My wife and I too are having trouble with an Aarons leasing store located in Murfreesboro TN. At the end of September 2006, my wife purchased a 52 inch Tv from Aarons. She bought this TV for me for my birthday. She paid cash for the TV and thought the transaction was finished. At the very end of November of the same year a lady knocks on our door demanding pay for the TV and saying that if we do not pay that they are coming to pick up the TV on the next day. To make a long story short...we go into the store on the next day to hopefully resolve the issue and while in the store we are treated like complete crap. The manager out right calls us liars and demands that we bring his merchandise back to the store immediately. He refuses to take payment from me unless it is in cash form until later in the whole incident...Well now, they are threatening to go to the court and they say they are sure that they will get their tv back. Oh, and don't let me forget. Somehow my wife lost the receipt...but they also don't have a signature on the leasing papers. They are saying that she leased the TV and my wife is saying that she paid cash...this is going to be a very sticky situation. Please note this is a very short version of this story. For more details please email me.
Anyone else experienced anything like this at all...any info would help a lot.