening the second reading. I didn't want to allow whatever it was she was trying to do to have any control over my life.

I took matters into my own hands spiritually and did what I had to do to prevent her from having any control over me. I wouldn't recommend letting this woman have any control over your life either. For one, I didn't even know she expected me to email her back. And secondly, nothing in her first reading resonated with me.

There is so much more to life than just getting rich and living a luxurious life. It's important to connect with the universe and your roots. Personally, I'm searching for my ancestors that I can't find in genealogy records, my past life as an Andromedan, and other spiritual aspects. It's not about having an insane amount of Earth currency.

To receive a message from Christin saying that not responding back to her would have severe consequences on my future was very threatening. It made me feel like she had ill will and didn't have my best interests in mind. I really hope she's just a scammer and doesn't have the power to destroy other people's lives. Not everyone knows how to protect themselves spiritually, but I recently learned how to by following what I'm drawn to.

If Christin had sent me stuff like this before my awakening, I wouldn't have had a clue what to do. So, everyone just stay safe and be careful who you let into your life. I don't wish bad on Christin, but I will do what it takes to make sure she doesn't have any control over my life.

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Christin Christin's Readings: A Soap Opera of Drama and Excitement

Let me tell you about Christin and her readings. She will make you feel like you are deserving of all the money in the world, and she holds the key to unlocking it all through her special readings. The most special thing about her readings is that she always leaves you hanging on the edge of your seat, waiting for more. It's like a soap opera, but with more drama and excitement.

I have to admit, I spent quite a bit of money on her readings, but it was worth it. I felt like I was investing in my own soap script, with visions of me standing on a yacht holding champagne. But then, a dark force would appear, and I would need Christin to save me. It was like a never-ending story, and I couldn't get enough.

However, I must say that sometimes her readings were a bit too much for me. I spilled my coffee once because of the lengths she went to in creating these fantasies. But I have to give her credit, she has a talent for creating plot twists and bringing the drama. She should be a screenwriter for a show like Dynasty.

But sometimes, I wonder if she is just tricking us into believing that she can bring us money and fortune, while she is actually making herself rich. She talks about dark negative forces blocking us from our dreams, but is she just using fear to make us spend more money on her readings?

If she ever gets to sit on that yacht with her glass of champagne, I hope she gets caught in a storm and spills it all. It would serve her right for taking advantage of people who really need the money for more important things.

And Don, I don't want to email you or her. I know how to unsubscribe, and I did. But I have to say, you have been very polite in responding to these reviews. Maybe you should find a better job than representing someone who takes advantage of people. You have great communication skills, and I bet you could do something better with your life.

Overall, I had a good laugh about it all, and I hope I made you laugh too. If you want to know more about the crazy dramatic nonsense visions she had, just drop me a comment. Let's have a laugh together, because this woman has a creative mind.


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Christin Beware of False Promises and Scam Tactics

I have to say, I am extremely disappointed with my experience with Christin from I was promised money fortunes, but none of them have ever come true. And to make matters worse, she keeps asking me to keep paying her with no results.

I was initially intrigued by her claims of being able to remove harmful energy pollution and direct positive energy towards me. She even promised to invoke the Master of Light to assist her in channeling benevolent energy towards me. I was excited to see what kind of results I would get from her services.

However, after my first encounter with her, nothing has changed. She still wants money from me despite the money promised has not come! What a scam! I want a full refund, and I want to warn others to beware of her services.

It's a shame that even older people are becoming scammers these days. I spent over ?300.00 on her services, and it's all gone to waste. I feel like I've been taken advantage of, and I don't want anyone else to fall victim to her scam.

If you're considering using Christin's services, I would advise against it. Don't waste your time or money on her false promises. She may seem convincing, but in the end, she's just after your money.

In conclusion, I would not recommend Christin's services to anyone. Save your money and look for a more reputable psychic or medium. Don't fall for her scam like I did.

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Christin Light Pendulum Reveals Financial Windfall: Numbers to Play for Lottery and Gambling

visionary trance about you, when suddenly my "Light Pendulum" started moving on its own!

I was completely stunned, but at the same time, I knew that this was a sign from the "Celestial Forces of Light" that they had a message for you.

So I asked my "Light Pendulum" what it wanted to tell me, and it started moving in a very specific pattern, spelling out a message for you.

The message was clear: you are about to receive a considerable financial windfall, and the numbers you should play are 7, 14, 21, 28, 35, and 42.

I know this may sound unbelievable, but I can assure you that my "Light Pendulum" has never been wrong before, and I have complete faith in its accuracy.

So if you want to increase your chances of winning big, I strongly advise you to play these numbers in your next lottery or gambling game.

But remember, luck is not everything. You also need to be smart and strategic in your choices, and always play responsibly.

In any case, I hope that this message from my "Light Pendulum" will bring you the financial success and abundance that you deserve.

And remember, I am always here to guide you and help you navigate through the ups and downs of life, with my visions and my divinatory tools.

So don't hesitate to contact me if you need any further guidance or advice.

May the "Celestial Forces of Light" bless you with abundance and happiness, Annie!

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Christin Complaints 10

2:32 pm EDT
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Christin Disappointing Experience with My Review and Request for Refund

I gotta say, I was pretty disappointed with my experience with Christin from I kept hoping for something big to happen, but it never did. I kept sending more money for more rituals, like a real sucker. But on October 14th, 2019, I finally decided to take Christin up on her guarantee and ask for a refund.

I gotta admit, I was a little skeptical at first. But after reading the responses from her "assistant," I decided to include the transaction number just to make sure there wouldn't be any further delays. The number is ***274, in case you were wondering.

Now, I'm not saying that this is a scam or anything. But if it is, then I better get my refund! I mean, I've been waiting for a while now and I could really use that money back. So, fingers crossed that everything works out.

Overall, I wouldn't really recommend Christin's services. I mean, maybe it works for some people, but it definitely didn't work for me. And the fact that I had to ask for a refund just makes me feel like I wasted my time and money. But hey, you live and you learn, right?

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1:44 pm EDT
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Christin Disappointing Services from Christin: A Review

Hey there,

I gotta say, I was pretty disappointed with the services I received from Christin. I've shelled out a lot of cash for various mediums and psychics in the past, and I was really hoping that Christin would be the one to finally give me some good news. Unfortunately, that just wasn't the case.

I paid $99.95 for a reading with Christin, and I really didn't feel like I got my money's worth. I was hoping for some kind of improvement in my life, but I didn't see any changes after my session with her. As a senior citizen, I feel like I'm especially vulnerable to people who make false promises and take advantage of me. It's really hurtful to feel like I've been lied to and taken advantage of.

I'm not saying that Christin is a bad person, but I do think that she needs to be more honest with her clients. If she can't deliver on her promises, then she shouldn't be making them in the first place. I'm really disappointed with my experience, and I would appreciate a refund for my last payment.


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1:21 pm EDT
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Christin Accurate and Reliable Medium: My Experience with Christin's Readings

I recently stumbled upon Christin's website and decided to give her a try. At first, I was a bit skeptical, but after reading some of her testimonials, I decided to take the plunge.

I was pleasantly surprised by the accuracy of her readings. She was able to pick up on things that I had never mentioned to anyone before. It was almost as if she had a direct line to my thoughts and feelings.

However, there was one instance where I clicked on a link that took me to my AOL email account. I immediately became suspicious as I had never given her access to my email. To my surprise, the software was able to single out just one of my emails and eliminate all others. It was a bit unsettling, but I decided to give her the benefit of the doubt.

Despite this minor hiccup, I would highly recommend Christin to anyone looking for a reliable and accurate medium. Her readings are spot on and she has a true gift for connecting with the spiritual realm.

Tip: If you ever come across a suspicious link, be sure to do a system restore on your device to ensure your safety.

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Is Christin Legit?

Christin earns a trustworthiness rating of 29%

Assess your risks. Protect your personal information when dealing with Christin.

Our conclusion: After careful review, ComplaintsBoard concludes that Christin has trust issues, raising doubts about their legitimacy. We highly recommend being cautious and doing some research before engaging with Christin. If you have had a negative experience with Christin, let ComplaintsBoard know by filing a complaint.

Based on our evaluation, Christin has resolved only 0% of 10 complaints, indicating a severe lack of commitment to customer satisfaction, trustworthiness, and responsiveness. This may suggest that the company is apathetic or disinterested in addressing the opinions and concerns of its customers.

Complaints Board has received reports that the website may be a possible fraud. To protect yourself, consider using a different website. If you find that the website is indeed fraudulent, report them to us, to help protect other consumers.

We found that the technical contact email address for Christin is a free email address, such as Gmail or Yahoo. This could be a sign that the website is not a legitimate business and may be engaged in fraudulent or malicious activities.

We conducted a search on social media and found several negative reviews related to Christin. These reviews may indicate issues with the company's products, services, or customer support. It is important to thoroughly research the company and its offerings before making any purchases to avoid any potential risks.

The use of a free email address for contact on may be a red flag indicating potentially unreliable or fraudulent activity.

However ComplaintsBoard has detected that:

  • has a valid SSL certificate, while Scammers can obtain a valid SSL certificate by using fake information or by using a stolen or hijacked domain. In some cases, they may even use a certificate issued to another legitimate website.
  • has been deemed safe to visit, as it is protected by a cloud-based cybersecurity solution that uses the Domain Name System (DNS) to help protect networks from online threats.
  • you are considering visiting, which is associated with Christin, is very old. Longevity often suggests that a website has consistently provided valuable content, products, or services over the years and has maintained a stable user base and a sustained online presence. This could be an indication of a very positive reputation.
  • The domain associated with Christin is registered with a high-end registrar, which can be an indicator of the company's commitment to maintaining a secure and reputable online presence.
  • Christin website is deemed to be popular and indicating that it receives a high volume of traffic. It is important to be cautious when using a highly trafficked website, as it may be a target for cybercriminals looking to exploit vulnerabilities or steal personal information.
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Christin Beware of the Christin Scam: A Warning to Stay Vigilant Against Hoaxes and Scams

I gotta say, I was pretty shook when I found out I was being scammed by Christin. I kept getting these messages from her, asking for ?19.95, and I didn't think much of it at first. But then the messages kept coming, and I started to get suspicious. When I saw that the messages were coming from Hong Kong, I knew something was up.

That's when I stumbled upon this forum and realized that I wasn't the only one being targeted by this scam. Apparently, Christin was claiming to have an urgent message from the beings of light, and was asking for even more money - ?49.95 instead of the original ?19.95. And get this - she wasn't even real! It was all a big hoax.

Thankfully, I didn't give any more money away. But I gotta say, it's pretty messed up that people are out there trying to scam others like this. It's a good thing there are forums like this where we can warn each other and put a stop to these scams. Stay vigilant, folks!

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Christin Beware of False Promises: A Review of Christin from

Christin from is a psychic who sends emails about money and fortune. She claims that ancestors from decades ago are trying to find family members to give their valuables to. However, as a psychic myself, I know that true psychics do not string people along. They tell you what you need to know and cannot promise you anything. They simply give you the knowledge that you question.

It is disappointing to see that Christin keeps asking for more money for the next step and the next step. This is completely false and misleading. As a psychic, she should be providing guidance and clarity, not asking for more money.

Furthermore, I have found that there are family members who have not been hurt in any way and have not received any kind of valuables from their ancestors. It is important to be cautious when dealing with psychics who make promises about money and fortune.

In conclusion, I do not recommend Christin from Her emails are focused on money and fortune, which is not what true psychics should be focused on. It is important to find a psychic who provides guidance and clarity without asking for more money.

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Christin Beware of Christin from A Psychic Lottery Scam Artist

Christin from is a psychic who claims to be able to predict lottery numbers and perform rituals to help you win big. I signed up for her services in March 2019 and was excited to see what she could do for me. However, after spending hundreds of dollars on her rituals and not winning a single cent in the lottery, I began to doubt her abilities.

Despite her website claiming that she offers 100% guaranteed refunds, I was unable to get in touch with her for a refund. It was a total waste of my hard-earned money. I eventually unsubscribed from her emails in December and decided to put my money towards better use.

I must warn you not to fall for her scam. She may promise you the world, but in reality, she is just taking advantage of vulnerable people who are desperate for a change in their lives. Don't be a fool like I was and waste your money on her services.

In conclusion, I strongly advise against using Christin's services. She is a major scam artist who preys on people's hopes and dreams. Save your money and invest it in something that will actually benefit you in the long run.

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Christin Christin's Luck Help Website: A Scam or a Savior?

So, I gotta say, I was pretty excited when I stumbled upon Christin's website. I mean, who wouldn't want a little bit of help when it comes to their luck, right? And let me tell you, her website was pretty convincing. I was all in, ready to give it a shot.

But then, things started to get a little bit fishy. Christin started asking for money, and not just a little bit either. I was hesitant at first, but she was so convincing that I thought, "Hey, maybe this is worth it." So, I agreed to split the payment into three parts. But then, not even two days later, she was asking for even more money! Almost $400 this time! I mean, come on, Christin, what gives?

I was pretty disappointed, to say the least. I had hoped that Christin would be able to help me out with my bad luck, but instead, she just seemed to be after my money. And let me tell you, trying to get that money back was a real pain in the you-know-what.

So, all in all, I would definitely say that Christin is a scammer. Don't fall for her tricks, folks. Save your money and find someone who actually wants to help you, not just take your hard-earned cash.

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Christin Authentic and Supportive: My Experience with Christin's Guidance and Advice

When I first stumbled upon Christin's website, I was a bit skeptical. I mean, who wouldn't be? There are so many scams out there, and it's hard to know who to trust. But something about her website drew me in, and I decided to give it a chance.

I was pleasantly surprised by my experience with Christin. She was warm and welcoming, and I felt like she really listened to me. She didn't make any outrageous claims or promises, and she didn't pressure me into buying anything.

Instead, she gave me some really helpful insights and advice. She helped me see things from a different perspective, and I left our session feeling more hopeful and optimistic than I had in a long time.

Of course, there were a few spelling and grammar errors in her emails, but that just made her seem more human to me. It's refreshing to work with someone who isn't trying to be perfect all the time.

Overall, I would definitely recommend Christin to anyone who is looking for guidance and support. She's the real deal, and she genuinely cares about her clients. So if you're feeling lost or stuck, give her a try. You won't regret it!

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Christin Review of Accurate Readings and Reasonable Prices

Yo, what's up peeps! So, I gotta tell you about my experience with Christin ( I was a bit skeptical at first, cuz you know how it is with these online sites. But, I gotta say, I was pleasantly surprised.

I was looking for some guidance and insight into my life, and Christin really delivered. Her readings were spot on and gave me some much-needed clarity. Plus, her prices were super reasonable.

Now, I did have a bit of trouble trying to purchase from the site. I tried using two different PayPal cards on different days, but both were denied. I had more than enough funds to cover the charge, so I was confused. But, I reached out to Christin's customer service and they were able to help me out.

One thing I will say is that I did notice the logos at the bottom of the site were in black and white. But, I didn't think too much of it at the time. However, after reading Carrie's review, I can see why that might be a red flag. So, thanks for the heads up, Carrie!

Overall, I would definitely recommend giving Christin a try. She's the real deal and can offer some valuable insights. Just make sure to double-check those logos before making a purchase. Peace out!

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Christin Life-changing reading from Christin at

Christin from is a real deal! She has a gift that is out of this world. I received an email from her and I was blown away by what she had to say. She mentioned that her Light Pendulum had never moved so much in all her years of doing readings. I was amazed because I didn't even prompt it. It moved on its own, which was a clear indication that something big was about to happen in my life.

Christin spoke about Paul, and I could feel the excitement in her words. She mentioned that in the next few days, everything in my life was going to change drastically. I was skeptical at first when she asked for my bank information so she could start the work required. I responded by telling her that I was not going to give her that information.

I asked her why she needed my bank information if she was so sure that wonderful things were going to come true. I thought it was strange that she was the key ingredient in my good fortune. I made a deal with her, "Do the work you say is required because you know it is a sure thing, and I guarantee I will give you $5,000." I am waiting for her response, but I know my offer is a no-brainer. She would be stupid not to accept a sure thing.

Christin is the real deal, and I would recommend her to anyone who is looking for guidance in their life. She has a gift that is rare, and she uses it to help people. I am grateful for her guidance, and I know that my life is going to change for the better. Thank you, Christin, for everything!

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Sheryl Huebinger
Grand Junction, US
Apr 01, 2024 11:29 pm EDT

I have been very pleased thus far with psychic Christin- medium. She’s been accurate in her readings, has spent enormous amounts of energy, time, support in helping me. I would recommend her services to anyone.

Again, Thank you, Christin! You are the best, ever!



About Christin

Screenshot Christin
Christin is a highly experienced and knowledgeable medium who has been providing spiritual guidance and support to people for many years. She has a deep understanding of the spiritual realm and has helped countless individuals connect with their loved ones who have passed away.

Christin's ability to communicate with the spirit world is truly remarkable. She has a natural gift for sensing the presence of spirits and is able to receive messages from them with great clarity. Her readings are always accurate and insightful, providing her clients with the guidance and comfort they need to move forward in their lives.

In addition to her mediumship abilities, Christin is also a skilled tarot reader. She uses the tarot as a tool to gain deeper insights into her clients' lives and to help them navigate through difficult situations. Her readings are always compassionate and non-judgmental, and she has a talent for helping people see the bigger picture and find solutions to their problems.

Christin is a warm and compassionate person who truly cares about her clients. She takes the time to listen to their concerns and provides them with the support and guidance they need to overcome their challenges. Her clients often describe her as a trusted friend and advisor who has helped them through some of the toughest times in their lives.

Overall, Christin is a gifted and compassionate medium who has helped countless people connect with their loved ones in the spirit world. Her readings are always accurate and insightful, and she has a talent for helping people find the guidance and support they need to move forward in their lives.

Overview of Christin complaint handling

Christin reviews first appeared on Complaints Board on May 23, 2023. The latest review Psychic Medium Christin: Accurate Readings, but Untrustworthy and Expensive was posted on Jun 10, 2023. Christin has an average consumer rating of 1 stars from 20 reviews. Christin has resolved 0 complaints.
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27 reviews
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    May 13, 2024
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Christin is ranked 41 among 234 companies in the Online Scams category

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