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11:35 am EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
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Despite a complaint and warrant, Shane Latham has still not returned the stolen equipment.

I just wanted to contact you briefly. We are a live event and video
production facility in Knoxville, Tennessee. I have noticed that you have
accepted a position with LAGTv. I am writing you to provide you with some
information regarding the producer of that show. Mr. Shane Latham started
LAGTv in his garage in Knoxville, TN. We agreed as a company to lend Mr.
Latham some equipment on a temporary basis including audio gear and
specialty chroma-key equipment until he could get his project off the
ground. Our agreement was that he would purchase any future equipment
through our company in exchange for use of the equipment. For many months
now, we have requested our equipment to be returned as no purchases were
made from us, but rather from online dealers to avoid paying taxes.
Mr. Latham also represented that he had a business partner and investor, Mr.
Ron Simpson from Play-N-Trade. Mr. Simpson dissolved the LLC within a few
weeks in August. He stated to me in a phone conversation that there were
misrepresentations by Mr. Latham.
We had found Mr. Latham to be very untruthful and dishonest. We have sworn
out warrants for Mr. Latham and his wife Dana Latham. They stole several
thousand dollars worth of equipment from us and it appears now have
transported it across the country. We are pursuing all legal avenues
including a visit with the Federal Prosecutor's office next week. I am
writing just to make you aware of the situation and advise you to proceed
with caution. After speaking with all of the show hosts in Knoxville, not a
single one of them received any promised wages or compensation for their



Mike Brown
M & M Productions USA
115-C Flint Road
Oak Ridge, TN [protected]
800/711-0140 x.201 fax 866/366-5642


The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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Knoxville, US
Apr 21, 2010 7:37 pm EDT

Shane Latham ( S8 TappedOut) is a thief. I did indeed spend 3 weeks working on his website. It was a complete development and much more then a template design. We had developed a friendship before the agreement thus the trust I put in him. This guy claims to be a retired "millionaire" is actually on disability social security income instead because of some type of body disconfigurement. He is also a pathalogical liar.

I just want to spread the word so that others know to stay away from him.

Knoxville, US
Apr 21, 2010 7:37 pm EDT

Shane Latham fraudulently obtained $20, 000.00 worth of video and camera equipment from Josh Kuhn to replace his recently repossessed equipment at LAGTV. After Alex McKinnon reclaimed his equipment that Latham tried to steal, Latham appealed to one of his viewers at LAGTV to invest. Latham then induced Kuhn to fraudulently invest in a NON-EXISTENT corporation, and when LATHAM filed the corporate docs, he NEVER delivered the 167 shares to Josh Kuhn as promised, committing securities fraud. To make matters worse, when Latham's corporation was dissolved for non payment of franchise fees, he did not distribute the assets to the shareholders, again committing securities fraud. Kuhn purchased an additional camera that was over and above the shares promised. When confronted, Latham offered Kuhn only 50% on his money, promising to pay him $10, 000.00...and then ceased all communication with Josh Kuhn. This is essentially fraud by conversion. Latham now uses this equipment to broadcast on UFRAG.TV and has made repeated FALSE representations that he is the sole owner of this equipment.

Knoxville, US
Apr 21, 2010 7:39 pm EDT

Partner and student Alex McKinnon got locked out by Shane Latham at LAGTV as soon as his business consultant starting making demands that Latham sign paperwork and follow procedures. McKinnon had taken his college fund and invested it in LAGTV in Knoxville TN in 2008. When Latham locked him out, McKinnon showed up to collect his equipment and a physical altercation ensued. Interestingly, Latham claims he was severely beaten, but never filed ANY CHARGES? Apparently the police told him that he might be the one to end up in jail. McKinnon retrieved his equipment; but Latham's next victim (Josh Kuhn)wasn't so lucky.
Eyewitnesses state that Latham's next move was to get on the air at LAGTV and perpetrate yet another fraud. He lied to all the viewers and told them that LAGTV had been broken into and robbed...and THEN proceeded to solicit donations for new equipment, and apparently purchased a new sound board with donations. This has recently been reported to the Attorney general's office in Tennessee.

Knoxville, US
Apr 21, 2010 7:40 pm EDT

Shane Latham never paid me my promised wages for graphic design and continued to use the logo after a cease and desist letter was sent. - Mitchell Greene

West Hills, US
Apr 21, 2010 10:29 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Hey everyone my name is Cody Marmon... I have known SHANE LATHAM since 2006 when I first met him on none other than Xbox. I thought he was a friend of mine until I figured out I was one of many in a long line of people that he has scammed, used and abused, and that he has NO INTENTIONS WHATSOEVER of ever paying me!

I began doing graphic design with Photoshop CS3 and After Effects over 3 years ago in my sophmore year. It started with his gaming site called "Live Assault" that was the "NEW BEST THING" coming out and I just "had to be involved", so I helped him out and made graphics for the website for free.

Next came his LAGtv which I was a part of ever since I was approached by LATHAM in December 2007. I made graphic overlays, show intros, outros, scoreboards, designs for the website, ads, ...pretty much EVERYTHING you can think of that's on a website, for LAGTV... AND ALL for free with never ending promises of fortune in the "near future". This went on for a year... and for that year I would work after school from 4 PM often until 3 AM. All this while I am in high school...and YEAH... my grades DID drop because of this. Beginning of Junior year I had probably done a little over 2, 000 graphics total for LATHAM and the website which had branched off onto a new streaming site we called " UFRAG tv ".

I was the original creator of the UFRAG logo and ads but was never paid. This went on most of my Junior year with LATHAM always telling me AGAIN I would be getting paid someday soon some big money. He dangled the carrot by saying if I left I would miss out.

AGAIN, LATHAM set me up with a company called "Cherries Internet Cafe" which I made logos, show overlays, ads and everything with the result of promises but no payment which made me really angry after a while.

And AGAIN, LATHAM was taking payment for a website ATSN ( American Trigger Sports Network ) which he had me do a lot of the work. When James Towle found out that LATHAM hadn't paid me a penny, he stepped up and took care of me for the logo I made for them and to this day I still have high respect for James Towle and his work. But by the end of my junior year in high school in March or May (I can't recall) I left LAGtv and UFRAGtv both together because I was never paid a penny for ANY of my work.

I'm not sure if I will ever be paid for my work, but I have done the math and all together, with an average of 5 days a week, 7+ hours a day, every week for almost 2 years I should have been paid a minimum of $50, 000 or even a $100, 000 for the kind of design work I was doing. I abused my health to work for LATHAM, gaining over 50 pounds doing this sedentary work for him which over the past year I have lost thank God. I feel like through all of this I have I just wasted 2 years of my life with no form of payment or satisfaction. I have been seriously betrayed by an individual who made me believe WE WERE FRIENDS! I just wish there was a way I could get some, if any, of the money I deserve for all of my hard work and time.

Cody Marmon -

West Hills, US
Apr 21, 2010 10:33 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

"This really hit home because I've had some shady freelance dealings in the past. Liquilife, a talented web developer who made, was ripped off and not paid for creating He was told beforehand that he would be, and due to a number of situations, he made the mistake of trusting Shane (S8 TappedOut) at S8 that he would pay him in full after the site was done without getting a signed contract. This jerk has gone on to not only refuse to pay for a really awesome and comprehensive web site, but thoroughly insulted Liquilife in the process and caused him a lot of grief.

So what can we do? Spread the word. Shane (S8 TappedOut) is a thief, a jerk, and deserves the backlash he gets from the video game community. While Liquilife may never get his money, those of us in the video game community can expose the truth and bring him down unless he drops the stolen front end to their web site. I'm not saying every member of section 8 is a jerk, but if I were them I would rise up and demand that this front end be replaced IMMEDIATELY."

"Hey folks. First of all thank you for your support on this matter. The person in question is Shane and his gamertag is S8 TappedOut. I did indeed spend 3 weeks working on his website. It was a complete development and much more then a template design. We had developed a friendship before the agreement thus the trust I put in him. Wow, what a mistake. Anyways, this guy who claims to be a retired "millionaire" is actually come to find out on disability social security income instead.

At this point I am not looking to get the money. It won't happen. I just want to spread the word so that others know to stay away from him.

Thank you for your support, it is much appreciated. "

" I've been rest assured that there will be no compensation and that there will be "revenge" for making up lies. That's about all I've gotten out of him. SmileSome things have been discovered about this guy. He claims to be financially wealthy and retired already. The truth is that he is on Social Secutiy benefits because of some type of body disconfigurement. He is also a pathalogical liar. He's verbally assaulted his members and yet they've chosen to stay. Some have left over this ordeal. His life is his lordship over his clan which is more important to him then actually running a successfull clan. but I can't stress enough at this point that not only is he a plain [censored] but he is a dangerous man. More so because he does have teenagers on his clan. I wish there was a way to warn their parents of the monster pathalogical liar they are following.

He uses the promise of "Sponsorship" to keep his members on board. He talks about his lawyers when he does not have any. At this point I've even heard that he is now telling his members that he built the site as a cover-up. He has no business in the Xbox-live community and I think it's absolute fair justice to see him in your Hall of Shame.

I'm just ashamed at this point that I made his dark danky cave look good. I've been designing for about 10 years as well and this is the first time I've ever gone with a verbal agreement. Lesson learned."

FYI ... and not that I owe you or anyone else an explanation, the owner

of the site you think is the greatest show on the web has committed the
following egregious acts against DC:
* The Founder of LiveASS, Shane aka Tappedout ... has publicly
threatened, harassed and belittled this community, its members and our
staff ... repeatedly. The community grew weary of him and his antics and
just ignores him ... that is until one of his minions comes here or
elsewhere to do his bidding for him. He does not have the balls to have
an open honest debate about his aberrant behavior as he knows he will
lose and he has no desire for people to learn the real truth about him
... some further examples of his behavior ...
* When I asked him to make sure he got in place compensation agreements
with my company for any commercial advertising and commercial promotion
of his team on DC after he bragged up and down how he had hit the big
time with professional agent representation etc. he threatened that S8
would leave DC and he would make sure he took all teams with him. I am a
business man and any one who uses DC bandwidth to commercially promote
their product(s) for financial gain will indeed compensate our company
... but he got real indignant indicating DC was riding his coat tails to
commercial success. Now that is funny as he has now copied our idea and
tried to promote them as his own ...
* He promoted a Madden tournament he was hosting on his S8 team website
but absolutely refused to support or promote our DC Madden Leagues and
tournaments as he had agreed to. He was asked to make sure he
coordinated "cross-promotional" opportunities with our staff prior to
advertising his events ... he did not and when I told him he had
violated our agreement ... he tore into a virtual rampage that left me
bewildered as to what kind of individual this person was.
* During the GRAW Season 2 playoffs we made a decision with the full
support of the community to not let a team whose members had become
disenchanted with their leader and decided to quit the playoffs amid
unsupported allegations of cheating made by their own team captain and
of documented unsportsmanlike conduct during playoff matches ... to not
let that team of quitters decide a DC Championship. Tappedout invited me
to a Xbox Live conversation where he threatened me with physical
violence and personally threatened to bring DC to it's knees and
screamed (and I mean really screamed) that I would "... regret this day
..." just because I did not let his team nor any of the other four teams
affected have a walk to the championship or championship round. When he
posted his decision that his team was leaving DC ... a few teams came by
the thread and wished him well ... but not one team left DC as a result
of his childish antics.
* As recently as a week ago Tappedout "declared war" on DC and its
community of gamers again telling a friend that he was going to wipe DC
from the face of the earth.
* Tapped has virtually taken the work of others and laid claim to it as
his own ...
* Tappedout refused to pay for services rendered by web designers for
his team web site. That is not only dishonorable it amounts to theft.

I could give you a whole list of gamers this ### has left in his wake
with broken promises and his "to hell with everyone but me" attitude.
The list goes on and on and I will not bother to go further with any
other explanation.

You can form you own opinion ... but by openly supporting LiveASS you
are thereby supporting Tappedout and thusly you will continue to draw
the ire of many in this community. You continue to make false claims of
our censorship ... you have no idea what you are talking about and all
that is an attempt to stir controversy where none existed ... it is your
little drama and you keep fanning the flames ...

I could care less who plays at LA ... the teams who support DC may feel
differently ... but DC has not mandated an "us or them" policy ... but
you and others keep accusing us of it.

DC has not indicated your staff position on LiveASS keeps you from
participating here at DC ... but you keep insinuating to our community
that we do just that in what I deem as an attempt to skew the opinions
of those casual viewers of your nonsense. Your LA staff position will
only keep you from gaining and keeping the respect of our community ...
keep up the rhetoric and you will very shortly find what else you will
be saddled with.

Others took a look see at LASS and very quickly returned choosing not to
support a community whose sole purpose was to destroy a good decent
community that had done absolutely nothing but show respect for the

You people continue to beat a drum that we stole your ideas ... well
last time I checked DC was founded in March of 2005 and LiveASS was
founded in March of 2007 (on the day DC was hacked) ... so who copied
who? And for your information any software programs or modifications we
use are either publicly available for free or we legally purchased the
license to use so knock of the innuendos of DC is copying LASS.
Virtually every program or feature LASS is touting as his groundbreaking
ideas are all over many other sites out there ... Shane nor Chandman
never has and never will have an idea of their own.

If you find the DC community so stifling to your freedom to spew false
innuendos then there are plenty of options for you to go elsewhere just
like there is for any other gamer who does not like DC ... DC is not for
everyone, but then we don't try to be ... DC is not the only place to
play ... we are just the best.

You should knock of the rhetoric or return from hence you came. I could
care less if you referred 10, 000 people to DC ... and BTW ... referrals
of team mates is not really a big deal and all of your referrals were to
your own team mates .. so quit acting like you were a big time community
ambassador ... its not like you referred 20 teams to DC ... then you
could have something to brag about ... until then I would leave that one

I guess this would be another one of those who are telling you to take a
hike if you don't like. I sure would not spend a great deal of my free
time hanging out where I did not like it.

Good luck to you in your future gaming and tell Shane and Chandman that
I said :alien_greetings[1]: from the best damn gaming site on the web.

All the best,
Digital Combat Online Gaming Community

poopville, US
Apr 22, 2010 10:55 am EDT

I like how all of these comments are posted by the same person, and how "Mike Brown's" information doesnt check out. Go do something else scoots jesus.

Apr 22, 2010 11:00 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Red neck losers such as this guy are ###. They need to be s*** They don't know how to live life without being a low-life. Wow. I heard of this guy, he was in the paper. LOL!

West Hills, US
Apr 22, 2010 1:18 pm EDT

Hey ZombieGuru...ANYONE CAN CALL MIKE BROWN...his number is posted...furthermore...M&M went to LATHAM's house six months ago and he gave some ### and bull story that he couldn't get the key to his own studio..(another break in!) ha ha even though LATHAM said he would immediately return the property...he still hasn't.

Sherman Oaks, US
Apr 26, 2010 4:09 pm EDT

To whom it May Concern;

It's very interesting to note that so many of these are coming from the same place. I have worked with and known Mr. Latham for almost 2 years now and have been privy to more than half of these "complaints". These are all coming from people who Mr Latham has left behind due to inability to come through on promises or through offering to help out by introducing him to people and OTHER people not coming through.

It's sad that people would take to the internet, twist emails sent by minors (IE; the Cody email which we have all seen the original copy of) and post up conversations completely taken out of context in order to paint someone in a bad light.

There are no warrants out for Mr. Latham. I had the LA Police department check into these accussations myself when they were brought to my attention over a year ago (by Mr. Brown reaching out to myself and my staff at the time and NOT to Mr. Latham himself ...) and they were completely and utterly unfounded.

Associates of Mr. Browns have also contacted me via phone, as well as contacting my friends and co-workers to try to drum up a variety of drama in the past.

Mr. Latham's only downfall is that he trusts peoples words too eagerly and believes people when they come to him with promises of honesty and loyalty. Too many times, this trust and dedication to his company has found him in a situation where he has to make the decision to allow these people to take him down or for him to move forward without them and become successful. Slighted, it is these very individuals who have now - through the magic of the internet - banded together to show their petty grievances by posting on an anonymous website where no one TRULY cares about the situation at hand.

In the real business world, if you were to take up issue with someone, you would contact your lawyer and a lawsuit would be filed. Instead, these sorry souls must go to any lengths to inflict PERSONAL pain on Mr. Latham and his wife/daughter by slandering his name on this website.

I can only hope that those responsible (and yes, we all know exactly who you are) will one day look at themselves in the mirror and realize that they became adults MANY years ago and that maybe it's time to leave this high school drama in their past.

Until then, for those reading this, make no decision about a person before you know all sides of the story and let the successes of this company prove to you what an outstanding individual Mr. Latham is.

Clearly the bigger person who won't be hiding behind the veil of anonymity,
Ms. Rebecca Young

West Hills, US
Apr 26, 2010 4:57 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Ms. Rebecca Young might want to rethink what kind of company she keeps after reading this. But then again, mebbe her own personal ethics are so far out she doesn't see anything wrong with the following:

Shane Latham has lost every ounce of credibility and fallen on his own sword by lying that he has a "Bachelor's and Master's Degree in Computer Science from UCLA", and that he attended UCLA from [protected]. Expert verification through UCLA shows that there are no records whatsoever of his "degrees" let alone his attendance.

Latham has posted his false credentials info on Myspace and submitted phony credentials in his press releases that have been published on the internet. He has told virtually anyone that he has worked with that he holds a Masters Degree in Computer Science from UCLA. He has used false credentials to induce individuals to work for him and invest in him and LAGTV and UFRAG.TV . Perhaps he doesn't know that in some States it is a misdemenaor to falsify your credentials. It is such a hallmark for a lack of integrity that for any employer it is grounds for immediate termination.

It gets worse! he has stated that he attended UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY, but the verifcation there only shows "no results".

Sherman Oaks, US
Apr 26, 2010 6:29 pm EDT


You question MY ethics and yet you are the one hiding behind a fake name? Not only a fake name but one that is derogatory with no real proof behind it.

How about being a bigger person and showing your true identity so that we can go snooping for the skeletons in your closet.

Do not throw stones in glass houses. You may get cut.

West Hills, US
Apr 26, 2010 8:21 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

To Ms. Becky Young,

Why don't you face the facts. Shane Latham lied to you as well that he had a Bachelor's and Master's degree from UCLA. UCLA has verified that he never even attended let alone got a degree.

You have no defense here. If you are willing to overlook his lies about his education; you just made my point regarding your own personal ethics.

So how about a response to the fact that he lied to everyone about his credentials.


Are you aware that falsifying your credentials is a misdemeanor crime in most states now?

What's a matter? Cat got your tongue? Call UCLA. Verify it for yourself. We have it in writing.

THROWING STONES? . Mr. LATHAM chose to throw a huge rock covered in ### up in the air, and it has landed squarely on his own head.

lle, US
May 01, 2010 4:11 pm EDT

I can only comment on issues I have knowledge of.

"equaljustice" : You claim there's a warrant out for Shane's arrest. I too, called up the state he currently resides in and asked if there were any warrants our for his arrest. To my surprise, there were none! How about that?! I'll skip the rest of what looks like fallacy from you.

Cody: I know him from Section VIII clan. I know he helped Shane out on a couple of sites. But, I can't confirm or deny his allegations. And just like in any he said/she said quarrels, there's a good chance your side is twisted to favor you. But, if you're putting in all this work with no pay--even with the possibility of getting paid in the future--there's a point in time where you say there's no way you can do this anymore. You were working for free in hopes that the projects you worked on would take off. They didn't. There's nothing you can do about it. It's fine to volunteer your work for someone. But remember, you were volunteering in hopes something would pan out. You were a kid then, so you learned a life lesson. You took something way to seriously and willingly volunteered for free. You're mad now that you look back and see it was a big waste of time and it seems you just want to take it out on him. Nothing else I can really say about that.

The DC Guy: This one I have first hand knowledge of, and what this guy says is complete and utter BS.

You say that we belittled the DC community. Again, BS. One of the best and long standing clans (forget their name) on your site were also the best cheaters on your site. They always tried to weasel out of losses, whether it be breaking the rules, not being honest about the matches, etc. Then when Shane tries to stand up against these guys (and also other members of our clan), we were told we're lying. The cheaters said we were lying. You turned your head and looked the other way. We left DC because you guys did a horrible job withholding the integrity on that site.

That's why Shane went and made LiveAssault! He was tired of the BS that was happening on your site. And we had a huge clan meeting after leaving DC on what we were going to do. We all understood very clearly why we had to leave your unfair site. He was so mad the way you guys treated us, you're the one responsible why Shane had such a personal campaign against you. LA was an amazing site, unfortunately, it's near impossible to grow a ladder site and not have it eat a hole in your pocket since it's so monopolized by GB. And if you're talking about him "stealing" things from other sites for his sites, is BS. That's how websites work and one sites innovative feature is another's addition. But it's not like Shane wasn't innovative, all of his sites have included features I've never seen before in other sites before it. So that's BS.

And I was with the clan almost until its fizzled it out, and I NEVER heard Shane verbally assault members. In fact, it was the complete opposite. He was very adamant about how everybody in the clan needs to represent the clan by showing respect while playing games. One time it came to his attention that some of our members were acting rudely during a match and took it upon himself to address the whole clan, and reminded us what S8 expects from members. And in fact, I do still have a few of those clan meeting recordings.

Oh, isn't internet anonymity awesome?!

Knoxvil, US
Jun 24, 2010 8:46 pm EDT

I think it's pretty obvious that Ms. Young is Shane. Not only is this obviously someone more invested than they should be, Shane hasn't commented at all, and I know him, this person writes just like he does! He worked for me for a few months and it's kinda funny after looking at these complaints, our inventory was awfully short that year, and it was a bunch of Halo, WoW, and Magic product (which he plays)... He was working for me during all this theft stuff, so I've heard the other side of the story and this really makes more sense than what he was telling me. I can tell you for a fact he's a liar, and at several points he tried to put me in situations where he thought I might say or do something that might discriminate against his disability and was also trying to sue another company he was working for. I think this sounds legit, from what I know, this rings much more true than I'd like it to.

Shane Latham Betrayed Me
los ang, US
Jul 08, 2010 8:38 pm EDT

Shane Latham, how could you cheat me the way you did?

I trusted you with my heart, you said that you loved me and that you would pay me back, but now you're ignoring my calls.

To everyone who thinks that the posts about Shane Latham are fake. I dare you to do get close with him and experience him winning you over with his cunning humor. I dare you also to do business with this guy. See for yourself what becomes of you.

For him to know of my personal hardships/vulnerabilities and STILL cheat me the way he did.. it really broke my heart. I've accepted the fact that he never loved me and even the lesser of betrayals, which is to never see my money again. I'll continue working hard to pay off the debt he put me in, which will eventually go away.. but I cannot say the same for the extreme betrayal of trust he committed.

In summary, do not trust him (as a friend, lover, business partner, ..) even if he has proven himself to you after years, yes.. years.

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Shane Latham
Burbank, US
Jul 12, 2010 5:50 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

So I have ignored these slanderous complaints long enough and I am going to make the following statement so people who are reading these BS blogs, where anyone can post anything they wish, will know where I stand, where to find me, and to put an end to endless drama.

Ask yourself something, "Doesn't it seem funny that all these complaints are all from the same poster, from the same location (West Hills CA. ) and all around the same time?" "If I had wronged all of these people why are they all of a sudden posting these complaints online and all under the same name and timeframe?" There is a reason for that, and let me tell you why. I was the founder and creator of a company called UFragTV, I was approached by a guy Named David R. Paget (From West Hills CA.) who told me stories about how he could raise 5 million dollars in funding for my company in two months, as he thought what I was doing was cutting edge and in need of serious funding. Because I was in Los Angeles and new to the game, I believed him and offered to bring him on as my CEO to raise money, and run the company, as he told me he was more than qualified to do.

To make a long story short, after 9 months of doing nothing for the company including the simple things of creating a business plan, or setting up a company bank account, I informed David I no longer wished for him to be a part of the company and I was letting him go. I tried to ask him what he had given me to help with the company and even had my lawyer contact him formally to ask him so that he could be paid back, yet he refused to release how much money he given me and even hung up on my lawyer.

Now, since David knows that he has no other options and his lies were exposed, he has resorted in posting on this complaints board and even creating a personal blog about me to slander my name and what I have worked hard for. I am not hiding and I have no reason to. My address is 444 N. Buena Vista Street Burbank CA. 91505 and I have had the same address that has been very public for the two years I have lived in California. If anyone for ANY reason feels they have a LEGITIMATE complaint about me or things that they feel I have done to wrong them, then let them take it up with me directly. Call the police! Get a lawyer! See thats how its done in the real world! People who only want to make waves or try to hurt peoples good names use resources like posts on the internet to help get followers to help them take up their cause. Well I will not feed into this internet drama and have done nothing other than fire a guy who promised the world and delivered nothing in return.

So to sum up all of this as I will not reply to any more comments over the internet. If you want to contact me you now have my address, my phone number is listed, and I invite you to go through the proper channels if you feel like I have honestly wronged you in any way. Otherwise stop creating internet drama, no one cares about your lies and endless complaints, grow up, and get a better hobby!

Just remember everyone, anyone can post anything about anything or anyone online, doesn't make it true! Its the internet after all ;)

Shane Latham

P.S. To "Tapped UP" that just proves my point to the tee, Mrs Young was the poster of that post and feel free to contact her directly if you have any further questions. As for me stealing anything from your store Ethan, (Yes I know who you are) weren't you in a probationary period as a manager for Gamestop well before I even offered to work with you for your stock being so off? Wasn't it you and Brandon that stole more stuff from Gamestop than the law allows? How much trade credit did you scam from Gamestop Ethan? So before you jump on this blog all high and mighty and pointing fingers you have no right to point, you need to check yourself sir. BTW, all gamers play those games you mentioned I guess that makes us all thief's huh? Jesus people grow up!

D&C Enterprises
Sevierville, US
Sep 19, 2010 8:14 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Funny, I found this thread after a search of this man, Shane Latham. My wife and I met him when he worked at Dollywood. I suppose partly out of pity based on his disability, we felt a need to help him out. The reason I occasionally search for him is because he owes my company money as well. I was scammed by him and his business venture, Technically Wireless out of Sevierville, TN. It was an internet based business established to design and install wireless internet systems primarily to the Hotel/Motel industry. I was a technician using my vehicles, equipment, tools and knowledge to install these systems. I too, was promised by this man that once we do the jobs, I would be paid handsomly AFTER he received his money from the motels I installed for. This went on for over a year in the 2005-06 timeframe, where he continually took advantage of our kind and giving nature. By the time all was said and done, I assisted in many site analyses, as well as 4 complete installations. I too offered "free" labor and time during part of this time with Shane's promises that we all now know only too well. I wish I had this forum before to warn you all of this man's shady character. As part of his retribution for me putting pressure on him to pay up as promised, he hacked my email accounts and I had to change all my passwords, etc... Frightening, to say the least.

When Shane kept putting me off, I ended up filing suit, but by the time the Sheriff went to serve him, we found he moved out (then in Knoxville) of his rental in the middle of the night with no postal forwarding order. Bam! Never received a penny to this day. It appears he went on to scheme you poor folks as well. In hindsight, I should have known. He was spending lavishly on his XBOX networks and equipment. I even installed it and his business phones in his rental house. He also had recently purchased a new 65" big screen Sony among other expensive toys and gadgets. I now know that was partly at my expense. Since then, I have learned that I was not the only one that didn't see any cash. Other installation companies, as well as equipment providers, and his sales staff were looking for him also. The slime ball just 1 step ahead of us all. DO NOT trust this man. You will regret it.

Shane if you read this, I would still like my money. It is currently around $3500. for the work, materials, etc. as well as late payment fees and court costs. I can forward the latest consolodated statement and will cancel the summons if you actually stand up like a man to your responsibilities and make this right. If not, I suppose you are accepting the fact that you are a chump, liar and cheat, and deserve every lousy hand that life can deal you. You can run but you can't hide. It will all eventually catch up to you and you can miserably wallow in your own just desserts.

Shane Latham
Burbank, US
Sep 19, 2010 9:34 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Even though I said I would not post anything further on this board I will however reply to you Doug.

In regards to me running, how am I running when I posted my FULL home address in the post above. My wife and I moved out of that house into another house that was more affordable right down the street, and I always forward my mail. You and I both know I am not a hard man to find. If you really wanted to find me you would have. I am not running and I have nothing to hide! I have always been a very public person and I even posted my address in the above thread for the entire internet to see.

As you said in your post "You offered free labor" in the hopes of getting a payout for our hard work, well that makes two of us! I put in a lot of time and money into that venture only to have it not pay out in the end and never to be paid for several jobs that I should have been paid for. So as in life sometimes things work, sometimes they don't I too lost a lot of money if you care to take a look at my books then again feel free to contact me. We took a gamble, the gamble didn't pay off, so I got out, simple as that! If you can show me some kind of contract or promise to pay you anything then please forward that over to me and I will resolve this matter promptly.

I would also like to address the fact that you found a clever way to make it sound like I use my disability to get me things in life. First of all yes I am disabled, but I have NEVER asked for anything from anyone, because I am disabled, and you never felt sorry for me, you saw an opportunity, as did I, so lets be honest here. Stop trying to make it sound like this poor little crippled guy came up to you asking you for help because you and I both know thats not the truth.

Also the lie about me hacking your email account...Really? Come on! Of course you have proof of this right?

Oh and that 65" TV that you think I went out and bought with all my riches lol, well I rented that from Rent-A-Center and I after I finally paid it off, I still own it today! Ohh and the xbox, I had that since it came out, way before I knew you. Before you try to make it sound like I am living the life of a king while all the peasants suffer you might want to get your facts straight. Both my wife and I are still driving 11 year old cars for gods sake. I know you and everyone else would love to believe that I hit some magical jackpot and just screwed everyone over, but the truth is, I like many others in this world, have had some great ideas, asked people if they wanted to help, but things just didn't pan out the way we hoped. Does that make me a "liar", "Cheat, and Chump" as you called me, NO it doesn't! In life we have choices, and options to say no I am not interested when we are presented with what we believe is a good opportunity, and we take risks when we say yes.

I never stole anything from you, or damaged you in anyway! You and I both took a risk and put in a lot of work towards something we thought was a good way to make money at the time, and you and I both lost in our dissions. Simple as that, nothing more, nothing less. But for you to come on the internet and portray me as some hard core scam artist is very immature to say the least. If you have a contract or other paperwork signed by me, with a promise to pay, please send it my way and I will take care of that as soon as possible, again my address is posted above. But I will not pay for something that you offered for free then after a year later wrote out a bill of what you think I owe you.

So again my home address is posted above, and if you have something to say, send it to me directly, as I am not going to reply to the public about your problem with me. I will be happy to discuss this with you but not on this message board.

Here in case you missed it:

444 N. Buena Vista St.
Burbank, CA. 91505

Or you can email me at the same email address I have had for over 5 years now:


Jackson, US
Dec 15, 2012 4:47 pm EST

Turns out these unfortunate scams are part of a long history for Mr. Latham:

The following Official Record of Shane Latham is being redistributed by and is protected by constitutional, publishing, and other legal rights. This Official Record was collected from a Law Enforcement agency on 12/15/2011. ID: 2016716
Offense Date Offense Sentence Date County Case No. Prison Sentence Length
06/17/1992 GRAND THEFT, $300 LESS &20, 000 12/18/1998 PINELLAS 9217607 1Y 6M 0D
06/17/1992 UTTERING FORGERY 12/18/1998 PINELLAS 9217607 1Y 6M 0D
Current Community Supervision History:
Offense Date Offense Sentence Date County Case No. Community Supervision Length
05/15/1996 OBTAIN LODGING W/INTENT FRAUD 05/27/1998 ORANGE 9606584 5Y 0M 0D
06/25/1996 OBTAIN LODGING W/INTENT FRAUD 05/27/1998 ORANGE 9614123 5Y 0M 0D

Wanting To Stay Safe
Burbank, US
Feb 27, 2014 12:21 am EST

It's sad when someone uses their disability to defraud. It makes the world that much more hardened. Shame on you Mr.Latham. You are the most cruel of all the con-artist. You use your disability to prey on those who would give you a chance and kindness and then steal from them. I'm sad for your victims, you and most of all, your family. I pray you will one day see the error of your ways and give those you've wronged at least an apology.

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