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CB Department Stores Macy's 23000 Eureka Rd, Taylor, MI, 48180, US
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23000 Eureka Rd, Taylor, MI, 48180, US
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10:00 am - 9:00 pm
10:00 am - 9:00 pm
10:00 am - 9:00 pm
10:00 am - 9:00 pm
10:00 am - 9:00 pm
10:00 am - 9:00 pm
11:00 am - 6:00 pm
1:49 pm EDT

Macy's - mailed ads and extra 20% off coupon

To Whom it may concern,
Last week I received two advertisements in the mail, one advertising a sale on a diamond necklace for $99.00 reg $300 and the other an all day savings pass for an extra 20% off on many items, including fine jewelry.
On Saturday October 18, 2008, I drove all the way to Macy's Southfield from Windsor, Ontario only to be told by a jewelry clerk that they did not have the diamond necklace at their store and even more upsetting, I was informed that the extra 20% coupon that I wanted to use for something else, did not apply to me.
I have been dealing with this company for years and I am shocked that a reputable establishment such as Macy's would treat a customer in this manner. In the past, I have never experienced such a problem with coupons or advertisements. After discussing this problem with the manager, I left the store rather frustrated and angry.
I would really like to know how you will take care of this unreasonable inconvenience. Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Linda Benstead

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Ellicott City, US
Feb 12, 2011 3:58 pm EST

While I do understand the frustration, why didn't you call the store before you drove there? It's not Macy's fault you didn't do you own research and due diligence before driving to the store. Again, this is a perfect example of someone blaming Macy's when the blame is on them. These type of complaints make me sick.

Nov 19, 2008 6:16 pm EST

It is even worse now. coupons are being mailed or in newspaper, specifying that the discount is only good for shopping before 1:00pm. then right underneath this statement, is a smaller print one saying "extra discount does not apply to morning sales".
So, that would stand to reason that the coupon is only good for one hour from noon to 1:00pm...right? Wrong somebody shopping at 12:30 still could not use is a scam to get you in their store. Another even more horrific scam is the invalidating of their gift cards. A customer buys a $100 gift card, the recipient cannot use it stating it is invalid. So, Macys succeeds in stealing $100. Recipient was so frustrating she threw card away.

Scotty Dog
Nov 12, 2008 12:39 pm EST

Hello there, I am trying to reach an old College friend who is, or was the Director of Human Resources for the Southfield Michigan Store, Louann Miller/Gallagher? Please forward this email to her. Thanx! Most Sincerely, Scott Krause/Colorado Special Tees

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