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CB Fitness Centers and Gyms Fitness 19 16000 Stuebner Airline Rd, Spring, TX, 77379, US
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Fitness 19
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Fitness 19

16000 Stuebner Airline Rd, Spring, TX, 77379, US
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1 complaint
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Working hours
5:00 am - 10:00 pm
5:00 am - 10:00 pm
5:00 am - 10:00 pm
5:00 am - 10:00 pm
5:00 am - 9:00 pm
2:43 pm EDT

Fitness 19 - rude

I been a member of this gym for 3 years .. But the new staff are really Rude. The child care is unprofessional all the girls do is be on there cell phone will your child is getting injured and crying. Best choice I made is switch to the new fitness connection on Louetta rd.

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Ruth and Kevin
Orange, US
Apr 17, 2015 1:42 pm EDT

It is not rude to them to call CPS if they suspect abuse, it is their duty. I am glad they called CPS on you, a spank is one thing, but what you did is down right abuse and if you can do that in public I fear how you treat your child behind closed doors.

Apr 16, 2015 11:26 pm EDT

They were rude to me because they reported me to CPS while my child was in their care. Yet when your child is injured they ignore them and talk on their cell phone. They lied to me and said they were calling for help. My child said the same thing. I was mad at my child for lying so I slapped him across the face and they lied and said I abused my child and called CPS who also said that this was abuse. They were so rude to me that they made me slap my child and then called CPS on me when it was their fault I slapped my child.

Ruth and Kevin
Orange, US
Apr 16, 2015 11:21 pm EDT

How were they rude to you. I am sure the only one acting like a "girl" was you.

Ruth and Kevin
Orange, US
Apr 16, 2015 11:21 pm EDT

Funny calling them "girls" when you are the one acting like a child. Hoe exactly were they rude to you?

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