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CB Financing and Loans LoanCare 3637 Sentara Way, Virginia Beach, VA, 23452, US
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3637 Sentara Way, Virginia Beach, VA, 23452, US
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6 complaints
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8:00 am - 10:00 pm
8:00 am - 10:00 pm
8:00 am - 10:00 pm
8:00 am - 10:00 pm
8:00 am - 10:00 pm
8:00 am - 3:00 pm
3:27 pm EDT

LoanCare - My loan modification

I have been trying to complete the loan modification process with my loan care since october 2020. Each time I call and make a payment I am told it was cancelled for lack of payment. I have made all of my payments since april 2021. I called again today to make my payment and find out where my documents were to sign and I received the same message. I don't have any plan in place. I need someone from loancare to get their act together and help me. I have never received any documents in the mail this entire time! Each time I talk to someone it changes from my loancare. If I do not get a call back to get this resolved I am calling my lawyer at this point. Read the notes on my account and fix the issue! I also should not have been charged a late fee for july 2021.

Gaston soto [protected]

Desired outcome: fix my problem. call me

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Oct 18, 2021 8:36 pm EDT

Jennifer, have you gotten anywhere?! We’re in the same boat with them.

Jason Bryant
Inverness, Illinois, US
Aug 28, 2021 11:32 am EDT

LoanCare - End of forbearance period options not honored. Be aware that their only agenda is to foreclose on your property. They have no intention of offering options at the end of forbearance. A 'bait and switch'
methodology is used leaving the borrower with mixed messages, , , basically committing fraud under the guise of a loan collection agency. These people are scam artists at the least and property thieves at the worst.

8:34 am EST

LoanCare - Loan servicing - poor record keeping

I pay my loan payment twice a month and pay two weeks ahead to ensure that I'm never behind. These payments are made automatically through my bank to ensure that I am never behind or miss a payment. This month, I received a notification that I had not paid my mortgage for the entire month of January 2021. I checked my records and see that payments have been sent out on time for the previous two months, meaning they have received payment.

Desired outcome: I do not want this on my credit report and want the issue corrected and my account credited for the payments THEY did not account for.

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3:50 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
LoanCare has left an official reply on this complaint.

LoanCare - 2019 taxes not paid

First, I took out a loan through my local bank and the mortgage debt was sold to loancare. The loan was for some renovation I had completed on my home. The taxes and home owners insurance are paid out of the escrow. There has never been an issue witth either being paid before out of the escrow. After multiple phone calls, my taxes are still not paid for 2019. Todays date is 8/11/20. I have talked to multiple employees and supervisors and assured it is being reviewed. I have been told I would receive a call back, and this has not happened. I have been told it would be handled in 7-10 days etc. And as of this minute, the taxes are still unpaid. I am assured they should have a ruling by 8/13/20. I have been told this before except a different date. The money is in the escrow. My payments are made on time. I do not understand why the issue can't be resolved. What is to be reviewed? Its black and white. The taxes have not been paid. I also received an intent for fifa this month. I would like the taxes paid with penalties and to make sure this is not an issue in the future.

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The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer's satisfaction.

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10:10 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more
LoanCare has left an official reply on this complaint.

LoanCare - Destroying my refi-and not giving a phone number with a live person

You are ruining my refi by refusing to provide any phone number with a live person. Have you gone out of business even while taking my payments?

Do you think I can get your number with a live agent by contacting the Better Business Bureau?

Loan #: [protected]

I need to talk to someone immediately. I cannot resolve my issues without a live person to talk to.

Judith G.

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Update by Judith Glasgo
Jun 22, 2020 4:42 pm EDT

I need to talk to a live person about multiple extremely important issues! Not email.

Judith G.

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1:17 pm EDT

LoanCare - Beware!!! Worst company ever!!! Criminals!!

We are fighting against foreclosure because of a minor mistake committed by the Tax Assessor's Office, which they corrected immediately when discovered.
The company administrating our real estate loan with Movement Mortgage is Loan Care/Lakeview out of Florida. Loan Care/Lakeview is the company that filed the foreclosure
In June when I checked our checking account, I found I was totally overdrawn. Loan Care has deducted $1540.34 instead of the normal $699.83 in April and May, 2018 which put my account into overdraft. My husband immediately called Loan Care and was advised not to make remittance until the error was corrected. After he called Richland County's Tax Office the error in the tax assessment did not reflect the Residential and Homestead discounts bringing my tax bill up to $5195.05 from $1717.05. The County immediately refunded the difference to Loan Care. He, my husband, promptly advised Loan Care of the refund and tax adjustment.
Again we were told by Loan Care to hold off on payments until the refund was logged and adjustments made.
Until October, 2018, my husband dealt with all of this, but on October 15, 2018 he had a heart attack and had open-heart surgery followed by a 5-day coma. I didn't know if he was going to get through this or not! All of a sudden I was alone and helpless with all of this. I went through all the paperwork from Loan Care as I wanted to fix the problem as quick as possible.
In October I received a bill for $9358.84 due on November 1st with a monthly premium of $1540.34 (no adjustments to tax change). I didn't understand what was going on so I called Loan Care. Actually 4-5 times a day ‘til mid-November, but got a different person every time that told me something different which was no help. They said a lot, but didn't say anything!
Not knowing what to do, I sent Loan Care a check for $1818. 13 which I calculated I owed. They returned my check without statement or instructions on how to proceed. So I started again my phone campaign of multiple calls daily to try and get some help. On Oct.30, 2018 I was told via phone that my case had gone to their attorney, Bell Carrington, for foreclosure so I started to phone the attorney for help.
Besides phone calls I went to Richland County Tax Office twice where I received the most information. They told me they had refunded the overage and showed me proof that Loan Care had received the monies, and that they had remedied the error promptly. They couldn't understand what's going on.
After multiple phone calls Bell Carrington told me they couldn't help me as they were Loan Care's attorney and that there was nothing they could do for me. All this was done while my husband was still in a coma! I feared that I might loose my husband and my home! I almost had a nervous breakdown so I sought medical help and was prescribed a anti-depressant.
After a long search I found an attorney that was halfway affordable. I was advised to save the normal monthly payments, which I have, and just to wait ‘til Loan Care made the next move. We were finally served with a Foreclosure Suit on August 9, 2019 and have been awaiting procedures since then.
My attorney has advised me that the outcome of the trial could result in me having to pay their attorney, paying ALL erroneous penalties with interest, and court costs. Through no fault of my own, the County admitted their error and corrected it, and because of the unethical business practices of Loan Care/Lakeview I am in the nerve-wracking situation!
But it doesn't end here. On Halloween, 2019, a water line broke in the upstairs bathroom which damaged the entire upstairs, penetrated the downstairs ceiling and wall, warped the hardwood flooring, and soaked the insulation in the crawlspace. Total estimated costs to restore our home to a safe and former condition might be close to $30, 000.
It is the insurance policy to include both parties, Richard Y Lung AND Loan Care/Lakeview, when payment exceeds $6000. Loan Care refuses to counter sign the checks. So we sit here with open walls and ceilings in a airborne and surface mold infested environment since Halloween, 2019!
My question is how is a company like this permitted to operate as they do without government control or public attention? Though many, many homes are lost through unethical foreclosure because of unaffordable legal representation or people get so frustrated that they give up; why don't we hear about this? When you google Loancare/Lakeview, you find out that way to many people have to deal with the same or similar problems like us.
I am 58 years old and my husband is 75 years; thank you Loan Care/Lakeview so very, very much for ruining our retirement!
I filed complaints all over the place but don't know if there is any help.
I wrote Emails to media CNN, 60minutes, 9news Denver, DS news, WLTX,
Ellen DeGeneres, Oprah Winfrey, attorneys general and right now I'm writing to the attorneys Kozyak-Tropin-Throckmorton who did the last class action suit against Loancare to get any advise what else to do. I won't stop until somebody makes this public and this company gets investigated. It took me almost 2 1/2 days reading all the reviews about Loancare and I can't understand that Loancare is still in business!

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12:35 pm EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
LoanCare has left an official reply on this complaint.

LoanCare - Irresponsible and unethical loan servicing!

I know right now everything is about Coronavirus-19, but I hope I find a "empathetic ear" as I feel that my story is the same for a lot of American people.

We are fighting against foreclosure because of a minor mistake committed by the Tax Assessor's Office, which they corrected immediately when discovered.

The company administrating our real estate loan with Movement Mortgage is Loan Care/Lakeview out of Florida. Loan Care/Lakeview is the company that filed the foreclosure.

In June when I checked our checking account, I found I was totally overdrawn. Loan Care has deducted $1540.34 instead of the normal $699.83 in April and May, 2018 which put my account into overdraft. My husband immediately called Loan Care and was advised not to make remittance until the error was corrected. After he called Richland County's Tax Office the error in the tax assessment did not reflect the Residential and Homestead discounts bringing my tax bill up to $5195.05 from $1717.05. The County immediately refunded the difference to Loan Care. He, my husband, promptly advised Loan Care of the refund and tax adjustment.

Again we were told by Loan Care to hold off on payments until the refund was logged and adjustments made.

Until October, 2018, my husband dealt with all of this, but on October 15, 2018 he had a heart attack and had open-heart surgery followed by a 5-day coma. I didn't know if he was going to get through this or not! All of a sudden I was alone and helpless with all of this. I went through all the paperwork from Loan Care as I wanted to fix the problem as quick as possible.

In October I received a bill for $9358.84 due on November 1st with a monthly premium of $1540.34 (no adjustments to tax change). I didn't understand what was going on so I called Loan Care. Actually 4-5 times a day ‘til mid-November, but got a different person every time that told me something different which was no help. They said a lot, but didn't say anything!

Not knowing what to do, I sent Loan Care a check for $1818. 13 which I calculated I owed. They returned my check without statement or instructions on how to proceed. So I started again my phone campaign of multiple calls daily to try and get some help. On Oct.30, 2018 I was told via phone that my case had gone to their attorney, Bell Carrington, for foreclosure so I started to phone the attorney for help.
Besides phone calls I went to Richland County Tax Office twice where I received the most information. They told me they had refunded the overage and showed me proof that Loan Care had received the monies, and that they had remedied the error promptly. They couldn't understand what's going on.

After multiple phone calls Bell Carrington told me they couldn't help me as they were Loan Care's attorney and that there was nothing they could do for me. All this was done while my husband was still in a coma! I feared that I might loose my husband and my home! I almost had a nervous breakdown so I sought medical help and was prescribed a anti-depressant.

After a long search I found an attorney that was halfway affordable. I was advised to save the normal monthly payments, which I have, and just to wait ‘til Loan Care made the next move. We were finally served with a Foreclosure Suit on August 9, 2019 and have been awaiting procedures since then.

My attorney has advised me that the outcome of the trial could result in me having to pay their attorney, paying ALL erroneous penalties with interest, and court costs. Through no fault of my own, the County admitted their error and corrected it, and because of the unethical business practices of Loan Care/Lakeview I am in the nerve-wracking situation!

But it doesn't end here. On Halloween, 2019, a water line broke in the upstairs bathroom which damaged the entire upstairs, penetrated the downstairs ceiling and wall, warped the hardwood flooring, and soaked the insulation in the crawlspace. Total estimated costs to restore our home to a safe and former condition might be close to $30, 000.

It is the insurance policy to include both parties, Richard Y Lung AND Loan Care/Lakeview, when payment exceeds $6000. Loan Care refuses to counter sign the checks. So we sit here with open walls and ceilings in a airborne and surface mold infested environment since Halloween, 2019!

My question is how is a company like this permitted to operate as they do without government control or public attention? Though many, many homes are lost through unethical foreclosure because of unaffordable legal representation or people get so frustrated that they give up; why don't we hear about this? When you google Loancare/Lakeview, you find out that way to many people have to deal with the same or similar problems like us.

I am 58 years old and my husband is 75 years; thank you Loan Care/Lakeview so very, very much for ruining our retirement!

I know something, I gonna do everything in my power to make
this public where and whenever I can and I gonna fight like a women scorned!

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The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer's satisfaction.

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