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CB Banks Wells Fargo 607 West Magnolia Avenue, Fort Worth, TX, 76104, US
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Wells Fargo

607 West Magnolia Avenue, Fort Worth, TX, 76104, US
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8:19 pm EDT
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Wells Fargo - loan modification scam

June 10, 2010

To whom it may concern:

I have recently had a tremendously bad experience with Wells Fargo and I do not know where else to turn except to the multiple complaint agencies and the public.

Last year the economy hit me and my partner, Joe Michael Gauna, very bad. He lost his job as an assistant educator and inadvertently caused us to fall behind in payments. Wells Fargo Home Mortgage graciously agreed to help us with a “Loan Modification.” I made my payment religiously on time every month. When I called in January to make my monthly payment, I was told that I was no longer to make any payments. My modification was canceled because I did not return some paperwork. I assured the woman I spoke to on the telephone that I did not receive anything from Wells Fargo that told me I needed to return. She understood and said she would set me up on another loan modification. She then told me about the multitude of different programs our there to include one that was instituted by the Obama Administration to ensure that consumers are not payment more than their fair share on mortgages. I requested to be reviewed for that particular modification and she agreed this would be the best for my situation, at the time. She asked me to call in about a MONTH to determine if I received a loan modification. In an effort to avoid any more late fees or delinquency I asked if I could continue to send in my payments. She respectfully said to save the money to ensure it was available for the modification. She indicated that all payments made at this time would be returned and not accepted by Wells Fargo Home Mortgage.

I called at the beginning of February and was told that my loan modification was declined because I had a Federal Tax Lien on some property. Well, I was surprised because this was the first home I had ever owned and I never had any other property. The woman I spoke to at Wells Fargo sent me a Non-Identity Affidavit to have signed and notarized by the my County Courthouse. I missed work and took it to the Courthouse immediately. They pulled the information and found the tax lien was on a different property and under a different social security number. I immediately faxed all this paperwork to Wells Fargo on February 22, 2010, and confirmed it was received with their representatives. I again waited for almost a month and was told I was declined a modification because I had a federal tax lien on my property.

Frustrated, I faxed in all my information again, confirmed it was received, and again was told to wait. I called another month later (now in April) and was told that I was denied because of my federal tax lien. I spoke with the representative for about an hour and it was determined that I indeed sent in the information proving this was not my lien on February 22, 2010, and the representative indicated they would resubmit. I waited again and then was told that my home would be foreclosed because NOW not only did I have the federal tax lien, but I also was past the acceptable amount of months you could be behind for Wells Fargo to help you.

Well, I explained this was of no fault of my own. Wells Fargo kept denying me and denying me any sort of relief. I kept calling and they kept confirming that paperwork was received but I kept getting denied. Then I was told this was my fault and I was the one who had to work with the Federal Tax office to ensure the lien was removed. Thinking ahead, I had already contacted the Federal Tax office and faxed over my paperwork on March 4, 2010. However, when I called they said it would be months before they could process anything…this was their standard procedure. Because I was met with this adversity from Wells Fargo, I called the Federal Tax office and (not) to my surprise they never received my faxed paperwork. Although I have a conformation sheet indicated the fax went through okay. I also verified the number with the Federal Tax Representative and in a very very casual way she said, “well I guess we just didn’t get it.”

So, stuck between a rock and a hard place I tried to turn for help but all the doors were closed. Who wants to get involved into a mortgage dispute at this time. NO ONE. Because I work for one of the BEST Company’s in America, I turned to them for help. The only thing I was able to do was liquidate my 401K, my future, my retirement, my life. I requested a hardship withdrawal of $30, 000.

I called the Foreclosure Attorney for Wells Fargo, Barrett, Daffin, Frappier, Turner, and Engle, LLP, and spoke to Luis. He could not have been nicer. He said he would send me a pay off quote but I needed to call Wells Fargo to take the payment of $30, 000 because I would have been short about $2, 000 which were the late fees and attorney fees. LATE FEES, I was not late! Wells Fargo would not take my money! So, I called Wells Fargo on May 20, 2010, and spoke to Jordan. He was so helpful and understanding. He called my bank to ensure the money was there and also checked with his supervisor to ensure he could make the transaction. Jordan then told me that my account would be updated and I would receive a new bill. Actually, he indicated my monthly payment would be lowered. I WAS HAPPY MY HOME WAS SAVED; or so I thought.

I called back on June 2, 2010 and was told by the Loss Mitigation department that my $30, 000 was just sitting there in what they called a SUSPENSE ACCOUNT. I explained that I was told that I was going to receive a new bill. The woman in the Loss Mitigation department indicated that my account no longer belonged in Loss Mitigation because I paid a substantial amount and she would ensure the $30, 000 was applied to my account so that I could start making monthly mortgage payments.

I called back a week later and was told that my account was in foreclosure status. I asked why and they indicated I was short about $2, 000 and needed to call the Foreclosure attorney’s office. I called the office and was told there was no notes that LUIS told me to call Wells Fargo and that I was mistaken. I was concerned about saving our home. I was making certain every detailed was followed and I even asked follow-up questions to every indicating, “ARE YOU SURE THIS IS THE PROCESS?” Everyone always assured me I was on the right path.

I have been back and fourth with Wells Fargo. I have spoken to Managers who promised to help me (Tim and Octavio) and I received no help. I actually spoke with Octavio for a very long while and he seemed genuine and said he would call me back. HE NEVER DID….ANOTHER PROMISE BROKEN. I requested to speak with Executives many time and was always told no one knew who they were but they would give me an address. I didn’t want an address…I wanted to speak to someone. I wanted someone to LISTEN TO ME! I even was transferred to a Tracy Starling Berry who was supposed to be an Executive and she didn’t even return my call.

I believe all of the actions by Wells Fargo are BAD FAITH. My $30, 000 was taken, with a promise that I would be making my regular monthly payments. I was told by the Loss Mitigation department that my account no longer needed to be in their department and I could start making my monthly payments. I was promised a call back by Octavio, a supervisor, and he NEVER called me back. I left a message for Tracy Starling Berry, who is supposed to be a leader of this organization, and I didn’t get a call back.

I have done everything everyone has asked. I am tired, depressed, lonely, scared, hurt, and out of my mind. I have not been able to interact with people normally because of this poor service. I believe I will soon lose my home because no one will listen or help.


Abelardo Rodriguez, Jr.
607 West Magnolia Avenue
San Antonio, TX 78212

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Alejandrita Torres
San Antonio, US
Jun 13, 2014 9:46 am EDT

I am in deep sorrow having to sell my home due to pending foreclosure. I am a single person that went through a change of income in my household in 2011. I called Wells Fargo so that I could apply for a loan modification since I had also lost my job. They had me to fill out enormous paperwork which I returned to them. On a weekly basis I went ahead and called for status on my application. No response. Not being able to make my payment in full I kept on calling and calling. Come to find out, the person that was supposed to have been helping me was no longer working in the same position. My paperwork was not found. I filled out another application. Certain paperwork was always missing. Finally I got myself a job but had to file bankruptcy to be able to keep my house. Then I lost my job one more time preventing me to make any kind of payments. I called Wells Fargo and explained to them what had happened They could not help me. I am selling my home. My payoff amount on my statement was $53.000. When the title company called they were told my payoff amount was $77000. More than what my ex husband and I had bought the house for. I called Wells Fargo and was with them more than 3 hours being transferred from person to person and receiving no answer to my question "Why did my statement reflect a different payoff amount than that what they were stating it was". No one could give me an answer. I asked them for a statement showing all the payments that were made on my mortgage since the beginning of time. They stated they couldn't do that. If I wanted something like that, I would have to try and get it myself online. I am selling my home with no money coming to me. This is not a short sale. I have no place to stay since I was laid off one more time and no means of Wells Fargo helping me with anything, Any advise? I will have to move out of my house by July 8, 2014. With $280 of unemployment a week, there is no way I can afford anything. There is no justice in this world when it comes to Mortgage companies. All these new laws, they haven't helped me. If there is an attorney that will benefit out of this deal by helping me, please give me a call. [protected]

Reno, US
Aug 18, 2011 6:59 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Like many, I suffered a job loss in a field destroyed by the current economic crisis. I am now a middle-aged college student learning skills for a new trade. I needed a loan modification to assist my wife and I in keeping our home.
Wells Fargo Home Mortgage gave me the runaround for months, the only assistance that they would offer was 1) Deed in lieu of foreclosure 2) A short sale. Apparently Wells Fargo's idea of "assistance" is to relieve you of your property. Upon further pushing of the issue, Wells Fargo stated that they cant provide assistance unless the loan is in default. Completely unacceptable. Although it is a severe struggle, we have managed to keep our mortgage current, and our credit salvaged, much to the chagrin of our predatory lender.
Finally after months and months of uncooperation my wife contacted our U.S. Senator Harry Reid, and the bank was on the phone immediately. They sent us a packet to ascertain our life history which we dutifuly, and hopefully filled out, and then they offered us this wonderful plan of assistance...
They would reduce our payment by a marginal amount each month for six months, tacking on the difference at the end of our loan with interest and penalty, and our partial payment would be reported as late, also it would put our loan six months into a default status, and Wells Fargo stipulates that the reduction could be cancelled by them at any time, without notice, with collection proceedings up to and including foreclosure.
Are you kidding me? Wells Fargo's idea of assistance is taking my loan which is CURRENT, and placing it in a position of DEFAULT? This whole modification deal, the banks, and the feds included is nothing more than a scam.

Mesa, US
Jun 08, 2012 4:18 am EDT

I'm getting the same run around. Now after all these months WF says I don't qualify for a loan modification AND I am past due $4500. I made every payment as agreed upon- but it was less than my normal payment. Since I didn't qualify I am now being punished with not paying the full payments. I have no way to come up with $4500. My boyfriend said they would do this but I actually believed they wouldn't. I was wrong.

4gotten middle class
Wales, US
Nov 19, 2011 4:10 pm EST

I am in the same unfortunate situation. I would like to know now to begin a Class Action Law Suit against this company. I have been in a living hell with this company and their many lies since 2008. I am gainfully employed. My 2 months behind is due to a lack of income which has since been resolved. I have continued to make my monthly payment but can't catch the delinquent 2 months up. How difficult or even risky to add to the end of my loan which is 11 years old?
Time to empower those of us who deserve the break given to this company. Come on, share the wealth.
Class action law suit is in order.

Jun 11, 2011 11:18 pm EDT

To Texas72 Please contact me at Please

c gar
Jun 11, 2011 2:51 am EDT

To Texas72: can you contact me at

San Juan, US
Mar 07, 2011 6:51 pm EST

I been taken by Wells Fargo too my house was sold back to the bank as of March 1 2011, I had send the money to the bank and they still sold it, That Law Office of Barrett Daffin & Frappier never sent me the reinstatement amount of my account, never had it in writing, I've been calling like Crazy and finally some Silvia lady tells me on March 3 2011, three days AFTER my house been sold my delinquined amount, , , , are u kidding me...I've talked to the bank and they say my loan is being "resend foreclosure" to see if they can go back and fix it.. But i have lost all hope they keep telling me to call the Lawyers office thier lawyers office tells me call the bank...It hurts to be taken so bad, now what do we do? I went to see a Lawyer for some help he wants 5400.00 half up front. So no matter what everyone wants alot of money but i guess I'll have to pay him to see if i can keep my house.

Douglas Edward
Elizabeth City, US
Jan 02, 2011 7:48 pm EST

I read this and its like the story of my life. I hope somthing happens soon or they are going to be up for the worse case senario. We worked all of our lives to have somthing and get caught up with schysters that only hurt trying to fix the problem. My home is currently for sale and I will probably end up giving it away with the market the way it is. I am going to keep praying. somthing good has to come from all this wrong doing..

Dec 29, 2010 4:17 pm EST

Mine was pretty much the same story. Wells Fargo is a bunch of weasels and they weaseled out of a trial modification. They gave me and my family a run around for 15 months doing nothing. In the end they denied us after the trial modification.
I hear someone recently had a lawsuit against them. I am hoping it gets class-action status.

Dec 29, 2010 6:53 am EST

As a former employee of Barrett Daffin Frappier Turner & Engel, LLP ...I would contact the Attorney General of Texas and California and the State you reside in ...Wells Fargo, Chase, JP Morgan, and Bank of American...sends all of your personal information to this law firm to process your foreclosure info and to speed up the process to get you home on the sell and auction most of the attorneys at these major bank dont even get involved...someone really really needs to investigate Barrett Daffin Frappier Turner & Engel, LLP seriously what you think is happening should not be happening

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