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Bionic Band Complaints 5

9:39 pm EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

Bionic Band Scam

We were set up at a show next to a guy selling bionic bands. I allowed him to do the balance and strength tests on me and they admittedly felt pretty real. However, I am from the show me state and I don't trust miracle workers. I spent quite a bit of time watching him do demonstrations. After watching a few times, I could reliably perform the same tests with the same results on people using my "Bionic Bottle of Half Drank Pepsi" that I conveniently brought along.

It seems like the trick on the strength test is that he pushes straight down while you have the band on, and down and slightly out with the band off. This leverages you off balance. For the balance test, he puts a hand on each of your arms. Band on, he counterbalances his push with the other hand very slightly. Band off, he lifts on his other hand, so no counterbalance.

PLEASE DO NOT BUY THIS! I am sick of watching people get scammed

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Update by Ironclad
Apr 19, 2011 2:45 am EDT

To say the least. I have no problem with people who think they work using them, but it really bothers me to see people who don't know any better being flat out lied to about these things. And its not just chump change. These things are $50-$100 for crying out loud. All for a nylon strap with a piece of supposedly imprinted metal on it.

Bionicbandsonline - what instrument can be used to measure the "frequency" these bands emit? I don't want to "feel it and know its there". I want to see it register on a dial.

Also you have failed to address the "proton spin theory." As I said before, protons don't spin. They are held tightly in the nucleus by the so called "strong force". If you don't believe me, google it.

Update by Ironclad
Apr 19, 2011 2:26 am EDT

Umm... Not really. Magnets don't generate an ELECTROmagnetic frequency. They generate a magnetic field. To generate an electromagnetic frequency you need... electricity.

Update by Ironclad
Apr 12, 2011 11:09 pm EDT

Yeah I wish people would look up the facts before spending their money. I'm just waiting for one of the Bionic Band sales reps that have posted on other complaints to come on here and give me a physics lesson.

Update by Ironclad
Apr 12, 2011 10:08 pm EDT

Additionally the whole spiel about "aligning proton spin" is unsubstantiated bull. Talk to any physicist or chemist. Protons are not free to spin on an axis, they are clustered with neutrons in the nucleus of an atom. Also a piece of metal cannot broadcast any frequency without an energy input.


The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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Leamington Spa, GB
Mar 16, 2012 10:57 am EDT
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No, if people want to promote a band with zero evidence to it to ill peopel I don't think I will leave it. A s to trollign, youa re the one on a complaint baord being pro a product, so I guess you are trolling, this board is for complaints. Seriously the band has zero evidence for it and is beign promoted to ill people despite the science being complete BS. I guess you want to attack me rather than deal witht eh compelte lack of any credible evidenc efor the band becasue youa re pro the band. How about you actually provide some actual evidecne it works? No, didn't think so. it has no scientific basis whatsoever and is a cheaply produced product with a amassive mark up sold to ill people. I have issues with that sort of exploitation of ill people for money. Luckily Bionic Band UK stopepd trading when their compelte lack of any credible evidence was highlighted to them by the Advertisign Standards Authority. Unforunately gullible people/ill/desperate are being scammed by this company still the world over. As to find a different product, why, this one is so easy to attack it has nothign credibel whatsoever to back it.

Fountain Hills, US
Mar 16, 2012 8:58 am EDT
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Wow Fangio... do you have anything better to do with your time? What IS your issue? You seem to have a deep-seated need to bring others down to make yourself look smart. Stop trolling the board. I lost respect for you and your comments about a page ago and think people are stupid if they listen to your snarky and argumentative responses. Get over yourself and find a different product to attack. I'm happily waiting for my band in the mail and if it works, fantastic! If not, I'll return it. And no, I don't care how you feel about that.

Leamington Spa, GB
Dec 27, 2011 11:11 am EST
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No they have been conned into thinking it has value, as the head of the ACCC pointed out you can get the same effect from a rubber band ( he was talking about power balance, but both claim the same effects). Paying $40 for something that does no more than a rubber band is ripping people off. Adcditionally lying about the method/value of the band itself is of course ripping people off. The phrase "con" trick is from the word confidence trick, which is a trick to make people confident of somethign that is not true. This is quite clearly the case with Bionic Bnads, who's claims of the method by which it works are simply fraudulent. Then there is selling it on the basis of it alleviating medical conditions, which is whole new leve of wrong. Simply put anyone doing that is ###.

Dec 25, 2011 5:34 pm EST
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Fangio: Your comment "If you buy a placebo and it gives a placebo effect that is nothing at all to do withte band having value itself, and people are ripped off" I have to disagree with. Placebo or not, if there is an effect and a person feels better or achieves the effect they have desired, they are not ripped off. Therefore, the product has value to them.

Leamington Spa, GB
Dec 02, 2011 2:13 pm EST
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The plural of testimonies is anecdotes not evidence.

If you buy a placebo and it gives a placebo effect that is nothing at all to do withte band having value itself, and people are ripped off.

Nothign but placebo effect has ever been evidenceed, and much evidecne has been shown to demonstrate that it has nothgin but placebo.

The most reliable way of doing tests is scientifically, the least reliable givign somethign to people who are desperate and telliugn them it works, then claiming that it isn't just placebo.

If you want to tell people "it works" can I ask you to add "but it is most likely all in my mind because the sciecne they quote is clearly bunkum and every double blind randomised study has shown it does nothing more than a rubber band". The diclaimer will just help make sure you don't mislead anyone.

As to takign it for relieiving a medical condition, it is illegal for Bionic Band to sell this product in the US or EU for such a purpose, as it does not have FDA or EU approval as a medical device. The money to be made form selling it as a medical device is massive, but he testing required is independent, so surprisingly Bionic Band have not gone after that market. WEll actually they have, illegally, by positn up testimonies from people who don't realise that it is a placebo.

You really are not much of a sceptic, if you are prepared to accept anecdote ovr teh double blind randomised studies against placebo which have show that the band itself has no effect. You are not actually a sceptic at all if you accept anecdote over scientific evidence.

Richard A. C.
Dec 02, 2011 12:45 am EST

Respectfully, I do not wish to go back and forth on this issue with you, I simply wanted to state my opinion, and I now want to set the record straight. I do not have personal interest in this product, and trust me no one is a bigger sceptic about unproven products than me. That is exactly how I ended up on your web page. I had to be extremely ill and beyond medical treatment, before I resorted to acupuncture.

My wife showed up yesterday with an off brand band from a local Dollar Store. I immediately told her it wasn't the original band, brought up the web page to show her, and ended up researching their claims again. And although I do not condone people being ripped off by products that do not work, I have to take into consideration and measure the overwhelming amounts of positive testimony (not from their web pages) that are given by very adamant people that I have encountered. This I can promise you; when I do buy one for my wife and me, if they don't work, I can promise you that I will return the items for a refund and let you know, and if it helps with my wife's serious medical condition, I can also promise you that I will tell every one that I care about that it works.

Appreciate your efforts, Richard C

Leamington Spa, GB
Dec 01, 2011 5:54 pm EST
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It si one thing to sell a theory, another thing to sell somethgn that actually does what you say it does. Making somehgn up that cannot be observed (i.e. the protons all spinning in harmony) and saying that is what is happening with absolutely zero evidence is nothign at all like theories on black holes etc, which are based upon the actual measurments of gravity etc aroung them. Bionic Band have not even got evidence that it improves performance, seriously nothing at all that is actually credible science, and al that woudl take is a proper double blind randomised experiment agaisnt placebo, but they haven't even done that.

The argument that just because scientists can prove certain thinsg it is ok to make stuff up compeltely and provide zero evidence of it being true to sell a placebo to vulnerable people is frankly ridiculous. You are sancitoning anyone to make anything up to make money. They are fraudulently claiming a method and resultst hat they ahve NEVER evidenced. It is not up to everyone else to prove them wrong they simply should not make things up to sell they shoudl demonstrate that they are tellign the truth BEFORE placing the prodduct on sale. This is a disgusing fraud with zero scicne to bakc it up, and people like you aare being conned becuase you think that it's ok o make stuff up if someone can't prove that it is untrue. BTW, every double blind placebo study carried out on Bionic Band by others has foudn ti has no effect above placebo, they have actually proved it does nothing. But you want the level of proof to be proving that the unobservable is not true. I guess you have a vested interest, as this defence is almost as ridiculous as the psuedoscience Bionic Bnad spout.

Luckily they seem to have shut up shop at Bionic Band UK, after the ASA pointed out to ehm that int eh UK at least you actually have to prove your claims not just make them, and wait until they can be disproven.

PS beyond whether the band is imprinted there is zero evidence that the imprint would have any effect positive or negative on the performance of the human body. Even if they are "imprinted" whatever the hell that means, you woudl have to be an idiot to take the claims they make seriously. Aligning some of of the protons takes an MRI weighing severl tonnes, that you should not expose yourself to for sustained periods as it is dangerous, but a little band aligns them all, and is not dangerous. Do yourself a favour and ask someone with even a tiny amount of sense before buying this complete sham product.

Richard A. C.
Dec 01, 2011 8:41 am EST

Richard C,
I don't pretend to understand the science of the energy fields at hand and I have never owned a bionic band, but I do have a very reliable friend that I would have never expected to believe in the band, he owns and adamantly swears by it.

What I do know is that there are many things that we do not understand, and many scientific theories that are used to explain what we cannot measure, see, or confirm (gravity, black holes, etc…). How can you measure or scientifically prove to someone that love exists? You may express that it is an emotion, but I would argue that it is a form of energy that exists at low and high levels. If you have a child you will understand what a high level of love is.

We know that our planets revolve around our sun, and although we know they do, we cannot measure or confirm what form of energy of physics keeps them rotating. There are many theories on the subject, but none that can be scientifically proven or confirmed. I recently read that someone was able to develop equipment that can measure an energy related to prayer. He was apparently only able to get readings where there were large groups of people praying.

For many years acupuncture was not accepted as a legitimate form of medical treatment, but is now covered by many insurance companies. I for one know that acupuncture works. I have walked into their office with sinus pressure, a sinus drip and congestion, and walked out with a completely cleared sinus. Can anyone scientifically prove how it works without using a theory? Some may argue that it is the power of suggestion. Can they scientifically provide physical evidence to that theory?

Scientists are just now duplicating physical experiments in support of theories related to Quantum Mechanics. I believe it had something to do with spinning protons retaining or losing their shape when spinning if they were related or not. It would be easy to argue that it is all B.S., but 20 years from now who knows? We did believe the earth was flat at one point.

Can anyone scientifically prove and replicate how I dream, without resorting to a theory mixed with some physical proof?

Unless someone is able to prove that these bands are in fact not imprinted with some form of electromagnetic or whatever form of energy they claim to imprint them with for 20 hours, I for one am willing to give them a try as soon as I can afford the luxury of purchasing one for myself and my wife.

Leamington Spa, GB
Nov 16, 2011 11:16 pm EST
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Hartley D

If youa re going to post that you have a level of scientific understanding, please tell me if there is one shred of scientific (note not anecdotal but scientific) evidence that the band is anything other than a placebo. Placebo's "work" but actually do nothing whatsoever. Selling a placebo using psuedoscientific nonsense such as Bionic Band does is ripping people off.

Even Bionic Band have no evidence it works, let alone anything to back up the baloney method they made up. That's why the ASA in the Uku got them to remove their claims.

Even then Bionic Band know they cannot make the medical claim you are making as they have zero evidenc eot back it up, and certainly not to the level of evidence required by the FDA. The testing costs woudl be massively outwieghed by the profits if they could actually evidence the claims you are making, but they can't. Why not?

Because it's just a palcebo, and they are conning people. BTW the massive number of distributors posting as satisfied customers makes the anecdotal evidence even less beleivable.

Hartley D
Winnipeg, CA
Nov 16, 2011 10:43 pm EST
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I am a licenced aircraft engineer and have a good basic scientific understanding about the way things work. I am a stroke victim, have had a hip replaced, a spinal fusion and am a diabetic. In recent months I have experienced major problems with my balance which resulted in a number of falls. Although I am a firm disbeliever of these sort of cures the "Bionic Band" definitely works for me.On a recent outing I unknowingly forgot to wear my band. I definitely experienced a wobbly gate and didn't realize what was wrong until I got home and found my band laying on the dresser. I still don't believe in these things but I do believe that this one works.

9:12 am EDT
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Bionic Band Investigating Credibility of Product

I am a chiropractic kinesiologist practicing in Phoenix, AZ. for 35 years. A month ago, I was asked to evaluate the bionic band for Channel 3. I purchased an IRenew band on the internet. One week later, wearing my new IRenew bionic band, I was walking in the mall and passed a kiosk that was selling a different brand of bionic band. I was immediately stopped and asked if I would take the kinesiological test. I agreed and failed the test. I was told that the band lost its, so called powers and the band sold at the Scottsdale Fashion kiosk was different. The sales person said "that could never happen to the one we are selling, it will last a lifetime." Yesterday, wearing my new SFS kiosk bionic band, I passed the same kiosk wearing a band I purchased at his kiosk 1 week ago. A different salesperson was there and asked me to take the kinesiological test again. I agreed and failed the test again. If their band lasted a lifetime, I was on borrowed time. I'm so glad I got a new band, so I can pass this experience on to you. LOL He said, "your band lost its "charge" and then tried to sell me another one. He said, "This is what happens after a few months". I told him I purchased it last week from another salesperson at this same kiosk.
I told him I was asked to do a report for Channel 3. At that point, he gave me another one, at no cost, took my old one back and said, I should come back every couple of weeks and get a new one at no charge. Does my old one go back to the company and get recharged, I asked? No response... I will go no further investigating to the credibility of the band after my encounters with the sales people. In my opinion, they have no clue about the product, little to no training, and will say whatever it takes to see the band. They can't even get their stories straight. There so many different companies selling the same band with so many, so called different technologies. I will not waste any more of my time pursuing this...YOU DECIDE...

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North Babylon, US
Aug 20, 2011 3:27 am EDT

I was fooled into buying the Bionic band. Three, I Bought. I was desperate thinking it would help with my pain and balance as well. Thats what I was told. I also bought one for my brother and father. THIEFS!

Leamington Spa, GB
Jun 09, 2011 7:14 pm EDT
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Absolutel baloney.

the FDA evaluate the eviecne presented before allowing products on teh market. Thsi is done to stop people getting ripped off by people making up claimed benefits. by your standard any snake oil salesmen shoudl stil be allowed to trade int eh US.

Tehir 30 day refund policy is not good enough. They make claims which are completely unsubstantiated, and make money based upon these claims. People wearing the badn are not in a position to recognise whehter the benefits they think they are getting are real or imagined, they also cannto tell whehter htey are placebo. Bottom line, it is placebo, and selling somehting tellign everyone it works and has a physiological effect when it is purely placebo is conning people. A refund does not make the product real, it merely means that those who don't buy into their Emperor's new clothes con can get their money back. teh ones that do buy into it are being conned pure and simple.

The evidence that the company has has been presented to the Advertising Standards Agency, the result Bionic Badn UK is currently removing any claims that het band has any effect, because simply they cannot back that up with anything. Now if they can't actually show that it has an effect why are they sellign it ot people. It's just a placebo, it's a rip off.

PS I am not iwht a competitor, ALL of the band susing C19th parlour tricks as salestools are fake providing nothign more than a placebo or expectation effect with absolutley no evidecn eof anythgin physiological happening.

You think it lazy to say they are all the same, not really, the similarities are more than the diferences.

All of the companies offer the same strength and balance tests to show they work, all of which are flawed. They all say it's proof when it clearly isn't. tehy are all cheap to produce bands, sold at enormous mark ups. None of their methods make any scientific sense (if they even offer up a pseudoscientific method). Noen of them has any proper testing to back them up. None of them offers any methodology for pain relief but they sell it to those in pain anyway.

If you htink NBionic Band is different then I suggest it is you who is lazy, you haven't bothered to actually look into the psuedoscience they post up and see it for what it really is.

BTW any idea when the University testing report will be released by Western Illinois University? You know the report they said was in the process of being done, but whihc was never even started? Why lie about that? Why pretend that a university is doing independnet research when they aren't?

Colorado City, US
Jun 09, 2011 5:44 pm EDT

Lets breifly put the FDA in context as some people trust that organization whole heartedly. The FDA approved every drug on the market which was eventually recalled. Why isn't the FDA being scrutinized for approving medications that are later being recalled for causing deaths and harmful side effects? Why is it legal for doctors to accept income from pharmaceutical companies to push their drug brands, isn't that unethical? Perfect World Solutions has a very straight forward warranty on their web site, "try it risk free for 30 days or you get a 100% refund no questions asked" the policy is also unconditional. I have also looked at other types of similar products/brands and their refund policies and warranties do not compare as many don't even offer any warranty, and I suspect a fair portion of the complaints listed are from individuals affiliated with these competitors. Bottom line is either you try it, see results and like the product or you don't like the product and get all your money back. One last comment its is foolish to say that all these products and companies are all the same, they clearly are not, that is lazy and closed minded, thats like saying don't buy a Ford if Toyota has a recall car companies are all the same - not true.

Leamington Spa, GB
May 31, 2011 12:23 pm EDT
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The same tests that "work" and are the basis of the evidecne for the Bionic Band ae the evidence for the other bands including POwer Blanace. You all use applied kineisiolo0gy tests as your proof.

Ther eis no evidec etha the Bionic Band does anything, and when they submitted their "whie paper" to teh Advertising Standards Agency in the UK they wer etold they could either remove their claims to strength and balance improvements and pain relief, or go to a fromal invetigation, as the informal inquiry said that they had no credible evidence. So what did Bionic Band do? Did they stand by their report and say it is proof and they coudl argue the case scientifically? Did they stand by their claims and challenge the ASA to prove them wrong? Or did they roll over and admit that they don't have enough evidenc eto make the claims so they will remove them from the UK?

That's right they rolled over. They know they have no proof this does a damn thing, ye they wiull continue to make completely unproven claims including the claim of pain relief to make money out of peopel for as long as the authorities do nt ask them to take them down. It seems ridiculous that they can continue to sell this product when they know it has no basis in science, and ridiculous that people continue to pretend that somehow this joke of a product is somehow superior to the other similar scams.

The joke isn't funny anymore, you are ripping people off stop now.

Las Vegas, US
Apr 22, 2011 4:53 pm EDT


Thank you so much for bring the clarification to this subject. You are right! The Power Balance and numerous other silicone bands use a hologram (picture) on a plastic sticker, generated by a computer. These products are similar to a magnetic strip on the back of a debit or credit card, and they are subject to the same failures when exposed to a strong magnet like those at checkout counters or even your cell phone.

The good thing is that Bionic Band does NOT use any type of hologram. The technology in the Bionic Band is the imprinting of a frequency into stainless steel for the Original Bionic Band or directly into the metal of the Bionic Band Jewerly. Thus no failure of the hologram and a Lifetime Warranty on the retention of the frequency.

Thank you for showing how fake the "holographic" technology is!

Las Vegas, US
Apr 20, 2011 11:01 pm EDT

Lets also re-read the original post by Mr. Goldberg where he stated that he purchased a IRnew, which is NOT a Bionic Band Product.

Again for JDH because he doesn't read very well and no even if he comprehends what he reads. Yes, the test can be faked. Does the person "receiving" the test feel the difference in the pressure? YES! David Drew proves that he watched a video and can fake a balance test by incorrectly manipulating the test subject. And? That is nothing new. We know that it can be faked and that is why the Bionic Band is not sold on TV. We want you to experience it for yourself and FEEL if the person is pulling or pushing in or out. You can feel it IF they are cheating. In fact, find a demonstration and bring a friend. Let them do the test, that way the salesperson is not even touching you. Try it and if you don't think it is working, get a refund!

30 Day Money Back Guarantee
We are so certain that you will be completely satisfied with the BionicFamily of Products™ that we offer a 30-Day unconditional money back guarantee. If you are not completely satisfied for any reason, return the product to the distributor who sold you the product within 30-Days from the date of purchase, with proof of purchase, for a complete refund less any shipping fees.

Our Unconditional 30-Day, No-Questions-Asked, 100% Money-Back Guarantee makes your purchase RISK FREE. Partially returned product will not be refunded.

I bet David Drew isn't offering any kind of refund if you don't get rich using his book and methods.

Las Vegas, US
Apr 20, 2011 9:25 pm EDT

Lets remember...All that video shows is that someone can muniplilate the testing. I agree that the test can be faked. So because an expolsion can be faked on TV or in the movies, that all explosions are fake?

And you want to call my a scammer or fake because I sell a product and give a guarrantee? Take a look at the video producers website as he trying to sell his book and money making product.

Las Vegas, US
Apr 20, 2011 6:09 am EDT

Once again you only provide half of the information. Come one Xeno, you know I am going to get all the info so you had better get all the facts and read without a preconcieved opinion.

Here is the warranty info directly from the website:

Warranty30 Day Money Back Guarantee

We are so certain that you will be completely satisfied with the BionicFamily of Products™ that we offer a 30-Day UNCONDITIONAL money back guarantee. If you are not completely satisfied for any reason, return the product to the distributor who sold you the product within 30-Days from the date of purchase, with proof of purchase, for a COMPLETE REFUND less any shipping fees.

Our Unconditional 30-Day, No-Questions-Asked, 100% Money-Back Guarantee makes your purchase RISK FREE. Partially returned product will not be refunded.

Technology Guarantees
We offer a Lifetime Guarantee on the technology in ALL of our products. If for any reason you feel the technology in our product is not working, simply return it to the address below and we will re-imprint it for you.

So if does not work for you (any reason) you can get a REFUND! Whether it matches the testimonies or NOT!

Nice try Xeno but you missed AGAIN!

Las Vegas, US
Apr 20, 2011 5:30 am EDT

The FDA does not regulate any homoepathic products. Official questions to the Bionic Band corporate company have been asked and answered to their satisfaction.

Las Vegas, US
Apr 20, 2011 5:07 am EDT

I never said he was bad. I did say that he keeps pasting the same video with no evidence. Like I stated, I agree that the person on the video can fake the test. All that shows it that it CAN be faked. So can drugs, watches, jackets, shoes, etc. Both you and JDH have brought nothing to the discussion other than misinterpretation of numerous web pages and what is possible in reviewing ATP.

8:53 pm EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

Bionic Band a stupid strap with a pieace of metal on it

Unbeleievable, its just a stupid old strap with a piece of metal attached to it. My mom is making me wear this cheap piece of crap cause it supposed to help with my autism well to bad it dosent work I dont even feel any different than before. So i guess you can say bionic bands are cheap pieces of crap that say strength and agility but really its just a lie that the company said so youll be duped out of your own money plus they hurt your wrist.

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Las Vegas, US
Apr 19, 2011 7:19 pm EDT


All that video shows is that someone can muniplilate the testing. I agree that the test can be faked. So because an expolsion can be faked on TV or in the movies, that all explosions are fake?

And you want to call my a scammer or fake because I sell a product and give a guarrantee? Take a look at the video producers website as he trying to sell his book and money making product.

1:04 pm EDT
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This review was chosen algorithmically as the most valued customer feedback.

Went to a gun show at cal expo. Two guys were touting the wonderful effects of the bionic band. Our buddies were tested and sure enough, it works. Went home that evening and googled bionic band scam. Read more into it and apparently it falls within the realms of "kinesiology". Basically in a nutshell, mind over matter. At first, you don't know what to...

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11:38 pm EDT
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Bionic Band gay/strap with a metal washer

### doesnt work. If you want to believe send me the money and i will send a rope with a rock, thus turning you into a rock star.

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Leamington Spa, GB
Nov 12, 2011 6:05 pm EST
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Oh dear, you are choosing to lecture me on personal issues rather than address the compelte lack of any credibel evidence that the band does any thing whatsoever. I understnad your choice, as aside from admitting there is zero credible evidence whatsoever that the band does anything other than act as a placebo you have no other line of attack. You say I malign people with no consideration, well, no. Their actions malign them, marketing a product that costs $3 to make for a massive margin with zero evidence that it does anything, and specifically targeting those who are in pain and suffering is frankly repulsive.

Simply put, my relationship with God is a personal one which is two way. I do run a church, I do the rota's I preach sometimes, I lead others, all withteh Holy Spirit central to it. You seem to think that wrong, ohwell, I can see attacking me personally about a completely unrelated issue is your preferred modus operandi.

It has absolutley no bearing on whether or not there is any credible evidence that the Bionic Band does anything other than act as a placebo. The ASA reviewed every bit of evidence PWS offered to back their claims and they had to remove their claims as they simply had no evidence thatit works. This is a fact, although an inconvenient one for you, it is still a fact. I do not know why you ar pretneding that you are not promoting the band when clearly you are. The claims made for the band are untrue and iunevidenced, the "science" is psuedoscientific nonsence, with zero research to back them up, it's the new snake oil pure and simple.

They even lied about UWI doing a study into it to try to give it some creedence, when it was simple to check with UWI that no research had been undertaken. If you wish to associate yourself with liars and frauds and harangue those who point out that this is their true nature then by loking at the actual evidence rather than relying on anecdote that's your choice, but if you tell others to buy it ont eh same basis I have the right (and I think morally the obligation) to point out that it is a con, and that there is no evidence even from teh peoeple who cam e up with it, that it is anythign other han a placebo.

Cincinnati, US
Nov 12, 2011 5:06 am EST
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As to your comment: "With regard to me realising that God loves me, I run a church I don't need lecturing on God's love from anyone." It seems as though you do as many pastors do; "run a church" and therefor it is no wonder the CHURCH is in the shape it is in; when Pastors do not allow The Holy Spirit to run their churches!
I seems as though you probably run your church, as you attack people on the complaints board: without any thought or prayerful consideration for the person or persons you malign by saying they don't know what they are talking about. I guess you put yourself in God's Place!
I will not address you anymore, because it seems as though you only care about trying to prove you are right and everyone else is wrong. I hope that works out for you.
Jesus is my Savior, my Lord, BUT most of all Jesus is my BROTHER and FRIEND! I pray that you can say the same?

Leamington Spa, GB
Nov 11, 2011 1:43 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

PS you have no direct knowledge of it's effects, in that you have absolutely no idea whatsoever what it is doing, or what your own body is doing. You cannot in any way discern whether there is a physical effect or merely a placebo effect. The comapny itself has no evidence of any physical effect or any other effect beyond placebo or expectation. SO please do not say that only those who have tried it are able to comment on it's effects. those who have tried it have absoluytely no idea whether the band itself is doing anything at all.

In cases such as this I look to the science, and the science for Bionic BAnd adds up to stating some scienticif principles and then expanding them beyond the scope of the proof to make hypothetical statements (some of which are complete and utter guesswork) and claiming this is science. It's not, it's psuedoscience and is being used to con people into believing that the product has validity. When the ASA looked at the claims of Bionic Band it foudn no evidence to bakc up their claims, despite Bionic Band submitting their "evidence". i.e. their claims are not credible, they are simply makiing stuff up with zero evidence.

I can comment on this, and the mechanisms being complete BS without having to waste time and money buying this scam product.

Leamington Spa, GB
Nov 11, 2011 6:53 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Incorrect Travellinman

I am clarifying that your experiences do not provide any evidence at all of the band being anything but a placebo. Your experiences do not involve any tests that could measure this, so I am ensuring that you and otheers are aware that yours is merely anecdotal evidence with no actual proof of the band doing anything, and that even the manufacturer has absolutely no evidence of thee band doing anything other than being a placebo.

I have every right to point that out, as the band being sold for pain relief is in fact illegal without FDA EU or other national body recognition of proof of the claims. When examined by the ASA in the UK they could not even evidence the claims they made about strength or balance let alone the ones they were unable to make due to the law about pain relief.

As to thee idea theat some people like to tear theings down, you seem to think theat criticising a product theat has no proof theat it works is a bad theing, I see it as pointing out htat you are buying something which has failed to evidence in anyway that it is not just a placebo, therefore a con. Seemingly you would have defended the snake oil salesmen if it gave you a placebo benefit.

Furthermore this is complaint site, what do you expect people to post on here. I have every right to complain about a product being sold with absolutely no evidence thet it works, other then anecdote (the plural of which is anecdotes, not evidence)

With regard to me realising that God loves me, I run a church I don't need lecturing on God's love from anyone. I do not see Jesus as the sort of peron who stood by whilst others were ripped off, do you?

Cincinnati, US
Nov 11, 2011 4:33 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Like I said before, The Band might not work for you. But then again you cannot say it doesn't work, because it works for us. You are not God and your opinion is your opinion and like the ole saying got: "Opinions are like a_ _ _ _ _ _ _s". Most people have one and some are!"
If it doesn't work don’t buy it. I don't believe in Santa Claus: A lot of people do! Does that make either of us wrong?
I don't call the day Jesus arose form the grave, Easter (named after the Goddess Estar! I call that glorious day Resurrection Sunday!
A lot of people celebrate Halloween and put out decorations. Halloween is the high holy day of the witches, warlocks and Satan worshippers. Therefore my family does not participate in any way!
My point is that just because a lot of people believe or practice something does not make it right for everyone. You may say that these statements do not pertain to the subject at hand: well there are a lot of comments made in regards to the Bionic Band by people who have no direct knowledge as to its effect or affects on my wife and I and therefore they have no right to judge or make negative comments as to our results or to make accusations as to our competence to share our results.

So if it didn't work for you share that. If you haven't tried the Bionic Band: you have no right to share your opinions to try to nullify our experience!
I know that a lot of people always love to try to tear down others, which make themselves feel important: They don't realize that they are important to and loved by God, and that is a fact and truth that they can take to the Bank!

God Bless and have a super day!

Cincinnati, US
Nov 11, 2011 4:28 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Like I said before, The Band might not work for you. But then again you can not say it doesn't work, because it works for us. You are not God and your opinion is your opinion and like the ole saying got: "Opinions are like a_ _ _ _ _ _ _s". Most peoples have one and some are!"
If it doesn't work don;t buy it. I don't believe in Santa Claus: A lot of people do! Does that make either of us wrong?
I don't call the day Jesus arose form the grave, Easter (named after the Goddess Estar! I call that glorious dayResurrection Sunday!
A lot of people celebrate Halloween and put out decorations. Halloween is the high Holy day of the witches, warlocks and Satan worshippers. Therefore My family does not participate in any way!
My point is that just because a lot of people believe or practice something does not make it right for everyone. You may say that these statements do not pertain to the subject at hand: well there are a lot of comments made in regards to the Bionic Band by people who have no direct knowledge as to its effect or affects on my wife and I and therefore they have no right to judge or make negative comments as to our results or to make accusations as to our competence to share our results.

So if it didn't work for you share that. If you haven't tried the Bionic Band: you have no right to share your opinions to try to nullify our experience!
I know that a lot of people always love to try to tear down others, which make themselves feel important: They don't realize that they are important to and loved by God, and that is a fact and truth that they can take to the Bank!
God Bless and have a super day!

Leamington Spa, GB
Nov 10, 2011 4:41 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more


There is zero evidence the band has, or indeed could have any effect on your pain levels beyoond the placebo/expectation effect. You may not believe that it is in your mind, but that is all there is evidence for. The "science" put forward by the manufacturers as to how is works is baloney, consider that an MRI weighs 2 tonnes and woudl be much better if they coudl align all of the protons, yet even with 2 tonnes of equipemtn at it's disposal, and magnets which are of a completely different magnitude of power to the bionic band they cannot align them all.

Then there is the fact hat you are talkign baout pain relief. Bionic Band are not marketing this produc t (or at least the are not supposed to be marketing the product under the law) for pain relief. If it worked for such then they would be able to provide the evidence that it is more than just a placebo and so be able to tap a massive and lucrative market that woudl revolutionise their profits. So why have they not tapped this market? Simple, there is no evidence that it is anythgin more than a placebo.

It doesn't work, there is no evidenc it does anything more than a placebo, ye they still con people out of money. These guys are piggy backing pain and suffering as a money makign experience, just as the money changers who hung aroudn the temple so that people could exchange their money to buy offerings piggy backed the suffering of those who came to buy offerings. I suggest you do as Jesus did and kick them out, they are using your pain to make money out of you.

Cincinnati, US
Nov 10, 2011 8:04 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I purchased the Bionic Silicone Bands for my wife and myself. I was skeptical, but thought that if they worked it would be the cheapest fix for several issues. I have a bad left Rotator Cup, injuries to my Right thumb from being bent backwards almost to the reverse of normal, my back broken has been broken twice, and a Right knee injured by also bending the lower part of my leg forward in a fall. I have had problems going to sleep at night, because of all the pain.
We live in a 43 foot motorhome and travel the US. Please note that our motorhome is total electric: so this means that we are surrounded in 360 square feet of electronics and electrical supply lines and equipment 365 days a year.
1. I have noticed that I can raise my left arm more than before with less pain almost as high as my right arm.
2. My Right thumb does not hurt me like it did before and I am able to use it more.
3. My back pain has lightened up a little.
4. My Right knee has a lot less pain and the little bit of pain I was starting to feel in my Left knee has subsided.
5. I slept straight through for 8 hours, the first time in a long time, last night!

My wife was having severe abdominal pains for the past 3 or 4 weeks after taking a 2 day Martial Arts course (10 hrs per day) at Front Sight. We went through intense warm up / loosen up exercises before the actual training, which for us: her in her late 60 and me 70, was quite intense and physically demanding!
I just aced her about her pain and she said she had none. She too has not gotten good nights sleep in many months; maybe years: She has been sleeping better and longer since getting the band.

I don't really believe that it is the power of suggestion that is helping us to have and experience a more comfortable life. I know that our bodies work on electrical impulses and frequencies. Brain waves are sent to parts of our bodies through the Nervous system God so generously equipped us with to feel and elevate pain and to operate the parts of the body that need to operate, when they need to operate. As we live in a world that has been so electrically charged by everything from microwaves to cell phones; it is a wonder that we can even function with all that surrounds us and the things that The Lord gave us and we have messed up!
I am not endorsing the Bionic Band: I am just telling you of our experiences. People live in different environments and have different body chemistries. You may not have the same experiences that my wife and I have experienced. I hope and pray that The Lord Jesus will grant us less pain, as we try to elevate the things that affect and have negative effects on these miraculous bodies, as we live on this Earth that man has screwed up so badly!

PLEASE NOTE: I for one do not appreciate the after the name add-on Bob used and the foul language he used to comment with his non-intelligent tyrant and his lack of decency to try to get his opinion across. But, God loves him anyway and maybe one day he will experience God's Love through The Person of His Son: Jesus! After all Jesus shed His Blood for the vilest of Sinners!
God Bless you as you seek His Will for your life in The Person of Jesus The Messiah!
TravelinMan for Jesus

Las Vegas, US
Apr 22, 2011 4:53 pm EDT


Thank you so much for bring the clarification to this subject. You are right! The Power Balance and numerous other silicone bands use a hologram (picture) on a plastic sticker, generated by a computer. These products are similar to a magnetic strip on the back of a debit or credit card, and they are subject to the same failures when exposed to a strong magnet like those at checkout counters or even your cell phone.

The good thing is that Bionic Band does NOT use any type of hologram. The technology in the Bionic Band is the imprinting of a frequency into stainless steel for the Original Bionic Band or directly into the metal of the Bionic Band Jewerly. Thus no failure of the hologram and a Lifetime Warranty on the retention of the frequency.

Thank you for showing how fake the "holographic" technology is!

Las Vegas, US
Apr 20, 2011 6:27 pm EDT

I should read? Really? You always leave out just a little bit of information to try to push you point of view.

The disclamier you have quoted is the MEDICAL DISCLAMIER for the simple fact that we do not make any MEDICAL CLAIMS or warranties.
No statement contained in this writing, and no information provided by any Perfect World Solutions, Inc., employee, Independent Distributor or retailer, should be construed as a claim or representation that these products are intended for use in the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment or prevention of disease or any other medical condition. Which means we are not promising the solve any medical issue.

I don't sell soap, but maybe you shoudl buy some because both your undefensible position and haphazard research stinks.

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Overview of Bionic Band complaint handling

Bionic Band reviews first appeared on Complaints Board on Jun 18, 2009. The latest review Scam was posted on Apr 12, 2011. The latest complaint Scam was resolved on Apr 12, 2011. Bionic Band has an average consumer rating of 4 stars from 5 reviews. Bionic Band has resolved 4 complaints.
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