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Welcome to our customer reviews and complaints page for X Factor. We understand that making informed decisions about where to invest your time and money can be challenging, which is why we've created this platform for our community to share their honest feedback about their experiences with X Factor.

On this page, you'll find a comprehensive collection of reviews and complaints from real customers who have used X Factor's products or services. Our reviews are authentic and unbiased, providing you with a complete picture of the company, its products or services, and their customer service.

Whether you're considering doing business with X Factor, or you've already had an experience with them, our community's reviews and complaints will give you a valuable perspective on what to expect. Our goal is to help you make informed decisions about where to invest your time and money, and we hope that our platform will be a valuable resource for you.

Please feel free to browse our reviews and complaints and share your own experience with X Factor. Your feedback is an important part of our community and will help others make informed decisions.

10:34 am EDT

X Factor celebrities

Ive been watching the xfactor celeb specail on itv today and aftr the vixen from the chase sung I noticed one of the celebs if can be calld that in the audience that if im thinkn was that pete wateramn that is sick in my eyes he should eb buried in the ground as he got done for some nasty eveill stuff years ago with kids if ik not mistaken got accused of all sorts under age sex how can u even let the sick [censored] abck on tele he was a very powerful man even being accused if that many accounts he should be stick off from the tv and all sorts of fame infact he shoukd be llcked awsy or buried this is so sock of you I will take this to the independsnt team of tv and newspapeer of how sick the tv programme is for haveing him on there and for yourself to still to surrport him in such a wsy im no goi g bocote itv totaly and make sure loads of my freidns do as dint like nonces [censored]ing sock [censored]

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6:26 am EDT
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X Factor Advertising

The disgusting advertising of the name changed Television show GOOD Christian ### which has now been changed to GCB advertised throughout the X factor.
The X factor is quite an entertaining show which my kids like to watch.
I have to turn it off because Channel 7 decide to keep on filling the screen with images of a slutty looking woman stuffing food between her cleavage.
I don't understand how this is possible. Showing X rated clips of the next show through a family type show. Channel 7 what are you thinking or don't you think at all.

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Helen Thomas
Port Talbot, GB
Nov 08, 2009 4:30 pm EST

I'm absolutely disgusted with the results tonight. Lucy should never have been in the bottom two. It was meant to be about talent. Those twins should have been voted out the first week. I for one will not be following the rest of the show. I don't think i'm the only one complaining either.

wales, GB
Nov 08, 2009 4:20 pm EST

i just want to say that simon knows that john and edward are no where as good as lucy. for weeks and weeks he has moaned that they are no good but yet when he had the chance he didn vote them off i am begining to think it is a fix! he is totaly lost the plot! john and edward rap not sing lucy has sung every week...! i realy dont think the xfactor is good this year next year i hope it gets axed! its getting fixed all the time!

burnley, GB
Oct 11, 2009 1:32 pm EDT

I wish to compain about danni minogue comments on x factor last night, which is nothing short of racist who is she to pass judgement on who is gay and what has it got to do with the guys singing anyway. I say she should be asked to resign from the show, we dont want to see people like her on it.

Bring back X facor voting to Ireland
Oct 10, 2009 3:40 pm EDT

Last year we lost our ability to vote in ROI, and we never found out why.
We were able to vote for years so why did we lose our ability to last year? And we can't vote again this year. It's not fair for everyone in Ireland.
We deserve an answer and a right to vote again.

Buzzy Bea
st marys, GB
Oct 01, 2009 4:35 am EDT

those stupid annoying twins would, as simon said "walk on their own mothers grave if they had to" they are digusting little creatures! and as a 17 year old girl THEY ARE NOT FIT! the girls do not like them! and whats up with their hair? ewww disgusting little...

Torquay, GB
Sep 27, 2009 4:00 pm EDT


Learned One
Nov 10, 2008 7:23 am EST

Anyone with half a brain and 2 ears can tell that Laura on X Factor has the most talent by far.It`s so obviously a scam that it beggars belief, that people (the viewing public)would vote off the winner.

Romford, GB
Nov 08, 2009 5:07 pm EST

I cant believe what simon has done tonight! Every week he slags Jedward off and now he goes to deadlock! What is the point in watching x factor anymore its all fixed! Simon Cowell i think its time you DO ONE!

Portglenone, GB
Oct 11, 2009 7:30 pm EDT

Danni Minogue's unbelievably "below the belt" comment to Danyl should be reason enough for Simon Cowell to carefully consider her position on the Judge's Panel. I believe she got off lightly, but she has ruined her reputation with the public. It is unforgiveable that she should have referred to his sexuality in that low-handed manner, whilst smiling sweetly. Shame on You.

Saltburn, GB
Nov 09, 2009 9:39 am EST

It's disgusting, he didn't do what he promised to do.
My household are no longer watching.

9:24 pm EST
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

X Factor unsuitable

I'm sitting here at 8.45pm with my wife and six year old child watching the X factor, there has just been two acts where the singer Rhianna has during her first song been wearing near on nothing in the way of clothes, that i thought was pushing the boundaries, as it was obvious that she was not wearing underwear, then in her next song she pretty much stripped down to nothing, and moving in such a manner that i can only describe as "Air F$$King", then to top that the next act, "Christina Aguilera" was also dancing near enough naked, and surrounded by Six very under dressed pole dancers, dancing as if i where standing in a strip joint paying for such an act, if i where in a strip joint then fine, on TV during prime time showing, with my son watching the last thing i want to see on the box is a bunch of under dressed slags, pole dancing on chairs, this act belittles and cheapens women, bringing women down to the status of Meir sexual objects, this is unnecessary on prime time TV, its not easy to teach kids that women are more than sex objects that are to be treated equally and respectfully, i wouldn't want to see men dancing in such a manner with so few clothes on, in fact i know that such an act would not be performed on TV at such a time, as this too would stir a hornets nest, belittling men and rightly so, so why disgrace women to younger viewers.
Its disrespectful, unnecessary, and too early to be aired, i am not amused, sort it out.
If i want strip club, then that is where i would go to see such an act, i don't want it on the TV when my son is watching, thanks! And no I'm not gay, it was just inappropriate for this time of night.

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Update by Darkcepheus
Dec 13, 2010 10:00 pm EST

No, thank god, its a balanced total inversion of chromosone 14, its so rare over here that no one knows what it/or how it will affect him.

Update by Darkcepheus
Dec 13, 2010 9:24 pm EST

Still not getting the point? How boring, the only statement i made was that in this country programs have to warn you of adult content, if it had of done, then i would of recorded it, and watched it later.
The truth be known, i didn't change channel, as my six year old son wasn't awake at the time anyhow, if he had of been the of course i would have changed channel, but the point I'm trying to make is that it is appalling to be showing sexual content at this time of night, on a family show, if you can't get that, perhaps you really are as dim as you sound.
If people don't complain about things they feel are wrong, then what is the point of freedom of speech.
You can make excuses all day long but the point of the matter is, this sort of TV show, a family one at that, at 8.45pm on a Saturday night, should not be shown, if you are happy with this behaviour then lucky you, you have nothing to complain about, but as you can read from the complaint i made many people agree with me, not many are backing you, Ha!
As for raising kids, computer games kill brain cells, i think your parenting needs to be looked at a little closer, sounds like you used computer games to baby sit your kids, god help them!
As for special needs if you want to play that game, my son is Six years old, but has the mental age of a three year old, this is due to an inversion of one of his chromosomes, chromosome 14 at Q22-24, of course you wouldn't understand what this is with your lower than average IQ, but in layman's terms, sorry "simple English" its a medical problem, so don't lecture me on that, i read to him all the time, i spend time in his class when possible, to help with his learning, work allowing.
And we go out all the time, to kids play places, the beach, and i even take him flying when i can, so don't be a ###!
If i want to complain to ITV that's my choice, if no one tries to keep producers of TV shows in check, then they can then run riot, as for stupid TV programs, maybe that's not your thing, but it helps me unwind, once my son has gone to sleep, after a days work, your ignorance, proves how stupid you really are, i meet a lot of daft people but you just about take first place, next week maybe we will work on colours, make it a little simpler for you and your underachieving IQ. Thickness is normally a measurement of material, in your case, i feel its a measurement of your thinking ability, it really isn't your fault, you just have to play the cards you are dealt.

Update by Darkcepheus
Dec 12, 2010 11:47 pm EST

Sorry about the spelling mistakes, got to go, work tomorrow, I love it, bring on the pay check!

Update by Darkcepheus
Dec 12, 2010 11:37 pm EST

Wow! another cliff hanger, i love House, the sort of person i would get on with, no nonsense, tell it how it is, thats how i like it, at the end of the day we are not alway going to be right, wrong, or get on with each other, but at least if we speak truthfully to one another its a starting point. Well I can tell you where i started, but would rather not tell you i ended up, no its nothing bad, just never know who's watching, Paranoid, lol
But can say a little without risking finding some Afghan IED under my wifes car.
I left school at 16 years old in 1990, with no qualifications, and went straight into the British regular Army, 1st battalion the royal anglian regiment (Viking) as a private, my roots where in Essex, England anyhow, so it worked out well once i started to be given time of leave, I moved through the ranks to Sgt/Major and a different regiment, this is where i get a little bit more secretive. Anyway i saw my fair share of action, anyway cut a long story short i was invalided out in 2005, and honourably discharged, whilst in helmand province, and honourably discharged. I'm now working behind a desk as a transport manager, for an agriculture company in the North of England, and yep the weather here is awful, we are under 6" of snow, and it -7 outside, nice and Christmasy.
I totally agree they should bring back national service, the Army made me who i am, and tought me a few things.

Update by Darkcepheus
Dec 12, 2010 9:49 pm EST

Ha! Ha! something like that, I've got a temper at the best of times, especially when faced with indisputable arguments, Brenda how are you anyway?
No I'm just fed up with stupidity, I've had to delegate to under achievers the last five years of my life LOL, after leaving the forces five years ago, in the forces, with the no nonsense attitude that came with it, things got done, there was no place for idiots, rules are followed by the letter, boundaries clearly marked, a lot could be learnt from that type of discipline, i just really don't have time for people that have answers for everything, when really the facts are really simple. There are guidelines set out by the British Board of Film Classification, the same rule should be adhered to when programs are aired on British TV, there only needs to be warnings at the begining of such shows, or just air the bloody things later, like after the 9pm watershed, simple.

Update by Darkcepheus
Dec 12, 2010 8:49 pm EST

As for computer games for kids, i don't think i even need to go there, i never let my kids play such games, that is just a substatute for genuine parenting, for times when you are just to busy doing your hair.

Update by Darkcepheus
Dec 12, 2010 8:46 pm EST

Your not very bright at all slynn1, things like this should not be shown on prime time TV, simple as that.
As for all your stupid comments, i only really have one more thing to say, no one should have to sensor TV programs before 9pm, i think the only stupid ### here are people like you, its parents like you that don't try to keep TV producers in check, and allowing access to inappropriate material to younger viewers and then wonder why your new age way of raising your kids results in a bunch of ###ed rejects, unable to fit into society, because they have been corrupted, and criminalised, no wonder the country's gone to the dogs.
Don't tell me to excuse the ignorants of people like you that tolerate the producer that seem to constantly move the bar, its people like you, who really need to open their eyes to the bigger picture and stop defending the immaturity of some of the producer controlling whats aired and when, if they are going to air something inappropriate for younger viewers then parents should be warned, idiots like you are the reason producer continue to view inappropriate material earlier, and earlier without having to warn parents of unsuitable content.
I think this says a lot more about your parenting skills, that you are happy to watch programs at family viewing times, without the need to warn us.
I should imagine your kids are complete misfit drop outs, with no boundaries, you make me sick, this is why we get children raping and killing other kids at younger and younger ages, sort it out you ignorant self absorbed ###. Learn to stick up for what is right and wrong and not just be a F**king sheep, baa!
Films warn us of what sort of content is in them, rightly so, so family programs which are aired as appropriate for children, shouldn't break the rules, certainly not without warning us of such content, you supercilious, egotistical Yak! Their is no place in society for new age bloody hippies, get a life, a job, and a point of view that is politically correct, and doesn't just excuse wrongful behaviour, people like you make me Sick to the stomach, FY Bad parenting happen when poor behaviour is excepted, as in your case! I have no time for your kind of nonsense. I look forward to hear some other stupid nonsense to, or for why it is OK to air such things under the pretence that they are suitable for younger viewers when obviously they are not, without warning of such content.

Update by Darkcepheus
Dec 12, 2010 2:12 am EST

I just feel that the producers should look at the amount of complaints made about this, and be a little bit more responsible about what is aired and when, that really is my only complaint, hence coming onto this site and making the complaint in the first place, that is after all the reason for this site, is it not? I have never made a complaint before, and this is the first time i have, and the first time i have used this site, it is unlikely that i will feel the need to make a complaint again, I'm normally really laid back about things, so complaining is not something i do as a rule, i just felt on this occasion, not only was it inappropriate, but it is demeaning women.
I understand that not everyone is going to agree with my views, but heck that's why there is always going to be someone like yourself that will moan about any complaint made, just because they enjoy grumbling.
As for giving the show up yep! no problem, but my argument still stands, if you are going to show adult content, then show it at adult viewing times, and that from a parents point of view is paramount, well the discussion has been fun, but here in England it is two in the morning, Brenda take care, Stee

Update by Darkcepheus
Dec 12, 2010 1:41 am EST

Cool, but you still haven't understood that the only problem i have with the whole sex sells, and inappropriate dance acts on the XFactor tonight, is that it was screened at an inappropriate time of day, when younger viewers are very likely watching, that is the only argument here, and it shouldn't take a genius to work that one out.
No there is nothing wrong with following ones passion, dancing is a great passion at that, i love dance myself, and enjoy watching good dancers dance, what ever the form, clothed or not, but as already mentioned, not screened at that time of day that this was, everyone understands the economics of "sex sells" the psychology behind it is very simple, you don't need to be Einstein, i mean prostitutes have been around a lot longer than an education system, its one of the human races most instinctive primal drives, it is the motivation behind just about everything, reproduction, love, murder, human interaction, bonding of relationships, lust, rape, etc, money i think is a very close second for a lot of people, so yep! makes perfect sense that it will sell anything, but as mentioned it doesn't always mean that good things are going to come from it, so it shouldn't be flaunted to children, and that is the only problem i and many others had with the Xfactor tonight, if i watch a film, it will have an age restriction on it, it will tell me that there is strong language, violent scenes, scenes of a sexual nature, so i can choose not to watch it when my six year old son is awake, and watching it, as a parent i want to be warned of something unsuitable for my son to watch, and i definitely don't want something unsuitable for him shown at prime time, surly you can grasp that one? Just out of interest are you a parent?

Update by Darkcepheus
Dec 12, 2010 12:44 am EST

Then i would have thought you would have agreed that this sort of act should be kept to an adult audience, when sexual themes, acts, what ever you want to call it, are aimed at children, which it certainly is when shown before 9.00pm on a family show you are delving into the realms of the paedophile, some things, sex being one of them shouldn't be forced onto younger viewers, its hard enough to protect our kids against things that destroy our children's innocents in this day and age without family shows flaunting it, for example it would be just as inappropriate to show pop stars using cocaine, heroin, or even just a night out on the razz, somethings need to be censored, and if you do need to become a stripper to sell your music, it goes to show that maybe they should be strippers, and that their music isn't very good, and that we all know sex sells, this is in fact what these so called artists are falling back onto sex to sell records, like i said before inappropriate, there is nothing wrong with porn, its not my cup of tea, I'm very happily married, but there is a place for it, and that's not on family shows, at prime time, on a Saturday night.
Oh! yep, if you where a pole dancer, maybe you are, maybe your not, good on you, if it makes a living, even if it is a seedy one, as long as you are happy that's great, but yep! one things for sure it explains the fact that you don't quite grasp the reality of my point of discussion, pole dancers don't need to have a high IQ.

Update by Darkcepheus
Dec 11, 2010 11:00 pm EST

Thanks Honeyholt for your comments, didn't like being accuesd of being Hypocritical.
At 8.45pm i shouldn't have to turn off a family program because its inappropriate, besides the wife and I wanted to see the results, and it was kind of like watching a car crash, you don't want to see it, you hope that no one is hurt, but you can't help but to look.
Hypocritical? Are you a pole dancer?

Update by Darkcepheus
Dec 11, 2010 9:32 pm EST

Nope, i was writing the complaint whilst it was on, and yes i watched the rest of the show, as i have been following the xfactor.


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Linda 1971
Dec 14, 2014 2:34 pm EST

I would like to complain about the X Factor Final on the 14/12/2014. The two girls kissing on stage, I think was a bit unappropriate. My daughter who is 8 was very confused. I think its a family show and Im very upset how this was allowed.

Stockport, GB
Dec 14, 2014 3:09 pm EST

Why don't you just explain to your daughter that two consenting adults are allowed to kiss one another. Maybe like you and your wife do, or your husband...get my point!?

dagenham, GB
Nov 07, 2010 8:48 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

why didnt cheryl vote, and the sing off is supposed to be on the nights performance

London, GB
Oct 10, 2009 5:50 pm EDT

My keypad got stuck, this was my subject title!

Port Elgin, CA
Sep 01, 2011 12:02 am EDT
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get over yourself, switch the channel if you don't want him to watch it

Orange, US
Dec 13, 2010 3:11 am EST
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Your the one who allowed his six year old to view what you likened to a strip joint performance. At six, my kids were watching Disney movies, or I played games with them... Candy Land, Sorry, and my kids didn't play video games until they were older. Though, they did play games to enhance their typing skills, and that helped with academics. When they got older, they played video games, but they also spent time outside with their friends, we would go to the park daily, as well as amusement parks. We would go to the beach, and Chuck E Cheese. I spent time with them, talking to them, playing with them. You should try that instead of spending your evening watching stupid shows like that. I would read stories to them. One of my kids had a learning disability, so I spent hours helping him learn to read, as well as math. The wonderful thing about television is you can turn it on. You are responsible for what you allow your children to watch. You should be aware of what your kid is watching, especially at six. Your stupid one that like many people, want to blame other people for what their letting their kids watch. Turn the stupid TV off! Spend time with your kid, and stop blaming other people for what you are responsible for... Raising your child!

Orange, US
Dec 12, 2010 3:04 am EST
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If you enjoy the XFactor, but it is inappropriate for your children to watch, dvr it, and watch it later, when your kids are asleep. If this show continues to have inappropriate material for younger viewers, complain to the producers of the show, or choose not to watch that show any longer. Complain to groups that are child advocates that goals are to protect children from explicit sexual viewing. Here is another option... Watch the show in the privacy of your own room, and put a family friendly channel on in the family room for your kids to watch. Now a days there are networks devoted for children's entertainment.

Better yet, watch TV they enjoy, so you know what your kids favorite shows are, video games are, and show your interested in what your children are interested in. Or turn off the TV and have a family game night with good old fashion board games, or get a book the entire family can read together!

If something like this happens have open conversations about how you feel about women being exploited sexually. When my children were young, and they asked sexual questions, I answered them honestly at their level. It is also a wonderful way to express your feelings about issues like these. I strongly believe in open communication. One day your kids are going to become teenagers, and your going to want to know what their up too...

By continuing to watch this show, and allowing your children to view it, you were basically letting your kids know that is behavior is okay. Why not let your children know your feelings about what is happening on the show or turning it off, or sending them into another room, while explaining why. Kids are a lot smarter than adults give them credit for, and their watching you, and taking in how your acting. What is more important to you Darkcepheus, the morality and innocent of your children, or who won a stupid contest, on a show that shows strippers, air screwing, and dressed like sluts, on a show that is on when little kids can be viewing it? The wonderful thing about TV is when can turn it off, choose not to view it, or block that channel all together.

I don't like reality shows, especially the ones that depict young adults partying without any consequences, or celebrates teen pregnancy, or self indulgence, shallowness, and not teaching any kind of values or morals. I also don't like shows that make self absorbed mother like Kate Gossling, celebrating the fact that she spends her day ignoring her kids to get her hair and nails done, indulges on her looks, while skipping on her kids needs, all while using her children as a gravy train to her own self absorbed way of life. When, she should be raising the children she chose to bring into this world! Guess what! I don't watch shows like that, and I don't allow my kids to watch them either. When I hear about a star choosing to be self destructive, I share it with my children, explaining why this behavior is bad. In the past, instead of defending the stupid mistakes I made, I point out how much harder it made my life, as well as theirs. I show them that with every wrong choice you make their are consequences you have. IE having unprotected sex with anyone can get you a child your not ready for, having a baby mama/daddy that is irresponsible, and forever you will have to deal with that person in your life. How you can get sexually transmitted diseases, that can steal your fertility, kill you, or give you a horrible rash the rest of your life. That way, they can learn to through other people's wrong choices, or addictions instead of choosing that road for themselves.

Be a parent, and don't make stupid excuses of why you couldn't turn off the TV because of who would win. Your values, say a lot about your parenting skills...

Newport, GB
Dec 11, 2010 11:13 pm EST

I totally agree with this complaint ! we were appalled to say the least whatever happened to the nine olcock watershed ! why on earth do top performers deem it necessary to strip off ! our granchildren from 5 years to 15 watch this show, I shudder to think what negative influence this will have on them. What the hell are Television programmers thinking of !

Pee, GB
Dec 11, 2010 10:39 pm EST
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I completely concur. The women where nothing more than skimpy underwear, then proceed to writhe around a stage. Entirely inappropriate and frankly unnecessary.

5:27 am EST
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

X Factor Lucie Jones

I have never felt the need to complain previously, however Simon Cowell's actions on Friday night were despicable.

From my point of view Mr Cowell used the public vote to further ratings and eliminate competition for his acts. In a highly hypocritical move going against his statement of judging the sing off on its own merits, his actions and comments showed no bearing to that. The fact that he covered this by a statement that he expected the twins to go is just bare faced cheek. In recent weeks they have garnered support due to their hideous performances and it was highly unlikely. Poor Lucie, by far the most talented of the two acts presented to the judges came off worse, potentially ruining a burgeoning career.

Simon Cowell in my opinion has never shown any positive reaction to Lucie in spite of her excellent performances. On Saturday it seems she became a victim in his quest for ratings and for his acts to succeed over those of the other judges. Her performance was by far the better and more appealing of the two, yet Mr Cowell decided to allow an act with minimal talent stay in the show and a very real contender to be sent home.

The voting on the Sunday show is now a joke. Why does Simon always have to declare his vote last, effectively giving him more power to control the result that any of the other judges?

I fully believe the quest to find a Leona or Alexandra in 2009 is now over for the X Factor. Furthermore it seems the lurid aspect of the auditions, that of watching people embarrass themselves, has now transgressed into the live shows with ‘Jedward’. An opportunity for Simon Cowell to bring back the X Factors credibility as a talent show went flying out the window on Saturday. Now all that remains is to question his obviously dubious motives for his decision.

I for one will not be playing into his hands anymore and will not vote again nor will I be watching the show from now on. With luck, others who may not actively complain to ITV regarding the farce, may also do the same.

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6:20 am EST
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X Factor Simon Cowell

I wish to make acomplaint against Simon Cowell on X Factor last night. He is an utter disgrace! He had complained about how bad Jedward were and that it was a singing competition and yet he turned yellow and allowed a brilliant, talented girl to be booted off for them. I realise now she was a real contender for winning and Simon wanted rid of her for 'his boys ' to have a chance. Simon has done nothing but cheat! he has given his acts songs which were not part of the theme nights and now he couldn't open his mouth and save Lucie when he has always said it goes on the performance they have just done and she was in a different league to the twins. Much as I understand that people feel sorry for the twins and that some think they are entertaining, Simon has shown how low he will go to win the X Factor. I will NEVER watch it again, and I hope he has just made the biggest mistake of his career. Lets hope it's now the rise and fall of Simon Cowell after what he has done to a talented young girl, all in the name of fame and fortune.

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Horrified in the US
Fort Myers, US
Nov 10, 2009 12:15 pm EST

Something doesn't smell right in Britain!

Simon has never said anything positive about the twins and just the night before he
agreed with Louie in that Lucie would probably be the last femalein the competition.

The twins only talent is that they are cute twins that could be on Nicolodeon or Disney
X I couldn't even believe they made it in to the competition.

Is this show about talent or judges personal agendas?

I always thought Simon was pretty spot on with American Idol even though he has been known to be a bit harsh. Now, I question his credibility as I'm sure others will as well.

Mitcham, GB
Nov 10, 2009 8:56 am EST

I too will not be watching any more x-factor shows.

I agree with previous posts - especially that he has repeatedly said that the XFactor is a 'singing competition'.

He cannot treat people like this and he has lost all credibility and respect.

S Clark
Sturminster Newton, GB
Nov 10, 2009 7:05 am EST

I totally agree, the X Factor show is now a joke. Simon Cowellhas single-handedly brought all the 'proper', talented contestants down to the ridiculous level of farce. We as a family have decided to record the programmes and watch only the SINGERS we like, not the comments or the 'voting' as it is pathetic. We were horrified Mr Cowell would choose to keep the talentless twins in- surely he must have known he outcome of the public vote, and not Lucie. How will he feel I wonder when one of his acts are voted out and the terrible two keep going ?!

Hailsham, GB
Nov 10, 2009 6:55 am EST

I too am disgusted with Simon Cowell's passing the onus over to the voting public, not having the courage of his convictions as stated in earlier shows. That is "I will leave the country if Jedward win X-Factor", now he endorses their staying in the show.
I will not be watching any more x-factor shows.

Watford, GB
Nov 10, 2009 6:36 am EST

Simon Cowell should be made to retract his decision on allowing last week's show to go to the public vote. He has said since day one that John and Edward can't sing and that the XFactor is a singing competition - why then did he not vote for Lucie, the best singer on Sun 8th Nov? Clearly he is working to a different agenda in eliminating the competition and clearing the way for his own acts, who he also helped greatly by cheating on their behalf with song choices that do not match the weekly themes.

He has been publicly changing the rules to this competition as he goes along, making a mockery of what was once a reputable talent show, rewarding contestants with life-changing opportunities. He cannot be taken seriously now and nor can the credibility of the show. It would be a travesty if he was not reprimanded and taken to task by some credible governing body. He is setting an example to the nation's youth that lying and cheating your way to the top is acceptable - these reflect the morals of a nation where we allow celebrities too much freedom in dictating the moral standards that enter our living rooms.

5:29 pm EST
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X Factor tonights deadlock

I cannot believe what happened on tonights x factor, there is no way that lucie jones should have gone, she is by far a better singer than john and edward and all the rest that have gone were better aswell. Simon should not have made that go to a deadlock, he hated them at first, i think the votes have been fixed to keep them in, they cant sing at all. It's the x factor that we are watching not britains got talent and for this reason i wont ever watch the x factor again because of it being fixed. All the money people have wasted on voting to keep the people in that they actually want and they won't be counted because for some bizarre reason the x factor bosses and judges ect want to keep those stupid idiots in.

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Belvedere, GB
Nov 09, 2009 5:04 am EST

I originally believed that Simon Cowell although sometimes rude made the correct decision. That was until he chose two useless talentless children that prance around like animals over a young talented girl that was developing every week. Simon has in the past criticised saying that this is a singing competition so why pick the two lads? I am sure that if Danyl was in the bottom two he would not want another judge let it go to the public vote! I guess we as the public are slightly to blame as there is no way she should be out now, considering Lloyd is still in!
The final blame lands with Cowell, i do not wish to watch this anymore, as it is no longer a talent contest but a popularity contest. I think that is more with the judges than the contestants!

Nov 08, 2009 8:09 pm EST

Louis Walsh is the biggest joke of all the judges. Look at how he defended those jokers. The two clowns should not have cleared the auditions in the first place.

Kaye UK
Nuneaton, GB
Nov 08, 2009 6:54 pm EST

the whole programme is there to line the pockets of Simon Cowell! He had the chance tonight to get rid of the deadly duo and he basically kept them in! After all it's great PR for the show, therefore will keep people watching for the day they get kicked off. They have NO X-factor, they can't sing, dance in unison, they look awful ... so why they are even in the show eludes me.
Get Rid!

Dudley, GB
Nov 08, 2009 6:53 pm EST

Im very annoyed with Simons tactics in sending Lucie home. Why bother voting if Simon 'Coward' is only going to twist it to his advantage anyway! I will not be bothering to watch x factor again, and after looking at the comments on the x factor website i think itv will be loosing alot of viewers for this programme. Nobody wants to watch a talent show that isnt about the talent - its just a fix.

Nov 08, 2009 5:46 pm EST

i totally agree with the above comment, very talented singers are being kicked out for those two nuisances who have no vocal talent whatsoever. i for one will not be watching any further shows.

4:13 pm EST
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X Factor John and Edward

i would like to make a complaint about the X Factor results show that was broadcasted on the 8th november 2017. Thanks to Simon Cowell's vote against John and Edward and Lucie Jones my family and i will never be watching X Factor again. The show is just getting stupid now, Lucie had raw talent and allJohn and Edward could do was shout. Simon slates them and then backs them up even Louis Walsh said that Lucie didn't deserve to be in the last two. Lucie was the better person in the competition and i think John and Edward should at least have the disency to pull out of the competition let alone buy some singing lesson.
signed: bethany willmott

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London, GB
Oct 10, 2009 5:44 pm EDT

I have sat for a few years watching and apalled at the people that are seen as fit to be judges. Mr Walsh who cannot see talent unless it's from across the water, and Ms Minogue, who tonight has proven why her sister is far more superior.

Last year she could not gel with her charge who was a real person from london, who came from the real "street" she regularly perpetuates an understanding of to fuel her credibility. This year she turns in the first week on a man who to my knowledge did what you do in a talent contest, sang his heart out. She insinuates tabloid accusations of his sexuality may be true... does it merit disscussion when it is his performance that is to be judged?

If it were true she has now jeapordised his ability to deal with a personal situation, and his career as a teacher, by undermining him live on TV in front of his pupils. If false she has shown herself to be petty, and homophobic. Why in this multi-cultural country we are so proud of have we let a red-neck Australian show how small minded she is in aceoted in who is allowed to have talent?

stephen massey
Lon, GB
Oct 11, 2009 9:07 am EDT

What a disgrace from Miss Danni Minogue.

From someone who has had so many gay/bisexual fans over her time in the spot light to use cheap, underhand jibs at someone's sexual orientation regarding Daniel, all this to distract viewers away from voting for him and the fact that he has more talent than most acts tonight.

It is completely irrelevant that tabloid newspapers dig up dirt on anyones sexuality, and who appears a very nice person. What, he does in his own time, is his own choice we live in the 21st century...unless your from Australia !

You humiliated Daniel who was close to tears and upset. Well done Danni you have scrapped the lowest of the low and shown your true homophobic colours hope your proud.

So ITV what are you going to do about this clear discrimination?

Nov 07, 2009 4:51 pm EST

Whilst watching x factor this eveing i grew increasingly concerned about Louis Walsh, with a 12 year child watching xfactor I was concerned about Louis' attitude and the manner in which he spoke to the presenter. Needless to say so was Simon Cowell who asked him to apologise something we all teach our children let alone other people's children as i do as a teacher. It was disgusting to see Louis refuse on television and shout in the manner which he did. I have never had cause to complain about television in the past but was very angry and disguseted by what i saw this evening.
I am sure there wil be others that totally disapproved f Louis' behaviour tonight

Coventry, GB
Oct 11, 2009 9:07 am EDT

I am shocked by Dannii Minogues comments to Danyl on X Factor last night. Her thoughts that because of Danyl's sexuality he didn't need to change the Gender content on the song where unacceptable. With all of the other Racial tension in reality tv shows at the moment I am hoping that investigations in to this homphobic behaviour will also take place.

Stephanie Dawon
Preston, GB
Nov 09, 2009 9:46 am EST

I would like to make a complaint about Simon Cowell from X-Factor 7th November.

Firstly why didn't Simon judge Lucy & John & Edwards based on their performance to stay in the competition?

Simon has said to contestants in many episodes who are having to fight for survival, that judgment will be based on their performance –clearly Lucy's performance excelled compared to John & Edward.

He stated not 5 minutes before the sing-off that last’s nights decision would be based purely on that last performance and yet he back-tracked and stated that he would actually prefer to see the boys back.

Lucy has the stongest female voice in the competition! (which Simon himself said on Saturday night), her looks, star quality any many more attributes compared to John & Edward which means that yes she is talented enough to win this "Singing" competition, (which I now think is more of battle of the Judges than a Singing competion giving the real talented contestants a chance for their Dream Career of being a POPSTAR! ) and yes Lucy is more talented than John & Edward.

The public may not have voted enough to save Lucy, but the whole point of the sing-off is to save the better act, just like Simon did when Danyl was in the bottom 2, the public also only vote on Saturday nights performance and are not given the chance to vote between the bottom 2. If Simon is willing to pull this trick then I think the public should be given the chance to vote again to save one of the bottom two.

I could not see myself buying any music from John & Edwared! but definitely can from Lucy.

X factor is just pointless now, its more about the judges and their petty comments and getting the ratings up – its isnt' about talent! He wouldn’t have done that if it was his act in the bottom 2!

I shall now be switching over to the BBC to watch Strictly Come Dancing, a show which is actually about talent ! Stephanie Dawson

Daniel Heywood
Ivybridge, GB
Nov 08, 2009 4:24 pm EST

It's got to be fixed.
Iam 14 and i have never seen anything like it. Its just WRONG John and Edward going through instead of Lucie.
Lucie is a realy good singer Yes simon's right she can't win but still she is better then THEM. I watched them knocking out all the good singers every week and I think thats wrong too. I know I am going on but is just not right.

Yours Sincerely

Daniel Heywood

phil simpson
Eastbourne, GB
Oct 10, 2009 5:20 pm EDT

What a disgrace Danni Minogue is!

Who is she to question the sexual orientation of Daniel, just to try and distract viewers away from the fact that he has more talent than 60% of the acts tonight.

It is completely irrelevent that trashy newspapers decide to dig up the lowest dirt they can on someone, who appears a very decent person.So what, what he does in his own time, we live in the 21st century...unless your from Australia!

You humiliated, and upset one of the best male acts to come out of a talent show in years...well done...big sis will b so prou.

Danni you really dissapointed me tonight, and if you had a real day job, in all likelyhood, comments like that would lead to disciplinary action, and your dismissal. Over yo you ITV...What are you going to do about this clear discrimination?

A Fan.
Cardiff, GB
Aug 22, 2009 7:06 pm EDT

I think that the show replicates Britain's Got Talent far too much and I think that the old audition rooms were better. Now the funny clips aren't so funny... The live audience ruins the atmosphere. I love the fact that the show has gotten bigger and far more successful. It's always wonderful to see a great show get bigger and it's fantastic to see the numbers goes up and, no offense but I'm betting so did the cash ;). However Simon's latest scheme aint all it's cracked up to be. I'd like to add the intro this year was fantastic and left us devastated when the ads came on just before the real show could begin, so give your producers a pat on the back. I'm proud to see the show still has it's great talent and fantastic judges with a wide range of cheek and back chat from desperates. To be honest the auditions are normally the most boring stage so it may not be as much of a difference as i think, but it's always fun to watch those talentless hacks have a wack at their dreams. Another point, I think it should still be raw talent we hear, the backing music again ruins it when we hear sweet humble voices coming through without the added help of a soundboard it's much nicer. I seriously believe that you may slaughter one hell of a program if changes as drastic as these continue.

Thanks very much for reading, hope you take it on board.

Sincerely, a fan.

Leeds, GB
Oct 10, 2009 6:20 pm EDT

I was very shocked to hear the comments of Danny Minogue against Danyl on this evening X Factor. You could see the shock on Danyls face as plain as day. if she thinks she is speaking for the nation then id rather she didnt. How he is suppose to show his face back at his job, thats if he will still have one after this is beyond me.

Im sure the comment will have raised many questions for the younger viewers as well seen as these celebs are people they look up to.

I hope that as this was so public on national tv then it is only right that the apology should be also aired this way.

Birmingham, GB
Oct 10, 2009 6:41 pm EDT

Im utterly disappointed with Dannii Minogues comments about danyl, It was horrible seeing the reaction from danyl i really felt sorry for him. Itv should do something about this, a persons sexuality is his business and Dannii shouldnt of brought it up. I think ITV should do something about this, if anything like this happens again i will stop watching itv because i wont be part of discrimination
yours sincerly Adam Fisher

8:51 pm EDT
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X Factor Danni's comment about Daniel's sexuality

I thought that being gay was not an issue in this country anymore...
Danni was either just not thinking how it's gonna sound, or that comment was a calculated move. She might just noot like him.
Anyway - very awful thing happened.
It's like saying to someone black - 'oh, you sang a Celine Dion's song? But she's white!'
Apologies would be very appropriate.
I didn't like him very much, but now I feel for him.
Danni, please, during next plastic surgery ask them to stich your lips together for good.

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Kona Calling
Avon, GB
Aug 16, 2016 3:33 am EDT

A Double Thumbs Down for ITV & X-Factor: 1st the Crunchy Nut people apparently think that putting a baby in peril during X Factor is an entertaining or clever way to make me buy their product. Then a judge, clearly without judgement, goes deliberately out of her way to make a conestant's sexuality topical during his live debut on nat'l TV. She should be sacked or apologise unequivically. This is supposed to be family TV. ITV lost the plot on both of the above. We're going back to Strictly

Linda Earle
Dec 18, 2007 12:00 am EST

having had my finger on redial the whole programme without getting through I thought Rhydian
must have won canyou imagine my horror when the other contestant won, was Leons line blocked or was it only Rhydian. If I could not get through it must have ment Rhydian was getting the full quota of votes.
please explain how this happened, was there some sort of con going on as this did not just happen to me some of my friends could not get through either

Maggie Lane
Oct 04, 2008 4:51 pm EDT

I was totally bored and appalled by the amount of protracted emotion displayed by the contestants in tonights show - is it sponsored by Kleenex. Does no-one just want to sing because they enjoy it, why must everyone have a trauma story to share? What on earth are the organisers saying to these young people to make them so emotional, the hype is just over the top - 14 year olds saying it's all I've ever wanted to do ( you have to get a life before you can make such a statement!).

Husbands who have lost wives, daughters that have lost mothers, young men wanting to prove they are worth something to their real parents, a young women who has experienced drugs, prison and the loss of her children into care - this is supposed to be entertainment, but it is becoming utterly sickening and smacks of exploitation! It is all far too much over the top emotional tripe. I can sympathise that the show may indeed provide the much over used statement 'a life changing opportunity' but the vast majority are heading for obscurity after their 5 minutes of fame. I appeal to the organisers to have a sense of responsibility towards those applying to achieve their dream. If this show does not take a more positive route then regretably after several years of watching the X Factor I will have to change my allegiance to strictly come dancing - it at least has a 'feel good factor' completely missing from the X Factor at present.

middlesb, GB
Nov 21, 2010 9:06 pm EST

It is an utter outrage that x factor / Itv are week in, week out continuing to steal money off viewers, as the show is clearly fixed to let so called 'entertainers' through whilst knocking out some extremely talented younge people who would do fantastic in the current music marrket I am truly upset that once again Wagner has knocked another contestant out and will jot be watching x factor again, neither will the majority of my friends and family. m

L Parker
Windsor, GB
Nov 20, 2009 11:10 am EST

Unfortunately Simon Cowell has lost his credibility as a judge on the X Factor. There was always going to come a time when as the Show's main financial benefactor, Cowell's objectivity as a judge over greed became an issue! Of course Cowell is going to keep Jedward in the show since they're generating so much publicity for the X Factor. These twins are an absolute joke! They can't sing, dance or even lip-sync in time! I always valued what he had to say but now it is clear that Cowell is driven by his pocket and not by integrity.

Linda Parker
Windsor, Berks

A. Lynch
Livingston, GB
Oct 24, 2009 5:56 pm EDT

during X factor on 24 Oct 09 it was meant to be big band week but Simon Cowell and Louis Walsh seem to forget about that. Simon had Jamie sing a U2 song and Louis had the twins sing a Ricky Martinez song. neither of which were anywhere near the Big Band era. Do they fit the rules to suit themselves, especially when young voters will go for well known songs not realising the significance of the big band week. this is totally against the rules of the show, but who has the nerve to tell Simon.

Oct 25, 2009 8:17 am EDT

Ricky Martinez?!

That's horrible!

Oct 24, 2009 8:22 pm EDT
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Really? It's a television show. If it actually impacts your life in some way, I suggest finding a hobby.

Oct 14, 2009 6:42 pm EDT

I have just seen X Factor "on demand" as I have missed the Saturday live show and COULD NOT believe Dannii's comment!
She really really really disappointed me...Daniel was AMAZING and I wish he wins, because he's an amazing singer and really good entertainer!
As far as Dannii is concerned she was wrong, and she shouldn't have made such comment.
And what was with the judges altogether? It was like a playground "no my Barbie its prettier" "no my one has longer hair" etc.
Anyway I LOVE the show...and go Daniel!

Manchester, GB
Oct 12, 2009 9:39 am EDT

A totally disgraceful remark for Dannii to make. If Danyl chooses to discuss his sexuality, that is a different matter altogether. I have some very good friends who are gay, but I would not dream of discussing them with all and sundry. As I recall, Carol Thatcher made what was considered to be a racist remark during a tennis tournament, a remark made off air, and she was sacked by the BBC immediately. Is Dannii Minogue different in some way, and hence to be treated differently, and allowed to continue? She may have apologised, but I am sure others in this position would do so if that were considered sufficient, including one from Strictly! As for saying Danyl was not offended by her remarks, he is hardly in a position to start making a fuss, now is he! Simon Cowell did not appear to over react, in spite of what he said on Sunday's show, I think it is a case of damage limitation. What a sad thing to happen on the first live show.

3:16 pm EDT

X Factor Unable to vote from Ireland

How come people from Republic of Ireland are unable to vote on the x factor this year? It's so unfair

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Dungiven, GB
Nov 05, 2009 2:53 pm EST

yeah roi should be able to vote for x factor, no point in them coming to do auditions in dublin for the show if they aren't allowed to vote during the live shows.

NB eoghan is from northern ireland, northern ireland people can vote, i supported eoghan cos eoghan supported our British Troops!

Donna Moloney
Nov 02, 2009 9:11 am EST

i agree that roi should be allow to vote because i is unfair for the people in roi because they migght watch the xfactor i think that the people in charge of the x factor are unfair. last year Eoghan is from ireland and it should have not affected the voting in roi. i remeber when i started watching the x factor was when shayne ward was on it and every night i have voted for him. The year leona lewis was on the x factor the roi was able to vote but i just can't under stand why can we not vote any more. Now this year in 2009 john and edward are from ireland and we are not allowed to vote hopefully next year we will be able to vote. COME ON TEAM COLE XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

Nov 08, 2008 2:59 pm EST

i agree with everyone it so so unfare

Oct 30, 2008 10:18 am EDT

It is very unfair that ROI are not allowed to vote. Leon Jackson had the whole of Scotland behind him last year . Just because Eoghan is from Ireland it should not matter. They should still be able to vote !

Oct 25, 2008 5:11 pm EDT

i cannot believe that scott was voted out. i feel that daniel was kept in simply because he played the sympathy card yet AGAIN . i am very angry at this. scott had much more going for him than daniel and even the other judges have aired their views on him before. but because the felt sorry for him they kept him in.
i will not be watching x factor again because of this.
there is a reason it is called the x factor had scott had it all .
it was evident tonite that it sould be called the pathetic factor as keeping daniel in was simply PATHETIC :|

Oct 13, 2008 8:27 am EDT

I agree. I think we deserve an explanation as to why we are not allowed to vote from the ROI this year.

Oct 12, 2008 3:57 pm EDT

I agree its very unfair - ROI viewers have been able to vote since Season 2. I imgaine its because this year there is an Irish contestant Eoghan. If a whole country is supporting just one contestant then I believe it maybe outweighs the potential votes others could get.

Oct 12, 2008 11:34 am EDT

I know it's so unfair, I mean we were aloud to vote last year so why can't we vote this year!? I emailed TV3 about it last night and put a yahoo answers question up about it; here's the link to it:
P.S. Come on Eoghon!

9:44 pm EDT

X Factor alan penfold

as the mother of a young son with aspergers who has the added problem of a learning difficulty, i was devestated to watch that grown man being exposed in such a way. your team spend time to make sure finalists are well balanced and ready for the task ahead, but your very own drawn out, selection process allows this man to be laughed at not only by the whole country, but by people he respects, people who now it would seem, would allow this man to become the butt of their jokes to be laughed at to his face, and god knowes he didnt even realise what they were laughing at. i have a son who is aspergers and wants to be on x factor, and he can sing after a fashion, but i tell him all the time, no son, ur not good enough for that type of challange.
he is my son and i have to be that tough on him. i dread the time i am not around to protect him when he grows to be a man, and tv production companys can use people with this disability, as good tv fodder. you did not need to do this, it was sickening and even you are not familer with asprgers syndrom, it was easy for any one to see this man had special needs. you may have been polite in the end, but you allowed this to happen and laughed at him. shame on you all. it was cheap and unnessary. to simon cowell. louie walse. danie minouge. and cheryl cole, who should not have let this one slide. shame on you all. breege patton. daniel s mummy.

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Nov 08, 2008 4:28 pm EST

am getting really cheesed off with louis, i used to think he was a nice bloke but he.s just being vindictive. why does he ave to keep voting people off why can't he just let it go to deadlock. Louis u r really begining to PISS me off, be fair and if its such a hard decision each week let it go to deadlock...

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