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CB PMD Furniture Direct

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On this page, you'll find a comprehensive collection of reviews and complaints from real customers who have used PMD Furniture Direct's products or services. Our reviews are authentic and unbiased, providing you with a complete picture of the company, its products or services, and their customer service.

Whether you're considering doing business with PMD Furniture Direct, or you've already had an experience with them, our community's reviews and complaints will give you a valuable perspective on what to expect. Our goal is to help you make informed decisions about where to invest your time and money, and we hope that our platform will be a valuable resource for you.

Please feel free to browse our reviews and complaints and share your own experience with PMD Furniture Direct. Your feedback is an important part of our community and will help others make informed decisions.

5:41 pm EDT
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I recently heard a recorded conference call. The topic FA. Joe Armetta was the speaker. I have never heard someone talk so much about nothing. It was a painful 60 min. recording. Joe and Jeff please note I am a Top Ten Dealer. I am very busy. I don't have time to listen to Mr. Royal Heritage Joe Armetta run on at the mouth. What ever Joe Armetta is selling...

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5:20 pm EDT
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PMD Furniture Direct Management

I've heard through inside sources that Joe Armetta's termination will be announced before the next conference. Most likely Jeff will hire someone outside the company who actually has executive experience and a proven track record.

Most of the dealers and managers believed Joe Armetta was in over his head. Jeff is expected to accept some of the responsibility for this firing at the opening speech in MN.

I feel this is positive news. From the very beginning I have felt PMD has unlimited potential. With the termination of Joe Armetta PMD management has shown they are willing to make the proactive decisions needed to remain the dominant player in their space.

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former dealer of PMD
Oct 01, 2009 12:49 am EDT

As a current dealer, the issues of the last year are so overwhelming it’s hard to face the reality of the company’s direction. I am a mid level dealer and hope to be bigger some day but the actions of management and the new agreement just seems to make it not worth the fight. I don’t think I can sign the Franchise agreement and have been told that will probably not be in my best interests long term. Unfortunately the new agreement is not in anyone’s best interest. I’m just wondering and have some basic questions?

1) What could have made you screw up this company so bad? Are your legal issues that bad that you would change everything that you did for the last ten years?
2) Why did the past PMD disappear and you hide its performance in your disclosure documents? When I was recruited you made it sound special.
3) Were the past performance indicators so inaccurate that they had to be wiped off the face of the earth so that no one could ever know the lies?
4) You started to talk about the move to a franchise in late 2007. Why, and is it really the opportunity that you are trying to make it or is it just more of the same. I looked at the new website and it’s the same as Power Marketing Direct was no new benefits that I can see. Just a lot of new pictures and no new benefits that I can see.
5) How could you convince anyone to sign up for this Franchise Opportunity without providing statistical analyses of the business and removing the ridiculous requirements.
6) Successful company’s become Franchise’s and highlight how they started and where they were in development. PMD makes believe the past never existed except for the 70 dealers that were running the program and might be signing up.
7) What makes you believe that you will be able to sell this opportunity without the support and critical mass of the existing dealer base to sell the program?
8) Why would anyone want to sign a more restrictive agreement with the management and ownership of this company given the feelings of distrust at the dealer level?
9) The company was built on weekly competitive results that created a buzz or hype and stimulated business and stoked the competitive juices. No reports, no tabs and no success stories and the company seems like it is dying. Weekly sales are lower than ever.
10) You claim that the outsiders are causing the problems but you have not offered solutions or answers to very specific claims and circumstances that most dealers believe are accurate and true.
11) We have a legal contract but have been told by managers that PMD doesn’t want dealers who don’t sign the Franchise agreement. Is that legal?
12) Why doesn’t Jeff like to communicate and talk to the dealers person to person so that maybe he can do a better job of explaining his vision?
13) Do you really believe that the dealer care about the Retailer of the Year award when they look at the problems associated with their personal business?
14) Does anyone care that the company’s business is so bad and doesn’t have any chance of recovering this year?
15) If the marriage between PMD and licensee’s is over why prolong the agony on both sides?
16) I am not interested in the Franchise as it has been presented. What am I missing and what will change for the better in the future?

Rather than posting the Retailer of the Year article take the time and answer the questions. The award is meaningless and it doesn't matter if you made the company and its performance disappear. If this is not the right forum tell me when I can expect the response to my email address. I think the info would be good for everyone.

1:04 pm EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

PMD Furniture Direct Facts

Like any company PMD has some positive and negative factors.
The business model is fairly simple and the marketing scheme is unique. The staff at the home office are well intentioned and have the best interests of the dealers success.
The CEO Jeff Hosking is a good businessman, but has a bulldog mentality regarding his dealers.
The CMO Joe Armetta is also a good businessman but, is very focused on self promotion, has trouble being truthful and lacks loyalty from his peers.
Joe also crosses the line regarding his influence within the company. He gets kickbacks from his involvement the dealers credit card processing and advertising. When Joe was a dealer himself he was allowed to purchase discounted product used at trade shows thus inflating his stats.
Another unfortunate fact is PMD's mark up on product grossly exceeds the claimed 16-20%. Manufacture discounts and incentives never reach the dealers.
The dealers attrition is not disclosed to prospective new dealers. Over the last ten years PMD has gone thru hundreds of dealers. Their business today is supported by only 40 productive dealers. Half of which are responlible for the majority half of fwhich are compensated managers.
Good luck and do your homework.

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12:36 pm EST
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This company is the biggest scam in the industry. You are required to purchase a "franchise" at a ridiculous up front cost between $15, 000 - $30, 000, then required to purchase all merchandise through them at a 30-50% mark up fropm what they buy it for. When your furniture is delivered the price lists have to be blacked out because they are raping their...

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9:15 am EDT

PMD Furniture Direct PMD and you

I began my PMD business in September of 2003. Previous to PMD, I had a career in the plastic packaging industry with a Fortune 500 company as a regional sales manager. My job required travel, a lot of it. I was on the road 2-3 nights per week. With a wife and three young children at home, I wanted to find something that would allow me to be home every night. I also wanted a challenge and an opportunity that would allow me to reach my financial goals.

I feel very fortunate that I found PMD. I had no experience in the furniture industry. I soon found out experience was not necessary. PMD has a program in place that, if followed correctly, people with any background can succeed at. I now own a small business that is thriving. PMD has since developed several new programs that have allowed me to exceed my expectations.

The most important thing is that I am home more often with my family!

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Jul 23, 2008 2:48 pm EDT

After a 17 year run and an extremely successful career as SVP of Development with Blockbuster Inc., I knew it was time for a change. I didn’t want another corporate position in another big city, working for another big company. I wanted to live where I chose, to be my own boss, and to have the opportunity to live the lifestyle I was accustomed to while having the time to enjoy life with my family. PMD has given me all of that and more! Just one year into this opportunity and I am fully capitalized, inventoried and merchandised with no debt on the business. All I can say is that if I had known about this opportunity before, our family would have made it back to the "Last Best Place" Montana, years earlier!

David R. in Helena

Aug 03, 2008 11:39 pm EDT

I have been with PMD for close to five years -three of which have been as a dealer. This business has afforded me the opportunity to have my wife not have to work and to be able to stay at home with the kids.

I’ve earned a number of great vacations with my wife that I never would have taken otherwise. The opportunity to grow your business just keeps getting better every year. The entire management structure is there to help one succeed, if that is your goal.

While the organization is full of motivated, successful, goal-oriented people, they seem more interested in seeing others succeed than in competing with each other as often happens in other organizations.

I have increased my net worth about $425K in three years, not to mention the yearly income. It is exciting to be on the cutting edge of this industry and to see the new ground PMD gains every year.

Guest 123
Sep 05, 2009 10:40 am EDT

Over 400 Failed Dealers in 10 Years - Only 65 dealers in business today
Check out
for comments by current and ex-dealers -- find out for yourself - these are very bad people...

5:55 am EDT
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I love the opportunity I have been given. I was running a 300 person manufacturing plant, dealing with upper management at my own company and the leaders of automotive manufacturers we supplied. I thought I liked what I did because it was a lot of responsibility and paid well, but, I had no freedom. I realized I needed a change when I could not make my...

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6:57 pm EDT

PMD Furniture Direct My take on PMD Furniture Direct

The opportunity I have with PMD is the most exciting, rewarding, and profitable I have seen in 35 years in business. I have owned two other businesses in that time, and this has been profitable since day one. Four years later, the opportunity looks better now than it did at first. I would urge anyone considering a change of career to get on board now, as you can still get in on the ground floor of an exciting business opportunity.

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8:46 pm EDT
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I have worked over 25 years building businesses and wealth for others. As is typical in the corporate world, great rewards and wealth were offered by former employers, but in the end, promises were left unfulfilled. They got wealthy and I had a J.O.B. (Just Over Broke). I admit I was skeptical at first and failed miserably my 1st year in the business. I...

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5:22 pm EDT
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When I joined PMD 6 years ago, I had no idea that it would be such a phenomenal opportunity. To watch the rate of growth within the company has been truly amazing. I love the people that are involved in PMD. Everyone from home office to the management staff to other dealers everyone is always ready to help one another. I think that is really unique in the...

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3:08 pm EDT
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After my first year in business, I am astonished how working this simple business model on a daily basis pays off in a HUGE way. By following the program to its entirety during my first year, I accomplished what I initially projected would take me several years. It’s the only business that I know that will allow an ordinary person with ordinary income...

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8:23 pm EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

PMD Furniture Direct Terrible company

PMD is the biggest BS bait n switch business model. I invested everything I owned and lost it all due to the fat "geof haskie" This fat *** makes 30 % on everyone's purchases. What a greedy f**k. All of the people who have made positive remarks about the company are upper management and were required to do so. This company will get what they deserve. There mattresses all suck and are over priced. If the current dealers really new how much beds cost...

Thanks pmd!

I now sleep on my crazy quilt mattress. This company ruined my life!

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Ex-Dealer and actual customer
Aug 25, 2008 2:14 pm EDT

PMD is a true complete SCAM. Their so call dealer base has been declining each and every year but some how they continue to SCAm others on signing up and charging them a crazy $30, 000 to $35, 000 dealer fee what gets you nothing. They claim they are selling you items that you can not even come close to in price which is a complete lie. you are actually paying 25-35% more then your actual competitors. The Royal heritage name is a made up phony name trying to hide the real product and if you google Royal heritage, you will read all the negative feedbacks from the public on how much of a piece of junk product it really is.

Ask them why has all their so call top dealers have been leaving them plus why has their own vice-president of the company who was part of the originators no longer with them. Bert Harbin... HMMMMMMM If you ask various questions then they tell you to just shut up or they will pull your so call dealer liscense and then literally sue you. Very typical if the company is a true SCAM. You can actually go to Franklin County's court system and see for yourself with all their law suits they have had and tons more pending.

A true BAIT and SWITCH Company. They claim they are selling over stock and close out items. From my understanding and over stock or close out item is only available till they are all gone. WELL, they are never all gone because they are made to order, just like any other manufacturer for all other products you buy in a store, except you don't get LIED to and SCAMMED with their phony phone script. And if their is a true warranty, all real manufacturers honor their warranties, how ever if you bought something with a Royal heritage tag and that so call dealer is no longer around, your warranty is voided. HMMMMM Again, something is very wrong with that. And if you call the Royal heritage number which is actually the PMD office and claim to speak with a manager, they will just completely lie to you and tell you that they do not honor any warranty if the dealer is not their or if the dealer is no longer part of them that the dealer is responsible. LOL. Another words, they refuse to honor their own products because they know it is a piece of JUNK.

They will claim that they have 100 dealers around, probally even less now but they never inform you that over 300 plus dealers have failed. Again, pretty strange on those numbers wouldn't you say. Less then a 25% of the actual dealers are around and 20-25 of them are their actual managers which have been forced to make a positive statement about PMD. Again, most of their so call amangers are also no longer dealers because the only one that profits from this SCAM is PMD itself. jeff hoskins and his but kissing buddy joe armetta.

I'm suprised that all the old dealers has yet come together and file a class action law suit again PMD, Jeff Hoskins and Joe armetta. HMMMMMMM

Jim Jones
Aug 03, 2008 11:31 pm EDT

You sound like a whiny POS, broseph.

BTW have a glass of this awesome koolaide.

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