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CB Automotive Fueling and Charging Circle K 11606 Balm Riverview Road, Riverview, FL, 33569, US
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Circle K
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Circle K

11606 Balm Riverview Road, Riverview, FL, 33569, US
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2 complaints
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0:00 am - 0:00 am
8:14 pm EDT
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Circle K - Manager

I am a 53 year old black woman, and I have shopped at the same Circle K for over 15 years. Today at 11606 Balm Riverview, Rd. Riverview FL 3356…the Circle K, manager would not let me purchase tobacco products, even though I had my ID. I was with my friend, who is in her mid 30s. She forgot her ID. The manager asked for her ID, and when she didn’t have it…wouldn’t let her buy tobacco products for her or myself. She has purchased from this store on multiple occasions. She stated she had a run in with this same white, male 70ish looking manager. While I was in line, the manager did not ID other white patrons there, that were purchasing alcohol. There’s always a line at this location, and most of the time there is only one register open. This manager closed his register, even though the line was backed up considerably. Review this stores video footage, for proof.

Concerned Ex-Customer

Desired outcome: Manager reprimanded, be required to take ethnic sensitivity classes, or be suspended.

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Update by L C Johnson
Sep 20, 2023 11:07 am EDT

You’ve obviously hacked my account. I’ll contact Circle K by another means.

Update by L C Johnson
Sep 20, 2023 10:15 am EDT

No, I’m proud to be black! It’s you that’s so insecure about yourself, that you bully others. This incident has nothing to do with you. As I stated before, you must be his female dog. If you’re going to take my statements down, then take this idiots statements down, as well. Also…”[censored],” is not a cuss word. #SMH

Update by L C Johnson
Sep 20, 2023 6:58 am EDT

Why are you so invested in my complaint? You must be the manager in question or his female dog?

Update by L C Johnson
Sep 20, 2023 6:51 am EDT

And I would NEVER be ashamed of being black! Blacks don’t go around bullying others, trying to prove we are the superior race. Also, if you don’t make decisions at Circle K…your opinion is null and void.

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.L C Johnson
Sep 22, 2023 8:13 pm EDT

Sometimes I wish that white children die from cancer.

.L C Johnson
Sep 22, 2023 8:12 pm EDT

Which babies are born racist. Something in white brain.

.L C Johnson
Sep 22, 2023 8:11 pm EDT

My dad has white friends. I told him that white people are racist and evil. He refused to drop the friendship. I lied about my dad doing things to me. No one believes me since I lied about that before.

.L C Johnson
Sep 22, 2023 8:09 pm EDT

The sad thing is, all white people are racist. I hope the managers grandkids die from cancer.

3:12 am EST
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

Circle K - expired food

I shopped at this circle k twice. The first time I went I bought an italian flatbread, took it home. As I was eating it at home I noticed gray mold in the salami meat. I then read the expiration on the wrapper, it had been 3 days expired.
The next time I went was just for gas, but being hungry I trusted their food somehow again. I purchased a pepper jack cheese hotdog and a jalapeno cheese hot dog. Once again, I arrived home to eat. Bit in the first hotdog and immediately spit it out because it was so crusty and hard. I'm quite certain there was no meat just a burnt, dry, shriveled up hot dog. So now I have wasted approximately 8 dollars, as well as my health for both afternoon all because someone didn't take their time to rotate, trash old food, and make new grill items.

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The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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