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Bionic Band

Bionic Band review: Bionic bullcrap 266

Author of the review
1:04 pm EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
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Went to a gun show at cal expo. Two guys were touting the wonderful effects of the bionic band. Our buddies were tested and sure enough, it works. Went home that evening and googled bionic band scam. Read more into it and apparently it falls within the realms of "kinesiology". Basically in a nutshell, mind over matter.

At first, you don't know what to expect when they "push" you, or pry your fingers apart, or even tapping your drink with it. . . It is truly amazing at how gullible folks can be, and to be able to fork out the money for nothing.

I tried this at home with my son. I found an old barbie braclet that my daughter had lying around. I went through the same routine and the guys. Only, i told my son that the bracelet had some real powers that make him strong. Wouldn't you believe it. . . It worked.

If truly an amazing products, your local physical therapist would endorse the product. Oprah would endorse the product, your own personal physician would endorse it. This is just another mlm scam to let bring in money. Trust me, it will work with anything you wrap on your wrist. Just give it the "magical" powers that may be speech and you will find that they mind over matter does work.

It is the speech basically that your mother and father stated. . . "you can do it if you put your mind to it!. . . " good luck to those who still believe it works. Use your money to buy something that truly is beneficial.


The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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Apr 27, 2010 5:05 pm EDT

I love how people say it doesn't work 1) without trying it, 2) without knowing ANYTHING about the technology and how it works. People are always skeptical about new technologies, especially when they don't understand it, and they are always quick to yell "fake!" just because. I would attempt to explain how it works, but I'm sure none of you paid attention in any of your science classes and I would be wasting my time.

Dallas, US
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May 04, 2010 3:47 pm EDT
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It is normal to be skeptical of things we don't understand. The Bionic Band technology is well grounded in science. This technology is used by NASA, by oil companies to locate oil, and in medical testing, such as MRI's.

If it was a "mind over matter thing" tell me why it works on animals. My neighbor's dog has hip displasia and could no longer be taken on walks. My neighbor put one of the Bionic Dog Collars on the dog. (Of course, he didn't tell his dog ahead of time that it would make him stronger or ease his pain.) Now the dog can go for walks and frolics around with his other dogs. This also happened with my sister's dog.

I have been a Bionic Band distributor for 13 months. I have volumes of testimonials from my customers telling of the benefits they have received. No, it isn't a scam. We offer everyone a 30-day money back guarantee--in writing. Our return rate is less than one percent.

Peoria, US
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May 12, 2010 9:47 pm EDT
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I have been suffering from a cold...I had tons of chicken soup...lots of OJ and nothing was helping me get over my cold...I put on the band and within a hour...I didn't even remember I had a duaghter wanted to show her friends the band and took it from me...a hour later? The cold is back? I also got to play with the Bionic sil, I haven't read anything about it...and either has the guy that gave it to we decided to rub some into my palms where I had some sort of ecema...a hour later? almost can't even tell I have it...I regret not taking before and after pics with time and date stamps on them. I really was a skeptic when it came to the sil...but the band? I'm sold! Who cares how it works? or if it works ?or why it works?...I BELEIVE it works...and my opinon is all that matters to me:) Everyone should decide for themselves...almost the whole world thought they lived on a flat surface...only scientist and thrill seekers beleived it was round:) I may not be a scientist...but I am a thrill seeker:)

Calgary, CA
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May 16, 2010 8:16 pm EDT
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I have had mine for over a month now & I think this is a Kinda Magic. Magic does not work on everyone. I have gotten more relief, energy & strength from this $55 band than $1000 of Chiros & Massages.

Bullhead City, US
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May 21, 2010 10:54 pm EDT
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I just do not understand why someone would try to take the hope of pain relieve away from someone else. To me that sounds like bull crap. I work the laughlin run every year and I watched all day and half the night these guys in the booth next to mine just blow people away, I'm talking 400# bikers all the way down to 90# lady's. I ended up talking to these guys that night and asked if I could ware one for a day and he gave one to me for the weekend to ware. I am 54 years old and have degenerative arthritis of the spine. I do not like drugs, aspirin and the likes, so I'm in pain most of the time. Well that night I wore it and in the morning I got out of bed down the stairs and to the coffee pot before I had realized I was feeling no pain. No groaning getting out of bed. Hell I felt great. You can ask anyone who knows me I am a pessimist, You have to prove whatever it is your trying to sell me that it works, and then I still have my doubts. Well I have to tell you I am a believer! I have been wearing this band every sense that night, an I fell fabulous. That morning when I went to work I got one for my wife, and it kind of scares her because if she takes it off for a day she starts feeling different. All I can say is if it didn't work for you, that's to bad, but don't go spreading your ignorance around on something you don't understand and taking hope away from us who do!

Calgary, CA
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May 22, 2010 12:13 am EDT
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Well we both have the same problem and this is like a Miracle. I think we are going to see more & more people using this Band. I know I will be wearing mine to the day they bury me.

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May 22, 2010 9:43 pm EDT

I got a few (sport and regular)... Something you need to feel and see to believe... It works... No dout!

33558, US
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May 24, 2010 11:12 pm EDT

I am in no position to say if this works or not. However, I think it is important to look at the facts:

Here are the claims according to the 1st video:
1. Bionic band will identify the bond angle between protons and align them properly
2. A uV applied (at unknown frequency) to the body will align the protons the way they are supposed to be aligned. (Notice I used uV instead of mV as in the video because mV is millivolt and uV is microvolt according to any engineer I've ever met)
3. This uV is imprinted in the bionic band

Here are the claims of the 2nd video:
1. Protons in proper alignment function as gyroscopes
2. Protons rotate at random rotations
3. As documented by Dr. Einstein, a uV attached to a metal when subjected to a body of water will transmit that entire uV to the entire body.

Here are the claims according the the 3rd video:
1. Mitochondria is power house of individual cells
2. Some cells contain up to 2000 mitochondria
3. Possible greater energy increase in cells with more mitochondria
4. Mitochondria in cells can have increased energy when uV is applied to the mitochondria.

From the site:
1. When the radio is on the right frequency it sounds perfect…full, clear, and crisp. Proton Alignment Resonance Technology (P.A.R.T.™) works in a similar way, by allowing all of your cells to “resonate” on the same frequency at once
2. This cellular communication is instant and dramatic and your body just works better.
3. aligns the protons of the nucleus of base minerals
4. A state of the art system aligns all the protons of the mineral content in The Bionic Band® family of products to spin (or resonate/vibrate) the same way.
5. Once this “imprinted” material comes in close contact with a body of water (humans are about 70% water), all the protons in your body "mimic" the protons in the imprinted material.
6. In simple terms The Bionic Band® family of products are basically "tuning forks" that you wear or consume which sends a specific frequency throughout your body and makes your cells "vibrate" at the same frequency (known as "sympathetic resonance").
7. Without it, the cells your body will vibrate at the thousands of different frequencies that are being transmitted among the airwaves from cell phones, wireless networks, TV’s, Power Lines...and many more.
8. When you wear our products a single frequency that over-rides all the other frequencies is introduced which makes your protons line up and work together as a team.

Just from being science minded and reading this, there seems to be many false statements. The two irrelevant references to Einstein are very fishy as well. For example "As documented by Dr. Einstein, a uV attached to a metal when subjected to a body of water will transmit that entire uV to the entire body.", transmitting voltage is not something you do to voltage as it is a difference in charge between two points. Voltage by itself does not live in the time domain so the idea of transmitting it seems incorrect. Furthermore, how do you imprint a uV?

I'm going to play with this thing around an expensive spectrum analyzer and see if I can quantitatively measure any "Resonant Frequencies" at any power levels. From a communication theory standpoint, overriding a frequency is also an interesting claim... This can all be tested and I'm going to take some time to see what I can figure out from an electrical engineering standpoint.

I know that there are things well beyond our understanding and sometimes we just have to have faith. However, the manufacturer is making claims that appear to be very false and unsubstantiated. I would assume there would be a slew of associated academic research in this area furthering sales potential.

One more note, I've done a little research on MRI/NMR which is a way that you can align a nucleus of a specific atoms within the magnetic field to precess at a resonant frequency that will absorb energy at that frequency. As the magnetic field is released, the energy is released back to a sensor for MRI. Point being, why such a huge expensive magnet and machine if the bionic band can instantly align all the atoms in the body to have the same spin? I better get to decoding the mystery and build the first portable MRI:)

In the end, I think the claims are completely unsubstantiated and leads me to distrust. There are really smart people in this world but considering the doctor's qualifications, I would not expect him to develop such a huge breakthrough without a team of physicists and biologists.

Calgary, CA
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May 25, 2010 10:53 am EDT
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jf4828 Writes a very intelligent & scientific article. I hope we get to read more of his research results. I wonder if he has tried the band, how old he/she is. I am 59 & it has helped me. So, why? Perhaps it is extra-terrestrial technology.
As I do agree that these claims made by the Company make no scientific sense at all. Because if it worked as they claim, then we could use this technology in so many fields;

Not only could we have portable MRI machines but this could revolutionize the way we harness not only electrical energy but also the way we transmit frequency or how we could affect EMF. Mind boggling is it not?

Calgary, CA
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May 25, 2010 10:57 am EDT
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By the way, my Bionic Band (which works) comes from "Perfect World Solutions" out of Phoenix, AZ.

I know nothing about the band or company out of Roseville, CA.

Bullhead City, US
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May 25, 2010 2:17 pm EDT
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Looking forward to what you come up with. I do think you should put one on and feel the affects then search out the Why. They offer a 30 day full refund!

Calgary, CA
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May 25, 2010 7:24 pm EDT
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I have had mine for over a month now. I noticed major differences in my Balance, Energy levels and Improved sleep patterns. I cannot figure out the Why as of yet. I have noticed that the band does have some type energy. Whether it absorbs or radiates, I don't know. It also balances the PH/Alkalinity of water/beverages. I drink my coffee black every morning so I tried rubbing the band against the cup after my first sip & the bitterness disappeared right away. I also have tinnitus and some mornings I hear a high pitch squeal. I place the metal part of the band against the back of my ear & the pitch is gone & does not return for at least 1 week. So I will not be asking for a refund & will continue to use this wonderful Bionic Band.

33558, US
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May 25, 2010 10:26 pm EDT

I was given one as a present while visiting my girlfriend's parents. The whole small town is sold on the Bionic Band and I would have just let it go except I got the same scientific sales pitch from multiple people making scientific claims that did not "resonate" with any science I have learned. I'm 30 and do not have any specific ailments or personal expectations for this product. I just have an electrical engineering background and have a decent understanding of physics and electromagnetics with an itch telling me that the claims are untrue at first look. I don't have enough knowledge in my head to refute the claims without research and testing. However, testing is what I do best so in the coming month I'm going to devise and run tests that will investigate claims that I have the qualifications to investigate. My bias is toward disbelief so I will attempt to design tests that leave little wiggle room and quantitatively analyze the claims. The biological claims I will leave for someone that has a better background.

BearsBuddy, you should snag a PH test kit and validate your claim? That would be a super easy one to test! Personally, I like my coffee just the way it is brewed:)

Boulder, US
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Jun 02, 2010 12:12 pm EDT

Just bought the band 2 days ago. I have noticed some effect, but still remain a bit skeptical. At the booth where I purchased it, I did notice a feeling of lightheadedness after wearing it a few minutes. The tests were fairly amazing, but I always reserve some skepticism. One thing that is striking thus far, is that I'm very sensitive to computers and tend to get headaches and hangovers when I'm on them for over a couple hours. This has not happened over the last 2 days even though I've been on the computer excessively. Also, the pains in my knees have significantly decreased; that pain is chronic. Now, on the minus side: I was quite excited about it when I got home with it so I tested it on my housemate to no effect whatsoever. Then I tested it on a colleague to no effect whatsoever. Hmmmm. At any rate, after all these testimonials, I'm going to leave it on for a week and see what happens. I have had chronic reflux for 3 years and so I'll be interested to see if that is helped. I still have 3 weeks to return it if it the plusses don't outweigh the minuses (in dollars spent). Am very interested to hear what others have to say. I always wonder how many postings are from promoters of the product (the disbeliever in me).

former non beliver
Leesburg, US
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Jun 04, 2010 2:20 pm EDT

My husband came home with 2 black band and the nice silver braclet I said scam scam, he said the braclet is for your shoulder pain so being the good wife I put it on, and the next day I had no pain, I hated to admit it but it's for real, What a difference it makes, guess it works in side like a chiropractor would work on the out side, except it is a natural thing, as far as a DR. recomending it they would lose a pile of money, and business, they don't recomend any thing natural. ( a former non beliver)

Tucson, US
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Jun 04, 2010 5:13 pm EDT

i bought the bands from a friend to prove that is was a scam. i got a yellow bionicband and a amstrong band. they look alike. i did the test with 10 people. first with the bionicband, then with the other band. in every test the bionicband worked, and the other failed. the people had no idea that i had switch the bands. so explain to me why this experiment results show that it works. i gave 3 bands to diffrent people that had no idea what it was. told them to not research band but let me know what types of symptoms they get.
they all said they had more energy, and that they did not feel the need to drink as much coffee or energy drinks. one guy said he felt he was able to lift more weight. so explain to me if they had no idea what it should do why did it work?

i am still triying to disprove it. but all i seem to be doing is end up selling them to people. and i am not even a distibutor.

will update my findings in a month

Bionic Band Backer
Mechanicsburg, US
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Jul 01, 2010 1:09 pm EDT

I came across a booth at a trade show. I was scheduled to have rotator cuff surgery from an old injury that was re-injured. I COULD NOT lift my are enough to put it into a sleeve, to turn on my turn signal and lifting it to the key board sent me screaming in pain. I could not fully do the cell phone demonstration.
In the past, I have experienced a little relief from the magnetic jewelry but after having lost four to the washing machine or emptying metal trash cans (they stick to these when my hand is in, I pull my arm out empty) so I thought that was what was being sold at the time.
I bought one to try (for the thirty days...I am a skeptic) and after six hours of wearing it, I had raised my arm and bent my elbow to lean on a stool at a kitchen counter to remove my boots. My husband jumped up screaming...I thought, a mouse? a burglar? WHAT?! He said, "Do that again!" I was a little freaked out and blew it off to remove my boots...He told me to freeze. I did. Then I screamed! I had movement of my arm again! AND NO PAIN!
I canceled my surgery, am working out and LIVING again.
I have six children so to not be laid up watching the laundry etc pile up, is a victory in itself!
My mother always said, "Try it you, you'll like it. If you do not after trying it then you don't have to (eat) it."
If you buy it and try it for thirty day, guarantee you will be eating your words!

Phoenix, US
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Jul 01, 2010 4:37 pm EDT
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People...OPRAH does endorse the technology, except hers are on a watch whichs costs 100's of dollars...

Phoenix, US
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Jul 01, 2010 4:42 pm EDT
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PEOPLE! OPRAH has endorsed the technology, except hers comes in a watch that cost HUNDREDS of dollars!
I agree totally with what VFarrington wrote. It's not for everyone, but I know LOTS of people who can't believe what a difference it has made in their lives...DOn't knock til you try it. When we do the demo, we don't tell the subject what will happen when we put the bracelet on, so it is NOT suggestive thinking...

Mesa, US
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Jul 12, 2010 3:47 am EDT
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I don't sell it. I don't plan to sell it. But I plan to wear it for the rest of my life, or at least as long as it continues to work the way it does.

I'm sorry you didn't try it out. A lot of people, instead of trying somthing, will Google it, find a bunch of nay-sayers who didn't try it either, and then talk about how it "Couldn't possibly work, etc etc".

It does work. Get your hopes up. Give it a try. And unless you actually try something out yourself, don't suppose it must not work or else Oprah and NIMH would be promoting it. There are a lot of things that work even though there is no current science that explains it. Either try it, or don't act like you actually know anything.

Chicago, US
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Jul 15, 2010 4:16 pm EDT

Can yo believe that there was a time in mans history when you would be considered crazy if you made the following statements:

- The world is NOT flat, It is round, like this orange. ( People actually Died because of this belief.)

- The sun does NOT revolve around the earth, the earth revolves around the sun. ( AGAIN, People Died because of this belief)

-If we wash our hands and surgical equipment before surgery patients will have a greater chance of surviving and recovering from the surgery. (Late 1800's)

- Man CAN fly in a Machine in the air. (late 1700's)

- We CAN go to the moon and back. (1960's)

- You can talk to your friend half way around the world on a devise no larger than you hand AND it is a computer, AND a GPS AND it takes pictures AND videos AND you can send them I IMMEDIATELY to someone else on their hand held device. (1970's-to present day)

- A band that you wear on your wrist that can improve your STRENGTH, STABILITY and ENERGY! (PRESENT DAY!)

As a Massage Therapist and Persona Trainer of over twenty years I have never seen a product that provides instant and lasting results like the Bionic Band. I services the 50 and older population and their chief concern and issues are stability and strength. Pain in Back, Knees and Hips degrade their mobility and confidence in their abiltiys to do the most basic activities like gardening and walking let alone exercising.

Everyone of my clients who are using the Bionic Band have notice some type of improved wellness. For some it is pain relief, like my Dad and others it is going up and down stairs with less effort, others it is better posture, more energy, more stability to name a few. these are people who I see 2 - 3 times a week. You would think at some point the "power of suggestion" would wear off.

When I perform the test I don't mention anything about strength or balance being associated with the band and ALL the test subjects notice a marked difference with the band and without the band. Skeptics first pause because they cant deny what they have experienced but then they begin the brain scramble to rationalize why the experienced something pretty miraculous.

I even perform a blind test switching out the Bionic Band with a like colored band that was given to all the guest at a destination wedding for my sister and the body responds as if there is no band on the arm.

The clincher for me is my 90 year old grandfather who has stability issues due to some amputated toes. His nemesis are going up and down stairs and get up out of a chair.
He was a Chicago Cop for 30 years and the don't get much more skeptical than he.
We did the standard balance & Strength test and he came up with the usual excuses like "more resistance", Knowing what to expect, yada, yada, . But to his credit he is an open minded individual and executed his own test. He got up from out of a chair while paying attention to what part of the motion does he have to exert the more strain and effort. Then he tried it out with the band in his hand. Needless to say I was nervous. He stood up so much easier that he actually chuckled while saying "It really works". He was navigating sand dunes that week at my parents beach house.

I could go on and on.

No one has made the claim that this band makes you invincible, or that it will keep you from getting sick, being robbed, dying. It allows your body to perform in a more effective an efficient manner relative to your wellness level and that is all. What one choose to do with these benefits is up to them.

People have done more with less and people have done less with more.


J.T. Young
Sacramento, US
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Jul 21, 2010 4:54 pm EDT

On July 20th, yesterday, my wife, two grand-kids and myself attended the Sacramento state fair. I stopped at the bionic band booth and was tested. I was shocked to find out this thing actually WORKS! I purchased a earth necklace and wore it for about 2hours and walking for at least 2 miles. I was waiting for the pain to kick in, as I have 12 fractured vertebra in my spine from a fall 9 years ago. NOTHING HAPPENED! I was walking miles with 85% reduction of pain! For those of you who don't get it, try the product before "bad-mouthing" it! As of this writing my pain is still in check 22 hours later! Usually after walking that far in a day, it would take me at least 2 days to recover. I woke up this morning feeling rested and refreshed, something I have not experienced for quite some time.
The product works well enough for me that I am now a Distributor and am helping my own family to enjoy this truly amazing product! I will be contacting other family and friends about it also, to try it. If I can help 1 person per day to be pain free or at least reduced pain for them I will feel blessed! To not be in constant pain is a miracle in itself
BUT if you've never experienced constant pain then this may not be for you. I would hope you to be smart enough to at least give it a try before opening your mouth and saying things that are not true! J.T.

Las Vegas, US
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Jul 23, 2010 1:01 am EDT

The thing that I find most humorous about this forum is those that have not tried it or owned a Bionic Band bash it! Is that because they can’t believe that something actually works, or that they were so afraid to try something that wasn’t a pill, that they are now embarrassed and need to feel better about themselves. The Bionic Band and their distributors openly offer a 30 day MONEY BACK GUARANTEE!
You have nothing to lose. Find a doctor to offer you that! By the way, Kinesiology was around long before the so called modern medicine. To educate those you are misinformed; Kinesiology, from the Greek words kinesis (movement) and kinein (to move), also known as human kinetics, is the science of human movement. NOT MIND OF MATTER, but if you don’t have a mind, than I guess it doesn’t matter!
And before you blindly follow your doctor, you might want to remember that the third leading cause of death in America is medical error.

Flemington, US
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Jul 23, 2010 8:09 pm EDT

Mind over matter? So what if it is a little bit of mind over matter...if someone feels better, it's worth it. Esp if it's less than doctor bills! That said, I do feel that it works somehow!

I pesonally wear mine while playing sports or exercising. While I'm getting older and still have aches and pains, I find I have fewer and they don't last as long as in years when I was in better shape!

Maybe you don't like the demo, but don't knock it until you've tried it! Take advantage of the 30 day time to try it!

Saucy Jack
Winnetka, US
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Jul 24, 2010 1:25 am EDT

Wow, such zeal from the "believers", and a 30 day money-back guarantee to boot. OK, the odds are heavily in favor of the believers, if you count the "works" vs. "scam" responses. Nice that several of the "works" folks point you to their multi-level-marketing website, just in case you had any doubts.

I thought and thought about how to put this in perspective, and it suddenly came to me: If you believe Sarah Palin is a viable candidate for president, and you'd vote for her... go buy a bunch of Bionic Bands for yourself and your family including the dogs and cats. They'll cure what ails you, give you perfect balance, tune your body like a radio, and possibly stop bullets.

What was the oft-quoted line from Star Trek? "In an insane world, the sane man must appear to be insane."

Springfield, US
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Aug 01, 2010 8:08 pm EDT
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What the last quote made no since. by the way Sarah Palin is more a viable candidate for president than the joker we have in there now. Pretty smart of Americans to put somebody in there who has the leadership qualities of a mongoose. By the way looks like he was born in Africa afterall. I seen that on one of the rag mags at the local grocery store so he shouldn't even be in there. Oh well America will fall and you will be all the better for it. Hail Obama. Oh hitler or whatever. By the way the bionic bands work fine.,

Las Vegas, US
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Aug 11, 2010 7:44 am EDT

Saucy Jack >> it continues to be humorous and depressing to see such ignorance (not stupid, just without the knowledge of a subject) run its course. Like all the "disbelievers and dejectors" you are coming from a lack of "exposure" to the band. You are right that many of the "believers” point out with confidence the MLM websites (and yes, I am one of them). They have seen and continue to see the positive effects of the band on the human body. I know, you are thinking, "yeah, the effects of getting people’s money!", but that is simply not the case. It is the effect of the frequency imprinted in the band and how it helps the human body.
Oh, by the way, I leave my website up so ANYBODY can CALL ME direct and I will answer any questions in person, not hidden behind a computer screen and anonymous screen name! Do you believe in your opinion that much?!
People say well how can you imprint a frequency, or will tell you that it can't be done. Really? Either you believe that science is an ever growing and learning art or you don't. We couldn't cure many diseases until recently. The world was flat. I could go on and on.
Again, I say that the band nor it’s “believers” have EVER said that it “cure what ails you”, but since you and many others have NOTHING to back up your claims of scam, sham, or con, you have to use the only “weapon” you have by wading down into name calling.
I challenge all of the non-believers to find a trade show, gunshow, health fair, festival, state fair, etc., find a Bionic Band booth or look online for a distributor in your area and try it out for yourself.

gfhfgh, US
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Aug 14, 2010 6:36 pm EDT

"If it is just a mind think why are Pro Football player & track stars wearing them?" - bionicfreak!

Gee I dont know maby its the fact that they get paid to

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Aug 16, 2010 9:58 am EDT

Your full of [censor] this product is revolutionary I am now pain free and I had cronic pain for years try it before u talk about something u know nothing about that's why they give a 30 day money back guarantee who ever says it's a scam is much more than an idiot! The company sold over 10 thousand units last month and only got returned 15 do the math that's a 15 percent of one percent return ratio! How can a scam have such good results.. Whoever is boasting how much of a scam this product really is such an idiot and really should just return the product and go jump off a bridge

Morrisonville, US
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Aug 20, 2010 6:23 pm EDT
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My husband and I were shown one of these by a Police Officer and a Firefighter who were just doing the demonstration for fun. I thought it was a circus act so I was dragging people over who knew nothing about it or why I wanted them to do this and it worked over and over and over. We felt so strongly about Bionic Bands that we became distributors the next day. Mind you, neither one of the men that were doing the demonstration were selling this product. I made them do the test on me a minimum of 5 times because I kept thinking it was a magician's act! Well, my husband got his band and wore it for a week. He is a horseshoe pitcher who just recently competed in the NHPA World Tournament in Cedar Rapids, OH. He normally takes 2 Advil at least every 4 hours to get through the pain of throwing 50 shoes, 4-5 games in a day. Plus, he has a shoulder AC separation that he refuses to have surgery on from an injury 25 years ago. My husband has not had to take a single solitary Advil for his pain since a few days after wearing the band. I just sold one to someone who has severe arthritis in her hands and knee. I told her to wear it for a week before she even considered buying it and didn't tell her what it did for my husband. Three days later, she's ordering her two-tone gold bracelet because she can now make a fist, open a jar and vacuum without severe and debilitating pain. Mind over matter? Explain that one folks...

Kingsland, US
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Aug 23, 2010 1:32 pm EDT

I bought mine in Sturgis. I absolutely believe in it. I have MS and have a serious balance problem. Since using the bracelet, haven't had a problem at all, , , even walking up and down the steps without holding on to the rail. I haven't been able to do this for years. I have even noticed an increase in my energy levels. I flew to Vegas and then rode to Sturgis from Vegas and was planning on flying back home as I knew I couldn't ride all the way home. But after using the band, I was able to ride all the way back to Charlotte. Even when working in my flower beds, I have to hold on to something to keep my balance and now I don't have to hold on to anything. I think it is absolutely amazing. I highly recommend it.

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Sep 06, 2010 7:46 pm EDT

Bionic band a scam? My f-f-foot! If it works how can it be? Three years ago I was diagnosed as suffering from peripheral neuropathy and have had to use a wheeled walker. Having started to wear the band, I found that I didn't have as much need of this mobility aid as I did before. I now wear the band 24/7. Call it a placebo if you will - I don't give a monkey's hoot in hell!

Lakeland, US
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Oct 08, 2010 10:31 am EDT

I'm a skeptic about everything. I've been in the health and wellness field for 25 years. I thought the demos were pretty amazing. They had us do it on each other because we thought the salesperson was tricking us. Long story short...since I have been wearing mine, the pain in my feet I get every morning when I wake up and walk on them is totally gone (only took about a week), and the headaches I use to have everyday and was on medicine for, well, I'm no longer taking the medicine and I rarely get a headache (nothing that a couple of excedrine doesn't take care of). I only take it off to shower!

Peyton, US
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Oct 15, 2010 1:31 pm EDT
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I was very skeptical when I saw this product last week and had the opportunity to try it myself. The person selling the bands gave me a 30 day money back guarantee, no questions asked return policy. Since I have been wearing the band for almost a week, I have noticed many things there were not advertised. My chronic lower back pain has disappeared, I am sleeping through the night so my energy level has increased and my arthritis aches and pains have left me as well. I have spent this week virtually pain free.

The Colony, US
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Oct 16, 2010 10:47 pm EDT

I was at the Texas State Fair today. Having had two back surgeries, I struggle with lots of walking. After two hours at the fair, we were having to stop every 10-15 minutes for me to sit and rest. I was in such excruciating pain, I almost asked my wife and two kids to leave early and go home.

That's when I came across a display that promised back pain relief. I saw people lifting one leg and sticking their arms out and doing some sort of balance test. I must have been staring because a man walked up to me and asked me to join him in their area. Now, a couple of observations...

Their "area" had a rubber mat over the floor. I felt vibrations coming from the floor. It immediately helped me back because of the massaging effect. I also smelled a strong odor of what smelled like Vick's vapor rub. I figured it was to give a person the feeling of euphoria and wellness. (if you can't tell, I'm a skeptic) The man asked me to raise one foot and stick my arms out. I hopped around a bit because it's such an unnatural position. He asked me to resist his push as he pushed down on my arm. I immediately lost my balance. He pulled a nylon bracelet off his wrist and asked me to hold the metal portion and repeat the test. This time he absolutely couldn't knock me off balance.

Now, I immediately assumed he was pulling outward the second time, so I asked him to do it again. He pushed the exact same way both times. I was so shocked, I asked my wife to try it. She had been standing there laughing saying it was in my head. SHE HAD THE SAME RESULTS!

Still, with the vibrating floor and the smells, I thought there was a scam going on. The guy put a temporary tattoo thing on my wrist and on my back and told me I'd be back in 20 minutes to buy the bracelet. I laughed, we shook hands and we left. In about 5 minutes my back had NO pain. I waited another 10 minutes before confiding in my wife that I had no pain. I told her I didn't know if it was a placebo effect or if it was really working, but I didn't have pain for the first time in years. She marched me back to the display and we purchased a bracelet.

I went another 6 hours at the fair, only stopping once for dinner! I'm at home now and it's almost 11pm and I still have no pain in my back. I have a tingling in the bottom of my feet, but I don't know if it's the bracelet or the memory of that vibrating floor imprinted in my mind.

I don't know how or why this bracelet works, but it honestly does. I'm not going to bash those who don't believe, because I feel silly for believing in this little piece of metal. However, I would ask that you TRY it!

Leamington Spa, GB
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Oct 20, 2010 12:28 am EDT
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Try it and you will see is the standard phrase for peope selling placebos.

How about Bionic Band submit the band for the legally required tests to sell this for pain relief. Rather then breaking the law how about they let the FDA try it and see, but not try it using the "applied kineisiology" tests which they use as their evidence, but actually try it using scientiifc tests to demonstrate whether the the band itself actually relieves pain.

Never going to happen, the sciecne is bull and the manufacturers woudl rather take the money and not stop the distributors from breaking the law.

scottsdale, US
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Nov 01, 2010 6:56 pm EDT

I broke my back (L5) in the marine corps. I did a blind study with a charged band, and uncharged band (they let you charge your own jewelry). No question about it, pain went away while wearing the charged band. This really works, but as they will openly tell you, it effects different people differently. My business partner can't stand wearing it, makes it hard for him to sleep.

Leamington Spa, GB
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Nov 01, 2010 7:48 pm EDT
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I am glad theplacebo effect has given you a release from pain, the band however has absolutely no physical effect on you, and if you were sold it for pain relief then the vendor was breakign the law.

The law exists to stop scam artists exploiting people, any guesses why they have not got FDA approval to sell the band for pain relief, when there is such a large market if it does actually make a beneficial physical change?

As for the "blind" test, so you did a test and YOU didn't know which band was which, and YOU thought there was a difference and then surprise surprise the one you felt the benfit with was the one which was charged. Tests shoud be double blind, and independent and on a large number of subjects, unfortunately Bionic Band don't thinkn that is a good idea.

Your Money Saving Coach
Tempe, US
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Nov 02, 2010 3:47 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

OKAY! here you go. The video that finally exposes this scam. What you've all been waiting for:

Your Money Saving Coach
Tempe, US
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Nov 02, 2010 6:20 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I guess not too many people have heard of this one. I'm trying to expose the creeps as much as possible. The guy at the mall tried to sell me one of the rubber bands for $30. It's all trickery and this YouTube video exposes the scam. Watch this video first and then watch the people trying to sell this on other videos. What a shame. You can find many other videos on YouTube of the people trying to sell these.

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