Posted here with the express permission of the original author.
A judgment in the amount of $7,500.00 was handed down Monday, June 25 2007 in California Small Claims Court against RoseMarie Zizzo, dba Bad (or Beware) Pedigree Cat Breeders Info.
Zizzo was sued for harassment and loss of business by one of the victims named on Zizzo's website,, Melanie Lowry, Lollimops Cattery. Zizzo has been harassing and cyberstalking Lowry since 2003, when Zizzo euthanized a cat purchased from Lowry 11 months earlier, claiming the cat suffered from Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP).
Since then, Zizzo has made numerous unproven allegations against Lowry on website(s) she owns, as well as sites including TheSqueakyWheel, ComplaintsBoard, and virtually any message board with an open guestbook. She has also filed numerous complaints (again unproven) against Lowry with CFA, the Better Business Bureau, CA Code Enforcement, and Animal Control.
A minimum of three more suits are pending against Zizzo for her actions. Lowry has a second suit pending in CA civil court for copyright infringement as the result of Zizzo's using Lowry's cattery name to set up a fraudulent site. Another person named on Zizzo's site, Annie Westlake, has filed a harassment suit in CA Small Claims Court.
Additionally, a suit has been filed against Zizzo and in New York civil court by Honey Walker of Mi Cattery. Walker's suit seeks $1,000,000.00 in damages as the direct result of defamatory remarks made against Walker and posted by Zizzo on her site, as well as harassment by Zizzo.
Since the judgment was handed down yesterday, numerous pages have vanished from Zizzo's site, Too late for Zizzo... not soon enough for her victims. Zizzo's campaign of harassment cost her the ability to register or exhibit cats for the rest of her life with The Cat Fanciers' Association in June 2004. Now Zizzo's bad acts are finally striking her someplace more painful... her wallet.
It's apparent RoseMarie Zizzo was aware she was going to lose her court case Monday, June 25. Zizzo registered three new domain names with GoDaddy on June 10 in anticipation that her current site would have to be removed as the result of a judgment against her.
The domain names and sites are:
In addition Zizzo has a blog site which contain most, if not all, of the slanderous information on
Zizzo has a fifth site called "Cat Buyers Fight Back", which links back to at:
One would think that having a judgment of $7,500 handed down against them in a court of law, and being served multiple additional suits with the potential for thousands of dollars, in the New York case one million dollars in damages, would cause the average reasonable person to rethink their actions. However, RoseMarie Zizzo is neither average, nor reasonable.
Have a lovely day in court, Zizzo. Lots of them. Don't forget to bring your checkbook.
What's the matter, RoseMarie? Don't tell me you've never told a lie in your life? How about this one: "... Bad Pedigree Cat Breeders Info is not being sued at all, this is all lies."
Zizzo, you made that comment on this site. It may be found at the following url:
Scroll down to the bottom of the second comment, and you'll see that Zizzo's own words have finally come back to bite her in her fat ###.
RoseMarie Zizzo and her fraudulent organization were sued in California Small Claims Court by Melanie Lowry on June 25, 2007. Judgement was handed down against Zizzo in the amount of $7.500.00, the maximum amount allowed under CA law.
By the way, Zizzo, I hear you run pretty fast for someone who claims to be in such ill health. RoseMarie is going to be getting a lot more exercise running from courtrooms. There are two more suits pending against her in CA courts. Not only that, Monday, Zizzo was served notice of a suit in New York State civil court which prays for damages of $1,000,000.00.
For the numerically challenged, like Zizzo, that's one million dollars. Not only that, in order to defend herself in this suit, Zizzo will have to hire a lawyer and travel to New York.
Sounds like a job that even Zizzo's prepaid law firm Parker Stansbury wouldn't touch with a ten foot pole.
Zizzo has sent so many letters to the Escondido Police Dept. that they immediately recognized her name and chuckled, they said they have her in the 51/50 file and have forwarded all her letters to the Psychiatric Emergency Response Team (PERT).
The Better Business Bureau feels the same way. They have her in the "way out there " file and red flagged her name. They will no longer respond to any of her complaints! HA HA ! Zizzo they finally get it! and you will get nowhere anymore, even your family thinks you are nuts!
Type in "RoseMarie Zizzo's cousin MArk Zizzo" and see what he has to say about her killing cats and being put away for a long time.