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2:32 am EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

franklin county children services Domestic Violence/Punishing Victim

May, 2009
I was contacted via notice on my from Nancy Triffon. I called and scheduled a visit. She can out and we had a discussion that at the time I couldn’t financial support myself and my children. She advised in would be in the best interest of my children that I leave my home asap. She stated she would aid both in the location and finance of a new home for my three children and I. I wrote a letter to my landlord Sharon Wolfe explaining that I would be out before the end of the month. On May 22, 2009, due to not being able to pay utilities and my promise to be out before the end of May, 2009 I left the residence. After leaving messages with her Supervisor, Nancy contacted me and supplied me with an address and phone number to a homeless shelter. I attempted to get an apartment but the application was held up due to verifications. I was homeless until June 6, 2009. My children stated with my ex-husband. I unfortunately was not welcome and was sleeping in my car in the parking lot of my then employer. I called Nancy multiple times a day and didn’t receive any return calls.

June 5, 2009 I located an apartment complex where I couldn’t afford the rent but they would move me in the next day. Rent 715.00 and at the time my monthly income was 2000.00 per month before deductions. I contacted my abuser/husband in August of 2009 when I was unable to pay my rent. We started attending church and working on our marriage. He helped me pay the bills. At the end of September, 2009 he moved in to the apartment.

There were no acts of violence or aggression toward myself or anyone in our home until April 15, 2011. The incident happened after returning from dinner at about 6:30 pm. I had quit smoking due to a lung infection and my husband was pretending that he had too. At dinner I noticed the smell and asked him about it but he denied it. When we returned home we were arguing so I told him that was going to the bedroom and would stay there until everything cooled down. I went into the bedroom and pulled up Netflix. He entered the bedroom several times slamming clothes baskets down as when he gets frustrated he cleans. I told him to get out and stay out. He looked at the computer and asked what I was doing on facebook. I showed him it was Netflix and he said that he was going to leave. I told to go. He proceeded to grab my purse saying he was getting his money out of my account. I grabbed my purse and we struggled over it. He has this little maneuver he does were he backs me against a wall. It had been years since he had done this but somehow I ended up on his back. He tilted himself forward grabbed my sides and slammed me head first to the ground. I got really dizzy and felt like I was completely out of control of my body. I don’t recall if I lost conciousness or not. He was in and out of the room as I lay on floor not able to move. Our daughter was in her room playing DS and watching cartoons as she does every night before bed. After lying on the floor for a little while I felt my daughter touch me and she started crying asking what happened. I told her mommy would be fine and I laid there until I could get myself moving. My daughter said, “Please mommy don’t die.” My Husband continued coming in and out packing his things. I drug myself from the bedroom in to the bathroom and go myself up on the toilet to compose myself. My husband came and begged me to let him stay, apologizing and saying he was afraid of what was wrong with me. I sat there spitting blood into a tissue and told him it was over. I told him he needed to go and that I would be reporting it. He said let me call 911, I told him no. I would be fine, get out of my house. He cried and said that he would call an ambulance before he left. He took off on foot.

I got into the shower to clean myself up but I notice I was still really dizzy and couldn’t stand very well so I call my oldest daughter, to come help me. She arrived and helped me get dressed. My youngest daughter was in her room playing DS. My oldest and I decided I needed to go to the hospital so I got my phone which was all tore apart on the floor and I hit send twice and a coworker answered. She came and took me to Mt. Carmel East. I was written off work for a week and released.

The next day my husband called me from a number that I reversed it and had him arrested at the Holiday Inn Express. He had gotten money from the bank account. $150.00 to be exact.

He went to jail and I used the rest of his paycheck to bond him out so he wouldn’t lose his job. We agreed that we would not be getting back together and we would both fund a divorce. He went to stay with a friend from work and the only contact we had was when his daughter would call him to say good night or tell him about her tooth she lost. His mother contacted me on May 2 to arrange a meeting with my daughter and my husband. I took her and dropped her off at his mom’s and picked her up an hour later.

The end of April, I got another notice from Nancy Triffon. This time is was on the lawn of my apartment complex. I am grateful that I got before my neighbors. The notice stated that she want to meet that Friday afternoon. I contacted her that day and left a message advising that it wouldn’t be possible because of all of the time I had missed from work. She called me May the 6th. We discussed the issue from the prior case 2009 and me ending up homeless she apologized and blamed her case load. We set a meeting for 6 pm on May 12, 2011. She asked if I had seen Robert and I advised at Court and it was really uncomfortable to be in the same room with him.

I made arrangements to leave work early on May 12th so I could pick up daughter and get her dinner before the appointment. On my way home at about 4:30 I got a message from Nancy that due to a prior engagement she wouldn’t be able to make the appointment. I called her back and left a message to reschedule. I didn’t hear back from her until May 30, 2011. She stated she had to get a visit done within the next 48 hours or the matter would be escalated. I told her its end of month in the debt collection world if I miss work it’s likely that I will lose my job. She said that they would file with the court against my husband and assured me it would have nothing to do with me. Honestly, I didn’t care. The next day Nancy had called and questioned my coworker who told the whole office so I called and left her a message. She called me back at work and I was informed that the filing would have to do with me as well. I told her but this is because you didn’t return my calls and you canceled your visit. She said mistakes were made. I advised I want to speak with her supervisor she said she was out and forwarded me to a voice mail of another supervisor. I left a message and didn’t get a return call until Thursday, June 9, 2011 after I contact Client’s Rights. Ms. Mack called and stated that she was Ms. Triffon’s supervisor and that she had been out of the office. I advised that I didn’t do anything wrong but Nancy had stated I would have to appear in court she said she would see if she could get it dropped. She said she needed to do a home visit and she came out on June 10 at 2:30 pm. She talked to me and then talked to my daughter alone. My daughter said she didn’t need me there so I let it happen. After Ms. Mack left my daughter told me a funny story that she laughed about saying that she was getting Ms. Mack to write stuff down. I asked her what she said. She said that she told her I left her home alone for one minute, that I hit her with a belt, and that I hit her in the face. I asked my daughter when I had every done that. She said she didn’t know but when she answered no to Ms. Mack’s questions she didn’t write anything down. I told her that she probably got mommy in trouble. She said “I thought she wanted me to say yes.”

Monday, I got a call from Allie a new case worker that she needed to do another home visited. I told her what my daughter had said about the last visit and that from prior experience with my daughter it could very well be that she said so she could go live with her dad or her aunt. She proceeded to offer to pay for everything for me. I explained that I had been down this road with CS before and that I ended up homeless. I am completely capable of taking care of myself. She didn’t seem to like this. It felt like she was trying to pressure me to take their money. Then she started asking if my husband had ever physically or sexually abused my daughter. I told her no he adored her it was me he hated. She then stated that because of the visits she didn’t think it would be a problem if I didn’t attend court. I was trying not to miss work so I can keep my job. She then stated that she would need to set up weekly visits with my daughter. After the last meeting with my daughter this upset me. I told her I didn’t see the point. I have my daughter set for counseling through Children’s Hospital and that will all of the other appointments I can’t take another one. She didn’t seem to care. I started crying, she asked if she could talk to the kids, I said yes and left the room. She talked to my oldest daughter about how she punishes my youngest daughter. HAHA my oldest babies my youngest. She told my oldest to tell me she was leaving I said ok.

After that meeting, something told me I had better find away to make it to court. The next day I attended court and was ambushed. The DA was laughing and saying “maybe we should just let him kill her, ” before she recommended that my daughter be removed from my home. My husband was there and told the court that he would do whatever it took to keep my daughter with me. It was concluded with me have temporary custody of my child under the supervision of FCS. I broke down and had to leave to prevent further embarrassment. The drug addict before me that tested positive was treated better.

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The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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Southeast U.S.
Birmingham, US
Jun 24, 2011 10:42 am EDT

Typical social workers. You should have a volunteer lawyer association that handles cases such as yours. Call your local state bar and ask them for their number. You need an attorney asap.

9:16 pm EDT

franklin county children services toke my child away from me

franklin county children services toke my daughter
after having baby on 9-19-08 from the hospital
do to my daughter was saying she didnt want to go home
also i called them my self on 9-18-08 for help with my daughter.the hospital wasnt letting me in the room with my child when she was in labor
because my daughter stated she didnt want me in the hospital said they couldnt let me so
i call children services to ask for help on this matter
they told me that the hospital cant do that and i need to call the police
and i also call the main person over the hospital
it end up in there eyes to be the bad one here
and as of franklin county children services
they end up getting call from the hospital day after
she had they baby my daughter telling them she doesnt want to go home
how in the hell can they take my child and grandchild from me when i havent done wrong period .just on her saying shes not going home
if any one wants to hear more and wants to comment on it please tell me

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