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Q pch surveys

you do the surveys through pch i just did one it asked my a load of questions about lawn care first ifentifyung as gov...i answered all the questions correctly and honestly as where i live the lawn maintenance is taken care of by the caretakers of the property...last page of questions i clicked no for any of them...lucid kicked me out...pch robot oh you earned an enrty anyway thanks for trying...pch needs to really review who and what they are doing with these sruveys...the next thing you know is your phone gets harassed by spam-scammers...the same thing goes for your email inboxes...

Recommendation: do not do surveys through pch they are not worth the effort or the time especially LUCID SAMPLILICIOUS DO AT OWN RISK

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Verified customer This review was posted by a verified customer. Learn more A Survey Router to Avoid - Unfair and Untrustworthy ain't no good, I tell you what. I ain't never qualified for none of them surveys they sent me. They act all high and mighty, like they too good to work with me. Ain't no communication neither - they don't tell you what you gotta do to qualify. Seems like they only let their favorite folks take the surveys. Can't trust 'em, no sir. I'd rate 'em a big fat zero outta ten. This here survey router is straight-up criminal.

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Verified customer This review was posted by a verified customer. Learn more Review: Shady, Wasteful and a Scam - Stay Away!

I can't believe it. Reading through all the other reviews, it seems like everyone else has had the same negative experience as me with I haven't seen even one positive review. These guys are shady! All they do is take all your information, then make you fill out page after page of a survey. But guess what? After thirty minutes of your time wasted, they tell you that you don't even qualify. Can you believe that? They do it every single time!

Honestly, these guys should be reported to the BBB and the FBI. They are nothing but cyber criminals trying to rip off unsuspecting folks. You definitely do NOT want to deal with them or any other site that endorses them. Unless you are looking for your identity to be stolen, stay far, far away from They are not to be trusted!

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Verified customer This review was posted by a verified customer. Learn more Hit or Miss: My Experience with Surveys

So, about this site, lemme tell ya. I've given it a try a few times, but I gotta say, it's pretty hit or miss. Sometimes I'll successfully complete a survey and get my payment, but other times, nothing. Nada. Zilch. And don't even get me started on the times where I spend what feels like forever answering questions, only to get kicked out at the very end. Seriously?! I know my opinions might not be everyone's cup of tea, but come on now.

That being said, I do have to give them some credit. The surveys themselves are pretty well-made and easy enough to understand. And when you DO get paid, it's a nice little bonus for something you probably would've been doing anyway (I mean, who doesn't love giving their hot takes on the latest products and services?).

Overall, I'd say give a try if you're into this sort of thing. Just maybe have some patience and don't get too attached to the idea of getting paid every single time. It's tough out there. But hey, maybe you'll get lucky and strike it rich with some sweet survey cash. It's happened before, right? Right?!

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Verified customer This review was posted by a verified customer. Learn more Review: A Complete Waste of Time and Effort - Avoid at All Costs!

This company called is a real waste of time if you ask me. If you find yourself on their site and they invite you to take one of their surveys, just run away. Seriously! I have taken surveys from them a bunch of times and almost every time I finish it, they tell me I don't qualify. How messed up is that? Sometimes I don't even know I am doing a Samplicious survey until after it's already too late. And they still manage to collect all of my info before they decide to disqualify me. What a scam!
I can't believe they are still operating. It's just not fair that you can do everything right, answer all the questions and still get disqualified by them. They must be making a fortune off of people's valuable time and effort. I would avoid them at all costs if I were you. There are better survey sites out there that actually value your opinion and compensate you accordingly. Don't waste your time with Samplicious unless you want to throw it all away for nothing.

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Verified customer This review was posted by a verified customer. Learn more Samplicious Surveys: Scam Alert!

I've had lots of run-ins with Samplicious and it's not been a chuckle. In fact, I've done so many surveys for them but it's almost as if they're not giving me the rewards that I deserve. I've been cut off at the final lap on multiple occasions without any compensation. I mean, what's the point of me spending 15 to 20 minutes answering their questions if they're not going to pay me for my time?

When I reached out to Survey Junkie, they apologized for the actions of Samplicious since they're third-party members and are beyond their control. It's a total rip-off if you ask me. Samplicious is trying to trick us and it's not right. In my opinion, I hope more people would choose to disengage from Samplicious surveys and instead concentrate on companies that are upfront and transparent. It's a matter of principle, honesty, and fairness.

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Verified customer This review was posted by a verified customer. Learn more Review: A Scam Site That Wastes Your Time and Collects Your Data Without Paying, oh boy, where do I start? This site seems to always pop up whenever I'm doing surveys on Swagbucks, and whenever I see it, I just know I'm about to have my time wasted! It's happened too many times to count, and I'm done with it. is a complete ripoff and scam.

You can spend ages on a survey, giving away all your information, and at the end, you're just told "sorry you did not qualify". Like, what does that even mean? I've never been able to complete a survey on this site, ever. It's just a massive waste of time. It's like they're collecting everyone's data and not giving anything back in return.

I mean, seriously, when are they going to get hit with a class action lawsuit? It's unfair that they're able to get away with this nonsense. I'm sure so many people have been through the same thing as me on this site, and it's not fair at all. I hope they get what's coming to them.

Overall, is a waste of time and a complete scam. I wouldn't recommend it to anyone unless you want to give away your information for absolutely nothing in return.

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Verified customer This review was posted by a verified customer. Learn more Hit or Miss: My Experience with Survey Site

So, let me tell you about my experience with Even though I am not residing in the US, I manage to participate in their surveys. However, I must say that I've lost track of the number of times they've screened me out after answering tons of questions. It gets quite frustrating when you're almost at the end of the survey, only to be informed that it's closed or that you didn't qualify. I mean, seriously? Shouldn't they figure out if you're eligible at the start of the survey? It's a shame, and I think Samplicious needs to be held accountable for their actions.

I'm not the only one who's gone through this. Some of the other participants have shown their concern as well. But I must admit, when Samplicious does offer you surveys that you can complete, they're pretty decent. They show you top-notch survey sites that you can rely on to do the right thing. And that's what we need more of, right? Honest and reliable survey sites that don't waste our time.

So, all in all, I would say that is hit or miss. You may get screened out numerous times, or you may get lucky and complete a few surveys. But keep in mind - don't rely solely on this site for surveys. It's essential to diversify your options and sign up for multiple survey sites to increase your chances. Nonetheless, could do better by improving their process so that survey participants don't feel discouraged.

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Verified customer This review was posted by a verified customer. Learn more Not Worth Your Time: My Disastrous Experience with [Website Name] Surveys

This website ain't that good at all! I think I may have told you about them before, I pledged to not even touch a poll from them anymore but still ended up taking one from a different website I fancy (a lot). When I saw it was for these dudes I was almost fixin' to ditch but decided to give it a shot. Boy, was it awful! I answered so dang many questions, watched the bar go right up to nearly 100%, and shared all my private info at the end. All that just for a message saying that I didn't even pass the qualification test. I reckon I'm never gonna even think about answerin' another poll for 'em. I don't even know how they've been able to sustain all this time. Do yourself a favor and boot any surveys you see from them. It's just a waste of good time.

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Verified customer This review was posted by a verified customer. Learn more Review: Scamming Everyone with No Remorse, Avoid at All Costs

Yo, listen up!

I been doing surveys for years and I gotta say, is straight up wack. Every time they come up in my survey rotation, I know it's a guaranteed way to not get paid. I'm talkin' two times in a row on September 8th, 2018 - total rip off.

I mean, why do these survey companies even bother with They got no contact info on their site and seem like some kinda mystery company. All I know is, if you lookin' around on internet blogs and forms, everyone sayin' the same thing - they never pay out and they scammin' everyone.

It's messed up, y'all. People put in their valuable time and energy, and just stealin' it with no remorse. I wouldn't touch this company with a ten-foot pole. Avoid them at all costs, for real.

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Verified customer This review was posted by a verified customer. Learn more Review: Deceitful Company to Avoid at All Costs

It's really sad how some online survey sites take advantage of people who are trying to make a few extra bucks from home or earn a Walmart gift card to help support their families. And it's even more disgusting that survey companies like get paid hundreds of dollars by marketing agencies and companies for our opinions on their products, while we only get paid a couple of dollars. It's a pretty big profit for them.

When we sign up for surveys, we know what we're getting into, so we can't really blame them for that. But what is really infuriating about sites like is that they trick you into entering all your personal information, and then they send you a message at the end of the survey saying that you don't qualify. That means that you gave them all your information for nothing. Out of 52 survey attempts, I didn't qualify for a single one. That's a really low success rate.

It's also shady how Samplicious hides behind other companies. They typically use another company as a second middle-man between the research firm and you. So instead of getting paid directly by Samplicious, you get paid by a more reputable organization like MyPoints. It seems like they do this to avoid getting too many BBB complaints and to trick people into thinking they're a legitimate company.

If you do get redirected to a survey site, be sure to check the URL at the top of your screen. If it says or anything similar, just quit the survey. Then make sure to let the survey company know what happened and file a complaint with the BBB for deceptive business practices. Even though you won't receive any financial compensation, it's important to report companies like Samplicious so that they can be held accountable for their fraudulent practices.

In conclusion, is a deceitful company that should be avoided at all costs. Don't waste your time giving them your personal information for a chance to make a couple of bucks. It's not worth it. Instead, let others know about your experience by posting a review on sites like Sitejabber and filing a complaint with the Better Business Bureau. By speaking out, we can help prevent others from falling victim to Samplicious's shady practices.

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1:49 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more Make Some Extra Cash with - Easy Surveys, Confusing Questions is a pretty good website to earn some extra cash. They'll give you some surveys to fill out for some money. It's not a lot, but it beats doing nothing, right? The surveys are pretty easy, too. You won't have to use your brain too much. But, sometimes, the questions they ask are kinda confusing. There was this one time where they asked me to name the colors on the England flag. I thought about it for a bit, and then I wrote "red, white, and blue." Turns out, that's actually the UK flag. But, like, why do Americans think England is the same thing as the UK? It's crazy. They need to get better at geography and stuff.

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1:43 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more review: A Complete Waste of Time and Effort

So, I've been using for a little while now, and I have to say--I'm not impressed. Honestly, this website is garbage. They make you fill out all kinds of surveys and questionnaires, and then what do you get in return? A big fat nothing. Well, not quite nothing. What you do get is the joy of having your personal information collected and used for who knows what.

And don't even get me started on the disqualifications. It's like they don't even want you to succeed. Every time I try to take a survey, it seems like I get disqualified for some arbitrary reason. And the worst part is that they don't even give you a good reason. They just throw up this super frustrating screen and tell you that you're not eligible. Ugh.

Honestly, I would avoid like the plague. Or Ebola, as the case may be. It's a total waste of time, and it's just not worth the hassle. Stick to other survey sites if you want to make some extra cash--this one is just a big pile of S#! T!

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11:59 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more Beware of - Scamming People Out of Time and Money


So, here's the deal with I just did one of their surveys and it took me a good thirty minutes to get through it all. And guess what? After all that time and effort, I was told that I didn't qualify. Can you believe it? Ninety-five percent complete and they just kick me right out. I mean, seriously, what's up with that? It's like they just want to steal my time and not pay me for it.

You know what this means, right? It means that they don't have to give me any money for the survey. And they don't even have to pay the people who provided the survey in the first place. It's all a big scam, I tell you. They'll take all the information I gave them during the survey and then just leave me in the dust. And that's not even the worst part!

The worst part is that they're getting away with it. I really think that the people behind should be put in prison for this. They're just robbing people of their time and effort, and that's not okay. We need to make sure that this kind of thing doesn't keep happening. It's time to speak up and tell these survey scammers that enough is enough.

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Is Legit? earns a trustworthiness rating of 0%

Stay away! We strongly recommend avoiding

Our conclusion: ComplaintsBoard's comprehensive research indicates that is highly unreliable and may be operating as a scam. We advise against dealing with to prevent potential harm. If you notice any suspicious behavior, report it by writing a complaint.

With only 0% of 11 complaints being resolved, slow complaint resolution rate suggests poor service, lack of responsiveness, or a lack of helpfulness, causing frustration to users. It is obvious that the company has the lowest level of trust.

Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more Waste of Time: My Experience with Survey

Yo, so I did this survey for and let me tell you, it was wack. Like, I finished the survey and then decided to skip the rating part, which was optional anyway, and then they sent me back to inboxdollars and said I wasn't qualified for the survey. Are you kidding me? That's so messed up. I ain't gonna waste my time with these jokers ever again.

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Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more Surveys are a Total Drag and a Waste of Time

So, I just joined and I gotta say, not a fan. The surveys are a total drag and seem to be rigged against me! I've been trying to complete these surveys for what feels like forever and I swear they're just messing with me. I mean, come on - how hard is it to get a simple survey done? Apparently, for it's impossible.

I'm really frustrated because I keep getting kicked out mid-survey or even worse, they won't accept my answers no matter how many times I try. It's like they're deliberately trying to make it impossible to complete the survey! In just five minutes I attempted to finish three surveys and they all just made me want to rip my hair out.

The worst part is that I have to spend so much time on each survey, so it's not like I can just move onto the next one quickly. I'm a busy person, I don't want to waste my time on these surveys if they're not worth it.

Overall, I feel like is a total waste of time. I've had nothing but trouble trying to complete their surveys and I'm honestly thinking of giving up altogether. They need to fix their surveys - ASAP!

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Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more Disappointed with's Survey System - Wasted Time with No Reward

So, I gotta tell ya guys, I've been doing them surveys for for a hot minute now. Like, I've completed a bunch for 'em through Gov, Publishers Clearing and all that jazz. And let me tell ya, they got some incentives that sound pretty sweet. But here's the thing, after spending like 20 minutes going through all them questions, they hit ya with the "sorry dude, you don't meet the criteria" smackdown and you're left with nothin'. Like, what the heck? I mean, I understand they gotta make sure they're getting the right feedback and all that, but dang. At least give me a lil' something-something for my time, ya feel me? So for reals, I ain't messin' with no more.

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Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more Review: Hit and Miss Survey Opportunities with Adequate Payouts

that seems to have. It's frustrating and a waste of time.

However, it's not all bad news. I have actually been able to successfully complete a few surveys from and received credit for them. The surveys were relatively short and didn't take too much time to complete. The payout for these surveys wasn't anything spectacular, but it was decent enough.

One thing I do like about is that they have a decent amount of surveys available. There's usually always something new to try. The payouts may vary but at least there's a variety of options.

The website itself is pretty straightforward and easy to navigate. It's not the fanciest website out there, but it gets the job done.

Overall, my experience with has been hit and miss. While I have had success with some surveys, I've also had frustrating experiences where I was disqualified after already spending a considerable amount of time on the survey. But, the variety of surveys and the ease of use of the website keeps me coming back to give it another chance.

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Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more Review: A Complete Scam, Don't Waste Your Time and Effort

This website called is a total rip off! The chance of getting qualified for their surveys is like winning the lottery. Most times you try to fill up their surveys, but they hang you up before completion using flimsy excuses like you're not qualified. They do this to avoid paying for your services and get free work. Ehh, it's a scam and criminal.

I am so mad at, and I believe you don't need to waste your precious time. Never join them, take this as a warning. They do not keep their promises of paying out commissions for filled surveys. It's a total waste of time, and they will never pay your hard-earned money.

In short, this website is a complete disaster, and it's shocking how it's still operating. Avoid it by all means necessary and focus on other legitimate sites that will reward you for your time and effort. Don't fall for their scam. Stay safe and careful out there, everyone!

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Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more Terrible Experience with Lost $12 and IP Banned

I had a terrible experience using They did not complete the surveys that I worked hard on and as a result, I lost $12 from my account with This is a huge amount that they stole from me and it left me feeling frustrated and angry. To make matters worse, they banned my IP or gave me a timeout on the same day that they stole my earnings.

I was very disappointed with the service that provided. They seemed to be more interested in taking my money than providing me with the rewards that I had earned. It was a frustrating and disappointing experience and I would not recommend their services to anyone.

Overall, I found their survey process to be very frustrating and time-consuming. It was not worth the effort and I would advise others to avoid using their services. If you are looking for a reliable and trustworthy survey provider, look elsewhere as does not live up to expectations and will only leave you feeling frustrated and disappointed.

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Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more Review: Why is Not Worth Your Time for Online Surveys is one of those survey websites where you can get your opinions heard and get paid for it. Or at least that's what you think. If you're like me and have been using Survey Junkie to access their surveys, you might be having some issues with

I must say that has been a real pain in my neck lately. It seems that I can't seem to qualify for any survey, no matter how hard I try. And what's worse is that this problem has started only recently when I've been with them for years. It's a shame as I really enjoyed doing surveys and earning cash for it, but unfortunately it seems that has other plans for me.

I advise you to steer clear of if you're looking for a reliable source of surveys. It is quite frustrating when you keep getting disqualified from surveys, and is one of those websites that do not value your time. I am now looking for other survey websites to use, and hopefully, they will not give me the same issues as

Overall, is simply not worth the trouble. If you want to make a little bit of extra cash from your honest feedback, look elsewhere.

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About is an intuitive and user-friendly website that offers a comprehensive library of survey panels and research opportunities to both sellers and buyers, making it an ideal platform for market researchers and survey enthusiasts. The website is designed to cater to all types of customers, from those looking to participate in surveys to earn rewards to sellers searching for ways to gather data and insights about their target audience.

One of the standout features of is its vast selection of survey opportunities. Buyers can browse through a variety of panels and surveys that cover a wide range of topics and areas of interest. The website offers access to surveys from some of the top survey providers in the market research industry, giving buyers access to millions of potential respondents. also offers sellers a variety of tools and resources that allow them to gather data and insights from their target audience quickly and easily. The website provides sellers with access to a broad customer base, which spans across many demographics, geographies, and interests. Moreover, the website provides sellers with robust tools to design and conduct surveys and generate detailed reports that showcase the results of their research.

Overall, is an excellent platform for both sellers and buyers looking to connect with each other during the market research process. The website offers a wide range of survey opportunities to buyers, and provides sellers with access to important insights and data from their target audience. With its user-friendly interface and diverse selection of survey panels, is the go-to website for anyone looking to conduct market research and surveys.

Overview of complaint handling reviews first appeared on Complaints Board on May 10, 2023. The latest review pch surveys was posted on Jul 23, 2023. has an average consumer rating of 1 stars from 21 reviews. has resolved 0 complaints.
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