Thomas Esposito Attorney At Law
This piece of [censored] lawyer is well known for being one of the most unethical and incompetent [protected]@stard lawyers in the State of Connecticut. He will screw you over, make deals with your enemies, throw you under the bus, steal your money, financially rape and pillage you, sell you out to the highest bidder, and above all will betray your trust every chance he gets. He is the reason people hate lawyers - a soulless, gutless worm who will fu(k and chuck you because he has no loyalty or love for his clients. If you want to get good solid legal representation, do not hire this guy. If you have already hired him, file a credit card dispute, run for the hills, and file a complaint against him with the Connecticut Bar Association. Their address is Statewide Bar Counsel, 287 Main Street, Suite 2, 2nd Floor, East Hartford, Connecticut [protected], and their fax number is [protected]. You can also get a complaint form at
Same boat with Att Weiler his partner. I was of contacting also