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CB Drug Store CVS 2831 Maguire Rd, Windermere, FL, 34786, US
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2831 Maguire Rd, Windermere, FL, 34786, US
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2 complaints
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Working hours
8:00 am - 10:00 pm
8:00 am - 10:00 pm
8:00 am - 10:00 pm
8:00 am - 10:00 pm
8:00 am - 10:00 pm
8:00 am - 10:00 pm
8:00 am - 10:00 pm
12:49 pm EST

CVS - CVS pharmacy employee Josie

I have been going to get my prescription there for years. Never have encountered in issue until Josie started working there and took care of me. She has not customer service skills. Hates when you ask her any questions and when you do, she speaks in a slow and sarcastic way making you feel as if you were stupid or your question is not necessary. Questions such does my insurance cover my medication. She even hands you the medications without putting them in a CVS white bag. So uncalled for and now I have to switch location. Hope she is spoken to and learns how to be educated with others.

Desired outcome: For her to be spoken to

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2:53 pm EDT

CVS - Pharmacy

2831 Maguire Road, Windermere FL 34786 - The Pharmacy refused to fill a Rx medication I take daily. No reason given. Never asked for my driver's license or anything. Just told me they could not sell me my medication. A few days ago they said the system would not take my ID because it was too early - probably by one day and I get this because it is controlled and the system will block it if it is too early. So no issue.

However, it was not too early today. The Pharmacist just refused to sell it to ME. He treated me like dirt. When I called the store, the Manager was also rude and said he is the Pharmacist and can refuse to sell medications to anyone. I called the Corporate office and they are not going to do anything either.

SO - BEWARE. If you have medication that you need filled - especially something that is life or death, CVS Pharmacy may just up and decide not to fill it. You will die and all they are going to do is stick up for their Pharmacist. My impression: discrimination. My son and I have Asperger's.

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Apr 27, 2022 8:39 pm EDT

CVS decides who lives and who doesn't. #WomenLivesMatter

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