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Fare Corner Reviews 15

12:46 pm EST
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Fare Corner Scammer

I had bought some tickets off of this site and then the next day they sent me an email and they said there was a change in your ticket and we need to talk to you. So I told them to call me. Then they said that lucky ticket was over and the tickets at increased in prices and wanted me to pay $75 per ticket more. I told them no and he talked to his supervisor and said that they could do at $60 per ticket. I said no I would go look at another site then. They finally decided to keep the same price. Then 2 days later I get an email from them that says that I need to pay this $200 for fees. After the fact that the tickets were supposedly but. I clicked on it and it was a a PayPal connection to pay them $200. I did not do that of course and I went to my bank and we went over my account and they never took any money out of it luckily. But I have blocked them and have reported them and I had to get a new debit card. And now I'm paying extra for fraud protection per month because they have my personal information that I entered. No social security number just date of birth and and all about the passengers that we're going to fly.

Recommendation: Avoid them.

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Fare Corner Warning: Beware of Fare Corner - Unreliable and Dishonest Flight Booking Platform

I strongly advise against using Fare Corner for booking your flights. I made the mistake of booking tickets with them, only to find out later that the flights I had chosen were no longer available at the advertised prices. They demanded additional payment, claiming that the original flights did not exist anymore. Reluctantly, I paid the extra amount and proceeded to travel to ORD airport, expecting to board my United Airlines flight. However, to my dismay, United Airlines had no record of my itinerary. It turns out that Fare Corner had failed to pay for the tickets, leaving me stranded without a refund.

This whole experience has left me feeling scammed and frustrated. Fare Corner is nothing more than a bunch of incompetent individuals who have no qualms about taking people's hard-earned money. It's truly disappointing that they can get away with such dishonest practices.

I urge you to steer clear of Fare Corner and find a more reliable and trustworthy platform for booking your flights. Don't fall victim to their deceitful tactics and risk losing your money like I did.

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Fare Corner Beware of Fare Corner: Scammers Disguised as Legit Travel Agency

I gotta say, Fare Corner is pretty impressive! I mean, they were all up on priceline and expedia, so they seemed legit. They took our hard-earned cash and even managed to send us some emails that looked like they were from Delta. But guess what? Delta called them out and said they're a bunch of scammers. Can you believe it?

So, we decided to give Fare Corner a ring to see what they had to say for themselves. And you know what they told us? They had the audacity to blame Delta for the whole mess! Can you believe the nerve? They're just trying to shift the blame and avoid getting caught. I betcha they'll disappear soon, only to pop up again with a brand new name and scam more unsuspecting folks. It's a real shame what people can get away with these days.

Let me tell ya, using a third-party for travel is a nightmare. You never know who you can trust. It's like stepping into a big ol' pile of trouble. So take my advice, folks, and steer clear of these shady characters. Stick to booking directly with the airlines or reputable travel agencies. Trust me, it'll save you a whole lot of headache and heartache.

Stay safe out there, and happy travels!

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Fare Corner Fare Corner Review: Frustrating Booking Experience with Poor Customer Service and Upselling Attempts

So, I was trying to book my tickets on Fare Corner and guess what? They put my tickets on hold and sent me an email, all urgent-like, asking me to get in touch with them. I mean, come on, can't they just confirm my booking without all this drama?

Anyway, I called them up and this person on the other end had such a heavy accent that I could barely understand a word they were saying. They told me that the category of seats I had booked was all sold out. Can you believe it? I was so frustrated! But wait, it gets worse.

Instead of offering me a solution, this person tried to push me into buying a more expensive seat. Can you believe the nerve? I was on the phone with them, feeling all annoyed, and decided to check out the reviews on this website. Boy, do I wish I had done that earlier!

Now, I'm not one to judge, but this whole experience left a bad taste in my mouth. I mean, why would they hold my tickets and then tell me there are no seats available? And trying to upsell me to a pricier seat? That's just not cool.

I really wish I had read the reviews before booking my tickets on Fare Corner. It would have saved me all this hassle and frustration. Lesson learned, I guess. But hey, at least I can warn others about my experience. So, folks, be cautious when booking with Fare Corner. It might not be the smooth sailing you expect.

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Fare Corner Misleading Pricing and Manipulative Review Tactics: My Experience with Fare Corner

I recently had an experience with Fare Corner ( and wanted to share my thoughts. Initially, I was pleased with the ticket price they offered me. However, my excitement quickly turned into disappointment when I received an email asking me to call them. To my dismay, they informed me that the price I was initially quoted was no longer available. Apparently, the economy class was fully booked, and they had to charge me an additional $50.00.

I found it quite frustrating that they would advertise a price they couldn't honor. It felt like a bait-and-switch tactic, which left a sour taste in my mouth. Interestingly, they did offer me a way out of this predicament. They proposed that if I were to provide them with a positive review, they would honor the original price. This made me question the authenticity of the positive reviews I had seen on their website. It seemed as though some people may have succumbed to this offer, resulting in a few 5-star reviews. However, the majority of genuine reviews I came across were only 1 star.

Overall, my experience with Fare Corner was disappointing. The initial promise of a good price turned out to be misleading, and the attempt to manipulate reviews left me feeling skeptical. I would caution others to approach this website with caution and consider alternative options before making any bookings.

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Fare Corner Disappointing Experience with Fare Corner: Misleading Prices and Last-Minute Cancellation

So, let me tell you about my experience with Fare Corner. When I contacted them, I actually got to talk to a real person, which was nice. They seemed pretty reliable and gave me a deal that sounded decent. But here's the thing, the price they quoted me was actually higher than what they had advertised. That was a bit disappointing, to be honest.

Anyway, after I made the payment, they sent me the ticket via email. I thought everything was sorted and I was all set for my trip. But guess what? A few days before my departure, they just went ahead and canceled my ticket without even bothering to let me know. Can you believe that? I was shocked! And you know what they did? They blamed the airline for it. Yeah, right!

I've never had such a crazy experience in my entire life. Let me tell you, if you're looking to save some money, I would strongly advise against working with Fare Corner. Trust me, the last-minute cancellation they pulled on me could end up costing you way more than any little savings you might make on your ticket. It's just not worth it, my friend.

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Fare Corner Beware of Fare Corner: False Advertising, Bait and Switch, and Website Shenanigans

This here company, Fare Corner, they be all about them airfares and such. They go on and advertise these fancy airfares, and they even throw in a discount if you give 'em a call. Sounds pretty good, right? Well, hold on to your hats, 'cause things ain't what they seem.

So, I decided to give 'em a ring, thinkin' I could snag me a sweet deal. But guess what? They told me there ain't no seats left at that price they advertised. Can you believe it? And to top it off, they quoted me a price that was double what they had originally promised. Talk about a bait and switch!

But wait, it gets even better. I thought maybe I'd give their website a try, see if I could find a better deal there. Well, let me tell ya, that was a big mistake. Every time I clicked on the non-discounted fare, it took me to a whole different flight that was even more expensive. Can you say rip-off?

Now, you might be thinkin', "Hey, maybe they just made a mistake." Well, let me tell ya, this happened to me not once, not twice, but a whopping seven times in just four weeks. And when I asked 'em about it, they had no clue why it was happenin'. Yeah, right! Sounds like a bunch of hogwash to me.

I gotta say, folks, this Fare Corner is nothin' but a big ol' scam. They reel you in with their fancy airfare promises, but when it comes down to it, they can't deliver. And don't even get me started on their website shenanigans. It's like they're playin' a game, tryin' to squeeze every last penny outta ya.

So, take it from me, steer clear of Fare Corner. Save yourself the headache and the disappointment. There are plenty of other reputable companies out there that actually deliver what they promise. Don't fall for their scam, folks. It's just not worth it.

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Fare Corner Beware of Fare Corner: Deceptive Booking Process and Canceled Reservation

I recently came across Fare Corner ( while searching for a budget-friendly flight option. I was thrilled to find a flight that was not only cheap but also available for booking. However, during the booking process, I received a warning message indicating that my reservation was not yet confirmed and that I would receive a call from a representative.

Shortly after, I received a call from a gentleman with a noticeable accent. He informed me that they needed to reach an agreement with United Airlines regarding my booking. After a while, he called me again and informed me that they had reached an agreement, but at a slightly higher price. Although the price increase was still acceptable to me, he requested that I confirm my acceptance by replying to their email.

I promptly replied to their email, confirming my agreement and eagerly awaited my confirmed booking. They even congratulated me on successfully securing my flight. Excitedly, I began making plans and arrangements for my upcoming trip.

However, my excitement was short-lived when, just a day later, I received another email from Fare Corner. To my dismay, the email stated that my booking had been canceled, despite our previous conversation. I couldn't help but feel a deep sense of disappointment. On the bright side, this incident served as a clear indication that Fare Corner was not a trustworthy platform and that they were, in fact, scammers.

In conclusion, my experience with Fare Corner was extremely disappointing. Their initial promise of a cheap flight and the subsequent communication with their representative led me to believe that I had successfully booked my trip. However, their sudden cancellation of my reservation left me feeling deceived and frustrated. I would strongly advise others to exercise caution when considering Fare Corner for their travel needs.

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Fare Corner A Total Scam - False Advertising, Broken Promises, and Unreliable Service

The site is a total scam. They give you a "pending ticket" for a certain price listed on their site and then try to charge you more the next day. When they guaranteed I would get the "second offer" after "talking to the supervisor" and being on the phone with them for over an hour, they never sent the tickets and would no longer answer my phone calls. They promised me they would email me the tickets twice (once within 30 minutes) and never did. Their website is false advertising, because even if you call at the time the fare is listed on their site, they won't give you that price or book the tickets. They also said if I gave them a good review they would give me a "special price". This wasn't true either since I never got the tickets after calling and emailing numerous times over a two day period. They list their fares much lower than competitors, but don't believe it! They are complete liars!

Let me tell you, folks, is nothing but a big ol' scam. They lure you in with their fancy promises of cheap tickets, but don't be fooled! They'll try to squeeze every penny out of you, and then some. I tell ya, I was on the phone with them for what felt like an eternity, listening to their sweet talk about a "second offer" and how they would talk to their supervisor to get me a better deal. But guess what? They never delivered on their promises. Not a single ticket in sight, and they stopped answering my calls faster than a cat chasing a mouse.

Now, here's the kicker. They had the audacity to promise me not once, but twice, that they would email me those precious tickets. And you know what? I waited and waited, but those emails never showed up. False advertising, my friends! They claim to have these amazing prices on their website, but when you actually try to book, it's a whole different story. They won't honor those prices, no matter how hard you try. It's like they're playing a cruel game with your hard-earned money.

Oh, and let me not forget about their little bribe. They had the nerve to ask me for a good review in exchange for a "special price". Ha! As if I would fall for that trick. I didn't get the tickets, even after bombarding them with calls and emails for two whole days. Can you believe it? They think they can fool us with their low fares, but it's all smoke and mirrors, my friends. Don't trust a word they say!

So, take my advice and steer clear of They may tempt you with their seemingly unbeatable prices, but it's all a big fat lie. They're nothing but a bunch of liars, out to snatch your hard-earned cash. Don't be fooled like I was. Save yourself the headache and find a more trustworthy travel website. Trust me, you'll thank me later.

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Fare Corner Disappointing Experience with Fare Corner: Lack of Compensation and Support for Travel Complications

I recently had an experience with Fare Corner that left me feeling frustrated and disappointed. I had purchased two round-trip tickets from United Airlines through Fare Corner for a Thanksgiving trip to visit my sister. Unfortunately, a week before our scheduled departure, my travel companion had an unexpected emergency and was unable to join me.

Naturally, I reached out to Fare Corner, hoping to either receive a refund or at least a voucher for a future flight. However, to my dismay, they flatly refused to provide any sort of compensation or alternative solution. This left me feeling quite disheartened, as I had hoped for some understanding and flexibility given the circumstances.

As the day of departure arrived, I found myself facing yet another hurdle. When I attempted to check in for my flight alone, United Airlines could not locate my ticket. It was as if it had vanished into thin air! After much confusion and inconvenience, United had no choice but to generate a new ticket for me. This unexpected turn of events forced me to navigate through the vast expanse of the airport to ensure I could board my flight.

The return journey was no less troublesome. Once again, United Airlines failed to locate my ticket, leaving me stranded without a reservation for my flight back home. To make matters worse, there was only one ticket remaining for purchase. Faced with no other option, I had to buy a second full-priced ticket at the United counter just to secure my journey back home. The financial burden was significant, as I ended up spending a staggering $1800 for a single person to travel round trip on a relatively short domestic flight.

When I approached both United Airlines and Fare Corner seeking resolution, I was met with a frustrating game of passing the blame. United Airlines directed me to take up the issue with Fare Corner, while Fare Corner simply pointed fingers back at United. Neither party showed any willingness to take responsibility or rectify the situation, leaving me feeling utterly let down.

Needless to say, this experience has left a sour taste in my mouth, and I can confidently say that I will never be using Fare Corner again. Furthermore, I feel compelled to warn others against utilizing their services, as it is evident that they lack the necessary customer support and accountability. It is truly disheartening to encounter such a lack of assistance and understanding when dealing with travel complications.

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Fare Corner Terrible Experience with Farecorner: Scammed and Ruined Family Vacation

I'm really upset right now because I have to talk to my bank to get my money back. So, I booked this flight to Myrtle Beach from Detroit for my family. We were supposed to fly tomorrow, you know? But let me tell you, the whole booking process seemed a bit sketchy. They were saying that the flight I paid for online wasn't available, but they had the nerve to ask for more money to get better seats. Can you believe that? Anyway, we decided to take a chance and I finally got my confirmation from Delta after I paid. I could see the tickets I booked online and I could even change seats and add bags. I thought everything was good to go, you know?

But then this morning, I got an error message when I tried to check in. It said something like "we're sorry we can't validate your ticket". So, I called Delta to see what was going on. And guess what they told me? They said that the "travel agency" paid for the flight, but then they went ahead and suspended it. Can you believe that? And you know what Delta said? They said there's nothing they can do about it. Can you imagine? I was so frustrated.

So, I called this number, ***636, for Farecorner. I talked to this guy and he said he needed 2 hours to work on it and promised to call me back. Well, it's been almost 3 hours and I haven't heard anything from him. So, I called again and guess what? He said he needed another hour. Can you believe the nerve of these people?

Delta basically told me that this whole thing is a scam. They told me to contact my credit card company to get a refund. Can you believe it? I can't believe that there are companies out there that would scam people like this and ruin their vacations. It's just not right, you know? It's not fair.

Now, I have to go and break my daughter's heart when I pick her up from school. She was so excited to see her grandparents, who she hasn't seen since before Covid. It's just heartbreaking, you know? These people should be ashamed of themselves. It's just not right to do this to people.

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Fare Corner Complaints 4

9:12 am EDT
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Fare Corner Beware of Fare Corner: Deceptive Prices, Terrible Customer Service, and a Frustrating Website

My brother-in-law was this close to booking a trip through Fare Corner, but he gave me a ring because he had a gut feeling that something was off. And boy, was he right! Let me tell you, folks, steer clear of this website.

First off, the prices they advertise are too good to be true. You know what they say, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Well, that's definitely the case with Fare Corner. They lure you in with these ridiculously low prices, but trust me, you'll end up paying for it in the long run.

But it's not just the prices that are fishy. Their customer service is a nightmare. My brother-in-law tried calling them to ask a few questions, and let me tell you, it was like talking to a brick wall. They were rude, unhelpful, and downright disrespectful. Ain't nobody got time for that!

And don't even get me started on their website. It's a hot mess, to say the least. It's slow, glitchy, and just plain frustrating to navigate. I mean, come on, Fare Corner, get your act together! If you're gonna run a business, at least make sure your website is user-friendly.

Now, I know what you're thinking. Maybe my brother-in-law just had a one-off bad experience. Well, let me tell you, he's not the only one. A quick Google search will reveal countless horror stories from other unsatisfied customers. It's like a never-ending nightmare!

So, my friends, take my advice and stay far, far away from Fare Corner. Don't let their tempting prices fool you. It's just not worth the headache and disappointment. Save yourself the trouble and book your travel elsewhere. Trust me, you'll thank me later.

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8:55 am EDT
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Fare Corner Disastrous Experience with Fare Corner: Suspended Tickets, Costly Flights, and Poor Customer Service

I gotta tell ya, I checked out the reviews for Fare Corner and man, they just keep saying the same thing over and over again! Can you believe it? They actually suspended our tickets right before we were supposed to head back home, and let me tell ya, it cost us a whopping $3600 to fly from Arizona to Minneapolis! Can you imagine that? And to top it all off, trying to get any sort of info or our money back was like pulling teeth! It's a real bummer, I tell ya. Fare Corner really knows how to ruin a perfectly good trip. So my advice to you, my friend, is to not fall for their tricks! Trust me, it's absolutely devastating.

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8:27 am EDT
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Fare Corner Nightmare Experience with Fare Corner: Unreliable, Deceptive, and Costly

Fare Corner is not to be trusted, so I strongly advise you to steer clear of them. My experience with them was nothing short of a nightmare. We decided to book a return ticket from AUS to JFK for March 2023, enticed by their seemingly good prices. However, our excitement quickly turned into frustration when we discovered that Fare Corner had cancelled one of our return tickets without any prior notice.

This unexpected turn of events caused us a great deal of inconvenience and hassle at the airport. We were left scrambling to find a solution, and it was only thanks to Delta that we were able to confirm that Fare Corner had suspended one of our tickets a mere three days before our scheduled return. As a result, not only did we have to endure the stress of dealing with the situation, but I also ended up losing my hard-earned money.

It is truly disheartening to come across such dishonest practices from a supposedly reputable company. The fact that Fare Corner would cancel a ticket without any valid reason or notification is simply unacceptable. I had trusted them to provide a reliable and smooth travel experience, but instead, I was left disappointed and out of pocket.

In conclusion, I strongly caution against using Fare Corner for your travel needs. Their deceptive actions and lack of accountability have left me with a bitter taste in my mouth. Save yourself the trouble and find a more trustworthy and dependable travel agency.

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Is Fare Corner Legit?

Fare Corner earns a trustworthiness rating of 91%

Highly recommended, but caution will not hurt.

Our conclusion: After a detailed review, ComplaintsBoard finds Fare Corner to be a trustworthy company. Although there's a 0% resolution rate for customer complaints, which deserves attention, Fare Corner is known for their high standards and safety. If you're thinking about dealing with Fare Corner, it's wise to check how they handle complaints. has a valid SSL certificate, which indicates that the website is secure and trustworthy. Look for the padlock icon in the browser and the "https" prefix in the URL to confirm that the website is using SSL. has been deemed safe to visit, as it is protected by a cloud-based cybersecurity solution that uses the Domain Name System (DNS) to help protect networks from online threats. you are considering visiting, which is associated with Fare Corner, is very old. Longevity often suggests that a website has consistently provided valuable content, products, or services over the years and has maintained a stable user base and a sustained online presence. This could be an indication of a very positive reputation.

According to our analysis, Fare Corner appears to be offering travel services on their website. While many travel companies are legitimate, it's important to be cautious and do your research before booking a trip to ensure that you are getting a good deal and not falling victim to a scam.

Several positive reviews for Fare Corner have been found on various review sites. While this may be a good sign, it is important to approach these reviews with caution and consider the possibility of fake or biased reviews.

Adult content may be available on It is important to be aware of potential risks and to use caution when accessing or engaging with such content.

However ComplaintsBoard has detected that:

  • has relatively low traffic compared to other websites, it could be due to a niche focus, but could also indicate a potential lack of traffic and popularity. The may offer a niche product or service that is only of interest to a smaller audience.
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Fare Corner Beware of FareCorner: False Prices and Refusal to Honor Bookings

On December 16th, I was searchin' for flights from Syracuse, NY to Nashville, TN. I stumbled upon FareCorner and boy, did they have some amazin' prices! So, without thinkin' twice, I went ahead and booked the flight. But then, outta nowhere, I received an email askin' me to get in touch with 'em. Turns out, they wanted an extra $140 for each ticket 'cause they claimed their website had some sorta mistake. Can ya believe it? They flat out refused to honor the price listed on their own website! Well, needless to say, I had no choice but to cancel the flight. What a bummer, right?

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About Fare Corner

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Fare Corner ( is a reputable online platform that offers a wide range of services related to travel and tourism. With its user-friendly interface and extensive database, Fare Corner is a reliable source for finding the best deals on flights, hotels, car rentals, and vacation packages.

One of the key features of Fare Corner is its ability to provide users with a comprehensive search engine that scours through numerous airlines, hotels, and travel agencies to find the most competitive prices. This ensures that users can easily compare different options and make informed decisions based on their preferences and budget.

When it comes to flights, Fare Corner offers a seamless booking experience. Users can search for flights based on their desired destinations, travel dates, and preferred airlines. The platform provides real-time updates on flight availability and prices, allowing users to secure the best deals without any hassle.

In addition to flights, Fare Corner also offers a vast selection of hotels to choose from. Users can browse through various accommodation options, ranging from budget-friendly hotels to luxurious resorts. The platform provides detailed information about each hotel, including amenities, location, and customer reviews, enabling users to make well-informed decisions.

Furthermore, Fare Corner offers car rental services, allowing users to conveniently book a vehicle for their travel needs. With a wide range of car options available, users can easily find the perfect vehicle to suit their preferences and budget. The platform provides transparent pricing and terms, ensuring that users have a clear understanding of the rental agreement.

For those looking for a complete travel package, Fare Corner also offers vacation packages that combine flights, hotels, and other amenities. These packages are designed to provide users with a hassle-free travel experience, as everything is conveniently bundled together at a competitive price.

Overall, Fare Corner is a reliable and user-friendly platform that caters to the diverse needs of travelers. With its extensive database, competitive prices, and comprehensive search engine, Fare Corner ensures that users can find the best deals on flights, hotels, car rentals, and vacation packages. Whether you are planning a business trip or a leisurely vacation, Fare Corner is a trustworthy platform that simplifies the travel booking process and helps you save both time and money.

Overview of Fare Corner complaint handling

Fare Corner reviews first appeared on Complaints Board on Jun 26, 2023. The latest review Scammer was posted on Feb 29, 2024. Fare Corner has an average consumer rating of 1 stars from 15 reviews. Fare Corner has resolved 0 complaints.
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    May 13, 2024

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