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11:55 am EDT
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There intention to help Christians mature with experience sharing is thoughtful, only mature and much less so of us are allowed in sHARING so does cause lite problems. SOME STRONG ANGER AT TIMES OR CONFUSION WITH A FEW EVEN CRYING ABOUT disagreementsm or other. Even some name calling. It's A true mix so peace is not way possible..but..many stay anyway..for the moderate good.

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John Paulson
Jul 07, 2017 3:21 am EDT

I purchased a 6 month membership. A few weeks later during my first month as a member RoboOP private messaged me asking for money. I donated a few dollars. This month I donated less than last time. Today I get a private message from RoboOp. When I had noticed his private message I logged out of Christian Chat. After what I had experienced I am no longer logging into Christian Chat.

Nov 21, 2018 7:22 am EST
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RoboOp sends a monthly newsletter out for donations to EVERY member. Just like your church probably takes up donations/offering, or even 'unscriptural tithes'. If people get fed in the Church, they should give to the Church. It's no different with any online ministry or service.

Feb 01, 2020 3:42 am EST
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he is a liar and a cheat and would do anything with no regard, he is no christian, it is a fake name for that site

Jan 17, 2018 6:42 pm EST
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The admins who were involved when I was there, I found to be lacking in Christian love, insensitive and uncaring of how they affect others in my experience to date. I feel sorry for the new Christian, who may lose their faith due to being bounced or banned for no valid reason, no real explanation, no brotherly/sisterly concern or dialogue - nothing. One female admin with initial 'B' I found to be unfeeling and demonstrated a biased judgementalism shown by her actions and non-communication. I could not help but come to the conclusion that RoboOP could not care less - due to non-response, nor any other admin involved with the webmaster emails. I also found double-standards on how some where treated and others not.
If you want a cold, cruel and heartless experience as I found with the admins, then this is the place to go.

Feb 01, 2020 3:44 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

it goes beyond what you have even said, far beyond. It is pure evilness going on there- at the request of the owner/roboop. he wants to get your money and have his helpers in the rooms abuse people daily so they flee. he wont refund and people give large amounts and are banned so they cant come back

Aug 03, 2018 5:53 pm EDT

This site isn't Christian. It's a place for people to take out their angst on actual Christian's that join. And if you donate money, which I wouldn't suggest and especially using PayPal as PP gives your personal legal contact info to the site, you'll be supporting people who are white supremacists and antisemitic.
It's news to them that Yeshua bin Joseph, also called Jesus the Christ, was a Jew.
They don't want to hear about that.

The Administrator is OnceFallen. The telling part about this site is that you don't see the moderators or administrator posting on the forum. But that just isn't normal to just stay as an overseer of a place. Instead of posting their own screen-names as staffers they have sock accounts.
OnceFallen is 7Seasrekeyed. You can tell because they're into displaying a husky in their profile picture. OnceFallen has a giant blue husky's eye in his. And 7SeasRekeyed has the full figure at a distance husky profile as their avatar. They're also, "HeRoseFromTheDead".

Then there's the famous many Christian forums Troll that is known at ChristianChat as, JustPassingThrough. He signs off his posts as, JPT.
But on other Christian forum sites where he has the same posting style, he calls himself JLB. (JustLaidBack)
He's an atheist. He was found to be on an atheist dating site using the JLB name he's used at Christian sites for years. He's a POE, meaning he poses as a Christian and he loves to garner attention supporting everything that is anti-orthodox.
His favorite topic to assail is eternal salvation. He doesn't just say he "believes" you can lose your salvation. He says that if you sin even once you lose your salvation. is not the place to go if you have an education in Apologetics, Exegesis, or Soteriology. The "Senior Members", note those who have been there for years, are either sock accounts of the moderators, or family of moderators or the administrator. Or, they're family friends. No one who joins now is ever going to last for years. You'll be banned if you are educated at all in the study area of Theology or Divinity.
If you do not concur that the Trinity is Biblical, which it is not and it can be proven it is not anything Yeshua taught, you'll be banned. But be aware, Bluto is the brother of the owner. And they'll open a thread inviting people to discuss the forbidden. Which is, Trinity, in that you're aware scripture supports "Oneness".
You'll be banned. Bluto will remain. Why? Because Bluto is the sock account of CS1. The Administrator. Every now and then Bluto or another of his sock accounts will post to about Trinity.
This is to get the newest arrivals to show themselves and their allegiance. If they're Oneness they'll be banned in short order.

It's a twisted little circus really. Why do they do this? Well, money for one. Some people who join join and pay a donation to the site right off. BAD IDEA! If you use PAYPAL be aware. PayPal gives your name, address, phone number, and bank used, to the sites you support. ChristianChat sells your information to junk mailing lists. So you're paying them even once? You'll be paying for that for the rest of your life. Because mail list companies sell mail lists to companies.
And also, CC sells your email to junk mail companies to SPAM you.
Here's something that can maybe save your computer. If you join CC or any site for that matter, use a VPN. A proxy!
CC has a hacker aboard. does too. does also. If one of the top people take a hating to you on those sites, their resident hacker will make your computer suffer for it. hacked my computer five years ago. I've used a VPN or Proxy ever since when I go online.
Use an email account that you use just for registering on forums too. This way after you confirm your registration to a Christian or any discussion board, you can delete anything else that comes. Don't check the box, receive site emails, on your profile at a site. Don't check the box to receive notices of replies to your posts.
This keeps your email active on that sites forum stats.

Basically the net is like life. People can claim to be a Christian but actions speak louder than words.
At Christianchat not a single member of staff is Christian. They're in it for the money and to mess with people in their own little macrocosmic world of controls.

If you're educated and join CC they will know this as soon as you post and you'll have a target on your back.

They're not very bright there. They're just big into making money from gullible people.
But I tell you what, they're not anywhere near, yet, the hell-hole that is Worthy Christian Forums.
Now that place is evil!

And JLB is there too. What a surprise.

Feb 01, 2020 3:46 am EST
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Replying to comment of Ntusk

no business is better than its manager / (roboop) he is the culprit through and through start to finish and is evil

Aug 25, 2018 6:37 pm EDT

JLB there is, "JUSTPASSINGTHROUGH". He's at other Christian sites as well pushing the same BS (Bible Sacrilege) . That salvation isn't eternal and you have to work to stay saved. Any sin and God can pull your salvation from you and you're damned and a member of the "Hell-bound" club again.
There's a real idiot that calls himself Slayer. He's the other account belonging to Nehemiah6. He's also either the moderator or the admin. Can't figure which yet.

There's a pedophile on the forum according to another review.

OnceFallen changed his profile picture to a wolf. Interesting if you think of the sheep wolves parables in the bible. I think someone apprised him of this review so that people wouldn't notice his sock account, 7Seasrekeyed has the same profile picture. Though they still keep the husky pic. OnceFallen changed his close up eye of a husky pic to that wolf one. Still the message is there. Wolf playing in sheep's playground.

This site is twisted. Don't trust anyone there who praises you either. You'll notice they praise you but when the sock account of one of the staffers posts a sarcastic, which is typical there, rebuttal to something you've posted, that same "fan" that praised you before will approve their post. That tells you that the praiser is either a mod or the admin. Or, they're just sucking up to them.

There are plenty of bait-monkeys there too. They'll post a thread they know the Admin or a Mod will pounce on if certain pov's post.

There is NOTHING Christian about Christianchat.

Nov 20, 2018 7:16 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I find it interesting that nobody knows who the site Administrator/owner is. They say it's one person and then it's another person and blah blah blah.

I have been in the chat for over a year, and although there are some friction and heated debates at times, which you will get in ANY CHAT, whether Christian or not, the atmosphere there is better than any other Christian chat that I have been on. There are people with different backgrounds, different theological understandings, and from all over the world. Since when does this NOT invite friction and debate at times? If these people who claim it's so horrible, can do any better, then why are they not starting their very own Christian Chat? The chat is not perfect, but no chat is ever going to be perfect. You do the crime, you pay the time. Sounds like the people who have put the reviews here, and elsewhere, need to get true Christianity in their hearts. They are rude, hateful, arrogant, prideful, and just down right mean in their comments. You sit here and type out how horrible every one is in this chat, but look at your own words from your bitter/sweet, overflowing pompous mouths. You did something worthy of a ban and now you are vindictive haters. Yeah, that's really how Yeshua taught you to be?

I have learned more in's chat than I have in ANY Church building. There are MANY people with theological, eschatology, Jewish culture, and historical knowledge about the Word of God. There are bible readings most every night, with some bible studies on Saturday and Sunday.

I love how the "it's all about money" claim is always thrown out there, when, in fact, all these apps are making something. It's ridiculous to think that something like this can be done free of charge, when it's a service and a blessing to tons of people; worldwide. I want to see the previous reviewers do this and tell me how it goes for them.

Are there some people that have some difference in the biblical understanding? Of course; you find that even in your local churches. Nobody will ever agree 100 percent on anything. I will say this however, that the Trinity IS a Christian biblical foundations truth and most Christians believe in it. So if you are going to a CHRISTIAN website or chat and try and tell everyone they are wrong and being deceived or misled, then what do you think you are going to get? A hooray for you? Oh thank you so much that 90 percent of us are wrong and you somehow know some secret knowledge that Yeshua hasn't told the rest of the 90 percent of the Christians. Are you gnostic or what? Yes, there are some 'sects' of so called Christians that claim the Trinity isn't biblical, but they are 'sects' and should not even associate with the name Christian. True Christians believe in the Trinity; it's a cornerstone foundational belief.

Are some people rude? Of course they are. People have bad days. We have no idea what happens in these people lives, and if the owner or admins banned everyone for every time they got rude, then I guarantee you that there would be NO members in the chat at all.

This chat has blessed me, edified me, prayed for me, comforted me, and I've NEVER been banned in the entire time I've been there. If I ever do get banned, it will be because I did something stupid to get banned, and even then, I would just not go back. You wouldn't see me making it a personal vendetta against the chat, as many of you so hatefully are doing. You all think that you are 'warning' others and that it's your 'duty' to tell people how demonic, evil and horrible this place is. You guys need Yeshua if anything.

Yes, and chat site WILL have problems, but I'm glad there are moderators that know who to remove as the problem makers. It looks like they did a great job removing the previous reviewers, and now I know why. No chat site needs anyone with your attitudes on it. No wonder you were all banned. It some of you weren't banned, that's fine, because the chat usually finds a way to weed out those that won't be beneficial to the site. Praise Yeshua for that. We don't need this attitude in the forums or the chat.

May Yeshua touch your hearts and minds and truly make a change in you.

Feb 01, 2020 3:47 am EST
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everyone knows the owner, but he tries to hide out, all evil likes to work in the dark

Nov 20, 2018 8:17 pm EST
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Wow, I am disappointed at all these reviews. My experience has been quite different. I acknowledge it is not perfect but don't expect it to be. It is a man-made, man-filled site. We all need His Grace, His perfection. I will say this. It has edified my life and my faith greatly. While it has been a blessing with regards to Christian fellowship, what it has done more than anything is point to Christ. Praise the Lord. I see a lot of assumptions and unfounded accusations. What these ppl, ones flawed with humanity, need is prayers and mercy. Online and off we all need Jesus more.

Feb 01, 2020 3:48 am EST
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funny your name is never seen in the chat, a fake review or you found out and fled like the rest or banned for no reason but they were finished with you

Diana Lynn
Dec 15, 2018 6:58 pm EST

I wish a half star was possible.
I lurked at this site for two weeks and spent a couple of hours every day reading the forum I was most interested in entering. Bible Discussion Forum.
What a Hell hole.
It is easy to forget you are reading a Christian community forum. Because the majority of people that discuss the bible there have the most appalling mannerisms and language. And it isn't hard to figure how their site works either.
Just go there and read in BDF. The people that act the [censored] and are assaulting in their remarks to people, pejorative laden, sarcasm, condescending types. If you click on their name a little box drops down that has part of their profile posted. But if you can click their profile you'll see without exception they've all been members there for years.
I do believe this is a fact. Those people are the accounts that the administrators and the moderators use. Because the language those individuals use is worthy of banning in other forums. And from what I've learned from people who join our forum having left CC.COM they were banned for less.
But the long term vulgar people are never censored.
So, if you read someone who is a total [censored] there check their profile and you'll see they're membership has lasted for three, four, even ten years.
Those same people will accuse new people of being banned members returned. They seem to do this when those age old troll types get mad at the new arrival. How would a regular member know who was banned in order to make the accusation? Banned members don't have that label under their account name. "Banned". Their membership status doesn't change if they're banned. Our new members who were banned there told us that.

This site is also found on You Tube. Just look for in the YT search box.

This site should promote itself as an Atheist site Satirizing Christianity. Then all that goes on there would make sense.

Feb 01, 2020 3:49 am EST
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Replying to comment of Diana Lynn

i dont go to the forums, but your right, no one knows the bible very much there, much distorted views at best

Dec 16, 2018 9:50 am EST is dedicated to Satire and Parody against Christianity. Period.

This is how you find that out. Go to the worst forum there; Bible Discussion Forum.
Read any thread that calls into question basic tenets of the faith. Like, "not by works". Or OSAS, once saved always saved, is bad doctrine.
Read the hate filled remarks and name callers posts. Then click that idiot's member name. You'll see they've been there for years!
Each and every post you find in BDF, and you'll see those same hate filled satirists never ever post in the prayer forum, because being atheists they think praying is begging. But you will see them all over BDF acting the same way. And if you call any one of them out their buddies come to the rescue attacking you too.
Each and every one of those accounts is the sock account of each and every moderator and administrator there. That's why you can get banned for calling one of them a Satanist. While they can call you the worst names in the book and still post non-stop.

If you want to find out how deep the angst goes over this parody site that could teach Landover Baptist some tricks, check out YOU TUBE. Search, "". Lots of expose videos there.
One thing those video's inform about is NEVER download the sites chat app.
I'd recommend you never give them money either. They find out your real name and personal details due to the bank that sends them your cash. And one of those videos @ YT tells you about Robo-OP's predisposition to borrowing money from members and never paying it back. While his supposed sock accounts then contact the one owed so as to talk them into, get this, "Christian charity", by forgiving him the debt.

Seriously, this site is parody, satire, so as to make the faith look really bad by the example of the most vile people there portraying themselves as members of the faith of Christ. They could teach Landover a few tricks but Landover isn't even in the ballpark of hateful the way these people are.

Pass the word. Don't take 'em serious. Maybe their sick humor will die a slow quiet death. Notice too that new members that arrive rarely stick around.
The site sells your registration info to emailers. Use a disposable address that isn't popular because they're on to that method. And whatever you do use a proxy mask. You DO NOT want these people to see your computer.

Who knew there were computers in Hell to amuse the damned till now. And with a server that spits out an address,
Now, YOU do.

Feb 01, 2020 3:50 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

the owner should be in prison

Feb 16, 2020 11:40 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Why was I banned? They banned me because they said I was promoting or driving people to my website. Let me make this clear, out of about 400 post, to my recollection, I referenced my website about 4 times and I made it clear that I am not on the site to solicit business, nor to persuade anyone to my website, my website is not even in competition with, not to mention, they allow a URL on one's profile and anyone can go into my profile and see my website address and enter it.

Here is my website link and you tell me if it is threatening to them...

Amazing as soon as I joined they immediately sent me a to donation/christmas email, they need to practice what they prevent one from doing and as I stated, I rarely promote my site and never had intentions to solicit my website and when I did mention my website it was if they wanted further information on the topic about the law and under no circumstances was it about me trying to solicit my website. If they would have weighed my post truthfully as a whole they would have concluded that I was not soliciting my website. I guess the little guys becomes offensive to the goliath.

I am a senior citizen and I do not appreciate what they did to me, they should have warned me about this and to my recollection they never sent me a warning notification. In my opinion if this is the way they are going to ban members without a warning notification then no one should even donate to their organization.

One thing I have learned... many organizations would say they are a non-profit organization, but the way they conduct themselves they are not. I am not saying that christianchat is not a non-profit organization, but they should have sent me a warning notification which I do not recall receiving one. In addition, I cannot find an email on their website where I can informed them that they were wrong in banning me as a member.

Apr 27, 2020 3:22 pm EDT

The owner of is an atheist! Explains a lot doesn't it? All of the members of the staff are family, and they too are atheists. "OnceFallen" is a Nihilist! Be aware too that they have multiple sock accounts, different accounts with different names, so they can *uck with people!

This is for two reasons. One, ROBOOP is also a misanthrope. They hate Christians! The whole family has an issue with Christians. So why open multiple Christian discussion boards or buy them? For the second reason, money!

This is how the formula works. The sock accounts jab at those who are real Christians. And sure there are trolls there but the socks know that when it isn't their family member posing as a Christian, who promotes false doctrine and even gets rude to do so just to generate responses, then they treat that person, Troll or no, like a Christian.

And this means they attack them verbally, with no matter to the rules being enforced against that despite reporting that post, they use vicious sarcasm, outright insults, etc... That gives the family member(s) great joy.

And for this reason. They love to push and push to "prove" to themselves that a Christian is really a fake who only thinks they're living in Christ because Christ never existed. And the reason they push people to anger is that when that person responds in anger in public on the many forums this sick twisted family owns, they believe it will then show everyone who reads that the person is a hypocrite for getting angry. Which is not in their mind, Christ like at all.

And the other reason they goad and push? MONEY! The more they can extend any thread to reach page after page, the more advertising revenue they generate page after page. There is a thread at that has over 6 thousand replies and hundreds nearing a thousand pages of posts. "NOT BY WORKS". And who started it? ROBOOP! In sock disguise as, DControversial. Get it? D(the) Controversial.
Talk about hate filled, ignorant, and I do mean uneducated, vile contempt for Christians? And a poser as one? That's DC.

Then there is the grandsire of the bunch. "oldman", who at other of their sites is called, old hermit and Papa Zoom. He's in the mid stages of dementia and even though he has always been hateful, he's really going for bust now. His grandson is [censored]tim.

This is how you know who the family members are. When you read someone posting false doctrine in the name of Christ or Christianity and defending it without having any respect for contrary posts, or any respect for those who post trying to lead that member right, mouse under that false doctrine poster's name. A box will drop giving a blurb about their member profile. When the account shows that member has been there for years, that is a family member.
New member accounts show up in Introductions Forum every day. Some are new members. Some are new accounts the family starts. The more active the board appears to be the more it stands to be on the first page of searches in any search engine. That too generates revenue.

The other sites this psychotic clown posse family own are:,, and They were looking to acquire CARM forum from Matt Slick, owner. But he refused. Funny thing, if you go there now you'll see, his entire discussion board went blank! Years and years of threads and posts erased! Blank. Nothing!
Now he's starting all over again. Even current members have to register again. Now, to be clear, I'm not saying the family that has more than one skilled computer wiz in its midst did this. I'm saying the coincidence is the coincidence.

How does he know all this, you ask? Let me just say, I have had my fill of what I'm told to keep secret as one on the inside of this train wreck. K?

Apr 27, 2020 3:33 pm EDT

By the way, they love to ban Christians. While the rules of conduct enforced in that way against a member will never attach to them. Of course! Whatever you do, do not ever return if you are banned! If you do they think you must be like Christ. A glutton for punishment since they nailed you to their cross once already. You'll be targeted and goaded, so they can ban you again and again after that.

What else.Hmmm. I'm trying to help anyone who may happen on this site of the many out there that reveal the evils of the family of CC and their other boards. Never give money. OH! Do not ever go there, even if you want to see if all these things are there and true, without masking your computer IP address. As deep a mask as you can get. Even to IPv4. And add a WebRTC leak prevent too as an extension. Believe me, you don't want to go on that site even lurking without being protected.
See, when you go to that site, or any site, your IP address appears to those who have access to visitors and members windows. That's the owner and family.
They can trace who and where you are just by your IP!
And if you cause them enough upset, they can make sure you lose your computer. Years ago they did that to a member who had checked the box to receive email notice of replies to their post or thread. The "reply" was by a sock account of the family. The email contained a worm that when the member opened the email entered and finished her computer. Just like that.

EVIL! Usually it's the reverse of LIVE! This family Lives for EVIL. If you are a Christian know this. They HATE YOU! They love the fun they have fu*(ing with you and your true beliefs. And they especially live well on the money generated across the boards they own as reward for all their trouble.

Believe me, for that family I truly wish there was a Hell waiting. No one is in Hell yet. You'll read a guy at CC.Com who has a thread, "Hell's population clock". He's an idiot and surprisingly not a family member too. No one is in Hell. Revelation tells you that. If there even is such a place. If there is though that family deserves to be there. And where no amount of their dirty money can extricate them from.

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