For Business Write a review File a complaint review: These guys make the IRS blush! 49

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12:00 am EDT
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They bought my credit balance from Providian a Washington mutual owned company I have no complaint about Providian other than they gave my account to the idiot/crooks or whatever they are at SST. My first payment of $77 was due on may 13the and I paid it but today I get a call that I am $177 dollars past due and they have racked up about $100 in penalties. These guys make the IRS blush. A quick search on the net tells me that I have stepped on a land mine and am off to the bank tomorrow to get a home equity loan so I can cut this cancer out of my life. I feel very sorry for people who find themselves in this situation with out the resources to deal with these predators. You have to wonder how they can operate with so many complaints, but then Georgia may allow this sort of behavior. Please somebody start the class action suit.

SST Credit cards somewhere in Georgia. www.YOURCARDACCOUNT.COM.

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Abby B
May 30, 2007 5:39 am EDT

Please please please... Someone do something. I'm one of these people that really does not have the resources to deal with these guys... When I had my providian/Wamu card, I never once made a late payment. When my card was sold to sst, I was never able to make a payment online. The website NEVER works, and when I'd call to make a payment over the phone, I realized they'd charge me an arm and a leg! Now I've racked up a late fee that I can't dig myself out of, and YET AGAIN, am unable to pay this bill online as I pay all my bills online. This company calls me ALL THE TIME. And they even called my PLACE OF BUSINESS and left a message for me to call but left no information as to why they were calling. HOW EMBARRASSING!

May 31, 2007 8:48 am EDT

When they were the other credit card company they were ok, once my account was changed to this idiot like company sst, i have had problems.

Two days ago i attempted to pay my bill on line (like i always do) and it came back http error 404 page can not be displayed this went on for two days on and off... Finally this morning (using the same computer) i get through.. But i called anyway to see what was up with the web site problems i had been having. The gal first of all verified everything except how many times i used the bathroom this month...

Then she "suggests" i may want to pay by phone... Since today is thursday and no payments are proceeded saturday and my payment is due monday...

Hello kitty... I have been trying to log on for over 24 hours now... So is this s scam or what? Is the web site down by their choice... Then they hope to get a customer who is worried about the payment making it in on time so wham they hit you for a "payment by phone fee" ya right!

Sounds like a scam in progress to me!

Jennifer Vasquez
Jun 29, 2007 11:10 am EDT

My credit card account was also sold to SST and they have me bent over a barrell too. I made 2 payments in a month but they were sent 2 weeks apart (the 1st for May and the 2nd payment for June) Rather than applying the 2nd payment to my June bill, they applied both payments to the May bill and are now charging me a late fee for June. They state it is not their policy to waive late fees regardless of the circumstances. I have spoken to 3 people about this and asked to speak to a supervisor - who never happens to be there and doesn't return my calls.

They told me they can't apply the 2nd payment to June even though they recieved my payment the same day as the June billing cycle began. I have been trying to log in to pay it so I don't get charge another late fee and the website has been down the whole time. They suck. I am thoroughly p.o.'ed at them.

Jul 07, 2007 8:55 pm EDT

SST does suck. Since my wamu account was sold my bills have been screwed up!

suzanne couture
Jul 08, 2007 6:19 am EDT

I fully agree that SST is a sketchy operation. I also had no communication problems to report with WAMU/Providian. When my account was sold to SST it was a mess from the beginning..Often not reachable by phone or on line for days at a time. I made a recent payment, exactly as I had prior, and it got kicked back with a late fee. They refused to address the problem saying they cannot reverse the fee - neither would they provide a supervisor. I left it unpaid waiting for a reasonable response. Had to go overseas for 3 weeks and returned to over 30 phone messages that clogged my answering machine from them (as it turns out) for PAYMENT. So, clearly they have resources when it works to their benefit. No other credit company I've dealt with has been this pathetic. What can we do? Is there a regulatory commission that would investigate them, perhaps facilitate the return of these bogus fees they're racking up? I know I'm looking for another lender to buy me out of their B.S.

Patty L. Meyer
Aug 13, 2007 6:40 am EDT

I agree. I do not know what credit card I am paying for. SSt say I am late in making a payment , well tell me which card I am paying for. Also I do not have any cards with the number they say I am paying on. Why pay on something if you do not know which card or whatever your suppose to be paying for. How can you pay on something to try and pay when it (balance) never goes down.

Patty Meyer.

Sulamita Britton
Aug 20, 2007 10:12 pm EDT

They are parasites!

Sep 19, 2007 12:53 pm EDT

they are a rip off i have got charged more fees then i spent on the card its outragious!

aj niedermeier
Sep 23, 2007 6:03 am EDT

I agree with all that is said in all of the complaints. My account to was sold to this shamefull company.
They are impossible to deal with. And I can never access thier site. What can we do about this. We need to find out how we can file a class action suit.

marg hefner
Sep 23, 2007 6:18 am EDT

You need to contact your state you live in.. I would try the Better Business Buruea they should be able to tell you who you need to call.

IF there are enough people effected and these problems can be verified it would qualify for class action suit and their are plenty of lawyers out their willing to take them on.

Look for one ( a lawyer) who does not charge a fee unless they win.

The very good things about these lawyers is they don't take cases they don't think they can win.

I would also call your state reps,,, that strongly dislike companys that work this way in their state.. IF nothing else they should also tell you who to contact..

Don't forget the attorney general in your state.

These are all free and easy people to contact.

Something most certainly smells rotten.

Sep 23, 2007 11:13 am EDT

When sst first took over i did not receive a statement, so i missed the first payment. They charged me late charge and then since that put me overlimit they charged that fee too.

When i called to complain that how was i to pay a bill when i have no statement they told me i should just 'know' when my bill was due and paid it anyway. When i argued that who possibly remembers the due date of each bill w/o a billing statement the 'customer service rep' said she does!

Well i work, have three kids (going in 6 directions) and a husband and a house to run. I sit dowm to do my bills, with statements then pay online scheduleing them though the month. As others have said i can't get their website to work, and 3 days after you pay it they add more finance charges anyway... oh by the way you can't schedule a payment more than 4 days in advance either? In short sst sucks!

Oct 09, 2007 6:43 am EDT

My Providian account was also sold to SST with no prior knowledge. I had no idea that they sold my account until I went to make my online payment like I did every month, I had two Provdian accounts and I made both visa payments at the same time since they were due within five days of each other. I couldnt make an online payment at Providian, said that my account had been sold and listed some number that didnt go thru. I called Providian, was given another number but this one was to a singles line! Well I finally received something in the mail from SST, which was my new card, it had their website on it, I went and made a payment, now by this time were at 27 days past my normal due date, mind you I had NEVER been late in the three years I had both visa accounts. I made this online payment after 2:00pm that day the next morning before my credit union opened I left a deposit of $500.00 in the door slot like I always did(never a problem before) well this time they had someone new doing the posting, I was told monies is always posted first then deductions, well she did deductions first which caused my now late card payment to bounce, along with five other bills, the credit union admitted their error, the director of the credit union typed a letter to SST telling them it was their fault and to please not report me late to the credit bureua, well they said they couldnt help me and I now have my first 30 days late on an account Ive had since 2000 and never had a late mark, they refused to remove it even after the letter from my credit union. I was mad back then and Im made still today! Other that I have to say I've had no problems with them, even when I've gone over by 10.00 they havent even charged me with an over the limit fee. They've done well for me, with the exception of that one incident.
Hope everyone else has had better luck too.

Cathy He
Oct 11, 2007 6:27 am EDT

SST are complete crooks! Thieves! Even after months I am still behind. Is anyone going to file on them? How about the BBB? Will they do anything? My guess is NO, it is becoming legal to rip off the public!

Disagree with the negative
Oct 25, 2007 10:09 am EDT

More often the issue lie not with the company but with the lack of knowledge and responsibility of the individual. It is easier to place blame on companies rather then yourself. I do not see any comments about an individuals error in accessing the website or locking themselves out of the website by not entering the information correctly. I don't even see anything about an individual not following the directions on the website. How user friendly do things have to be? It is not suppose to do all for you. There has to be equal responsibility on both parties not just one. Remember before you decide to just get angry and place blame on the company perhaps you should look at what your doing and how your acting.

Disagree with the negative
Oct 25, 2007 10:23 am EDT

More often the issues lie not with the company but with the lack of knowledge and responsibility of the individual. It is easier to place blame on companies rather then yourself. I do not see any comments about an individuals error in accessing the website or locking themselves out of the website by not entering the information correctly. I don't even see anything about an individual not following the directions on the website. How user friendly do things have to be? It is not suppose to do all for you. There has to be equal responsibility on both parties not just one. Remember before you decide to just get angry and place blame on the company perhaps you should look at what your doing and how your acting.

Shirley L Choat
Oct 29, 2007 9:09 am EDT

My daughters Washington Mutual Credit Catd was also sold to SST, with all the charges she now owes More than she did when it was sold to SSt. I told her when she made the last $100.00 payment that she needed to pay up the interest they charge also, but she says she does not have the money, I have been trying to get online to them so I can find out what the interest charges are and pay them plus extra. I got online with them yesterday and her payment from a week ago still had not been accounted to her account.. She would also join a class action suit against this company. They are the devil reincarnate.

Shirley A. Bishop
Nov 01, 2007 4:05 am EDT

You guys are absolutely correct in your assumptions about this fraudulent company. half the time you are not able to access your account online. So you want your payment to be on time, then you are forced to pay by phone with such an outrageous phone fee. I am paying triple the payments so I can shake this parasite so as possible. I believe that deliberately screw their web site on purpose.

Diane Dahl
Nov 01, 2007 1:50 pm EDT

I had similar problems. I had no late payments through Providian, I always payed ahead. Looked great! Then this company came along! Yah... they don't get your payments... your over 30 days late when you are not yet it is their fault. My credit is screwed because of them! It is funny though on how many other lines of credit I have had and never had any problems!

Donna C. White
Nov 03, 2007 12:07 pm EDT

I agree with everything that is bad, said about this company. They are pirates and for the person who thinks we have a problem accessing their web site, think again. They have the most difficult web site to deal (always down) with and even mailing my payment 10 days in advance still got me a late fee as they did not receive it on time.


Brandy T
Nov 03, 2007 11:23 pm EDT

I HATE SST. Lets all rally together to get a CALLS in the works. I am constantly called, even when I have paid my bill ON TIME and I never make any headway it weens, and I pay more than minimum every month.

Teresa Trent
Nov 05, 2007 8:09 am EST

WOW! I cannot believe my ears...or my eyes rather. I too had my account sold to SST from WAMU... thanks guys! I have been suffering the same symptoms. No return emails... catastrophic late charges due to the 4 day window online pay... their website is a fares... I call... ha ha ha! So, who do we report them too? Georgia? I have honestly never had such a hard time with anyone I have been indebted to. Thinking seriously we should all get a new account with someone else and transfer all our SST debt, close our accounts.. what do you think? UP THEIRS! How about the BBB?

jacqueline lamberty
Nov 05, 2007 1:00 pm EST

I have also been an SST VICTIM. How can these people get away with this! They bought my account from WAMU and I was not even aware of it until I realized my APR had hit 31% ! Paying on-line at is a nightmare. I can not get through because it keeps saying the address can not be found then they whack you with all sorts of fees. Better Business Bureau please do something!

Nov 05, 2007 1:27 pm EST

I AM SO GLAD I AM NOT THE ONLY ONE! and here I was thinking it was me doing something wrong... I just can't get ahead with these guys... and am also getting the harassing phone calls even at 8am on Sunday mornings! and at 9:00pm at night... I stopped answering the phone to numbers I dont recognize... and I've been trying all day to get on the website to make a payment after talking with someone yesterday (SUNDAY) when I REFUSED to make a payment by phone and be charged another $10 for doing so.. she asked me FOUR times if I was SURE I'd do it today online, and I can't even get on! I think they did it on purpose. I never had these problems with WAMU. If there is a CALS then I'll get in on it too. I don't have the resources to get this paid in full or I would have MONTHS ago. They truly s*ck. And SHAME ON the IDIOT who posted here saying it could be OUR errors... hello... I think your an *ss.

Nov 06, 2007 7:39 am EST

I thought I was the only one experiencing this mess with the company. I tried calling and was told by a recording they didn't have my card on file and it hung up. I called back, was told I'd be transferred to an operator and was disconnected. I called again, talked to an actual human and was told they were having computer issues. It's true, they DON'T want you to pay on time. As soon as the next credit card offer comes thru the mail, which should be any minute, I'm out here.

margaret leach
Nov 12, 2007 6:19 am EST

I cannot get anyone from SST to answer my call. They all of a sudden changed my finance rate and I was trying to call to find out why and it just disconnects me every time I put in my CC number? I will transfer this balance and close this account immediately.

N. Reid
Nov 12, 2007 10:33 am EST

I am also having a bad experience with SST. Online payment is not available. Contacting them by phone is nearly impossible, and I have been hit with late charges with a balance that's not being appropriately reduced. Their business ethics are poor. Class action suit- I'm in.

Nov 13, 2007 4:51 pm EST

I also have an account with SST, that was sold by Providian. I actually have entered into a DMP and added them to it. These ###s call me at least 5 times per day and night, and my DMP is making the payment to them ! I get a monthly statement that shows this. My question to someone out there is this. I wanted to log on to their website to sign up so I could monitor things as I do with most of my bills, and when I started the online enrollment process, they asked for alot od personal info such as SS# , etc. I have never had to enter my SS # at other sites. I logged out because that made me nervous. Has anyone here enrolled online with them?

michael bird
Nov 13, 2007 5:42 pm EST

I had a minimum payment of 100$ and they said My interest and charges were like 137$ and charged me late fees which put me over limit and charged me an additional fee for that. bull s765. I'll payoff my account and end this ### but it will not be the end of it. My brother is a very well known and successful LAWYER and he just loves this kind of con and is really interested with what he has already found out. Look out here we come.

michael bird
Nov 13, 2007 5:46 pm EST

This is all ### and lawyers are already on top of this trust me. I don't care what it costs. Your going down.

rachel williams
Nov 14, 2007 3:35 pm EST

I have never been late with this account,they claim they never received the payment,charged over the limit payment because of the finance charge, this is ridiculous, I tried to go on line, system is always down, if you pay by check over the phone they charge ten dollar fee, something need to be down about this company, pissed off!

Cheryl Gray
Nov 24, 2007 4:36 am EST

I opened my bill and found my interest rate at 31% how can any company do that. we need government intervention!
these people are criminals.

Nov 27, 2007 6:22 am EST


John L.
Nov 29, 2007 12:06 pm EST

So, is anyone filing a lawsuit against this company? If so, sign me up. I liked the service Providian was providing me. SST is shady at best. It also frustrates me how a company can just sell my account to another company. I know that's business, but it's bad business.

Paula E
Dec 05, 2007 1:06 pm EST

I got a letter from SST telling me not to be late on my next due date or I would be dropped from there 6 month hard ship program. They told me to make my payment online but I don't know how. Last month I made a payment over the phone on time and they still charged me a $39. late fee, 31.56% interest and the finance charge is $71.40. Within 1 year I'm over my limit $1235. all FEES. Is this a legal business?

Craig Allen
Dec 06, 2007 10:38 am EST

I agree also. Their website is either down or confusing. I recently made a payment online and it never posted. Now I have additional late fees. They said I can pay it over the phone but it will cost an additional fee to do that. These guys are making money for making it difficult for consumers to pay their bills.

Lynne Snyder
Jan 17, 2008 10:10 am EST

I agree with everything everyone has said. SST bought my balance from WAMU. For the first few months, everything was ok. Then, when I submitted a $100 payment, their idiot credit dept. credited it for $700. My bank made the $700 transfer. When I bought it to my banks attention, the immediately credited my account for the $600 overpayment, reversed the payment to SST. Now, SST is charging me over limit fees and late charges. THey call me 5 - 6 times daily, at home, office and my cell. My employer offered to loan me money to help. What an embarrassment. I pay SST every month ON TIME and ALWAYS more than the "minimum payment due". These people are predatory lenders and should be put out of business. When I try to speak with their credit department, these little flunkies talk to me as though I was some dead beat! I now have my attorney writing to them on my behalf. I'll let you know how it works out. Georgia, the state of "nubs" and "diggers". go figure!

Andrea C
Jan 24, 2008 8:26 am EST

SST harrasses me at all times and all nights by phone. I make the payments and get calls like a week later for the next round. It's unreal Between the monthly finance charge and the late fees that are usually due to the time lag it takes for SST to process, it's like you are literally handing them over a wad of cash.

And fyi... the website is down AGAIN today. SHOCKING.

Edwin A. Cooper
Feb 06, 2008 1:23 am EST

SST is a criminal organization. When I even pay my bill on time they charge me late fees. About four months ago, When I try login into I found I being locked out. The bill just keep growing even though I pay my bill on time for added fee and over $100.00 payment everytime.

V West
Feb 07, 2008 8:25 am EST

Absolutely the worst company...for customer service, professionalism, anything. Their website has been down now for 3 days so although they market online payments, when their equipment is down, there is no waiver of fees. Incredible. My payment was not late when I first tried to pay them but since my due date landed on the weekend, it seemed the most prudent way of paying. HA. Now the only way to make a payment is with a fee charged, from $10 via phone to $33+. The Supervisor's voice mail (of course he was unavailable!) identifies himself as Ryan Haywood. - never did return my call. This company sucks. If there is anyone out there with the time and gumption to start a class action suit, I know you'll find enough irritated and fed up people who are stuck with this crowd. Count me in. For this company to gouge their customers with fees when it is their own doing, is fraudulent and irresponsible. I'm flabbergasted they remain in business.

Jennifer Burda
Mar 20, 2008 6:56 am EDT

My husband and I both have Wamu accounts that too were sold to SST. We have had nothing but problems with high finance rates and when I set up my husband's account on line to make a payment, they sent me a confirmation that it was paid but then booted it bake claiming wrong bank account number. I checked it on line and it was fine but we had to pay the fee anyway and they raised his rate for being late. My husband has been trying to close his account for three months. We paid the balance off and have tried MANY times to call and cancel the card. Finally someone answered days later when he tried again and was given a hard time but was told it would be cancelled. To this date the card is still active and not cancelled and we have not been able to get anyone on the phone an rectify this. These people really need to be shut done and Wamu should be held reasponsable for these problems. You can not tell me they did not realize how shady these people were when they sold our accounts.