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CB Grocery Stores and Market Dillons 1640 S Broadway Ave, Wichita, KS, 67211, US
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1640 S Broadway Ave, Wichita, KS, 67211, US
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1 complaint
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Working hours
6:00 am - 12:00 pm
6:00 am - 12:00 pm
6:00 am - 12:00 pm
6:00 am - 12:00 pm
6:00 am - 12:00 pm
6:00 am - 12:00 pm
6:00 am - 12:00 pm
8:27 pm EST
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

Dillons - Rude employees!

One day while shopping in my dillon's store (1 year ago) I heard a female employee use the "f" word while checking out a fellow customer. I was very shocked! I let the customer service agent know (who I will name "t") what I heard, she was very apologetic and said she would let the manager know, she then walked to the employee ("d") and let her know that her language is unacceptable and she would have to go home if it happened once more. Now, since the "f" bomb incident, the store has gotten worse. I have never in my life shopped at a grocery store that is so erotic. Some of the young boys (named "d", "g", and "j") (that are employees) wear their jeans so low that you can see the boxers they wear and the imprint of their behind. I hear the "n" word with an "a" all the time spoken by a young male (african american) employee (named "j"). This same guy talks about smoking weed and I witnessed him buying cigars and he said with pride "hell yeah I smoke weed." they swear (males and females) during the duration of my time entering the store and leaving. I wondered if a manager is on duty but their seems to be no manager in the evening. The "supervisors" who works in the costumer service booth (named "l", "k", and "l") are just as bad. They have no customer service skills, people skills, supervising skills, and do not put the customer first. "t" doesn't work in the customer service booth any longer, for reasons unknown, but I wish she was. She was a leader and made sure everyone followed. They need to put her back to her position so she can take charge like she used to. I am glad I found this website because if the corporate office/ managers/supervisors don't take charge I will. I shop at this store everyday and I will complain on the negative things I hear and witness at this store and other stores. "we the customers make their paycheck" we shouldn't be treated like this.

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The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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Ethan Owens
Sep 27, 2016 11:57 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I shop at the Dillons at Harry and Webb Road. I have been shopping at this store for three years plus. During the last year the store has been out of several items I wanted on nearly every visit. Tue 9-27-16 they were out of swiffer duster handles and vanilla flavored yogurt. This is very aggravating! Has to be poor management.
Ethan Owens

Aug 20, 2016 2:01 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I had left my cell phone at the customer service desk at the Dillon's on Central and West in Wichita, KS on Thursday, when I went back in to get my phone the manager said she did not have my phone but when I walked in my phone was in her hand and she was going through it. When she stated she did not have it, I said ### it's in your hand she closed it out and tossed my phone to me being very hateful about it. I spend around$400 a week in that store and can't say that I'll go back. That store is very rude to people and stereotype everyone. For example about a month ago I went in there without makeup on and they wouldn't let me write my check over the amount but later after fixing myself up I went to the same cashier only to try again and this time she let me. Dillon stores have become a horrible place to shop.

Aug 08, 2016 9:38 pm EDT

I have a compla about an employee at Dillon's store 56. Allison who is a front-end supervisor is very rude to some employees there. I heard a cashier ask her for a break and her response was you will get it when I want to give it to you. She is very irresponsible in that matter the gal had a very good reason to be mad at her and it is not the first time that this has happened I have heard it before. Thanks I hope that this will be taking care of I myself probably would have told her off.

May 08, 2016 7:56 am EDT

I want to comment on the quality of food Dillons is selling. Over the years, Dillons has been improving their quality of food, stocking more organic and healthy food. However, it is approaching extremes at this point: I observe that you have junk, on one hand, and healthy stuff on the other. There still is a lot more junk that promotes diabetes, heart disease and high blood pressure as well as a number of other diseases. Many of the foods have way too much sugar, high fructose corn syrup and salt. For instance I took a look at a package of Kroger pork sausage. It had way too much salt (550mg) and of all things, fructose corn syrup. Get rid of foods with these ingredients in it please! If Mr. Public is ignorant enough to buy such poor food, please take the leadership to make better food available for a reasonable price. Please get rid of bad food that promotes disease. I'm sure you would do this if you were required to pay for all of the medicines for high blood pressure and open heart surgeries right? With the inflation the government lies about and tells us we don't have, and you know better, what are you going to lose by selling healthy food? Here in Kansas we have farmer PAID to NOT grow food. Can't you change that and encourage them to produce food for Dillons? You buy locally, support the economy and create jobs. Please have a conscience for the welfare of the whole and put nothing but healthy food in your stores. Please!

Apr 20, 2016 10:08 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I, too, have shopped at the Dillons store at 6th & Wakarusa, ( I switch between the Dillons stores in Lawrence Ks because of one or the other not having something in Stock) and have only had 2 or 3 decent experiences there.
The "kids" who are usually in the customer service booth never greet me, never speak to me EVER. Not even a thank you.
I ALWAYS greet them, and regardless of the fact that they never speak, I still always say thank you. for the MAIN Dillons store I primarily shop at (3000 W 6th)
I have been shopping at this one for over 15 years. Most of the workers know me either by name, or mostly by face and I usually have a decent experience, Until about 6 weeks ago.
Larry is the manager's name, and he really seems like a super nice guy who does his job. I cannot remember the names of the other management.
I am asking Larry, AND other management to PLEASE take notice.
A lot of their workers (especially behind the service desk) are just rude and down right hateful.
There is a girl who works there that was working in customer service yesterday, (tues, april 19th 2016) and she is a young African American female.
When I met her for the 1st time months ago, She was so nice, so cool, and we chatted a bit while she rang up my purchases. The next time I saw her, not one word was uttered to me. Ok...everyone has a bad day so I tried not to take it personally. The time after that was the same. The girl I met for the 1st time is no longer in her personality.
Yesterday was the final straw. Since Dillons no longer weighs postage, etc, you can still drop off packages if theyre already paid for (postage etc) and bundled.
I run a home based business and usually run up there to take my packages.
This same girl was working customer service, so I watched and waited til it was my turn to tell her I was leaving packages. When it was my turn she held her index finger up to me as if to say "just a minute, " and she promptly went over to a co worker to chat. I waited 3 minutes then said "hey there, sorry to bug you but i am just dropping these packages off and wanted you to know."
She didnt even turn around to me. She just hollered "yep, i can see that!"
UGH..Larry please do something about these workers. She isnt the only bad apple.

ankita patel
Apr 13, 2016 12:32 pm EDT

The customer service representative is very rude to do the service and she is judging the person without know Anything. She is dumb ### sorry to say but the manager from that store also believe her not listening to the customer at all which is very bad. Not even sorry from the store manager or the store employee. Store manager name is dusty. Need to replace someone who work with the customer better. The store located in Lawrence KS on the 6 th and Wakarusha.

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